Confronting militant Islam in Southeast Asia: the case of the Abu Sayyaf Group in the Philippines

2009 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-361 ◽  
Renato Cruz De Castro
2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Herdi Sahrasad ◽  
Al Chaidar ◽  
M. Akmal ◽  
Saifullah Ali ◽  
Nanda Amalia ◽  

<p>Southeast Asia is a region that is vulnerable to terrorism. Of the total terrorism cases that occurred in the world, 50 percents occurred in this region. Mindanao is one of the regions in Southeast Asia that since a long time ago has been the basis of world-class terrorism. This situation is getting worse due to the presence of terrorist groups with a strong tradition of maritime piracy. The nexus between terrorism and piracy makes the issue of maritime terrorism in Southeast Asia a regional security concern. Abu Sayyaf Group is a terrorist group in the Southern Philippines that is very well-known but difficult to map. This makes the Abu Sayyaf a source of prolonged tension in the Southern Philippines in particular and in the Southeast Asia region in general. This study is a field observation that uses descriptive analysis to reveal the details of the Abu Sayyaf and the issue of terrorism in Mindanao.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Prakoso Permono

Filipina awal tahun 2019 diwarnai referendum di Filipina Selatan yang mengantarkan pada dibentuknya Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). Konflik, instabilitas kawasan, dan perkembangan ancaman terorisme di Filipina Selatan khususnya dan umumnya di seluruh Filipina diharapkan berakhir dengan sebuah konsensus damai dan demokratis seiring terbentuknya pemerintahan transisi di BARMM. Harapan terciptanya perdamaian dengan keberadaan BARMM dalam tulisan ini dikaji secara spesifik dari salah satu kelompok teror yang berkembang di kawasan Filipina Selatan, Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG). Keberadaan ASG pada mulanya merupakan dampak kekecewaan usaha perjanjian damai yang diinisiasi pemerintah dan kelompok teror terbesar saat itu Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), seiring dengan perkembangan waktu kelompok ASG bertransformasi menjadi sebuah kelompok kriminal dengan modus operandi penculikan dan permintaan tebusan, sekalipun tidak sepenuhnya meninggalkan posisi awalnya sebagai kelompok teror dengan kehendak separatis ideologis. Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab potensi dampak yang muncul pada ASG dengan dibentuknya BARMM di kawasan Filipina Selatan. Sayangnya opsi-opsi melemah dan bubarnya ASG yang disebabkan oleh keberadaan BARMM hanya dapat terjadi bila tercipta good governance dan penyelesaian persoalan dasar seperti kemiskinan dan potensi radikalisasi yang terus berkembang. Jawaban dari masa depan ancaman teror ASG di Filipina Selatan akhirnya tergantung seberapa besar penguasaan wilayah, penegakan hukum, dan pengentasan kemiskinan di Filipina Selatan.  Kata-kata kunci: Abu Sayyaf Group, Filipina Selatan, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Early 2019 in the Philippines was marked by a referendum in Southern Philippines which led to establishment of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). Conflict, regional instability, and terrorism threats development especially in Southern Philippines and generally in all over Philippines are expected to end with a peaceful and democratic consensus as transitional government has formed already in the BARMM. The hope of creating peace with the presence of BARMM in this paper is specifically examined from one of terror group in the Southern Philippines region, the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG). The existence of the ASG was initially a result of disappointment caused by peace agreement efforts initiated by Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) the largest terror group at that time, along with its development the ASG Group transforming into a criminal group with kidnapping and ransom as their main modus operandi, but not completely abandoned its initial position as a ideological terror group with separatism agenda. This research seeks to address the potential impacts of BARMM establishment in the Southern Philippines region to the development of ASG Group. Unfortunately, the options to weaken and to liquidate ASG caused by the presence of BARMM can only occur if good governance is created and the basic problems such as poverty in the region are resolved. The answer to the future of ASG terror threat in the Southern Philippines ultimately depends on how much territorial control, law enforcement, and poverty alleviation process in the Southern Philippines. Keywords: Abu Sayyaf Group, Southern Philippines, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 378-394
Herdi Sahrasad ◽  
Adhe Nuansa Wibisono ◽  
Al Chaidar Al Chaidar

The main problem of Moro Muslims in Southern Philippines are now the right to self-determination but it also include poverty, underdevelopment, low education, unemployment, discrimination, and violent conflict. Upon the Spanish colonization for more than three centuries (1521-1898), the Moros were controlled by the United States for almost five decades (1898-1942). Japan colonised them for three years before they were integrated to the Republic of Philippines in 1946. Their struggle for independence still continues today represented by the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), establihsed in the late 1960s and led by Nur Misuari, and by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) led by Salamat Hasyim in 1981. The birth of the MILF was a response to dissatisfaction with the MNLF that was considered less assertive in fighting for Bangsamoro's rights and too accommodative to the Philippine government. In early 1990s, Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) led by Abdulrajak Janjalani emerged to respond the situation. In later development, it rises to become a prominent group involved in a long-standing conflict and terror in this landmark of Southeast Asia region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 214-226
Nur Solehah Mohd Yazid ◽  
Mohd Hasrul Shuhari ◽  
Najihah Abdul Wahid

Islam is a religion that brings peace and harmony to all mankind, whether from a theoritical or practical point of view; wasattiyah in his practice. However, Islam has often been related to acts of violence especially in Southeast Asia such as the Bali bombings by the jemaah islam in 2002, the Paris bombing in 2015, the Abu Sayyaf movement in the Philippines and the nightclub bombings in Puchong in 2017. by extremist Islamic State groups (IS). Focus in Malaysia, this study explains the roles of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) in addressing issues of religious extremism and challenges in Selangor such as IS. This qualitative study uses interview method and documentation method. This study is expected to contribute to the development of an academic source and references to extremism-themed research especially on the roles and strategy of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department in addressing the critical issues of the current Ummah. Islam adalah sebuah agama yang mementingkan keamanan dan kedamaian kepada seluruh umat manusia sama ada dari sudut teoritikal yang bersumberkan nas-nas dan hukum syarak mahupun praktikal iaitu; wasattiyah dalam pengamalan. Namun begitu, Islam sering dikaitkan dengan aktiviti-aktiviti berbentuk keganasan khasnya di Asia Tenggara seperti pengeboman di Bali oleh Jemaah Islamiyah pada tahun 2002, pengeboman di Paris pada tahun 2015, gerakan Abu Sayyaf di Filipina dan pengeboman kelab malam di Puchong pada tahun 2017 yang didakwa dilakukan oleh kumpulan ekstremis Islamic State (IS). Secara fokusnya di Malaysia, kajian ini menjelaskan peranan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dalam mendepani isu-isu teras agama dan cabaran ekstremis di Selangor contohnya IS. Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini menggunakan kaedah temubual dan kaedah dokumentasi. Kajian dijangka dapat menyumbang kepada perkembangan sumber rujukan akademik yang bertema ekstremisme khususnya berkenaan peranan dan strategi Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor dalam mendepani isu-isu kritikal ummah masa kini.

Subject Threat posed by the militant Abu Sayyaf group in the Philippines. Significance Security forces last month killed eleven militants belonging to the Islamic State (IS)-affiliated Abu Sayyaf group (ASG) in Sulu province. The ASG is based principally in Sulu and Basilan provinces, part of the Sulu archipelago within the Mindanao island group. The surrender of a key ASG leader in March had prompted Philippine officials to suggest that the militant group was on the brink of collapse. Impacts Martial law in Mindanao will not deter militant recruitment. Malaysian authorities will step up security operations against militants operating in Sabah state. ASEAN is unlikely in the short term to formulate a unified strategy against Islamist militants.

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-223
S.Yu. Storozhenko

Seven new species of the genus Zhengitettix Liang, 1994 are described: Z. hosticus sp. nov., Z. mucronatus sp. nov. and Z. spinulentus sp. nov. from Vietnam; Z. albitarsus sp. nov. and Z. extraneus sp. nov. from Thailand; Z. palawanensis sp. nov. and Z. taytayensis sp. nov. from the Philippines. Two species, Z. curvispinus Liang, Jiang et Liu, 2007 and Z. obliquespicula Zheng et Jiang, 2005 are firstly recorded from Vietnam. An annotated check-list and key to species of the genus Zhengitettix are given. Position of Zhengitettix within the family Tetrigidae is briefly discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 8007
Lintang D. Sekarlangit ◽  
Ratna Wardhani

This study aimed to analyze the board of directors’ commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by looking at the influence of the characteristics and activities of the board of directors and the existence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) committees on disclosures regarding the SDGs. The directors’ characteristics that were analyzed in this research included the board size, the proportion of independent directors, the presence of female directors, and the presence of foreign directors. The activities analyzed included the number of board meetings held in one year and the percentage of directors in meetings. The context of this study was companies in five Southeast Asian countries—Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines—during the 2016 and 2017 reporting years. This study was an initial research work aiming to empirically examine the effect of the board of directors on SDG disclosures in public companies from five countries in Southeast Asia. The study shows that the percentage of attendance of board directors’ meetings and the existence of CSR committees positively affected SDG disclosures. It also indicates that the presence of the board at the meeting can encourage more intensive SDG disclosures. Companies with a high commitment to sustainability, as shown by their forming of CSR committees, also tended to have a higher level of SDG disclosures.

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