scholarly journals Professional Development Programs

2006 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-238
1995 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 448-481 ◽  
R. J. S. Mac Macpherson ◽  
Margaret Taplin

In this paper, we examine the policy preferences of Tasmania's principals concerning accountability criteria and processes, compare their views to other stakeholder groups, and identify issues that warrant attention in principals’ professional development programs. We show that there are many criteria and processes related to the quality of learning, teaching, and leadership that are valued by all stakeholder groups, including principals. We conclude that Tasmanian state schools probably need to review and develop their accountability policies, and that the professional development will need to prepare leaders for specific forms of performance and generate key competencies if more educative forms of accountability practices are to be realised in practice.

2009 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 702-739 ◽  
Ann Webster-Wright

Continuing to learn is universally accepted and expected by professionals and other stakeholders across all professions. However, despite changes in response to research findings about how professionals learn, many professional development practices still focus on delivering content rather than enhancing learning. In exploring reasons for the continuation of didactic practices in professional development, this article critiques the usual conceptualization of professional development through a review of recent literature across professions. An alternative conceptualization is proposed, based on philosophical assumptions congruent with evidence about professional learning from seminal educational research of the past two decades. An argument is presented for a shift in discourse and focus from delivering and evaluating professional development programs to understanding and supporting authentic professional learning.

Fransiska K. Dannemann Dugick ◽  
Suzan van der Lee ◽  
Germán A. Prieto ◽  
Sydney N. Dybing ◽  
Liam Toney ◽  

Abstract In response to a pandemic causing the cancellation of numerous professional development programs for emerging seismologists, we successfully planned, promoted, and executed an 11 week online school for advanced graduate students worldwide during the summer of 2020. Remote Online Sessions for Emerging Seismologists included 11 distinct lessons focused on different topics in seismology. We highlight the course content, structure, technical requirements, and participation statistics. We additionally provide a series of “lessons learned” for those in the community wishing to establish similar programs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-42 ◽  
Mohammad Mohammadi ◽  
Khaled Moradi

AbstractContinuous professional development (CPD) is important for teachers in attaining sustainable education. Accordingly, exploring teachers’ perceptions could be a significant endeavor as teachers’ beliefs impact their classroom practices, thereby, impacting student learning and, thus have educational implications. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate this fundamental issue via establishing professional development workshops to train teachers in order to promote sustainable professional growth. It examined 86 EFL teachers’ beliefs and attitudes toward CPD before and after attending workshops for professional development. The data were collected through a questionnaire and a follow-up interview. Paired-samples t-tests were run to measure differences between responses of pre and post surveys. Moreover, raw frequencies and percentages were calculated in order to prioritize the items the teachers selected in each variable. The findings demonstrate that beliefs about CPD can change. Survey data collected before and after professional development workshops revealed a statistical significant shift in EFL teachers’ beliefs. This finding was also supported by semi-structured interviews. In addition, the results also revealed that the participants perceived customized professional development programs with professional development framework as a beneficial tool to be included in the professional development programs. The study may have some pedagogical implications to be utilized in the educational process directed at sustainable professional development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 71 (suppl 4) ◽  
pp. 1487-1492 ◽  
Luciano Garcia Lourenção

ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the levels of engagement at work of nurses enrolled in multi-professional residency and professional development programs in health care of a Brazilian public institution. Method: a cross-sectional study with 36 professionals. The data were collected in September 2013, with use of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), composed of seventeen self-evaluation items with the dimensions vigor, dedication and absorption, as well as an overall score. Results: the levels of engagement ranged from 3.8 to 4.3, and the standard deviations, between 1.1 and 1.3. Nurses showed average levels on vigor (3.8) and absorption (3.9) dimensions, and high levels on dedication (4,3) and engagement (4.0). Conclusion: the professionals presented good levels of energy, resilience, enthusiasm and involvement with the work. They are satisfied with the activity and are dedicated to it, which promotes the acquisition of skills and competences along the in-service training, ensuring a future professional practice of quality.

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