Gender, Development and HIV/AIDS in Vietnam: Towards an Alternative Response Model among Women Sex Workers

2008 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-119
Nguyen Van Huy ◽  
Udoy Sankar Saikia ◽  
Dao Thi Minh An
2003 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-129 ◽  
Adesola O. Oyelese

The AIDS epidemic continues and HIV-infected persons continue to suffer stigmatization and discrimination in Nigeria. The results of an open-ended questionnaire administered non-randomly in Ile-Ife and Ilesa in the late 1990s confirm this. Six questions on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) were asked; 83 (36.4%) males and 145 (63.6%) females aged between 11 and 60 years responded. The respondents included 101 students, 49 civil servants, 39 artisans and traders. Others included 29 health professionals (doctors and nurses, etc.), 8 teachers, and 2 commercial sex workers. The median of negative responses (rejection) is 42.2%. It is concluded that there still exists a significant but suppressed or subtle stigmatization and discrimination against HIV-infected people, a major constraint in the management and control of HIV/AIDS.

Sexual Health ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 568 ◽  
Razieh Khajehkazemi ◽  
AliAkbar Haghdoost ◽  
Soodabeh Navadeh ◽  
Hamidreza Setayesh ◽  
Leily Sajadi ◽  

Background In this study data of three national surveys conducted among female sex workers (FSW), prison inmates and people who inject drugs (PWID) were presented and compared in relation to knowledge, attitude, and practises. Methods: The surveys were conducted in 2009 and 2010 and included 2546 PWID, 872 FSW and 5530 prison inmates. Knowledge, attitude and practises towards HIV were measured through similar questions for each category. Results: Over 90% of all participants had ever heard of HIV/AIDS, although only approximately half of them perceived themselves at risk of contracting HIV. More than 80% were able to correctly identify the ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV; while more than two-thirds did not use condom in their last sexual contact. Approximately 20% of prisoners and FSW had a history of injecting drugs. Among all participants who have injected drugs, prisoners had the highest unsafe injecting behaviour at the last injection (61%), followed by FSW (11%) and PWID (3%). Conclusions: Despite major efforts to control the HIV epidemic in Iran, the level of risk and vulnerability among prisoners, FSW and PWID is still high. The level of comprehensive knowledge about HIV/AIDS is relatively good; however, their risk perception of contracting HIV is low and high-risk behaviours are prevalent. Therefore, HIV prevention programs should be redesigned in a more comprehensive way to identify the best venues to reach the largest number of people at a higher risk of contracting HIV and decrease their risk overlaps and vulnerability factors.

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (23-24) ◽  
pp. 3337-3348 ◽  
Olga M López-Entrambasaguas ◽  
José Granero-Molina ◽  
Cayetano Fernández-Sola

2008 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 830-837 ◽  
Monica Malta ◽  
Simone Monteiro ◽  
Rosa Maria Jeronymo Lima ◽  
Suzana Bauken ◽  
Aliamar de Marco ◽  

OBJECTIVE: To understand the social context of female sex workers who use crack and its impact on HIV/AIDS risk behaviors. METHODODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative study carried out in Foz do Iguaçu, Southern Brazil, in 2003. Twenty-six in-depth interviews and two focus groups were carried out with female commercial sex workers who frequently use crack. In-depth interviews with health providers, community leaders and public policy managers, as well as field observations were also conducted. Transcript data was entered into Atlas.ti software and grounded theory methodology was used to analyze the data and develop a conceptual model as a result of this study. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: Female sex workers who use crack had low self-perceived HIV risk in spite of being engaged in risky behaviors (e.g. unprotected sex with multiple partners). Physical and sexual violence among clients, occasional and stable partners was widespread jeopardizing negotiation and consistent condom use. According to health providers, community leaders and public policy managers, several female sex workers who use crack are homeless or live in slums, and rarely have access to health services, voluntary counseling and testing, social support, pre-natal and reproductive care. CONCLUSIONS: Female sex workers who use crack experience a plethora of health and social problems, which apparently affect their risks for HIV infection. Low-threshold, user-friendly and gender-tailored interventions should be implemented, in order to increase the access to health and social-support services among this population. Those initiatives might also increase their access to reproductive health in general, and to preventive strategies focusing on HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Dhesi Ari Astuti ◽  
Nurul Kurniati

Di Indonesia, jumlah kasus baru HIV positif yang dilaporkan pada Tahun 2015 sebanyak 30.935 kasus, menurun dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Perkumpulan Ibu-ibu  Dasa Wisma Seruni merupakan perkumpulan ibu-ibu di wilayah Balecatur yang memiliki karakteristik dari segi profesi beragam, meliputi tenaga kesehatan, tenaga kependidikan, dan 70 % adalah IRT. Jenis pekerjaan yang dimiliki jika diperhatikan merupakan jenis pekerjaan yang rentan terhadap penularan HIV/AIDS dan paparan HIV/AIDS ini erat kaitannya dengan Kanker Serviks yaitu sopir truk antar kota, pelayar kapal, tenaga kerja di Arab. Balecatur merupakan wilayah di Kabupaten Sleman yang keberadaannya dekat dengan Jalan Wates sehingga merupakan wilayah yang berisiko dengan akses ke penjaja seks tidak langsung. Tujuan kegiatan adalah transfer informasi dan skrining Ca.Cerviks memlaui pemeriksaan IVA pada ibu rumah tangga di wilayah Dasawisma Dusun Ngaran Balecatur. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan melakukan skrining pada ibu ibu di perkumpulan Dasawisma Seruni Balecatur, karena skrining ini terutama dilakukan pada kelompok yang rentan terhadap paparan HIV yakni karena telah di ketahui bahwa pada kelompok ini akan lebih mudah terkena paparan HPV penyebab kanker serviks. Skrining dilakukan pada 15 ibu dasawisma yang telah dilakukan anamnesa dan pemeriksaan vtal sign terlebih dahulu. Kegiatan IbM skrining IVA ini hasilnya dari 15 ibu terdapat 13 hasil normal dan 2 ibu perlu rujukan ke puskesmas. Sebagai upaya tindak lanjut dari kegiatn ini diperlukan kerjaam dengan lintas sektor baik itu perangkat desa di masyarakat maupun dengan sektor penyedia layanan kesehatan untuk dapat melakukan kegiatan serupa secara rutin sehingga bisa menjamin kualitas kesehatan masyarakat pada umumnya.Kata kunci: deteksi dini, kanker serviks, IVA.AbstractIn Indonesia, the number of new HIV positive cases reported in 2015 was 30,935 cases, down from the previous year. The Dasawisma Seruni is an association of mothers in the Balecatur region who have various professional characteristics, including health workers, education staff, and 70% are IRTs. The type of work that is owned if it is considered is the type of work that is susceptible to HIV / AIDS transmission and exposure to HIV / AIDS is closely related to Cervical Cancer namely inter-city truck drivers, ship sailors, workers in Arabia. Balecatur is an area in Sleman Regency which is close to  Wates Street, making it a risky area with access to indirect sex workers. The purpose of the activity was the transfer of information and screening of Cervical Cancer through IVA examination in housewives in the Dasawisma area of Ngaran, Balecatur. The method of carrying out activities is by screening mothers in the Dasawisma Seruni Balecatur , because screening is mainly done in groups vulnerable to HIV exposure because it is known that this group will be more susceptible to exposure to HPV causing cervical cancer. Screening was carried out on 15 charismatic mothers who had done anamnesa and vtal sign examination first. The IbM IVA screening activity results from 15 mothers with 13 normal results and 2 mothers needing referral to the puskesmas. As a follow-up effort, these activities require cross-sectoral work, both village officials in the community and with the health care provider sector to be able to carry out similar activities on a regular basis so that they can guarantee the quality of public health in general.

AIDS ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 24 (Suppl 2) ◽  
pp. S45-S54 ◽  
Ziyad Mahfoud ◽  
Rema Afifi ◽  
Sami Ramia ◽  
Danielle El Khoury ◽  
Kassem Kassak ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 29-52
Chaitanya Lakkimsetti

This chapter provides an overview of HIV/AIDS policies as well as how sexually marginalized groups are drawn into biopower programs as “high-risk” groups. In 1983, when HIV/AIDS was first detected among sex workers in India, the state’s initial response was to blame the sex workers themselves as well as to forcefully test them and confine them in prison. However, it proved impossible to incarcerate every sex worker and to stop the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Instead, I argue, ultimately a consensus formed that supported giving marginalized groups a leadership role in tackling the epidemic. Drawing on ethnographic observations and the HIV/AIDS policy of the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), this chapter also highlights how these biopower projects deepened the involvement of high-risk groups as they moved from simple prevention to behavioral change. Ultimately, communities became extensions of biopower projects as they implemented these programs at the day-to-day level.

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