screening activity
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Serena Gallo

AbstractCan peer-to-peer lending platforms mitigate fraudulent behaviors? Or have lending players been acting similar to free-riders? This paper constructs a new proxy to investigate lending platform misconduct and compares the FICO score and the LendingClub credit grade. To examine whether the lack of verification by the Fintech platform affects lenders’ collection performance, I explore the recovery rate (RR) of non-performing loans through a mixed-continuous model. The regression results show that the degree of prudence taken by the lending platform in the pre-screening activity negatively affects the detection of some misreporting borrowers. I also find that the Fintech platform’s missing verification information (e.g., annual income and employment length) affects the RR of non-performing loans, thereby hampering lenders’ collection performance.

Achhelal R. Pasi ◽  
Pragati B. Gaikwad ◽  
Khyati Aroskar ◽  
Tarun Kumar ◽  
Raphael Teddy ◽  

Background: On January 30, 2020 WHO declared the COVID-19 as a PHEIC. In response to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, Government of India started thermal screening of passengers at all PoEs. Present study was conducted to understand the screening activity done at international airports in India, to measure the prevalence of fever in passengers screened and to study the role of thermal screening in early detection of suspected COVID-19 cases.Methods: Descriptive study design was used in current study and secondary analysis of data collected from CSMI airport Mumbai, IGI airport New Delhi, Cochin international airport Kochi and NSCBI airport Kolkata was done by using universal sample size and purposive sampling technique. Results were presented in the form of rates and ratios appropriately. Chi square test was used to examine the usefulness of the screening activity and p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: At selected international airports, in January, February and March 2020, 5.49%, 19.57% and 79.54% of all arrived passengers were screened. Under Vande Bharat mission 100% of the international passengers arrived were screened and fever detection rate was 95 per million passengers screened. Outcome of the thermal screening at representative airports of North, South, East and West regions of India was significantly different.Conclusions: Thermal screening of passengers at international airports has limited role in early detection of suspected cases of infectious diseases like COVID-19 and has minimum impact on the course of pandemic.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. e0236257
Krzysztof Kaliszewski ◽  
Dorota Diakowska ◽  
Beata Wojtczak ◽  
Jerzy Rudnicki

2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (7S) ◽  
pp. 947-947
Hannah S. Stein ◽  
Shannon E. Linderman ◽  
Alexandra K. Lesiw ◽  
Eric M. Berkson ◽  
Donna Moxley Scarborough

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. e0231409 ◽  
Agne Ulyte ◽  
Wenjia Wei ◽  
Holger Dressel ◽  
Oliver Gruebner ◽  
Viktor von Wyl ◽  

PeerJ ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e8093
Rhesi Kristiana ◽  
Gilles Bedoux ◽  
Gerard Pals ◽  
I. Wayan Mudianta ◽  
Laure Taupin ◽  

The aims of this work are to isolate bacterial symbionts from nudibranchs and subsequently to determine anti-Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), cytotoxicity and anti-Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) activities of bio compounds. A total of 15 species of nudibranchs were collected from Karimunjawa and five species from Bali, respectively. A total of 245 bacteria isolates were obtained. The anti-MRSA activity screening activity indicated two active bacteria. Ethyl acetate extracts from supernatants, indicating extracelullar compounds, showed an inhibition zone against MRSA at concentrations of 500–1,000 µg/ml. DNA sequence analysis showed that the strain KJB-07 from Phyllidia coelestis was closely related to Pseudoalteromonas rubra, whereas the strain NP31-01 isolated from Phyllidia varicosa was closely related to Virgibacillus salarius. The extract of Pseudoalteromonas rubra was cytotoxic to Vero cells at a concentration of 75 µg/ml. The extract of V. salarius presented no cytotoxicity at concentrations of 5–1,000 µg/ml. No anti HSV-1 was observed for both isolated bacteria. This is the first study describing research on anti-MRSA, cytotoxicity and anti HSV-1 activity of bacterial symbionts from the viscera of nudibranch. Compounds produced by Pseudoalteromonas rubra and V. salarius, had potential anti-MRSA activity. However, only extracts from Pseudoalteromonas rubra showed cytotoxic effects on Vero cells. Three compounds were identified by LC/MS after purification from culture supernatant.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 455
Deiske A. Sumilat

Sponge samples collected around Manado waters were obtained 30 species and their crude extracted have been tested in vitro for their activity in inhibiting bacterial growth. Based on the results of antibacterial screening in 30 sponge extracts, there were 23 sponge extracts which had bioactivity in inhibiting the growth of S. aureus, E. coli, S. saprophyticus and P. aeruginosa, Sponge extract No. 43 (of 30 sponge extracts tested) was the most active in inhibiting bacterial growth and had the widest inhibition zone diameter.Keywords: screening, sponge, crude extract, antibacterial, ManadoABSTRAKSampel spons dikoleksi di sekitar Perairan Manado sebanyak 30 jenis/spesies, dimana ekstrak kasarnya telah diuji secara in vitro aktivitasnya dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Berdasarkan hasil skrining antibakteri pada 30 ekstrak spons didapatkan hasil ada 23 ekstrak spons yang mempunyai bioaktivitas dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S. aureus, E. coli, S. saprophyticus dan P. aeruginosa, Ekstrak spons No. 3 (dari 30 ekstrak spons yang diuji) adalah yang paling aktif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri dan memiliki diameter zona hambat yang paling lebar.Kata kunci: skrining, spons, ekstrak kasar, antibakteri, Manado

2019 ◽  
Vol 51 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 149
Shannon E. Linderman ◽  
Donna Moxley Scarborough ◽  
William Day ◽  
Daniel Wrafter ◽  
Eric M. Berkson

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Dhesi Ari Astuti ◽  
Nurul Kurniati

Di Indonesia, jumlah kasus baru HIV positif yang dilaporkan pada Tahun 2015 sebanyak 30.935 kasus, menurun dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Perkumpulan Ibu-ibu  Dasa Wisma Seruni merupakan perkumpulan ibu-ibu di wilayah Balecatur yang memiliki karakteristik dari segi profesi beragam, meliputi tenaga kesehatan, tenaga kependidikan, dan 70 % adalah IRT. Jenis pekerjaan yang dimiliki jika diperhatikan merupakan jenis pekerjaan yang rentan terhadap penularan HIV/AIDS dan paparan HIV/AIDS ini erat kaitannya dengan Kanker Serviks yaitu sopir truk antar kota, pelayar kapal, tenaga kerja di Arab. Balecatur merupakan wilayah di Kabupaten Sleman yang keberadaannya dekat dengan Jalan Wates sehingga merupakan wilayah yang berisiko dengan akses ke penjaja seks tidak langsung. Tujuan kegiatan adalah transfer informasi dan skrining Ca.Cerviks memlaui pemeriksaan IVA pada ibu rumah tangga di wilayah Dasawisma Dusun Ngaran Balecatur. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan melakukan skrining pada ibu ibu di perkumpulan Dasawisma Seruni Balecatur, karena skrining ini terutama dilakukan pada kelompok yang rentan terhadap paparan HIV yakni karena telah di ketahui bahwa pada kelompok ini akan lebih mudah terkena paparan HPV penyebab kanker serviks. Skrining dilakukan pada 15 ibu dasawisma yang telah dilakukan anamnesa dan pemeriksaan vtal sign terlebih dahulu. Kegiatan IbM skrining IVA ini hasilnya dari 15 ibu terdapat 13 hasil normal dan 2 ibu perlu rujukan ke puskesmas. Sebagai upaya tindak lanjut dari kegiatn ini diperlukan kerjaam dengan lintas sektor baik itu perangkat desa di masyarakat maupun dengan sektor penyedia layanan kesehatan untuk dapat melakukan kegiatan serupa secara rutin sehingga bisa menjamin kualitas kesehatan masyarakat pada umumnya.Kata kunci: deteksi dini, kanker serviks, IVA.AbstractIn Indonesia, the number of new HIV positive cases reported in 2015 was 30,935 cases, down from the previous year. The Dasawisma Seruni is an association of mothers in the Balecatur region who have various professional characteristics, including health workers, education staff, and 70% are IRTs. The type of work that is owned if it is considered is the type of work that is susceptible to HIV / AIDS transmission and exposure to HIV / AIDS is closely related to Cervical Cancer namely inter-city truck drivers, ship sailors, workers in Arabia. Balecatur is an area in Sleman Regency which is close to  Wates Street, making it a risky area with access to indirect sex workers. The purpose of the activity was the transfer of information and screening of Cervical Cancer through IVA examination in housewives in the Dasawisma area of Ngaran, Balecatur. The method of carrying out activities is by screening mothers in the Dasawisma Seruni Balecatur , because screening is mainly done in groups vulnerable to HIV exposure because it is known that this group will be more susceptible to exposure to HPV causing cervical cancer. Screening was carried out on 15 charismatic mothers who had done anamnesa and vtal sign examination first. The IbM IVA screening activity results from 15 mothers with 13 normal results and 2 mothers needing referral to the puskesmas. As a follow-up effort, these activities require cross-sectoral work, both village officials in the community and with the health care provider sector to be able to carry out similar activities on a regular basis so that they can guarantee the quality of public health in general.

2019 ◽  
Rhesi Kristiana ◽  
Gilles Bedoux ◽  
Gerard Pals ◽  
I Wayan Mudianta ◽  
Laure Taupin ◽  

The aim of this work was to isolate bacterial symbionts from nudibranchs and subsequently to determine anti-Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), cytotoxicity and anti-HSV-1 activities of bio-compounds. Fifteen species of nudibranchs were collected from Karimunjawa and five species from Bali, respectively. A total of 245 bacteria isolates were obtained. The anti-MRSA activity screening activity indicated 2 isolates of active bacteria. Ethyl acetate extracts from supernatants, indicating secreted compounds, showed an inhibition zone against MRSA at concentrations of 500-1000µg/ml. DNA sequence analysis showed that the strainKJB-07 from Phyllidia coelestis was closely related to Pseudoalteromonas rubra, the strain NP31-01 from Phyllidia varicosa was closely related to Virgibacillus salarius. The extract of P. rubra was cytotoxic to Vero cells at a concentration of 75 µg/ml. The extract of V. salarius presented no cytotoxicity at concentrations of 5-1000 µg/ml. No anti-HSV-1 was observed. This is the first reported study describing research on anti-MRSA, cytotoxicity and anti-HSV-1 activity of bacterial symbionts from the viscera of nudibranch. Compounds produced and secreted byPseudoalteromonas rubra and Virgibacillus salarius, symbionts of Nudibranch, had potential anti-MRSA activity. Extracts from P. rubra showed cytotoxic effects on Vero cells, whereas extracts from V. salarius did not show cytotoxic effects. Three compounds were identified by LC/MS after purification from culture supernatant.

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