Religious syncretism as a sociocultural factor of social security in cross-border regions

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-245 ◽  
Yulia Gavrilova ◽  
Irina Shchetkina ◽  
Marina Liga ◽  
Nadezhda Gordeeva
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020(41) (3) ◽  
pp. 75-89
Jan Pochwała ◽  

In order to support the development of Polish and Slovak border regions, after the accession of both countries to the EU, the “Interreg Poland – Slovakia” Program was implemented. One of the priorities of the Program is the protection and use of the common Polish-Slovak cultural and natural heritage for the development of cross-border cooperation. As part of Interreg since 2004, EU-Structural Funds have co-financed joint Polish-Slovak projects implemented in selected counties/poviat located in the following voivodeships/provinces: Śląskie, Małopolskie, Podkarpackie (on the Polish side) and Žilinskom kraji, Prešovskom kraji and Košickým kraji (on the Slovak side). The next editions of Interreg are becoming increasingly popular in Poland and Slovakia including its recognition by experts as well as the implementation of a cross-border effect.

2018 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-67
О. М. Motuzka ◽  
V. V. Parkhomenko

Because the methodology for studying the socio-economic development of cross-border territories is still poorly developed in the Ukrainian science, this study aims to highlight its theoretical essence and justify the need for statistical monitoring and identification of practical problems related with its applications at personal, institutional and regional level.   Given the global market competition, the socio-economic development of cross-border territories is impossible without creating favorable financial, institutional and infrastructure environment. The socio-economic development of cross-border territories is determined by a set of indicators reflecting the capabilities of territories located on both sides of the border to produce a certain output of goods and services using the available human and material resources.    The importance of cross-border statistics grows with the expansion of cross-border cooperation. Cross-border statistics refers to the generalized information on the socio-economic development of cross-border territories; it has to support the CBC-related operation of central and local administration bodies and private entities in border regions, aimed at expanding business partnerships and meeting public needs on border territories. The source of data for cross-border statistics is the statistics of border regions. The analysis shows that trial decisions used now in the Ukrainian statistics system for testing border region statistics, such as statistics of tourism, including travels abroad, are not capable to meet information needs of the regional development policy, foreign trade statistics and statistics of internal and external migration. The statistics of cross-border regions has to face the following challenges:  improve the comparability of statistical indicators by harmonizing statistical surveys’ methodology, terminology, definitions and classifications; expand and improve printing and publishing activities; develop analytical work; introduce and develop cross-border surveys; construct on-line cross-border database.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Olha Demedyuk ◽  
Khrystyna Prytula

In the recent decade, the EU Member States have been actively implementing the regional development policy based on innovative strategies of smart specialization. However, lately, European researchers have been paying increasing attention to the issues of regions’ capacity to overcome the boundaries of administrative units inside the country and abroad and to the need to consider regions in the context of their functioning among others, especially from the viewpoint of the growing role of their innovative networks in global value chains. That is why currently the EU is addressing the development of cross-border smart specialization strategies. The paper aims to study the European experience on the functioning of cross-border innovation systems and joint strategic planning of cross-border regions’ development based on smart specialization and to outline the opportunities to implement the EU experience of cross-border approach to smart specialization in cross-border regions of Ukraine with EU Member States. The paper analyzes the views of foreign researchers on the links between innovation systems in cross-border space that constitute the theoretical basis of the study of cross-border smart specialization strategies, namely regarding the dimensions and level of their development. The research of European scientists on cross-border innovation systems in specific cross-border regions is examined, in particular on Spanish-French and German-French borders. Directions of implementation of smart specialization projects in cross-border context under the EU programs and other EU instruments that support regions in cooperation for the elaboration of joint view of development with neighbouring economically, socially, culturally, and historically close regions are outlined. The experience and methodology of the first cross-border smart specialization strategy for Spanish and Portuguese regions are studied in detail. The opportunities to use the EU experience by several Western Ukrainian regions based on the joint smart specialization priorities with the neighboring EU states are outlined. For this purpose, 1) the RIS3 strategies of the regions of Poland and Romania adjoining Ukraine and Regional Development Strategies of respective Ukrainian regions were analyzed to detect similar smart specialization priorities; 2) the clusters in the mentioned regions were analyzed as main drivers of achievement of smart specialization goals to detect similar or complementary functioning areas.

Idäntutkimus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-19
Virve Marionneau ◽  
Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos

Rajaseuduille sijoittunut rahapelitoiminta on kansainvälisesti yleistä, mutta Suomessa rahapelien vienti rajojen yli on ollut vähäistä. Käsittelemme tässä artikkelissa Suomesta Venäjälle suuntautunutta rahapelitarjontaa 1990-luvulta tähän päivään aiemman kirjallisuuden ja olemassa olevan tilastoaineiston valossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata, millaista rahapelitarjonta Suomesta Venäjälle ja venäläisille on ollut, ja millaiset poliittiset ja taloudelliset seikat ovat vaikuttaneet tähän suhteeseen. Tarkastelu jaksottuu kolmeen ajanjaksoon, jotka liittyvät etenkin venäläisen rahapelijärjestelmän muutoksiin sääntelytasolla, ja suomalaisten rahapelitoimijoiden mahdollisuuksiin. Näitä ovat venäläisten rahapelimarkkinoiden kasvuaika 1990-luvulla, vuoden 2006 rahapeliuudistuksen rajoittama markkinaympäristö ja uusien markkinoiden synty sekä vuoden 2014 jälkeinen aika, johon on liittynyt niin ruplan romahtaminen kuin koronapandemian tuomat haasteet matkailulle Finland and the Russian gambling market Gambling operations in border regions are common internationally, but Finnish cross-border gambling offers have been scarce. This paper discusses how Finnish gambling operators have attempted to access the Russian market since the 1990s, based on previous literature and existing statistical information. The aim is to describe whether and how Finnish actors have exported gambling to Russia or Russians, and what kind of political and economic factors have influenced the commercial relationship. The analysis focuses on three periods determined by regulatory changes in Russian gambling and the related possibilities for the Finnish gambling offer. These are the growth period of the 1990s, the restrictive gambling law of 2006 and the new market environment, and the period starting from 2014 characterised by challenges to tourism and business following the financial crisis and the coronavirus pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 187-205
Łukasz Wróblewski

Cross-border regional economic ties in the EU have been the subject of numerous studies across various academic fields. A special dose of attention, however, has been paid to the ties between the EU border regions. This is no doubt related to the intensification of European integration, in particular at the regional level. One source of particular impact on border regions is the economy of the common market. Surprisingly enough, this economy has not found its proper reflection in the research on border regions and their problems in the light of the broadly defined European regional studies. As a consequence, it is necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis of the literature on cross-border cooperation and economic integration in order to capture the impact of the single market on cross-border relations. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to analyze the economic determinants of cross-border economic ties between the EU regions. To this end, the text begins with an overview of (1) the key characteristics of the common market, followed by (2) the impact of market economics on the regional ties, with particular emphasis on the border regions. The problem has been illustrated on the basis of the Polish-German borderland. The conducted examinations indicate that the economic ties between border regions vary in intensity. At the same time, the vicinity of the border is often insufficient as a factor ensuring a high degree of intensity in the movement of production factors or business relations across the border. It is market mechanisms rather than the location on the border that comprise the primary determinant in this regard. The primary focus of this study is the movement of production factors. The methodology of this text has been based primarily on the analysis of the subject literature on the notions of market economics, optimum currency area, and the broadly defined European regional studies.

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