Ethylene production, senescence and ethylene sensitivity ofDendrobium‘Pompadour’ flowers following pollination

2000 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-153 ◽  
Saichol Ketsa ◽  
Adirek Rugkong
1991 ◽  
Sharman O'Neill ◽  
Abraham Halevy ◽  
Amihud Borochov

The project investigated the molecular genetic and biochemical basis of pollination-induced senescence of Phalaenopsis flowers. This experimental system offered unique advantages in that senescence is strictly regulated by pollination, providing the basis to experimentally initiate and synchronize senescence in populations of flowers. The postpollination syndrome in the Phalaenopsis orchid system was dissected by investigating the temporal and spatial regulation of ACC synthase gene expression. In the stigma, pollen-borne auxin induces the expression of the auxin-regulated ACC synthase (PS-ACS2) gene, resulting in ACC synthesis within 1 h following pollination. Newly formed ACC is oxidized by basal constitutive ACC oxidase to ethylene, which then induces the expression of the ethylene-regulated ACC synthase(PS-ACS1) and oxidase (ACO1) genes for further autocatalytic production of ethylene. It is speculated that during the 6-h period following pollination, emasculation leads to the production or release of a sensitivity factor that sensitizes the cells of the stigma to ethylene. ACC and ethylene molecules are translocated from the stigma to the labellum and perianth where ethylene induces the expression of PS-ACS1 and ACO1 resulting in an increased production of ACC and ethylene. Organ-localized ethylene is responsible for inrolling and senescence of the labellum and perianth. The regulation of ethylene sensitivity and signal transduction events in pollinated flowers was also investigated. The increase in ethylene sensitivity appeared in both the flower column and the perianth, and was detected as early as 4 h after pollination. The increase in ethylene sensitivity following pollination was not dependent on endogenous ethylene production. Application of linoleic and linoleic acids to Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium flowers enhanced their senescence and promoted ethylene production. Several major lipoxygenase pathway products including JA-ME, traumatic acid, trans-2-hexenal and cis-3-hexenol, also enhanced flower senescence. However, lipoxygenase appears to not be directly involved in the endogenous regulation of pollination-induced Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium flower senescence. The data suggest that short-chain saturated fatty acids may be the ethylene "sensitivity factors" produced following pollination, and that their mode of action involves a decrease in the order of specific regions i the membrane lipid bilayer, consequently altering ethylene action. Examination of potential signal transduction intermediates indicate a direct involvement of GTP-binding proteins, calcium ions and protein phosphorylation in the cellular signal transduction response to ethylene following pollination. Modulations of cytosolic calcium levels allowed us to modify the flowers responsiveness to ethylene.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 14-20 ◽  
Juan Manuel Sánchez Díaz ◽  
Silvia Jiménez-Becker ◽  
Manuel Jamilena

Strategies to prevent postharvest losses include the use of genotypes that have a longer life. The objective of this study was to develop a screening test for the estimation of cut flower postharvest life and the response to exogenous ethylene of different carnation cultivars at an early stage of plant growth. Ethylene sensitivity and production in different cut flower cultivars was evaluated, and a similar response in the vegetative stage was studied. Also, the possible relationship between the morphological parameters of cuttings and flower postharvest life was studied. Ethylene production of cuttings may be a useful tool for estimating ethylene production of cut flowers. There is a strong relationship between cut flower vase life and the root length of cuttings, as well as cut flower ethylene sensitivity and the number of internodes the cuttings have. Applications of exogenous ethylene to cutting cultivars have an effect on the growth parameters of the cuttings, but the response to ethylene in cut flowers does not behave in the same way in the vegetative stage.  

HortScience ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 25 (8) ◽  
pp. 944-946 ◽  
Dwight R. Tingley ◽  
Timothy A. Prince

A survey of 16 cut evergreen species found six clustered groupings of species based on ethylene production at 2 and 21C. Ethylene production (in nanoliters per kilogram of fresh weight per hour) at 21C ranged from 26 for Juniperus virginiana to 2800 for Sequoia sempervirens. Exposure to 0.1 or 1.0 ppm ethylene for 72 hours at 2C resulted in minor effects on two species, while significantly delaying senescence of Sequoia sempervirens. Silver thiosulfate (STS) pretreatment decreased or increased longevity of six species, but all effects were minor. Longevity of cut evergreens when held in preservative solution ranged from 14 days for Pinus sylvestris to 56 days for Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. Senescence symptoms observed were needle abscission, desiccation, and/or chlorosis.

HortScience ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 25 (8) ◽  
pp. 937-940 ◽  
C. Fred Deneke ◽  
Kathleen B. Evensen ◽  
Richard Craig

The postharvest quality of regal pelargoniums [Pelargonium × domesticum L. H. Bailey] is limited by petal abscission. Cultivars that have diverse postharvest longevities were selected to study ethylene sensitivity and endogenous ethylene production. Petals of both intact and detached inflorescences abscised in response to low dosages of exogenous ethylene (0.5 μl·liter-1 for 1 hour). Ethylene sensitivity varied among cultivars and increased with floret age. Silver thiosulfate reduced ethylene sensitivity and often extended floret longevity beyond that of the controls. A climacteric-like rise in endogenous ethylene production occurred in excised gynoecia (including the receptacle) as floret age increased from 1 to 12 days postanthesis. Ethylene production increased a few days earlier and achieved a higher maximum rate in `Parisienne' than in `Virginia'; `Parisienne' also abscised petals earlier. Relatively low levels of endogenous ethylene may regulate petal abscission, since inflorescences were very sensitive to exogenous ethylene, and increased endogenous ethylene production preceded petal abscission.

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