scholarly journals Opiates Transdeactivate Chemokine Receptors: δ and μ Opiate Receptor–mediated Heterologous Desensitization

1998 ◽  
Vol 188 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-325 ◽  
M.C. Grimm ◽  
A. Ben-Baruch ◽  
D.D. Taub ◽  
O.M.Z. Howard ◽  
J.H. Resau ◽  

An intact chemotactic response is vital for leukocyte trafficking and host defense. Opiates are known to exert a number of immunomodulating effects in vitro and in vivo, and we sought to determine whether they were capable of inhibiting chemokine-induced directional migration of human leukocytes, and if so, to ascertain the mechanism involved. The endogenous opioid met-enkephalin induced monocyte chemotaxis in a pertussis toxin–sensitive manner. Met-enkephalin, as well as morphine, inhibited IL-8–induced chemotaxis of human neutrophils and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, regulated upon activation, normal T expressed and secreted (RANTES), and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, but not MIP-1β–induced chemotaxis of human monocytes. This inhibition of chemotaxis was mediated by δ and μ but not κ G protein–coupled opiate receptors. Calcium flux induced by chemokines was unaffected by met-enkephalin pretreatment. Unlike other opiate-induced changes in leukocyte function, the inhibition of chemotaxis was not mediated by nitric oxide. Opiates induced phosphorylation of the chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2, but neither induced internalization of chemokine receptors nor perturbed chemokine binding. Thus, inhibition of chemokine-induced chemotaxis by opiates is due to heterologous desensitization through phosphorylation of chemokine receptors. This may contribute to the defects in host defense seen with opiate abuse and has important implications for immunomodulation induced by several endogenous neuropeptides which act through G protein–coupled receptors.

Layla Van Doren ◽  
Nga Nguyen ◽  
Christopher Garzia ◽  
Elizabeth Fletcher ◽  
Ryan Stevenson ◽  

Objective: 12-LOX (12-lipoxygenase) produces a number of bioactive lipids including 12(S)-HETE that are involved in inflammation and platelet reactivity. The GPR31 (G-protein–coupled receptor 31) is the proposed receptor of 12(S)-HETE; however, it is not known whether the 12(S)-HETE-GPR31 signaling axis serves to enhance or inhibit platelet activity. Approach and Results: Using pepducin technology and biochemical approaches, we provide evidence that 12(S)-HETE-GPR31 signals through Gi to enhance PAR (protease-activated receptor)-4–mediated platelet activation and arterial thrombosis using both human platelets and mouse carotid artery injury models. 12(S)-HETE suppressed AC (adenylyl cyclase) activity through GPR31 and resulted in Rap1 and p38 activation and low but detectable calcium flux but did not induce platelet aggregation. A GPR31 third intracellular (i3) loop–derived pepducin, GPR310 (G-protein–coupled receptor 310), significantly inhibited platelet aggregation in response to thrombin, collagen, and PAR4 agonist, AYPGKF, in human and mouse platelets but relative sparing of PAR1 agonist SFLLRN in human platelets. GPR310 treatment gave a highly significant 80% protection ( P =0.0018) against ferric chloride–induced carotid artery injury in mice by extending occlusion time, without any effect on tail bleeding. PAR4-mediated dense granule secretion and calcium flux were both attenuated by GPR310. Consistent with these results, GPR310 inhibited 12(S)-HETE–mediated and PAR4-mediated Rap1-GTP and RASA3 translocation to the plasma membrane and attenuated PAR4-Akt and ERK activation. GPR310 caused a right shift in thrombin-mediated human platelet aggregation, comparable to the effects of inhibition of the Gi-coupled P2Y 12 receptor. Co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed that GPR31 and PAR4 form a heterodimeric complex in recombinant systems. Conclusions: The 12-LOX product 12(S)-HETE stimulates GPR31-Gi–signaling pathways, which enhance thrombin-PAR4 platelet activation and arterial thrombosis in human platelets and mouse models. Suppression of this bioactive lipid pathway, as exemplified by a GPR31 pepducin antagonist, may provide beneficial protective effects against platelet aggregation and arterial thrombosis with minimal effect on hemostasis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 119 (04) ◽  
pp. 534-541 ◽  
Selin Gencer ◽  
Emiel van der Vorst ◽  
Maria Aslani ◽  
Christian Weber ◽  
Yvonne Döring ◽  

AbstractInflammation has been well recognized as one of the main drivers of atherosclerosis development and therefore cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). It has been shown that several chemokines, small 8 to 12 kDa cytokines with chemotactic properties, play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Chemokines classically mediate their effects by binding to G-protein-coupled receptors called chemokine receptors. In addition, chemokines can also bind to atypical chemokine receptors (ACKRs). ACKRs fail to induce G-protein-dependent signalling pathways and thus subsequent cellular response, but instead are able to internalize, scavenge or transport chemokines. In this review, we will give an overview of the current knowledge about the involvement of ACKR1–4 in CVDs and especially in atherosclerosis development. In the recent years, several studies have highlighted the importance of ACKRs in CVDs, although there are still several controversies and unexplored aspects that have to be further elucidated. A better understanding of the precise role of these atypical receptors may pave the way towards novel and improved therapeutic strategies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
M. Carmen Rodenas ◽  
Nicola Tamassia ◽  
Isabel Cabas ◽  
Federica Calzetti ◽  
José Meseguer ◽  

Background: The role of estrogens in immune functioning is relatively well known under both physiological and pathological conditions. Neutrophils are the most abundant circulating leukocytes in humans, and their abundance and function are regulated by estrogens, since they express estrogen receptors (ERs). Traditionally, estrogens were thought to act via classical nuclear ERs, namely ERα and ERβ. However, it was observed that some estrogens induced biological effects only minutes after their application. This rapid, “nongenomic” effect of estrogens is mediated by a membrane-anchored receptor called G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER1). Nevertheless, the expression and role of GPER1 in the immune system has not been exhaustively studied, and its relevance in neutrophil functions remains unknown. Methods: Human neutrophils were incubated in vitro with 10-100 µM of the GPER1-specific agonist G1 alone or in combination with lipopolysaccharide. GPER1 expression and subcellular localization, respiratory burst, life span, gene expression profile, and cell signaling pathways involved were then analyzed in stimulated neutrophils. Results: Human neutrophils express a functional GPER1 which regulates their functions through cAMP/protein kinase A/cAMP response element-binding protein, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and extracellular regulated MAPK signaling pathways. Thus, GPER1 activation in vitro increases the respiratory burst of neutrophils, extends their life span, and drastically alters their gene expression profile. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that GPER1 activation promotes the polarization of human neutrophils towards a proinflammatory phenotype and point to GPER1 as a potential therapeutic target in immune diseases where neutrophils play a key role.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Jyoti Patel ◽  
Keith M. Channon ◽  
Eileen McNeill

Heterotrimeric G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key mediators of intracellular signalling, control numerous physiological processes, and are one of the largest class of proteins to be pharmacologically targeted. Chemokine-induced macrophage recruitment into the vascular wall is an early pathological event in the progression of atherosclerosis. Leukocyte activation and chemotaxis during cell recruitment are mediated by chemokine ligation of multiple GPCRs. Regulation of GPCR signalling is critical in limiting vascular inflammation and involves interaction with downstream proteins such as GPCR kinases (GRKs), arrestin proteins and regulator of G-protein signalling (RGS) proteins. These have emerged as new mediators of atherogenesis by functioning in internalisation, desensitisation, and signal termination of chemokine receptors. Targeting chemokine signalling through these proteins may provide new strategies to alter atherosclerotic plaque formation and plaque biology.

2012 ◽  
Vol 189 (6) ◽  
pp. 2824-2832 ◽  
Sandeep K. Raghuwanshi ◽  
Yingjun Su ◽  
Vandana Singh ◽  
Katherine Haynes ◽  
Ann Richmond ◽  

2003 ◽  
Vol 374 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-296 ◽  
Tim D. WERRY ◽  
Graeme F. WILKINSON ◽  

Alteration in [Ca2+]i (the intracellular concentration of Ca2+) is a key regulator of many cellular processes. To allow precise regulation of [Ca2+]i and a diversity of signalling by this ion, cells possess many mechanisms by which they are able to control [Ca2+]i both globally and at the subcellular level. Among these are many members of the superfamily of GPCRs (G-protein-coupled receptors), which are characterized by the presence of seven transmembrane domains. Typically, those receptors able to activate PLC (phospholipase C) enzymes cause release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores and influence Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane. It has been well documented that Ca2+ signalling by one type of GPCR can be influenced by stimulation of a different type of GPCR. Indeed, many studies have demonstrated heterologous desensitization between two different PLC-coupled GPCRs. This is not surprising, given our current understanding of negative-feedback regulation and the likely shared components of the signalling pathway. However, there are also many documented examples of interactions between GPCRs, often coupling preferentially to different signalling pathways, which result in a potentiation of Ca2+ signalling. Such interactions have important implications for both the control of cell function and the interpretation of in vitro cell-based assays. However, there is currently no single mechanism that adequately accounts for all examples of this type of cross-talk. Indeed, many studies either have not addressed this issue or have been unable to determine the mechanism(s) involved. This review seeks to explore a range of possible mechanisms to convey their potential diversity and to provide a basis for further experimental investigation.

2007 ◽  
Vol 283 (3) ◽  
pp. 1525-1533 ◽  
Shixin Ye ◽  
Caroline Köhrer ◽  
Thomas Huber ◽  
Manija Kazmi ◽  
Pallavi Sachdev ◽  

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are ubiquitous heptahelical transmembrane proteins involved in a wide variety of signaling pathways. The work described here on application of unnatural amino acid mutagenesis to two GPCRs, the chemokine receptor CCR5 (a major co-receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus) and rhodopsin (the visual photoreceptor), adds a new dimension to studies of GPCRs. We incorporated the unnatural amino acids p-acetyl-l-phenylalanine (Acp) and p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine (Bzp) into CCR5 at high efficiency in mammalian cells to produce functional receptors harboring reactive keto groups at three specific positions. We obtained functional mutant CCR5, at levels up to ∼50% of wild type as judged by immunoblotting, cell surface expression, and ligand-dependent calcium flux. Rhodopsin containing Acp at three different sites was also purified in high yield (0.5–2 μg/107 cells) and reacted with fluorescein hydrazide in vitro to produce fluorescently labeled rhodopsin. The incorporation of reactive keto groups such as Acp or Bzp into GPCRs allows their reaction with different reagents to introduce a variety of spectroscopic and other probes. Bzp also provides the possibility of photo-cross-linking to identify precise sites of protein-protein interactions, including GPCR binding to G proteins and arrestins, and for understanding the molecular basis of ligand recognition by chemokine receptors.

2016 ◽  
Vol 119 (suppl_1) ◽  
Roxana Flores ◽  
Victor Nizet ◽  
Paul A Insel ◽  
Ross Corriden

Abstract: Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), DNA-based structures that play an important role in pathogen killing/capture, are also thought to contribute to inflammatory disease and have been implicated in thrombosis. Pharmacological agents that can modulate the formation of extracellular traps are as-yet unknown. We hypothesized that targeting G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) may provide such agents and thereby could aid in treating inflammation in the cardiovascular system. Here, we investigated the role of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER/GPR30), which has recently been shown to play a role in innate immune function (Cabas et al. J Immunol . 191: 4628-39 [2013]). Quantitative PCR revealed that GPER is highly expressed in human neutrophils isolated from healthy male and female donors. Fluorescent quantification of extracellular DNA using PicoGreen revealed that both selective (G-36) and general (raloxifene) antagonists of GPER, but not selective antagonists for the nuclear estrogen receptors ERa (MPP) or ERb (PHTPP) inhibited phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced NET production by human neutrophils. These results were verified using high throughput imaging of fixed, SytoxGreen-stained neutrophils. The activity of GPER antagonists appeared to be independent of Erk1/2 signaling and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, pathways that are mediators of NET production. Immunocytochemistry revealed that G-36 treatment of neutrophils raises their concentration of cAMP, which can inhibit production of NETs. Taken together, our data suggest that GPER may be a novel therapeutic target for modulating NET production and inflammation in the cardiovascular system.

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