Jarrett's Locality Condition and Causal Paradox

Allen Stairs
2000 ◽  
Vol 15 (18) ◽  
pp. 2793-2812 ◽  

Some experiments, performed at Berkeley, Cologne, Florence, Vienna, Orsay and Rennes led to the claim that something seems to travel with a group velocity larger than the speed c of light in vacuum. Various other experimental results seem to point in the same direction: For instance, localized wavelet-type solutions of Maxwell equations have been found, both theoretically and experimentally, that travel with Superluminal speed. Even muonic and electronic neutrinos — it has been proposed — might be "tachyons," since their square mass appears to be negative. With regard to the first-mentioned experiments, it was very recently claimed by Guenter Nimtz that those results with evanescent waves or "tunneling photons" — implying Superluminal signal and impulse transmission — violate Einstein causality. In this note, on the contrary, we want to stress that all such results do not place relativistic causality in jeopardy, even if they refer to actual tachyonic motions: In fact, special relativity can cope even with Superluminal objects and waves. For instance, it is possible (at least in microphysics) to solve also the known causal paradoxes, devised for "faster than light" motion, even if this is not widely recognized. Here we show, in detail and rigorously, how to solve the oldest causal paradox, originally proposed by Tolman, which is the kernel of many further tachyon paradoxes. The key to the solution is a careful application of tachyon mechanics, as it unambiguously follows from special relativity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-78
Victor Junnan Pan

This paper examines the derivation of two types of A′-dependencies — relative clauses and Left-Dislocation structures — in the framework of Minimalist Program based on Mandarin data. Relatives and LD structures demonstrate many distinct syntactic and semantic properties when they contain a gap and a resumptive pronoun respectively. A thorough study of the relevant data reveals that when a gap strategy is adopted, island effects and crossover effects are always observed, irrespective of whether the relevant gap is embedded within a relative clause or within an LD structure; on the contrary, when the resumptive strategy is adopted, a sharp distinction is observed between these two structures. A resumptive relative clause gives rise to island effects and crossover effects systematically; by contrast, a resumptive LD structure never gives rise to these effects. In the Minimalist Program, island effects and crossover effects are not exclusively used as diagnostic tests for movement since the operation Agree is also subject to locality constraints. I will argue that a relative clause containing either a gap or an RP and an LD structure with gap are derived by Agree and they are subject to the locality condition whereas a resumptive LD structure is derived by Match that is an island free operation and it is not subject to the locality constraint. Multiple Transfer and multiple Spell-Out are possible in an Agree chain, but not in a Matching chain. The choice of the derivational mechanism depends on the interpretability of the formal features attached to the Probe and to the Goal in the relevant A′-dependencies.

1985 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-233 ◽  
Sadayuki Yamamuro

In an ordered Banach space which is orthogonally decomposable, we define the absolute value and its general properties are given. The results are used to study the properties of linear operators which satisfy Kato's inequality and the locality condition.

2004 ◽  
Vol 02 (03) ◽  
pp. 419-420

In his paper,1 Razmi derives a Bell-like inequality without imposing the locality condition. Then he shows violation of this inequality by certain quantum predictions. Here we point at a loophole in Razmi's proof, which invalidates his inequality.

1988 ◽  
Vol 130 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 187-191 ◽  
Amitava Datta ◽  
Dipankar Home ◽  
Amitava Raychaudhuri

Hysamedin Feraj ◽  
Aleksandër Kocani

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