scholarly journals The Direction of Development of Jambi City Based on Flood Disaster Mitigation

S. H. Fitri ◽  
D. R. S. Sumunar
Proceedings ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Weiwei Shao ◽  
Yuanfei Li ◽  
Dianyi Yan ◽  
Jiahong Liu ◽  
Zhiyong Yang ◽  

China is in a period of rapid urbanization. Due to the high concentration of population and industries, the loss due to flood and waterlogging is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the analysis and evaluation of the losses due to flood and waterlogging disasters in China for the recent years. This study analyzed the losses caused by flood and waterlogging disasters in China from 2006 to 2017. The results showed that the most serious year affected by floods and waterlogging was 2010. However, the relationship between rainfall and flood disaster losses was not significant, which may be because the occurrence of flood disasters is caused by many factors. The spatial distribution showed that the eastern and southern parts of China suffered greater losses from the flood and waterlogging disasters because these areas are more vulnerable to floods and waterlogging disasters under the impact of both monsoons and typhoons. This study hopes to provide some reference for flood disaster control and disaster mitigation in the future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50
Endang LARASATI ◽  

Cilacap Regency is the region that has the highest Disaster Risk Index in the Central Java Province, this area has the risk of floods, water robes, landslides, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Data from the Indonesian Disaster Risk Index (IRBI) in 2016 shows the level of disaster risk in Cilacap Regency occupying the 17th position nationally and first from 35 regencies/cities in the Central Java Province with a score of 132 (high hazard class). Under these conditions, a Disaster Mitigation Policy is needed. Legally, the Mitigation Policy in Cilacap Regency has been regulated in Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2012 concerning Violation of disaster management, especially in article 43 which includes several activities, namely: (1) Spatial planning implementation (2) Arrangement of infrastructure development, governance buildings, (3) Organizing education, counseling, and training, both conventional and modern, so that regional governments are expected to be able to develop disaster information, disaster databases, and maps in order to minimize the impact of disasters. Therefore, in this study, trying to describe the analysis of the implementation of disaster mitigation policies in Cilacap Regency. The research method used is a qualitative research method by looking at phenomena in the implementation of disaster mitigation and the factors that support and inhibit them. The community plays a role according to the direction of the BPBD. The community continues to coordinate, communicate and cooperate in carrying out its role. The non-technical role is carried out through socialization, education, advocacy to the community in the flood disaster area. Key words: Disaster Mitigation, Policy Implementation, Disaster Impact, Cilacap Regency, Policy Environment

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (1) ◽  
pp. 012018
N K Nur ◽  
A I Yunus ◽  
A M D Satriawan

Abstract This study conducted an analysis study of flood disaster mitigation for transportation routes in the Panakukkang district of Makassar City. By using ArcGis software, the results of the simulation of safe and vulnerable zone levels based on color indicators are known. There are 5 villages in Panakukkang District which are flood safe zones, with the number of evacuation sites, namely 21 buildings. Then there are 4 villages which are flood alert zones with 2 evacuation sites, 2 buildings. On the first evacuation route there are 8 reference points namely Reference Point C with the distance to the nearest evacuation site 3.22 km and a travel time of 64.3 minutes. Then the reference point A with a distance to the nearest evacuation site is 2.85 km and a travel time of 57 minutes. While the reference point F is the closest point to the nearest evacuation distance 0.71 km and the travel time is 14.2 minutes. All these reference points require travel speeds of 3 km / h on foot. On the second evacuation route there are 6 Reference Points namely reference point A with distance to the nearest evacuation point 1.94 km and travel time 38.8 minutes, reference point E with distance to nearest evacuation location 1.23 km and travel time 24.6 minutes. Then at the reference point C is the closest point to the nearest evacuation distance 0.72 km and the travel time is 14.4 minutes.

Rahmadani Yusran ◽  
Zikri Alhadi ◽  
Zahari Basri ◽  
Rika Sabri

This study aims to analyze the implementation of flood disaster mitigation strategies in Nagari Taram, Limapuluh Kota Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. They were collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation study. The research informants were several heads of fields, section heads in the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Fifty Cities Distr2ict. The results showed that the implementation of disaster mitigation by the local government had been carried out in the form of the normalization of Batang Sinamar, brojong development along the Batang Sinamar watershed. However, the mitigation that has been implemented has not succeeded in reducing the risk and impact of flooding on the community in Nagari Taram. This study argues that local governments need to pay attention to regional characteristics in implementing flood disaster mitigation before carrying out river normalization because the area's characteristics affect the carrying capacity and carrying capacity of the river.

Irma Juraida ◽  
Yeni Sri Lestari ◽  
Rahmah Husna Yana

AbstractFlood disasters often occur in the area of West Aceh Regency (Johan Pahlawan, Samatiga and West Woyla). Several flood mitigation efforts have been carried out in this region. However, often only socialization and handling of a social nature, such as providing food assistance, medicines and relocating residents. however, these efforts have not been able to help the community as a whole from the flood disaster. This study identifies the various roles of social capital (habitus, capital and the realm) that exist in local communities in responding to the flood disaster in Aceh Barat District. This study uses a qualitative approach using interview, observation and documentation data collection methods in the three sub-districts most frequently affected by floods in Aceh Barat District. The three districts are Johan Pahlawan, Samatiga and West Woyla. The theoretical study used in this study is social capital from Pierre Bourdieu, where the role and awareness of the community in flood disaster mitigation are assumed to be a dialectical process (habitus, capital and domain) and through time travel (historical processes and habits) which are also influenced by the environment the social (realm) that shapes it. The results showed that, there was a strengthening of social capital in the community in three districts in disaster mitigation, which was formed through a dialectical process (habitus, capital and the realm), although with different characteristics. Social awareness of flood disaster mitigation through time travel (historical processes and habits) and influenced by the social (realm) environment that shapes social resilience.   Bencana banjir seringkali terjadi di wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Barat (Johan Pahlawan, Samatiga dan Woyla Barat). Beberapa usaha mitigasi bencana banjir telah dilakukan di wilayah ini. Akan tetapi seringkali hanya bersifat sosialisasi dan penanganan yang bersifat sosial, seperti memberi bantuan makanan, obat-obatan serta merelokasi penduduk. namun berbagai upaya ini belum mampu membantu masyarakat secara utuh dari musibah banjir. Studi ini mengidentifikasi berbagai peran dari modal sosial (habitus, modal dan ranah) yang ada di dalam masyarakat setempat dalam merespon bencana banjir di Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data wawancara, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi di tiga kecamatan yang paling sering terkena musibah banjir di Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Ketiga kecamatan tersebut adalah Johan Pahlawan, Samatiga dan Woyla Barat. Kajian teoritis yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah modal sosial dari Pierre Bourdieu, dimana peran dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mitigasi bencana banjir diasumsikan sebagai sebuah proses dialektika (habitus, modal dan ranah) dan melalui perjalanan waktu (proses sejarah dan kebiasaan) yang juga dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan (ranah) sosial yang membentuknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, terjadi penguatan modal sosial pada masyarakat di tiga kecamatan dalam mitigasi bencana, yang terbentuk melalui proses dialetika (habitus, modal dan ranah) meskipun dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Kesadaran sosial terhadap mitigasi bencana banjir melalui perjalan waktu (proses sejarah dan kebiasaan) serta dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan (ranah) sosial yang membentuk ketahanan sosial.

GeoEco ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Mudmainah Vitasari ◽  
Fuja Siti Fujiawati

<p>Floods are an inevitable event for countries with tropical climates such as Indonesia. Floods can hit anything and everything in the flood-prone areas that allow the emergence of disasters in the form of material losses and casualties. Women who belong to the "vulnerable" do have limitations but with an awareness of their limitations, women who have the potential to make themselves. Women can increase capacity very quickly. The purpose of this research is to formulate Fixed Procedure (PROTAP) from flood disaster for women in disaster-prone area of the flood of Serang regency. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with simple RnD with sample of the woman in the disaster-prone area of flood of Regency of Serang counted 40 people which randomly. Intake of data with instruments of knowledge, attitude and preparedness. Instruments that can be used as guidance for PROTAP formulation. The result of this research is not yet given the role of woman in disaster management effort which not yet have ability more (disaster capacity). The knowledge needed is knowledge and experience of flood disaster that occurred in Serang prone area of flood. Women's attitude and preparedness will be built on the knowledge of women that have been developed. Attitudes and preparedness can be developed by providing a role in any flood disaster mitigation effort. This research can be certified for everyone in any disaster management effort that can be used in PROTAP that can be used as a guide for women in the effort to overcome the flood disaster in the surrounding environment.</p><p>Keywords: disaster prone woman, disaster management, flood</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (6) ◽  
pp. 293-298
Tsuneshi NISHIOKA ◽  
Kazuo TSUTSUI ◽  
Kunio KOWAKI ◽  
Tomoki ENOHARA ◽  
Takehiro SAKAGUCHI ◽  

2011 ◽  
Vol 17 (36) ◽  
pp. 693-698
Takaaki KATO ◽  
Hitoshi NAKAMURA ◽  

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