management effort
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Rea Ariyanti ◽  
Cecilia Widijati Imam

ABSTRAKAdanya kebijakan dari pemerintah terkait pandemi covid 19 turut memberikan dampak bagi masyarakat, salah satunya dari aspek kesehatan seperti terhambatnya akses untuk mendapatkan layanan fasilitas kesehatan, terutama pada lansia. Salah satu penyakit yang paling sering terjadi pada lansia adalah osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis merupakan penyakit rematik akibat gangguan metabolisme yang diikuti oleh beberapa perubahan pada sistem muskuloskeletal pada lansia. Dengan diberikannya pelatihan pada pengasuh lansia terkait peran latihan fisik dalam manajemen terpadu osteoarthritis diharapkan pengasuh lansia dapat membantu lansia dalam upaya pencegahan secara mandiri penyakit osteoartritis. Program kemitraan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pengasuh lansia terhadap peran latihan fisik dalam manajemen terpadu osteoarthritis. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Panti Werdha Tresno Muti Turen Kabupaten Malang, sebanyak 3 kali melalui pemberian materi dan video pembelajaran, serta melaksanakan diskusi interaktif kepada 25 orang pengasuh lansia. Dari hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman para pengasuh lansia, dimana sebelum diberikan penyuluhan, rata-rata nilai pre test sebesar 60,00 dan setelah diberikan penyuluhan terjadi peningkatan nilai post test menjadi 84,00. Kegiatan ini perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesadaran, kepedulian dan mendorong keterlibatan peran pengasuh lansia dan para lansia dalam upaya manajemen terpadu pencegahan osteoarthritis melalui latihan fisik. Kata kunci: lansia; latihan fisik; manajemen terpadu; osteoarthritis ABSTRACTThe existence of policies from the government related to the COVID-19 pandemic also has an impact on the community, one of which is from the health aspect such as hampering access to health facilities, especially for the elderly. One of the most common diseases in the elderly is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a rheumatic disease due to metabolic disorders followed by several changes in the musculoskeletal system in the elderly. By providing training to elderly caregivers regarding the role of physical exercise in the integrated management of osteoarthritis, it is hoped that elderly caregivers can help the elderly in efforts to independently prevent osteoarthritis. This partnership program aims to increase the understanding of elderly caregivers on the role of physical exercise in the integrated management of osteoarthritis. This activity was carried out at the Tresno Muti Turen Nursing Home, Malang Regency, 3 times through the provision of learning materials and videos, as well as carrying out interactive discussions with 25 elderly caregivers. From the results of the evaluation, it was found that there was an increase in the understanding of the elderly caregivers, where before being given counseling, the average pre-test score was 60.00 and after being given counseling there was an increase in the post-test score to 84.00. This activity needs to be carried out as an effort to increase awareness, concern and encourage the involvement of the role of elderly caregivers and the elderly in an integrated management effort to prevent osteoarthritis through physical exercise. Keywords: elderly; integrated management; osteoarthritis; physical training

Dadang Mashur ◽  
Geovani Meiwanda ◽  
Khairul Amri ◽  
Mayarni Mayarni

Abrasion disasters and environmental issues are strategic issues that are widely studied from various study perspectives, this article is the result of research conducted by researchers from the perspective of public administration. The Abrasion Disaster on Rupat Island is a disaster that can cause various social and economic impacts on the community. In 2019, the abrasion rate on Rupat Island reached 6-8 meters. Rupat Island is also one of the outer islands of Indonesia which borders with neighbouring countries, namely Malaysia and is included in the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN). Therefore, the abrasion disaster that occurred on Rupat Island, Bengkalis Regency must be managed in order to minimize the impact of theabrasion disaster that occurred. Abrasion disaster management can be done one of them by means of abrasion disaster management or efforts made to regulate the reduction of abrasiondisaster risk. The purpose research is to know abrasion disaster management actors in Rupat Bengkalis and determine what course the limitations in disaster management abrasion in Rupat Bengkalis. This type of research is qualitative research using data collection methods through interviews and documentation. The findings in this study is that the management effort abrasion disaster in Rupat actor countermeasures abrasion in Rupat not maximized This is caused by things still are limitations in disaster management is done. The value in this study is that disaster management actors at the regional and central levels cooperate with each other in order to maximize disaster management efforts

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-229
Ananda Vania Arisa Putri ◽  
Rheza Aulia Ramadhan ◽  
Bambang Purwanggono Sukarsono

Risk management is a management effort to control the company's risk operations by conducting risk analysis, risk evaluation and mitigation plan. Risk management efforts are feasible to be applied to the company's business activities including procurement activities. PT XYZ is one of the printing companies whose main demand is the printing of Elementary School Books. There is a decrease in demand that results in disruption to the company's cash flow so that a tight money policy is applied to every company's activity including procurement activities. This policy increases the risk that may occur, so risk management efforts are needed to minimize the impact that can occur. The House of Risk method is used to identify risk events and risk agents that cause them, and design mitigation measures to address those risk agents. The results showed that there were 10 risk events and 10 identified risk agents, with priority risk agents to be handled are A1 (volume and type of raw materials are incorrect) and A3 (communication interruption). There are 5 recommended mitigation measures.

2021 ◽  
Walter Nowocin ◽  

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was directed by the federal government to define cloud computing to assist federal agencies in implementing cloud architectures. In 2011, NIST published NIST SP 800-145 “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing” and defined cloud computing as: “Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models. [1]” Cloud computing is a relatively new IT concept and as such, there is much to learn about the benefits that this business model can bring to organizations. Cloud computing will transform how you do business. The objective of this paper is to explain the benefits of using a cloud architecture for calibration management software systems. The following benefits and topics will be discussed: Work From Anywhere, Always On, Reduced IT Costs, Scalability, Automatic Updates, Reduce Coordination Costs, Improved Quality Control, Disaster Recovery, Environmental Sustainability, Increased Competitiveness, Stronger Security, and Compliance Considerations [2].

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1471-1478
Nina Permata Sari ◽  
Eklys Cheseda Makaria ◽  
Rochgiyanti Rochgiyanti ◽  
Muhammad Andri Setiawan

Character education awakens the realm of values and norms of students. Environmental care is one of the 18 character values in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and National (2010) character education design. This article aims to examine the character of caring for the environment to mitigate flood disasters. Qualitative approach with descriptive method is used to describe research problems. Miles and Huberman's interactive model reduced interview data, presented descriptive narratives, and document research results. Triangulation techniques and research extension resulted in data saturation. The results of the study describe that related to the environmental care behavior of the community in Pengaron Village, it is described as follows; 1) The attitude of the community towards flood prevention is to do cooperation every week by coordinating through village officials, 2) Knowledge about flooding is passed down from generation to generation to children. This information includes the fact that floods always occur every year, so people must always be alert; 3) Environmental care behavior includes the obligation to have swimming skills, construct houses on stilts and or two floors, and plant trees that have characteristics sensitive to weather changes. Society inherits the character of caring for the environment as the primary value in everyday life. The character of caring for the environment contributes to educating the importance of preserving and coexisting with the environment.

2021 ◽  
Amy Jane Davis ◽  
Randy O Farrar ◽  
Brad Jump ◽  
Parker T Hall ◽  
Travis Guerrant ◽  

Evaluation of the efficacy of management actions to control invasive species is crucial for maintaining funding and to provide feedback for the continual improvement of management efficiency. However, it is often difficult to assess the efficacy of control methods due to limited resources for monitoring. To evaluate management actions there is often a trade-off in effort aimed at performing management actions and effort aimed at collecting monitoring data to evaluate management actions. We developed a method to estimate invasive species abundance, evaluate management effectiveness, and evaluate population growth overtime from a combination of removal activities (e.g., aerial gunning, trapping, ground shooting) using only data collected during removal efforts (the method of removal, the date, location, number of animals removed, and the effort). This dynamic approach allows for estimating abundance at discrete time points and the estimation of population growth between removal periods. We applied this method to removal data from Mingo National Wildlife Refuge in Missouri from December 2015 to September 2019, where the management objective is elimination. Populations of feral swine on Mingo NWR have fluctuated over time but have shown more marked declines in the last 3-6 months. More dramatic declines were observed in the center of the refuge. To counteract population growth (from both births and immigration) the percent of the population of feral swine removed monthly must be greater than the growth rate. On average, we found that removing 10% of the population monthly had only a 50% chance of causing a population decline, whereas removing 15% of the population monthly had a 95% chance of causing a population decline. Our method provides advancement over traditional removal modeling approaches because it can be applied to evaluate management programs that use a broad range of removal techniques concurrently and whose management effort and spatial coverage vary across time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-39
Shrey Baheti ◽  
Shreyas Badiger ◽  
Yogesh Simmhan

Internet of Things (IoT) deployments have been growing manifold, encompassing sensors, networks, edge, fog, and cloud resources. Despite the intense interest from researchers and practitioners, most do not have access to large-scale IoT testbeds for validation. Simulation environments that allow analytical modeling are a poor substitute for evaluating software platforms or application workloads in realistic computing environments. Here, we propose a virtual environment for validating Internet of Things at large scales (VIoLET), an emulator for defining and launching large-scale IoT deployments within cloud VMs. It allows users to declaratively specify container-based compute resources that match the performance of native IoT compute devices using Docker. These can be inter-connected by complex topologies on which bandwidth and latency rules are enforced. Users can configure synthetic sensors for data generation as well. We also incorporate models for CPU resource dynamism, and for failure and recovery of the underlying devices. We offer a detailed comparison of VIoLET’s compute and network performance between the virtual and physical deployments, evaluate its scaling with deployments with up to 1, 000 devices and 4, 000 device-cores, and validate its ability to model resource dynamism. Our extensive experiments show that the performance of the virtual IoT environment accurately matches the expected behavior, with deviations levels within what is seen in actual physical devices. It also scales to 1, 000s of devices and at a modest cloud computing costs of under 0.15% of the actual hardware cost, per hour of use, with minimal management effort. This IoT emulation environment fills an essential gap between IoT simulators and real deployments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-38
Cosmas Bambang Sukatja ◽  
Banata W.R ◽  
Perdi Bahri

The 7.4 SR earthquake which occurred in The Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi on September 28th 2018 was a shallow earthquake due to the Palukoro fault activity.  The impact of the quake’s shaking created pressure on the rock and soil masses of 77 hilly locations in the Palu, Sigi, and Donggala, causing several landslides and the increasing the potential of more. One of the slopes of at risk of  landslides which can trigger debris flow is found on the hills of Poi Village, Dolo Selatan District, Sigi Regency. The estimated volume of lose material which could fall in a landslide is 4.8 million m3. Rainfall in the area is predicted to trigger debris flow with the potential to bury settlements and block the flow of the Palu tributary located downstream. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a study of the lose material deposits in the Poi River channel which can trigger debris flows during the rainy season. The problem-solving method in this study used is a rationalistic and descriptive qualitative approach. In predicting the distribution direction, propagation and hydrograph of the debris flow ths study applies the numerical modelling SIMLAR 2.1. This debris disaster risk management effort uses Sabo technology physically and non-physically. Keywords: earthquakes, landslides, debris flow, debris disaster management, Sabo technology physically and non-physically.

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