scholarly journals Factors for production growth at poultry enterprises in Russia

2021 ◽  
Vol 848 (1) ◽  
pp. 012085
P N Shastin ◽  
E A Yakimova ◽  
D D Petkovich ◽  
A V Danilyuk ◽  
A I Laishevtsev
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 1297-1316
O.N. Terent'eva

Subject. The stable supply of food to people is a cornerstone for the national economic security, while a lack of food or its expensiveness may undermine the economy, principles of power, and cause panics and wars. Malnutrition and hunger are critical indicators of the insufficient foods supply. Objectives. The article indicates which countries have high risk of hunger, and predicts its further movement. I also evaluate factual trends in the availability of food across countries. Methods. The study refers to statistical data in public domain, including the FAOSTAT. I apply methods of ranking, abstraction, prediction. Results. I performed the cross-country analysis and discovered that 117 countries demonstrated signs of malnutrition. The article sets forth a technique for splitting countries into five groups by level of hunger risk. The article compares data on hunger in the countries and consequences of mortality and morbidity. I ranked countries by key types of agricultural products and explained their production growth rates for a span of 18 years. I predicted how countries would be ranked in terms of hunger from 2030 to 2050, and found the extent to which the hunger risk will escalate in more flourishing countries. Conclusions and Relevance. Hunger and shortage of food seem invincible in the countries where people are hungry or very hungry. Sometimes it appears almost impossible for respective governments to solve the issue. Triggering the systemic hunger, such factors and premises are beyond control of starving countries. Hence, the international community should provide their support and aid to them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Ravshan Mamatov ◽  

The economic growth of the Republic of Uzbekistan will depend on production factors that contribute to the annual growth of the country's GDP. At the same time, extensive production growth will lead to the implementation of unpromising investments. A growing share of innovation-oriented investments in the total investment in fixed assets in the country will lead to intensive economic growth in the country

E.A. Skvortsov ◽  
A.S. Gusev ◽  

The article discusses the issues of territorial patterns in the implementation of precision farming technologies, which are insufficiently studied and constitute a significant scientific problem. The purpose of the study is to identify the territorial patterns of the introduction of precision farming technologies in conjunction with the indicators of agricultural development in the regions. The number of applied precision farming technologies was clarified, 37 regions took part in the study, 24 of them provided information on the application of these technologies. The results of correlation of regional development indicators (12 indicators in three blocks) and the amount of equipment with precision farming elements are presented. The greatest positive correlation is observed between the introduction of precision farming technologies and the agricultural production index at comparable prices (0.51) and the level of subsidies (0.37). The greatest negative correlation is observed between the introduction of these technologies and the change in the registered unemployment rate (-0.3). Based on the results obtained, it can be assumed that in regions with high values of agricultural production growth and subsidies, precision farming technologies will be most intensively introduced.

John Toye

Many writers on development are extremists, either venerating it as the source of economic cornucopia and human fulfilment or denouncing it as bringing loss of authentic community and culture, greater exploitation, and the curtailment of liberty. A minority, however, have taken a more nuanced and ambivalent position—that, like the curate’s egg, development is good in parts. For example, Adam Ferguson acknowledged the benefits of commercial society but warned against the infinite expansion of human wants, increasing inequality, and the loss of community cohesion. Similar emphasis on the mixed results of development arises in the work of J. S. Mill, Friedrich Engels, and Joseph Schumpeter (‘creative destruction’). In more recent times Albert Hirschman pointed out the negative externalities such as environmental pollution caused by economic production growth—but man-made global climate change is a newer version. All change creates both winners and losers and this fuels the extreme evaluation of it.

2018 ◽  
Vol 118 ◽  
pp. 984-992 ◽  
Lucas A. Martín ◽  
Cecilia A. Popovich ◽  
Ana M. Martínez ◽  
Paola G. Scodelaro Bilbao ◽  
María C. Damiani ◽  

1986 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
Chris R. Ito ◽  
M. Feng ◽  
V. K. Eu ◽  
H. B. Kim

ABSTRACTA high-volume epitaxial reactor has been used to investigate the feasibility for the production growth of GaAs on silicon substrates. The reactor is a customized system which has a maximum capacity of 39 three-inch diameter wafers and can accommodate substrates as large as eight inches in diameter. The MOCVD material growth technique was used to grow GaAs directly on p-type, (100) silicon substrates, three and five inches in diameter. The GaAs surfaces were textured with antiphase boundaries. Double-cyrstal rocking curve measurements showed single-cyrstal GaAs with an average FWHMof 520 arc seconds measured at four points over the wafer surface. Within-wafer thickness uniformity was ± 4% with a wafer-to-wafer uniformity of ± 2%. Photoluminescence spectra showed Tour peaks at 1.500, 1.483, 1.464, and 1.440 ev. Schottky diodes were fabricated on the GaAs on silicon material.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-234 ◽  
Larry Hughes ◽  
Jacinda Rudolph

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