production growth
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HortScience ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-84
Ryan M. Warner

Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) is an herb grown commercially for the extraction of intensely sweet-tasting, non-caloric, steviol glycosides produced primarily in the leaves and used as a sugar substitute. While most stevia production occurs as an industrial field crop, more recently, consumer demand for stevia for home gardens and patio containers has increased. Research on how environmental inputs impact growth, branching, and flowering of stevia under greenhouse conditions for potted plant production is currently lacking. A series of experiments was conducted to quantify how methods to promote branching, fertilizer concentration, photoperiod and temperature impact branch production, growth and development, and flowering of stevia. Both manual decapitation and ethephon application increased lateral branch production, though hard pinching (cutting plants back to leave four nodes) yielded a more desirable plant architecture. Neither temperature nor fertilizer concentration impacted the number of branches produced by plants given a hard pinch. Shoot dry biomass was similar at fertilizer concentrations (applied at each watering) of 50, 100, and 200 mg⋅L−1 N, but decreased at 300 or 400 mg⋅L−1 N. Stevia responded to photoperiod as a facultative short-day plant, with earliest flowering occurring, both in days to flower and the number of nodes produced before flowering, at photoperiods <13 hours. The number of nodes produced on the longest branch increased as temperature increased from 17 to 26 °C. Plant height and longest branch length were shorter at 17 °C than at higher temperatures. The results of these studies indicate that for potted plant production, stevia should be grown under a photoperiod of 14 hours or longer with moderate nutrient levels, a minimum temperature of 20 °C, and plants should receive one or more manual pinches to promote branching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Gabriel Murariu ◽  
Raluca Enescu ◽  
Diana Vasile ◽  
Lucian Dinca ◽  

The inventory and evaluation of growth rates for afforested surfaces is extremely important in estimating production levels and in determining the wood quantities that can be harvested. The present research was realized in southeast Romania, on a surface that contains 375h of afforested fields. The monitored surfaces are situated in Hanu-Conachi Independenta Forest, at a relatively low altitude. The study took into account only the surfaces afforested with willow (Salix alba) and extended between 2010 and 2015. The afforested surfaces’ consistency and age were evaluated based on direct observations and measurements. The used numerical analysis on different optimization methods was selected from amongst the most used series from the specialty literature. Our results have shown that evaluations of estimated production growth rates can vary significantly when different statistical analyses and numeric methods are used. By using numerical optimizing models, computer simulations can offer precise estimations regarding growth rates, and consequently, for the efficiency of a given forest inventory. Common numerical interpolation methods or the usage of neuronal networks do not always lead to consistent results. Specific numeric methods are preferable for a better evaluation of growth rates and current inventory. In addition, investments in computer simulation methods and software should be encouraged in order to reach a permanent inventory, improve the efficiency of exploitation operations, and sustain environmental protection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Vesna Jablanovic

The paper creates the chaotic soybeans production growth model. This model includes in-vestment in ICTs in agriculture. Further, the paper discovers a sequence of Elliot waves in soyabeans market in China in the period 1991–2015. Investment in information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agriculture improved both the productivity and soybean production stability. The stable convergent fluctuations of soybeans production existed in China in the observed period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13754
Venera Timiryanova ◽  
Dina Krasnoselskaya ◽  
Irina Lakman ◽  
Denis Popov

Despite the growing body of literature on the dependence of economic growth from different factors, the reasons for uneven growth remain unclear. Within the country, regions have different growth rates in their diverse parts. It is unclear why the same factor could influence municipalities differently. To reveal this reason, we used hierarchical linear modeling with spatial dependence, which allows us to decompose variation into regional and municipal scales and take into account spatial autocorrelation. We conducted our research on data for 2239 municipalities within 85 Russian regions in 2019. Our model incorporates 20 factors of economic growth, with 7 at the municipal scale. Cross-interaction estimates established that factors attributed to the regional level determined the relationship between dependent variables (growth rate of production, growth rate of social benefits, and taxable income) at the municipal level and predictors. The influence of initial level, investments in fixed assets, employment on municipal growth varies greatly depending on such regional determinants as economic structure, innovation, human capital, and inequality. This paper adds to the existing literature on uneven economic growth at a smaller scale (municipality) and at the same time helps to rethink inter- and intra-regional disparities.

2021 ◽  
Kristian Mogensen ◽  
Graham Edmonstone

Abstract ADNOC is progressing with large-scale rig-less high-rate matrix stimulation by deployment of advanced lower completions. A key contribution to future production growth is expected to come from these "Smart Liners" that rely on the principles of the limited-entry technique. The concept is based on a number of small, pre-drilled and unevenly spaced holes which enable an even distribution of acid along the entire reservoir drain to be stimulated. The smart liner incorporates swellable packers to avoid annular flow of acid to preferential zones and to isolate segments with heterogeneities. In this work, we focus on aspects related to planning, design and execution of high-rate matrix-acid stimulation of wells. We demonstrate that short wells need a different design approach compared to extended-reach wells and we provide guidelines on how to achieve the highest achievable pump rate and desired acid volume subject to reservoir, well and equipment constraints. The carbonate reservoirs typically exhibit considerable variation in permeability along the well, hence techniques for production profiling, such as inline tracers, are valuable for assessing the actual stimulation effectiveness. Wormhole penetration for a particular acid system will vary depending on the rock petrophysical properties and the reservoir properties; therefore, a systematic data analytics project is on-going.

Vision ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 56
Gianpaolo Zammarchi ◽  
Claudio Conversano

Eye tracking provides a quantitative measure of eye movements during different activities. We report the results from a bibliometric analysis to investigate trends in eye tracking research applied to the study of different medical conditions. We conducted a search on the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS) database and analyzed the dataset of 2456 retrieved articles using VOSviewer and the Bibliometrix R package. The most represented area was psychiatry (503, 20.5%) followed by neuroscience (465, 18.9%) and psychology developmental (337, 13.7%). The annual scientific production growth was 11.14% and showed exponential growth with three main peaks in 2011, 2015 and 2017. Extensive collaboration networks were identified between the three countries with the highest scientific production, the USA (35.3%), the UK (9.5%) and Germany (7.3%). Based on term co-occurrence maps and analyses of sources of articles, we identified autism spectrum disorders as the most investigated condition and conducted specific analyses on 638 articles related to this topic which showed an annual scientific production growth of 16.52%. The majority of studies focused on autism used eye tracking to investigate gaze patterns with regards to stimuli related to social interaction. Our analysis highlights the widespread and increasing use of eye tracking in the study of different neurological and psychiatric conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-161
Khusnul Khatimah ◽  
Wahyu Febriyono

Brebes Regency is the third largest potato producer in Central Java. Potatoes have decreased production growth, but the amount of demand is increasing. In fact, the highlands of Brebes Regency have the potential for potatoes agribusiness. The purpose of this study to analyze the internal and external factor, and formulate the development strategy of potatoes agribusiness in Brebes Regency. Respondents consisted of potato farmers, stakeholder, and key person through in-depth interview. The internal and external factor are identified using the IFE and EFE matrix. The combination of it are used as a basis of the preparation of alternative strategies with IE and SWOT matrix by considering stakeholder and key person. The result showed that potatoes agribusiness in Brebes Regency is in a position to grow and build (cell I). The alternative strategies divided into 4 strategic groups; S-O, S-T, W-O, and W-T. The strategic priority is in the S-O strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 848 (1) ◽  
pp. 012085
P N Shastin ◽  
E A Yakimova ◽  
D D Petkovich ◽  
A V Danilyuk ◽  
A I Laishevtsev

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 852
Martha B. Flores-Romero ◽  
Miriam E. Pérez-Romero ◽  
José Álvarez-García ◽  
María de la Cruz del Río-Rama

The tourism program “Pueblos Mágicos” was created in 2001 by the Mexican Secretary of Tourism (Sectur), together with its brand, with the aim of promoting tourism by preserving secular and ancestral traditions, as well as revitalizing cities and towns that make great efforts to protect and safeguard their cultural wealth. In this context, the aim of this research work is to show the current state of scientific research carried out within the context of the Magic Towns of Mexico. The work methodology is based on the bibliometric analysis of the scientific production indexed in two main international databases: Web of Science and Scopus. The application of this technique will make it possible to obtain a scientific mapping of the production (growth, researchers in the subject, production impact through the number of citations, network analysis, etc.), with the aim of observing the evolution in the generation of knowledge regarding this tourism development tool that acts as a distinctive brand for tourism in Mexico. This mapping is useful for researchers as it provides information on the research carried out so far, allowing them to identify gaps to work on in their future research work. The systematic search process identified 52 articles. The results indicate that the research carried out in this context is incipient, with few researchers addressing the subject on a continuous basis and most of them being transient researchers with a single article. Most of the research was approached from the perspective of cultural heritage, cultural resources, inherited resources, cultural tourism, public policy, local development and sustainable tourism, and sustainable development. In light of the number of articles published, all of these can be considered to be incipient lines of research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (7(71)) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Sh. Kerimova

Pulsations are generated by the generator at the values of the initial pressure applied to the well. Depending on these pulsations, the well pressure and the resulting oil production also change. In this issue, changes in well pressure and oil production are studied.

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