scholarly journals Solid waste characterization and reducing potential at Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya

2021 ◽  
Vol 896 (1) ◽  
pp. 012032
T L Simangunsong

Abstract Reducing solid waste generation is one of the green campus achievement programs at the University of Surabaya (Ubaya). It is essential to determine the quantity and composition of all faculty’s solid waste generation. The Faculty of Engineering significantly contributes to the amount of waste generation in Ubaya. Research related to the Faculty of Engineering solid waste characteristics needs to be conducted. The purposes of the study were estimating the quantity of solid waste generation and observing the composition of solid waste at the Faculty of Engineering. The method of this research was a survey of waste generation. The estimation of waste generation was taken for 12 (twelve) days during April 2018. The study results showed that the average solid waste generation faculty of engineering was to be 19.26 kg/day, and the percentage of solid waste was found to be food waste 27%, plastic 25.8%, food packaging 17.6%, Paper 9.8%, and Residue 19.8%.

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Slamet Raharjo ◽  
Yenni Ruslinda ◽  
Rizki Aziz

Konsep pengelolaan sampah telah lama berubah dari pemusnahan atau pembuangan menjadi pemanfaatan. Namun konsep ini belum diikuti dengan langkah nyata oleh pemerintah. Kepedulian terhadap kelestarian lingkungan telah mendorong beberapa kelompok masyarakat, lembaga atau institusi untuk bergerak aktif dalam pemanfaatan sampah. Universitas Andalas sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi terkemuka di Pulau Sumatera sudah saatnya mengambil peran aktif dalam melakukan pengelolaan sampah yang berwawasan lingkungan. Timbulan sampah yang cukup besar yaitu 28 m3/hari pada tahun 2012, yang diproyeksikan akan menjadi 34 m3/hari atau 9 ton/hari pada tahun 2017, menawarkan potensi cukup besar untuk dimanfaatkan. Pada tahun proyeksi 2017 dari total timbulan sampah, 26,6 % (2,4 ton/h) adalah sampah makanan, 9,8 % (0,9 ton/h) adalah sampah penyapuan taman/jalan, 30,0 % (2,7 ton/h) adalah sampah plastik, 25,3 % (2,3 ton/h) adalah sampah kertas, 1,5 % (0,1 ton/h) adalah sampah kaleng, logam dan besi dan 6,9 % (0,6 ton/h) adalah sampah lain-lain (tekstil, karet, kayu, kaca dll). Dari total sampah makanan dan penyapuan halaman/jalan, 33,7 % berpotensi untuk menghasilkan kompos sekitar 1,2 ton/hari, 2,1 % (0,2 ton/h) dapat dimanfaatkan untuk proses biogas dan sisanya 0,5 % (0,05 ton/h) ditimbun di TPA. Sampah plastik dan kertas sebesar 55,3 % dapat dimanfaatkan kembali atau dijual ke PT. Semen Padang sebagai tambahan bahan bakar unit kiln. Dari 1,5 % sampah kaleng, logam dan besi, 1,3 % dapat dimanfaatkan kembali atau dijual ke pihak ketiga sedangkan sisanya yang hanya sebesar 0,02 ton/h dibuang ke TPA Air Dingin. Selanjutnya, sisa timbulan sampah sebesar 6,9 % yang berupa sampah tekstil, karet, kayu, kaca dan lain-lain dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pada kiln PT. Semen Padang. Jika konsep ini dapat dilaksanakan, maka Universitas Andalas dianggap mampu melakukan pemanfaatan sampah hingga 99,3 %. Kata kunci: Pemanfaatan sampah, kelestarian lingkungan, pengelolaan sampah yang berwawasan lingkunganABSTRACTManagement of solid waste has been changed from dumping to utilization. However, this concept is not fully applied yet by the government. Environmental sustainability awareness has been stimulating some community groups and institutions to actively involve in waste utilization. Andalas University as a leading higher education institution in Sumatera Island must give active contributions in solid waste management for environmental sustainability. Solid waste generation of 28 m3/day, which is projected to be 34 m3/day or 9 ton/day in 2017, offers huge enough potency for utilization. From the total solid waste generation in 2017, 26.6 % (2.4 ton/day) is food waste, 9.8 % (0.9 ton/day) is garden/road waste, 30.0 % (2.7 ton/day) is plastic waste, 25.3 % (2.3 ton/day) is paper waste, 1.5 % (0.1 ton/day) can, metal and iron waste and 6.9 % (0.6 ton/day) is micellaneous waste (textile, rubber, wood, glass etc). 33.7 % of food waste and garden/road waste may be recycled to compost around 1.2 ton/day, 2.1 % (0.2 ton/day) may be utilized for biogas and the rest 0.5 % (0.05 ton/day) is sent to TPA Air Dingin. Plastic waste and paper wich is 55.5 %, may be used for additional fuel for kiln unit of PT. Semen Padang. From 1.5 % can, metal and iron waste, 1.3 % may be reused or sold to third party while the reset (only 0.02 ton/day) must be disposed to TPA Air Dingin. Furthermore, the rest of waste generation account for 6.9 % composed of textile, rubber, kayu, kaca dll may be used as alternative fuel for kiln PT.Semen Padang. If this concept is practiced, then the Andalas University is considered capable of utilizing their waste up to 99.3 %.Keyword: Utilization solid waste, environmental sustainability, management of solid waste

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-228 ◽  
Hani Abu Qdais ◽  
Osama Saadeh ◽  
Mohamad Al-Widyan ◽  
Raed Al-tal ◽  
Muna Abu-Dalo

Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe the efforts undertaken to convert the large university campus of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) into a green, resource-efficient and low-carbon campus by following an action-oriented strategy. Sustainability features of the campus were discussed and benchmarked. Challenges were identified and remedial actions were proposed. Design/methodology/approach Taking 2015 as the baseline year, data on energy, water consumption and solid waste generation for the university campus were collected. Energy consumption for cooling, heating and transportation, besides electric power consumption, were reported, and the associated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were estimated. By calculating the full time equivalent of students and employees, carbon emission and water consumption per capita were calculated. A comparison with other universities worldwide was conducted. Findings Although located in a semiarid region with scarce water resources, JUST has set an example by greening its campus through an action-oriented approach. It was found that the per capita carbon emission for JUST campus was 1.33 ton of CO2 equivalent, which is less than the emissions from campuses of other universities worldwide. As for water, this study revealed that the daily per capita water consumption was about 56 L, which is approximately one-third of that for students in institutions in the USA. Furthermore, the findings of this study indicated that the average solid waste generation rate was 0.37 kg per student per day compared to 0.31 kg per capita per day when considering the university community (students and employees) collectively. These figures were less and thus compare favorably to the corresponding data for other universities in both developing and developed countries. Originality/value This research addresses the issue of greening JUST campus, which is one of the largest university campuses in the world. JUST campus is located in a semiarid, water-scarce country, which on its own poses a serious challenge. The originality and value of this study mainly stem from the facts that on the one hand, this is one of the unique and pioneering comprehensive studies of its type and, on the other hand, other universities with similar conditions can benefit from the findings of this research to meet the sustainability objectives on their campus operations.

Silmara Thais Mariosa ◽  
Márcia Keller Alves

A análise quantitativa da geração de resíduos sólidos no setor de refeições coletivas pode ser usada como indicativo de desperdício em uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN), prevenindo perdas econômicas e reduzindo o impacto ambiental causado pelos resíduos. O estudo teve como objetivo quantificar a geração de resíduos sólidos em uma UAN inserida em uma empresa do ramo metalúrgico. Foram avaliados os resíduos sólidos durante cinco dias alternados, sendo um dia em cada semana. Para servir 1.407 refeições foram gerados 134.925 g de resíduos sólidos alimentares, resultando em um per capita de 95,89 g/pessoa e 27.114 g de resíduos sólidos não alimentares, per capita de 19,27 g/pessoa. Do total de resíduos, 32,17% foram gerados no pré-preparo; 21,21% foram gerados no resto ingestão; 19,21% foram de sobra suja; 18,80% foram de resíduos não alimentares e 7,90% referentes à sobra limpa. Conclui-se que a UAN apresentou uma quantidade de resíduos sólidos per capita inferior aos valores reportados pela literatura, porém o controle de desperdício deve ser aplicado, constantemente, para dar continuidade na redução do desperdício alimentar e na geração de resíduos. Palavras-chave: Resíduos Sólidos. Nutrição. Desperdício de Alimentos. AbstractThe quantitative analysis of waste generation in the collective meal sector can be used as an indicator of waste in a Food and Nutrition Unit (FNU), preventing economic losses and reducing the environmental impact caused by the waste. This study aimed to quantify solid waste generation in a FNU inserted in a metallurgical company. The residues were evaluated during five alternate days, being one day in each week. In order to  serve 1,407 meals, 134,925 g of solid food waste was generated, resulting in a per capita of 95.89 g/person and 27,114 g of non-food solids per capita of 19.27 g/person. Of the total waste, 32.17% was generated in the pre-preparation; 21.21% was generated in the rest ingestion; 19.21% was dirty leftover food; 18.80% was disposable waste and 7.90% was clean waste. It is concluded that FNU presented a quantity of solid waste per capita lower than the values reported in the literature, but the waste control must be applied constantly to continue the reduction of food waste and waste generation. Keywords: Solid Residues. Nutrition Unit. Food Waste.

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Yenni Ruslinda

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan satuan timbulan dan komposisi sampah dari sumber institusi di Kota Padang, meliputi sampah dari sarana pendidikan, sarana kesehatan dan perkantoran. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh satuan timbulan sampah institusi Kota Padang sebesar 1,374 l/o/h (0,161 l/m2/h) dalam satuan volume atau 0,109 kg/o/h ( 0,009 kg/m2/h) dalam satuan berat. Pola timbulan sampah perhari didapatkan terjadi penurunan timbulan sampah pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu. Komposisi sampah institusi Kota Padang didominasi oleh sampah organik sebesar 94,42 % yang terdiri dari 34,39 % sampah makanan; 14,19 % kertas; 14,92 % plastik; 1,48 % tekstil; 0,08 % karet; 29,12 % sampah halaman; dan 0,25 % kayu dan sampah anorganik sebesar 5,58 % yang terdiri dari 0,82 % kaca; 1,32 % kaleng dan sisanya 3,44 % sampah lain-lain berupa baterai, seng, tembaga dan sampah medis. Berdasarkan data timbulan dan komposisi, pengolahan yang diusulkan untuk sampah institusi Kota Padang adalah daur ulang sampah kertas dan plastik, pengomposan sampah halaman dan sisa makanan dan pembakaran (insinerasi) sampah medis.Kata kunci : sampah institusi, timbulan sampah, komposisi sampah ABSTRACTThis research was aimed to determine the solid waste generation and composition from institution in Padang city, comprising solid waste from schools, health centre and office affairs. Solid waste generation of instutional solid waste in Padang city was 1.374 litre/person/day (0.161 litre/m2/day)in the volume unit, or 0.109 kg/person/day (0.009 kg/m2/day) in weight unit. There was the decline in the trend of solid waste generation per day on Saturday and Sunday. The composition of the institutional solid waste was dominated organic waste of 94.42% which consists of 34.39 % food waste, 14.19 % paper waste, 14.92 % plastic waste, 1.48 % textile fabric waste, 0.08 % rubber waste, 29.12 % yard waste and 0.25 % woods, while the inorganic waste was 5.58 % covering 0.82 % glass waste, 1.32 % cans and the remaining 3.44 % other waste like batteries, iron sheetings, copper materials, and medical waste. Based on the data of solid waste generation and composition, method for processing the institutional solid waste in Padang city was the recycle of paper and plastic waste, composting of yard and food waste and the incineration of medical waste as well.Keywords: institutional soild waste, solid waste generation, waste composition

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13242
Mochamad Arief Budihardjo ◽  
Natasya Ghinna Humaira ◽  
Soraya Annisa Putri ◽  
Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan ◽  
Syafrudin Syafrudin ◽  

Effective solid waste management strategies are recognized as efforts to achieve campus sustainability. The university campus is currently considered the center of various activities involving students, lecturers, staff, and other parties contributing to the consumption pattern of energy, water, and other resources. This study aims to estimate the quantity and compositions of waste generated on the Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) campus, identify the causes of waste generation, evaluate the relationships between variables through statistical analysis, and recommend possible strategies to reduce solid waste generation. The results show that the simultaneous contribution of the student-gender ratio, student awareness level, administrative staff background, and green space amounted to 67.7% of the waste generation at UNDIP. Therefore, these four factors need to be a concern for campus authorities in their efforts to handle campus waste. Student awareness in particular was determined to be the only factor that significantly affects solid waste generation. UNDIP may implement proper environmental education through sustainability courses in each faculty to reduce solid waste in higher education institutions since it has the most significant impact. Outcomes of this study could be used as a reference to develop sustainable campus strategies, recycling plans, and comprehensive waste management in higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 096-103
Geany Sharah Gumilar ◽  
Siti Ainun

ABSTRACT Educational institutions are places to conduct research and innovation to improve the quality of an independent environment. This study aims to determine the amount of waste generation and composition of institutions, especially the Bandung National Institute of Technology (Itenas). The sampling method is based on SNI 19-3964-1994 by measuring the production and composition of waste for eight consecutive days. The study results obtained an average generation of Itenas waste of 0.015 kg/m2/day or 0.156 kg/person/day in units of weight and 0.242 liters/m2/day or 2.446 liters/person/day in units of volume. The composition of Itenas waste is dominated by organic waste by 50.78%, which consists of food scraps and leaves, while other waste compositions include 14.09% plastic; 4.54% cardboard; 2.33% paper; 1.93% fabric; 1.21% glass; 0.08% cans; 0.03% metal; and 24.99% residue or other waste. The highest activities that produce organic waste in Itenas are canteen activities, while the Student Center (SC) activities make the highest amount of recyclable waste. Keywords: institutional solid waste, solid waste generation, waste composition, Bandung National Institution of Technology (Itenas)   ABSTRAK Institusi pendidikan adalah tempat untuk melakukan penelitian dan inovasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan yang mandiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan besaran timbulan dan komposisi sampah dari institusi khususnya Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung (Itenas). Metode sampling yang dilakukan berdasarkan SNI 19-3964-1994 dengan cara melakukan pengukuran timbulan dan komposisi sampah selama 8 hari berturut-turut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata timbulan sampah Itenas sebesar 0,015 kg/m2/hari atau 0,156 kg/orang/hari dalam satuan berat dan 0,242 liter/m2/hari atau 2,446 liter/orang/hari dalam satuan volume. Komposisi sampah Itenas didominasi oleh sampah organik sebesar 50,78% yang terdiri dari sisa makanan dan dedaunan, sedangkan komposisi sampah lainnya antara lain 14,09% plastik; 4,54% kardus; 2,33% kertas; 1,93% kain; 1,21% kaca; 0,08% kaleng; 0,03% logam; dan 24,99% residu atau sampah lainnya. Kegiatan yang paling tinggi menghasilkan sampah organik di Itenas adalah kegiatan kantin sedangkan kegiatan Student Center (SC) menghasilkan sampah daur ulang yang paling tinggi. Kata kunci: sampah institusi, timbulan sampah, komposisi sampah, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung (Itenas)

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 499-512 ◽  
Sunil Kumar ◽  
Rajamanikam Ramamoorthy ◽  
Gopalsamy Poyyamoli

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