scholarly journals The structure community of zooplankton and environmental conditions of the Kalimireng River estuary, Gresik, East Java

2022 ◽  
Vol 956 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
U Yanuhar ◽  
M Musa ◽  
A Oktaviana ◽  
N S Junirahma ◽  
N R Caesar

Abstract Water quality monitoring is a key component in the management of these important water resources and ecosystems. Biological indicators can be monitored continuously and are easy instructions for monitoring the occurrence of pollution. One of the biological parameters that can be used as a marker of environmental conditions is plankton. zooplankton can be used as study material to determine the quality and water productivity. The method used in this research is descriptive to determine the water quality condition in the estuary of the Kalimireng river biologically through the identification and characterization of zooplankton. Observations of plankton identification, plankton abundance, dominance index, and characterization of zooplankton were analyzed by fluorescence microscope observation. Three species of zooplankton were found in the waters of the Kalimireng estuary, Leptodiaptomus sp., Canthocamptus staphylinus, and Diaphanosoma bracyurum. Zooplankton is more abundant in water conditions at high tide compared to water conditions at low tide. At high tide, the highest abundance value was obtained at the station I at week 3, 843 ind/mL. At low tide, the highest abundance value was obtained at the station I at week 2,251 ind/L. The highest Dominance Index (D) at tidal water conditions is shown at station 2. This indicates that there is a community that dominates at that station.

2021 ◽  
Vol 193 (3) ◽  
Tadiyose Girma Bekele ◽  
Argaw Ambelu ◽  
Ruth Gebretsadik Chegen ◽  
Amanuel Girma Bekele ◽  
Seblework Mekonen ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-88 ◽  
Dejan Filipovic ◽  
Danijela Obradovic ◽  
Velimir Secerov

The characteristics of existing environmental conditions are basis for any kind of further environmental investigation in certain area. Special attention must be dedicated to the problem of water pollution and their protection, in view of water as one of the most valuable recourse in this area. This paper analyses existing water conditions in the Municipality of Kladovo and proposes mitigation measures.

2017 ◽  
Vol 98 (7) ◽  
pp. 1581-1588 ◽  
Veronica Farrugia Drakard ◽  
Sandro Lanfranco ◽  
Patrick J. Schembri

Macroalgal fouling communities are potentially useful as bioindicators in environmental monitoring as they are considered to be sensitive to changes in environmental conditions and the use of artificial substrata facilitates the implementation of standardized sampling strategies. The response of macroalgal fouling communities on buoys to changes in water quality was investigated with a view to the possible utilization of these assemblages in environmental monitoring programmes. Seven study sites were selected based on previously collected environmental data and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used to order sites according to beam attenuation coefficient (BAC) and concentration of dissolved nitrates and phosphates, relative to a minimally impacted reference site. At each site, all fouling macroalgae were collected from 10 buoys of standard shape and size, and were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. Species composition and species dominance were highly variable among impacted sites, indicating that qualitative aspects of community structure may not be useful as indicators of changes in water quality. However, higher levels of nutrient enrichment and turbidity were associated with lower macroalgal species richness, lower overall abundances, and decreased diversities, and therefore these quantitative aspects of community structure are potentially useful as indicators of environmental change. Intermediate levels of turbidity and nutrient enrichment were associated with lower evenness, but did not influence species richness, suggesting that macroalgal abundances respond to changes in environmental conditions before species replacement occurs.

S. I. Samsudin ◽  
S. I. M. Salim ◽  
K. Osman ◽  
S. F. Sulaiman ◽  
M. I. A. Sabri

The importance to monitor the water quality level is undeniable due to significant impact to human health and ecosystem. The project aims to develop a wireless water quality monitoring system that aids in continuous measurements of water conditions based on pH and turbidity measurements. These two sensors are connected to microprocessor and transmitted to the database by using a Wi-Fi module as a bridge. The developed system was successfully detect both the pH and turbidity values hence updating in IoT platform. Based on the results obtained, the test water sample can be classified to class IIB which is suitable for water recreational used body contact. Overall, the developed system offers fast and easy monitoring of pH and turbidity levels with IoT application for continuous maintenance of clean water. The work is just concern on the physical water parameters hence further extend to chemical parameter for verifying a better result in measuring the WQI value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Bima Setya Kusumaraga ◽  
Syamsudduha Syahrorini ◽  
Dwi Hadidjaja ◽  
Izza Anshory

Guppy fish is one type of ornamental fish that is widely kept in aquariums. Water temperature, water pH, and water turbidity are important factors for the life and development of guppy fish in an aquarium. The ideal water conditions for guppy fish in the aquarium are 23-27oC, a pH value of 6.5-7.5, and a water turbidity level of 0-25 NTU. To maintain ideal water conditions, research is needed to keep the aquarium water conditions stable. The research was conducted by experimenting using the NodeMCU platform as a microcontroller and the DS18B20 temperature sensor for sensing water temperature, a pH sensor 4502C, and a TDS sensor for sensing water turbidity. Testing is done by detecting the condition of the aquarium water with all sensors simultaneously to find out the water conditions in real time. The test results show that the tool designed is able to maintain water temperature at 23-27 oC, maintain pH values at 6.5-7.5, and water turbidity at 0-25 NTU. Thus the tool is able to maintain the ideal aquarium water quality for guppies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 84 (17) ◽  
Derek Rothenheber ◽  
Stephen Jones

ABSTRACTFecal pollution at coastal beaches requires management efforts to address public health and economic concerns. Feces-borne bacterial concentrations are influenced by different fecal sources, environmental conditions, and ecosystem reservoirs, making their public health significance convoluted. In this study, we sought to delineate the influences of these factors on enterococcal concentrations in southern Maine coastal recreational waters. Weekly water samples and water quality measurements were conducted at freshwater, estuarine, and marine beach sites from June through September 2016. The samples were analyzed for total and particle-associated enterococcal concentrations, total suspended solids, and microbial source tracking markers (PCR: Bac32, HF183, CF128, DF475, and Gull2; quantitative PCR [qPCR]: AllBac, HF183, and GFD). Water, soil, sediment, and marine sediment samples were also subjected to 16S rRNA sequencing and SourceTracker analysis to determine the influence from these environmental reservoirs on water sample microbial communities. Enterococcal and particle-associated enterococcal concentrations were elevated in freshwater, but the concentrations of suspended solids were relatively similar. Mammal fecal contamination was significantly elevated in the estuary, with human and bird fecal contaminant levels similar between sites. A partial least-squares regression model indicated particle-associated enterococcal and mammal marker concentrations had the most significant positive relationships with enterococcal concentrations across marine, estuary, and freshwater environments. Freshwater microbial communities were significantly influenced by underlying sediment, while estuarine/marine beach communities were influenced by freshwater, high tide height, and estuarine sediment. Elevated enterococcal levels were reflective of a combination of increased fecal source input, environmental sources, and environmental conditions, highlighting the need for encompassing microbial source tracking (MST) approaches for managing water quality issues.IMPORTANCEEnterococci have long been the federal standard in determining water quality at estuarine and marine environments. Although enterococci are highly abundant in the intestines of many animals, they are not exclusive to that environment and can persist and grow outside fecal tracts. This presents a management problem for areas that are largely impaired by nonpoint source contamination, as fecal sources might not be the root cause of contamination. This study employed different microbial source tracking methods for delineating the influences from fecal source input, environmental sources, and environmental conditions to determine which combination of variables are influencing enterococcal concentrations in recreational waters at a historically impaired coastal town. The results showed that fecal source input, environmental sources, and conditions all play roles in influencing enterococcal concentrations. This highlights the need to include an encompassing microbial source tracking approach to assess the effects of all important variables on enterococcal concentrations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-270
Anantya Setya Perdana ◽  
Raden Ario ◽  
Hadi Endrawati

ABSTRAK: Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat merupakan muara sungai terbesar di Semarang yang alirannya langsung menuju ke laut. Terdapat beberapa aktifitas yang terjadi di sepanjang aliran ini, diantaranya yaitu aktifitas industri dan pemukiman penduduk. Selain itu, adanya pembuangan limbah rumah tangga yang masuk ke dalam badan sungai yang juga berdampak bagi perubahan kualitas perairan serta kehidupan ekosistem di sepanjang aliran sungai tersebut. Fitoplankton merupakan organisme perairan yang keberadaannya dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator kualitas perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi, kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks keseragaman, dan indeks dominasi fitoplankton di Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Oktober-Desember 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif eksploratif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak tiga periode dengan interval dua minggu sekali di tiga stasiun. Stasiun 1 merupakan perairan air tawar, stasiun 2 merupakan muara dan stasiun 3 merupakan perairan air laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 24 genus fitoplankton dari 3 kelas, yaitu 17 genus dari kelas Bacillariophyceae, 5 genus dari kelas Dinophyceae dan 2 genus dari kelas Cyanophyceae dengan kelimpahan terbesar terdapat pada Stasiun 3 sebesar 67669 sel/L dan terendah pada Stasiun 1 sebesar 52287 sel/L, indeks keanekaragaman termasuk kategori sedang. Indeks keseragaman termasuk dalam kategori tinggi, indeks dominansi termasuk dalam kategori tidak ada jenis yang mendominasi. Berdasarkan kriteria penilaian menurut Shannon – Wiener bahwa perairan tersebut tergolong ke dalam perairan tercemar sedang. ABSTRACT: The Banjir Kanal Barat River Canal is the largest river estuary in Semarang that flows directly to the sea. There are several activities that occur along this flow, including industrial activities and human settlements. In addition, the disposal of household waste that enters the river body also has an impact on changes in water quality and ecosystem life along the river flow. Phytoplankton is aquatic organisms whose existence can be used as indicators of water quality. This study aims to determine the composition, abundance, diversity index, uniformity index, and a dominance index of phytoplankton in the West Banjir Canal River Estuary in Semarang. This research was conducted in October-December 2019. The method used is a descriptive exploratory method. Sampling was conducted in three periods with biweekly intervals at three stations. Station 1 is freshwater waters, station 2 is estuary and station 3 is seawater waters. The results showed that there were 24 genera of phytoplankton from 3 classes, namely 17 genera from the Bacillariophyceae class, 5 genera from the Dinophyceae class and 2 genera from the Cyanophyceae class with the greatest abundance at Station 3 at 67669 cells/L and lowest at Station 1 at 52287 cells/L, the diversity index is in the medium category. Uniformity index is included in the high category, dominance index is included in the category of no species that dominates. Based on the evaluation criteria according to Shannon-Wiener that the waters are classified as medium polluted waters.

Rosealea M. Bond ◽  
Joseph D. Kiernan ◽  
Ann-Marie K. Osterback ◽  
Cynthia H. Kern ◽  
Alexander E. Hay ◽  

AbstractIn California (USA), seasonal lagoons provide important oversummer rearing habitat for juvenile steelhead trout (anadromous Oncorhynchus mykiss). However, key water quality parameters such as temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration can periodically approach or exceed the physiological tolerances of steelhead during the protracted dry season. A field study employing distributed temperature sensing technology, water quality monitoring, habitat mapping, and mark-recapture sampling was conducted to examine how shifting environmental conditions affected the performance and behavior of juvenile steelhead in the Scott Creek estuary/lagoon (Santa Cruz County). Abiotic conditions were driven by episodic inputs of seawater to the typically freshwater lagoon. During midsummer, the water column was vertically stratified which reduced suitable lagoon rearing habitat by approximately 40%. Nevertheless, steelhead abundance, growth, and condition factor were high during the summer and decreased in autumn following lagoon destratification and cooling. Unlike previous work, this study identified limited emigration from the lagoon to riverine habitat during the summer. Instead, juvenile steelhead exhibited crepuscular movement patterns within the lagoon, with peaks in upstream (to upper lagoon habitat) and downstream (to lower lagoon habitat) movement occurring at dawn and dusk, respectively. This study underscores that habitat complexity and connectivity are critical for juvenile steelhead production and persistence and provides insight into steelhead habitat use and behavior in seasonal lagoons.

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