scholarly journals Smart Controlling system for Kitchen Fire Protection based Internet of Things

2021 ◽  
Vol 1125 (1) ◽  
pp. 012073
Haryanto ◽  
L Anifah ◽  
D Rahmawati ◽  
A K Sahputra ◽  
D T Laksono
Fares M. A. Taha ◽  
Abdalla A. Osman ◽  
Sally Dfaallah Awadalkareem ◽  
Mysoon S.A. Omer ◽  
Razan S.M. Saadaldeen

2014 ◽  
Vol 1006-1007 ◽  
pp. 534-537 ◽  
An Wang ◽  
Xiang Qing Zhang

the internet of things, an important part of the new generation information technology, is known as a information industry wave after the computer, internet and mobile communication network, and has been included into the core area of Chinese strategic emerging industry. In view of unceasingly domestic food safety problems, the paper put forward the construction of food safety monitoring system based on internet of things technology, to promote resource-saving, environment-friendly society sustainable development.

Internet of Things is a medium by which we can control our appliances from anywhere in the world. In Industry many times accidents happened due to negligence of workers and there are some risky areas in Industry where workers not able to go and work. Voice-controlled Industrial parameters monitoring and controlling system are used in the risky areas of Industries usually in power plants where there are high noise level and pollution to avoid accidents. Here an induction motor speed, temperature, pressure, etc are monitored and controlled to avoid damage to the motor. These all the parameters are going to monitor and controlled automatically. In this paper, Google-Assistant and Adafruit IO server are used for monitoring and controlling. By using this system the workers can monitor and control Industrial appliances and problems occur in Industries where workers not able to go and work are overcome.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 514-522 ◽  
Hao Luo ◽  
Peiling Yang ◽  
Yunkai Li ◽  
Feipeng Xu

2013 ◽  
Vol 423-426 ◽  
pp. 2832-2836
Hong Mei Qu ◽  
Xiao San Tao

The intelligent controlling system of intelligent building can apply Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for creating various controlling operations. The aim of this paper is the development of an intelligent monitoring system of intelligent building based on IoT. We introduce the working principle of the monitoring system, the hardware platform as well as its software collectivity frame. In addition, some key technologies for implement the monitoring system are described. The system can carry out various functions, such as fault detection, data processing, storage and alarming of the operating status parameters, querying history data, tracing real time instances by means of acquiring the operating status data from various testing sensors and the like. It also can record various types of operating parameters and send them to control platform by network. The system could effectively solve the problem of the monitoring and management of the operation tasks. Consequently it could greatly improve the efficiency of the management and controlling of the intelligent building.

Anenda Happy Safitra

As technology has developed rapidly nowadays, it arises some impacts. Controlling electronic devices using the smart home application can ease users to control household electronic equipment to reduce el,ectricity wastefulness when the users forget to turn them off. Towards the aim, the author conducted research on the energy efficiency of lamps used in Internet of Things (IoT) technology.The research developed a controlling system (on-off) of 5 arduino-based LED lamps. The website would control the LED lamps which will send data to the server where the server will continue the data to arduino to read the command: ON or OFF. Next, arduino will send the LED’s status to the server to perform the LED status display on the website. Blackbox testing is used to better utilize the functional aspects of the system designed for users’ convenience in controlling LED lamps based on the appearance of the website. Therefore, the system can show that the functions of both hardware and website controlling the LED lamps are running well and can be used by users easily and usefully.

Guiling Sun ◽  
Sirui Wang ◽  
Hai Wang ◽  
Yi Gao

Aiming at the teaching challenge of cultivating integrated talents of Internet of things worldwide, and combining with the social background of fire rescue and management problems, We propose a virtual simulation teaching platform for the Internet of Things under the background of intelligent fire protection application. Based on the overall structure of the Internet of Things, different fire scenarios that cannot be simulated in real life are constructed through virtual simulation technology. OMNet++ technology is adopted to carry out virtual deployment of fire nodes for the overall structure of the building, and experiments such as cluster routing simulation, communication transmission simulation and wireless sensor node data acquisition simulation are designed. Meanwhile, a 3D fire data model is established using big data to simulate the best fire extinguishing scheme and the best escape strategy. From aspects of the Internet of Things system design and development, sensor principle and application, Internet of Things communication technology and Internet of Things data storage and application, we have realized the efficiency, innovation and challenge of the Internet of Things teaching.The virtual simulation teaching platform we built has been deployed and put into practical teaching, which has received positive response from students and achieved excellent teaching effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 2436-2440

This work is primarily about the improvement of current agricultural practices by using modern technologies for betterment of agriculture and modernization the traditional agriculture system. Internet of Things(IoT) plays a crowning role in smart agriculture. The project will help root level farmers to get into smart irrigation in term of agriculture. Which provide greater service in less cost in irrigation and lowest man power. Smart irrigation is an empirical concept because IoT sensors capable of providing information about their agriculture fields and making irrigation automated by Internet of Things. The feature of this paper includes monitoring temperature, humidity, pH and water level in agricultural field through sensors. The data from sensors are sent to Web server database using wireless transmission. Controlling of all these operations will be through any remote smart device or computer connected to internet and rain condition is also applied to the operations. It will be performed by interfacing sensors, IFTT app, Smart agriculture app, Wi-Fi and raspberry pi.

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