scholarly journals Construction Of Express Roads In Latvian State Main Road Network

2021 ◽  
Vol 1202 (1) ◽  
pp. 012004
Dace Bērziņa

Abstract Latvian State Road Development Strategy for 2020 – 2040 was approved in the year 2020. It is a vision that includes long-term perspectives, strategic goals, tasks and priorities for road network development, and it is created for more efficient planning of state road network development, as well as, attracting additional funding for state owned roads. The aim of the Strategy 2040 is to create an efficient road network ensuring that the bypass of the Riga City is accessible within two hours from every national and regional development centre in Latvia. Development centres would be accessible within 45 minutes from every Latvian urban settlement along state regional and local roads. The strategic task is to create sections of express roads in the total length of 1000 kilometres thus improving traffic safety and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. When creating the Strategy 2040 both the changes in traffic and road use and the changes in the location of population were studied. The Strategy foresees that high-speed express road sections would connect the Riga City with the biggest cities. The proposed plan of road network development is created with the aim to cover as large a population as possible. Special attention is paid to the Riga City, as it serves as the central hub for Latvian and Baltic transportation. After the implementation of the Strategy 2040, the Riga City would be reached within 30 minutes from the nearest development centres.

2013 ◽  
Vol 361-363 ◽  
pp. 2270-2275
Xian Guang Wang ◽  
Xiao Nian Sun

Interchange entrance area is the key point which affects the overall operational reliability of an Interchange. In order to alleviate the crowded ramp merging area, improve the overall reliability of the interchange and improve traffic safety, when traffic demand increases to a certain extent, traffic control strategies should be used. According of the characteristics of the interchange ramp entrance area, the control strategy of interchange and the mainline which affect the reliability of high-speed road network most has been researched. Analyzing the geometric and traffic characteristics of the ramp merging area, different control strategies on the ramp and the mainline are proposed, that is ramp access control strategy and the main line lane running constraint strategy.

2010 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-44
Anriani Safar ◽  
Muhammad Y. Jinca ◽  
Roland Barkey

An Analysis of Priority of Road Network Development in Papua Province (supervised bt; M.Yamin Jinca and Rol.a.nd A. Barket;)The aim of the study was to discover the condition and potential of road development and factorsaffecting its development.The study was a survey using a questionnaire to stakeholders as respondents. The data were analyzedbt; using multi criteria analysis, namely scalogram and hierarchy process.T7re results of the study indicate that the region condition affects the road network developmentespecially at the area with difficult topographic conditions (mountainous) which become the constraintin the developnrent of l.a.nd transportation. The main priority in handling the road network isregion development. The other factors are accessibility, mobz1ity and hierarchy of road network. Thethree factors are not quite different from each other, but they have a low effect on the road networkperformana!. The prioritiy of road development is from Jayapura to Wamena to Mulia, Waena toArso V, Jai;apura to Hamadi to Holtekamp to PNG Border.Keywords : Transportation network, regional development, accessibz1ity and mobilih;.

Yulin Feng ◽  
Yu Hou ◽  
Lizhong Jiang ◽  
Wangbao Zhou ◽  
Jian Yu ◽  

The track irregularity spectrum of longitudinally connected ballastless track (LCBT)-bridge systems of high-speed railway was proposed in this paper. First, a simulation model of an LCBT-continuous girder bridge was established by considering the influences of approach bridges and subgrade with track structure. Further, a large number of sample analyses were carried out by taking into account the uncertainty of LCBT-bridge systems and stochastic behaviors of ground motions based on the simulation model. The damage laws of residual deformation of track-bridge system after earthquake actions were studied. Then, an interlayer deformation coordination relationship (IDCR) considering the track irregularity caused by earthquake-induced damage of bearings was developed, and the superposed track irregularity samples were obtained. Finally, by using the improved Blackman–Turkey method and Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm, the LCBT irregularity spectrum, track irregularity spectrogram, track irregularity limit spectrum, and a fitting formula for the track irregularity spectrum on a bridge after the action of earthquakes were obtained. Results obtained from the fitting formula and IDCR were compared, and they indicated that tracks undergone significant high-frequency irregularity diseases after the earthquake action. It was found that the track irregularity spectrum could be roughly divided into three ranges: high-, medium- and low-frequency wavebands. Consequently, this led to an application of a three-segment power function for the fitting of the track irregularity spectrum after the earthquake action. The track irregularity spectrum after the action of earthquakes provides an important theoretical basis for the establishment of seismic design methods for high-speed railway bridges based on the traffic safety performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 231 ◽  
pp. 01018 ◽  
Joanna Wachnicka

The analysis of national data on the number of deaths showed that in Poland from 2010 to 2016 it was possible to reduce the number of fatalities by about 22%. The tendency of changes in the number of fatalities, however, is not homogeneous. When data of individual voivodships is analyzed, the situation is different. The largest reduction in fatalities in the analyzed period of time concerned voivodship Świętokrzyskie, where there was more than 45% drop in the number of fatalities. The following voivodships: Łódzkie, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie recorded a decrease in over 30% of fatalities. Unfortunately, at the end of the classification there were four voivodships with a fall below 8%, and what is disturbing voivodship Lubuskie recorded a nearly 5% increase in the number of fatalities. The current traffic safety management at the level of voivodships is often the implementation of central recommendations, which, as results from the analysis of statistical data, are not equally effective in every province. Therefore, models for forecasting changes in road safety are required. Taking into account local characteristics and implemented actions can be used to manage security more effectively at the regional level. This paper presents examples of the use of mathematical models to predict the number of fatalities in individual voivodships depending on the adopted action scenarios. Regression models were developed, taking into account demographic, infrastructural, economic and automotive factors. It turned out that in individual voivodships, various factors affect the level of road safety on roads differently. Therefore, an individual approach to each voivodship is important in order to reliably forecast the level of security.

M Budzynski ◽  
K Jamroz ◽  
W Kustra ◽  
J Zukowska

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 3151-3180 ◽  
O. G. Pritchard ◽  
S. H. Hallett ◽  
T. S. Farewell

Abstract. Unclassified roads comprise 60% of the road network in the United Kingdom (UK). The resilience of this locally important network is declining. It is considered by the Institution of Civil Engineers to be "at risk" and is ranked 26th in the world. Many factors contribute to the degradation and ultimate failure of particular road sections. However, several UK local authorities have identified that in drought conditions, road sections founded upon shrink/swell susceptible clay soils undergo significant deterioration compared with sections on non-susceptible soils. This arises from the local road network having little, if any structural foundations. Consequently, droughts in East Anglia have resulted in millions of pounds of damage, leading authorities to seek emergency governmental funding. This paper assesses the use of soil-related geohazard assessments in providing soil-informed maintenance strategies for the asset management of the locally important road network of the UK. A case study draws upon the UK administrative county of Lincolnshire, where road assessment data have been analysed against mapped clay-subsidence risk. This reveals a statistically significant relationship between road condition and susceptible clay soils. Furthermore, incorporation of UKCP09 future climate projections within the geohazard models has highlighted roads likely to be at future risk of clay-related subsidence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-67
S. P. Solyannikova ◽  
N. O. Bondarenko

The subject of the researchis the activity of sovereign funds as a tool of the budgetary policy ensuring the sustainability of the budget system and having a positive impact on the national currency rate.The relevance of the researchis due, first, to the changing conditions, goals and tasks of establishing sovereign funds in the XXI century and, second, to the need to update approaches to coordination of the fiscal and monetary policies with account for modern macroeconomic challenges and shocks.The purpose of the researchwas to identify current trends in the development of sovereign funds and define the main areas for improving the mechanism for the formation of sovereign funds and making use of their money in Russia. Based on the analysis of the foreign and domestic experience in running sovereign funds, the paper reveals the stages and trends of their development. It also shows the changes in the conceptual approaches, sources and rules for the formation of sovereign funds and analyzes the prospects of their modernization. A special focus is placed on increasing the transparency of sovereign funds, in particular, Russian funds.The paper concludesthat in order to achieve the strategic goals and tasks of the Russian National Wealth Fund it is necessary to develop a long-term development strategy for Russian sovereign funds. Besides, to reduce the dependence of the budget system revenues on the world market prices, parts of corporate tax revenues and PIT revenues can be transferred to the National Welfare Fund, which will make it possible to maintain the counter-cyclical nature of the budgetary policy.

Qibin Zhou ◽  
Qingang Su ◽  
Dingyu Yang

Real-time traffic estimation focuses on predicting the travel time of one travel path, which is capable of helping drivers selecting an appropriate or favor path. Statistical analysis or neural network approaches have been explored to predict the travel time on a massive volume of traffic data. These methods need to be updated when the traffic varies frequently, which incurs tremendous overhead. We build a system RealTER⁢e⁢a⁢l⁢T⁢E, implemented on a popular and open source streaming system StormS⁢t⁢o⁢r⁢m to quickly deal with high speed trajectory data. In RealTER⁢e⁢a⁢l⁢T⁢E, we propose a locality-sensitive partition and deployment algorithm for a large road network. A histogram estimation approach is adopted to predict the traffic. This approach is general and able to be incremental updated in parallel. Extensive experiments are conducted on six real road networks and the results illustrate RealTE achieves higher throughput and lower prediction error than existing methods. The runtime of a traffic estimation is less than 11 seconds over a large road network and it takes only 619619 microseconds for model updates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 171-177
Т.Б. Лейберт ◽  
Э.А. Халикова ◽  
S.V. Davletova

Одним из важных аспектов в системе корпоративного управления вертикально-интегрированной нефтяной компании (ВИНК) является система стратегического планирования и контроллинга, основанная на целеполагании, выборе стратегических инициатив и ключевых целей бизнеса, ключевых показателей эффективности бизнеса. При этом необходимо понимать, что формирование стратегии развития бизнеса на долгосрочную перспективу в нефтяной компании невозможно без учета маркетинга, выступающего в качестве инструментария и информационной среды для обоснования и правильного выбора стратегических целей, а также для составления стратегического плана и организации его контроля. One of the important aspects in the corporate governance system of a vertically integrated oil company is the strategic planning and controlling system based on goal setting, the choice of strategic initiatives and key business goals, and key business performance indicators. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the formation of a business development strategy for the long term in an oil company is not possible without taking into account marketing, which acts as a toolkit and information environment for justifying and choosing the right strategic goals, as well as for drawing up a strategic plan and organizing its control.

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