scholarly journals Control Systems of Rubber Dryer Machinery Components Using Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

Hendra ◽  
A. S. Yulianto ◽  
A. Indriani ◽  
Hernadewita ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 89-161
L. Ashok Kumar ◽  
M. Senthilkumar

Nurul Chairunnisa

Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) adalah suatu rangkaian yang mampu memindahkan beban dari sumber listrik utama ke sumber listrik cadangan. Apabila kemudian PLN kembali normal selanjutnya ATS bertugas untuk mengembalikan jalurnya dengan memindahkan switch kembali ke sisi utama. Suplai daya utama dari PLN tidak selamanya berkesinambungan, suatu saat pasti terjadi pemadaman yang dapat disebabkan oleh perawatan secara berkala atau pun gangguan pada pembangkit di sistem distribusi dan sistem transmisi. Maka untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan back up daya yang berupa generator. Kendala dalam menggunakan generator ini adalah ketika suplai daya dari PLN terputus operator akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam menghidupkan generator, inilah mengapa kita membutuhkan alat bantu otomatis untuk mempermudah operator yakni ATS. Alat yang dibuat ini dilengkapi dengan Programmable logic control (PLC), PLC ini merupakan sistem kontrol utama untuk alat yang akan dibuat sebagai kontrol otomatis sehingga memudahkan dalam pembuatan, instalasi, dan perawatan.Kata kunci : ATS, PLC, Generator

Santi Triwijaya ◽  
Arief Darmawan ◽  
Andri Pradipta ◽  
Dara Aulia Feriando

A cable car is a hanging car that runs by cable. Cable car carrier controlled by DC motor. The cable car can be a solution to accommodate the mobilization of agricultural commodities in areas that are difficult to access while still paying attention to safety and reliability. In this research, the speed of a cable car would be automatically controlled with Programmable Logic Control (PLC). PLC functions as a cable car operation controller by considering 3 parameters, namely: wind speed, maximum load weight, and distance (meters). The speed of the cable car is controlled by the PLC using fuzzy logic. Cable car speed is based on parameters of wind speed, load weight and distance. From the results obtained, the PLC has worked well in regulating the speed of the cable car and if any parameter exceeds the PLC limit, it can turn off the cable car.

2014 ◽  
Vol 554 ◽  
pp. 469-473
Nasution Henry ◽  
W.G. Munan ◽  
Abdul Aziz Azhar ◽  
Kasni Sumeru ◽  
Abdul Latiff Zulkarnain

This project present an experimental test results on energy consumption of a refrigerator compressor triggered by using thermostat and programmable logic control (PLC). The PLC modulates the speeds of the compressor according to refrigeration load using inverter based on control law written in the PLC memory. The temperature setting for both thermostat and PLC were varied at-8 °C and-10 °C respectively. At-8°C the results indicate PLC consumed 4.45 to 6.79% less energy compared to thermostat setting. While at-10°C, the saving made through PLC is in the range of 6.43 to 12.88%. The fluctuation of freezer compartment is better when PLC controlled. As the energy input to compressor is lower due to the slower speed, this enhanced the coefficient of performance (COP).

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