programmable logic control
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Cafer Gencoglan ◽  
Serpil Gençoğlan

The aim of this study is to model the system that measures soil hydraulic conductivity using Programmable Logic Control (PLC), pressure transducer and motor pump in workshop conditions. In the study, a plastic pipe with a length of 2 m and a diameter of 100 was prepared to simulate an auger hole. In addition, a set was created using PLC and its module. In the hydraulic conductivity measurement system, the auger hole method (the bottom of the auger hole is above the impermeable layer) is used. Using the auger-hole equation, the system’s program was written in CODESYS-ST language and uploaded to the PLC. As a result of the regression analysis between the water head in the pipe (auger-hole) measured by hand (ESY) and PLC (PLCSY), an equation as PLCSY = 0,99ESY + 1,69 (R² = 1) was obtained and the Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) of these two data sets was calculated as 0,41%. Each hydraulic conductivity measurement time is approximately 5, 6 and 8 minutes when the valve is fully open and half open and one-third open. The distance from the pipe base to the static level (d, cm) was measured as averages of 122.83, 123.91 and 123.7 cm on, respectively. In the first quarter section, the average times taken for the water level to rise from 20 to 25, 25 to 30, 30 to 35 and 35 to 40 was determined as 4.4, 6.0 and 26.1 seconds, respectively. The hydraulic conductivity values were calculated as 18.6, 13.2 and 3.1 cm/hour at the valve openings, respectively. The measured data is saved on an SD card. All of these processes are done automatically. The expectation that this system will measure hydraulic conductivity accurately, economically and quickly in field conditions is high and should be tested in field conditions.

Jaelaludin Jaelaludin ◽  
St Nawal Jaya ◽  
Achmad Nur Aliansyah

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah prototipe sistem pemilah barang logam berdasarkan ukuran tinggi dan pendek menggunakan Programmable logic control (PLC). Sensor proximity dengan tipe induktif digunakan untuk mengenali ukuran benda logam. Untuk benda logam dengan ukuran tinggi akan di simpan ke tempat penyimpanan yang ada di bagian ujung convejor sedangkan untuk benda pendek akan di dorong oleh silinder ke tempat penyimpanan yang ada di bagian samping convejor. PLC di program dengan menggunakan Bahasa ladder diagram memalui software GX Works 2. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, keseluruhan sistem mampu bekerja dengan baik dan mampu mengenali objek dengan tepat. Untuk pengembangan kedepannya prototipe dapat dilengkapi dengan tampilan antar muka agar memudahkan pengguna untuk menghitung jumlah barang yang telah dipisahkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Ridwan Nur Saputra ◽  
Asep Andang ◽  
Abdul Chobir

ABSTRAK Perkembangan media pembelajaran pada dunia pendidikan di era industry 4.0 menjadi prioritas sebagai sarana penunjang kegiatan praktikum dilakukan sehingga mahasiswa mampu memahami pelajaran yang disampaikan. Dengan teknologi yang berkembang dengan cepat dan serba otomatis, maka mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami cara kerja suatu sistem.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat alat praktikum yang dapat menyimulasikan proses Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP) menggunakan Programmable Logic Control (PLC) yang dapat diprogram dengan layar panel Human Machine Interface (HMI) sebagai tampilan proses yang bekerja serta membuat modul pembelajaran dasar bahasa pemograman untuk PLC dan HMI. Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Development dengan teknik ADDIE dari Robert Maribe Branch (2009) yaitu: Analisis, Desain, Develop, Implementasi, dan  Evaluasi.  Dari hasil pengujian kelayakan dengan total nilai 51,06 dan persentase 85% trainer mendapat kategori “SANGAT LAYAK” serta pengujian reliabilitas dengan nilai alpha 0,75 mendapat kategori “RELIABEL”. Hasil pengujian blackbox secara keseluruhan alat yang telah dirancang dapat dikatakan bekerja secara optimal sesuai dengan yang diharapkan sebagai alat praktikum. Modul pembelajaran dasar bahasa pemograman mudah dipahami dan telah disetujui oleh dosen pembimbing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Pebriyanto S ◽  
Hernadewita Hernadewita ◽  
Hermiyetti Hermiyetti ◽  
Yoserizal Yoserizal

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Haris Mastain Arzaq

The rapid development of automation system is inseparable from the development of technology in the field of control. In its development, a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) has been widely used on an industrial scale. PLC programmable can be used as a controller of three phase induction motor. If an error occurs, it can be quickly identified and the work function of each device can be monitored and will also be easier to develop a method of control in the industry. This situation led to many large industries using PLC for all control equipment. In this study created a system of control of three phase induction motor using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with the method of Star (Y). Inrush current when the displacement of the position of Star (Y) to Delta (Δ) is expected to be reduced. The results of the research that has been done the tool can work well and yield value in accordance with the theory. As well as a tool in the design of specialized trainer so it can be used as a learning media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012045
Y Prasetyo ◽  
N A Hidayatullah ◽  
B Artono ◽  
B Danu S

2021 ◽  
Setyo Supratno ◽  
Seta Samsiana ◽  
Aeri Sujatmika ◽  
Muhamad Fajar Hermawan

Elvy Sahnur Nasution ◽  
Muhammad Fitra Zambak ◽  
Suhendra Suhendra ◽  
Arnawan Hasibuan

Maintain the availability of clean water in a multy-storey building make the water pump motor oprate continuously which can cause motor damage quickly, because there is no replacement system change of operation of the clean water pump motor conventional outomatic control. PLC (Programmable Logic Control) type Schneider Smart Relay Zelio Logic can be an opration to overcome clean water pump motor operation system to replace convensional automated system in to PLCbased automated systems. Simulation of the operational of a clean water pump motor in a multi-storey build use PLC software type Schneider Zelio Soft2 type SR2B121BD operate 3 clean water pump motors alternately between the source pump motor and the transfer pump motor, measurement of operating time transfer pump motor 1 with transfer pump motor 2 and the design of the alaram system trip to avoid damage to the motor using alarm rirens. Operating of PLC-based outomatic water pump motor very helpful oprator to operate the clean water pump motorized, where the operation of a clean water pump motor can be changed trought software as needed.

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