Animal Suffering and the Fall

Michael J. Murray
Sains Insani ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-67
Mohd Mahyeddin Mohd Salleh ◽  
Irwan Mohd Subri

Deer antler velvet is one of the important ingredients used in traditional medicine by many Asean countries including Malaysia. However, there is doubt regarding the halalness of the medicine derived from deer antler velvet taken alive due to the conflict of fatwa. The objective of this paper is to analyse the position of medicine derives from deer antler velvet from Shariah perspectives. The qualitative methode used through documents analysis, interview and observation. The finding shows that the conflict exists because of the different of ijtihad when the deer antler velvet taken from the animal alive. It is due to the issue, whether it hurt the animal or vice versa. Based on the scientific observation, it is proven that deer antler velvet is part of the animal organ and the nerve connected can make the animal suffering if it is taken alive. It is totally different from halal animal fur that remove while they still alive. Thus, any medication derived from deer antler velvet is not permissible and unclean (najs). Alternatively, to make it halal, the animal should be slaughtered before removing the deer antler valvet.   Keywords: deer antler velvet, medicine, fatwa, halal, haram   ABSTRAK: Tanduk rusa baldu merupakan antara bahan penting yang dimanfaatkan dalam bidang perubatan herba tradisional di kebanyakan negara asia, termasuk di Malaysia. Bagaimanapun, timbul ketidakpastian hukum terhadap ubat tanduk rusa baldu yang dipotong ketika masih hidup, iaitu sama ada ia boleh dikategorikan sebagai produk yang halal atau haram untuk dimanfaatkan, lantaran wujud konflik fatwa di Malaysia mengenainya. Objektif kajian ini adalah bagi menganalisis hukum ubat daripada tanduk rusa baldu menurut perpektif halal dan haram. Bagi mencapai objektif tersebut, kaedah kualitatif digunakan menerusi pendekatan analisis dokumen, temubual dan pemerhatian. Hasil kajian mendapati antara punca perbezaan pendapat fuqaha dalam menentukan hukum tanduk yang dipotong semasa hidup adalah disebabkan ijtihad mereka yang berbeza terhadap tanduk haiwan, iaitu sama ada ia termasuk dalam kategori anggota yang menyakitkan jika dipotong atau tidak menyakitkan. Berdasarkan maklumat saintifik dan pemerhatian, terbukti bahawa tanduk rusa baldu adalah sejenis anggota yang bersaraf dan menyakitkan jika dipotong ketika hidup, dan tidak boleh disamakan dengan kes bulu haiwan halal. Justeru, produk perubatan berasaskan tanduk rusa yang diperolehi secara kaedah pemotongan tersebut adalah haram dan najis. Sebagai alternatif, pengambilan tanduk rusa menerusi kaedah penyembelihan secara syarak boleh menukar statusnya menjadi produk yang halal.   Kata kunci: tanduk rusa, baldu, perubatan, fatwa, halal, haram

Ethics ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 88 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-138
Michael Fox

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 1200
Franziska Schollemann ◽  
Carina Barbosa Pereira ◽  
Stefanie Rosenhain ◽  
Andreas Follmann ◽  
Felix Gremse ◽  

Even though animal trials are a controversial topic, they provide knowledge about diseases and the course of infections in a medical context. To refine the detection of abnormalities that can cause pain and stress to the animal as early as possible, new processes must be developed. Due to its noninvasive nature, thermal imaging is increasingly used for severity assessment in animal-based research. Within a multimodal approach, thermal images combined with anatomical information could be used to simulate the inner temperature profile, thereby allowing the detection of deep-seated infections. This paper presents the generation of anatomical thermal 3D models, forming the underlying multimodal model in this simulation. These models combine anatomical 3D information based on computed tomography (CT) data with a registered thermal shell measured with infrared thermography. The process of generating these models consists of data acquisition (both thermal images and CT), camera calibration, image processing methods, and structure from motion (SfM), among others. Anatomical thermal 3D models were successfully generated using three anesthetized mice. Due to the image processing improvement, the process was also realized for areas with few features, which increases the transferability of the process. The result of this multimodal registration in 3D space can be viewed and analyzed within a visualization tool. Individual CT slices can be analyzed axially, sagittally, and coronally with the corresponding superficial skin temperature distribution. This is an important and successfully implemented milestone on the way to simulating the internal temperature profile. Using this temperature profile, deep-seated infections and inflammation can be detected in order to reduce animal suffering.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-180
Andrew Whiting ◽  


LABURPENA: Zezenketei buruzko Konstituzio Auzitegiaren doktrinak kulturaren, animalien babesaren eta ikuskizun publikoen gaineko eskumen autonomikoa onartzen du, eta, hala, Katalunian eta Balear Uharteetan zezen-ikuskizunak arautzeko gaikuntza ematen du. Hala ere, berariaz zehazten du animaliaren heriotza edo sufrimendua saiheste aldera horien funtsezko alderdi batzuk debekatu edo arautzean inbaditu egiten dela estatuak kultura-ondarearen gainean duen eskumena, kulturaren gaineko estatuko eta erkidegoetako eskumenak modu ez baztertzailean batzen diren esparruan gailentzen dena, kultura-balio komunak zaintze aldera. Halaber, baimena ematen dio Estatuari esku hartze zuzena izateko, Estatuko legegileak egin duen gisan, zezen-korridaren (modernoki ezagutzen dugun eran) aitorpena eta biziraupena bermatuko dituen ekintza publiko antolatua eta tratamenduorokorra sustatu asmoz. ABSTRACT: The doctrine of the TC on the celebration of the bulls, although it admits the autonomic competence in the matter of culture, protection of the animals and public spectacles like qualifications that qualify to regulate the bullfighting spectacles in Catalonia and Illes Balears, maintains that the prohibition or the regulation of essential aspects thereof, aimed at preventing death or animal suffering, invades the state competence in matters of cultural heritage, prevalent in the context of the non-exclusive concurrence of state and regional competences in culture ex art. 149.2 CE, aimed at preservation of common cultural values, and that authorizes the State to intervene intensively, as the state legislator has already done, to favor a general treatment and a superordinated public action that guarantees the knowledge and survival of the bullfight as we know it modernly. RESUMEN: La doctrina del TC sobre la fiesta de los toros, si bien admite la competencia autonómica en materia de cultura, protección de los animales y espectáculos públicos como títulos que habilitan para regular los espectáculos taurinos en Cataluña e Illes Balears, sostiene que la prohibición o la regulación de aspectos esenciales de los mismos, orientada a evitar la muerte o el sufrimiento animal, invade la competencia estatal en materia de patrimonio cultural, prevalente en el marco de la concurrencia no excluyente de competencias estatales y autonómicas en materia de cultura ex art. 149.2 CE, encaminada a la preservación de valores culturales comunes, y que autoriza al Estado a intervenir de forma intensa, como ya ha hecho el legislador estatal, para favorecer un tratamiento general y una acción pública supraordenada que garantice la recognoscibilidad y pervivencia de la corrida de toros como la conocemos modernamente.

Tayler Zavitz ◽  
Corie Kielbiski

Popular media, both literature and film, provide a location in which animal suffering, resistance and solidarity are finally visible. An examination of Bong Joon-ho’s award-winning film Okja (2017) and Karen Joy Fowler’s New York Timesbest-selling novel We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves (2013) reveals complex media representations of animals that highlight the significance of twenty-first century media in depicting the animal in the human world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-207
Ivica Gjurovski ◽  
Monika Dovenska ◽  
Aleksandar Janevski ◽  
Trpe Ristoski

Abstract The illegal poisoning of dogs and other domestic and wild animals presents a worldwide problem causing animal suffering and R. Macedonia is not an exeption. The goal of this study is to make a comparison of the results from the histopathological examination conducted among poisoned dogs in the Republic of Macedonia. Morphological and histopathological changes in poisoned dogs were investigated for a period of 10 years. The examination was performed on 31 dogs, 13 of which were home kept, 7 were street dogs and 11 of unknown origin. The most significant necropsy findings concerned the inflammatory and necrotic processes of the gastrointestinal tract. The histopathological changes were mainly located in the kidneys, stomach, intestines and the lungs.

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