scholarly journals High differentiation in functional traits but similar phenotypic plasticity in populations of a soil specialist along a climatic gradient

2020 ◽  
Vol 125 (6) ◽  
pp. 969-980 ◽  
Silvia Matesanz ◽  
Marina Ramos-Muñoz ◽  
Mario Blanco-Sánchez ◽  
Adrián Escudero

Abstract Background and Aims Plants experiencing contrasting environmental conditions may accommodate such heterogeneity by expressing phenotypic plasticity, evolving local adaptation or a combination of both. We investigated patterns of genetic differentiation and plasticity in response to drought in populations of the gypsum specialist Lepidium subulatum. Methods We created an outdoor common garden with rain exclusion structures using 60 maternal progenies from four distinct populations that substantially differ in climatic conditions. We characterized fitness, life history and functional plasticity in response to two contrasting treatments that realistically reflect soil moisture variation in gypsum habitats. We also assessed neutral genetic variation and population structure using microsatellite markers. Key Results In response to water stress, plants from all populations flowered earlier, increased allocation to root tissues and advanced leaf senescence, consistent with a drought escape strategy. Remarkably, these probably adaptive responses were common to all populations, as shown by the lack of population × environment interaction for almost all functional traits. This generally common pattern of response was consistent with substantial neutral genetic variation and large differences in population trait means. However, such population-level trait variation was not related to climatic conditions at the sites of origin. Conclusions Our results show that, rather than ecotypes specialized to local climatic conditions, these populations are composed of highly plastic, general-purpose genotypes in relation to climatic heterogeneity. The strikingly similar patterns of plasticity among populations, despite substantial site of origin differences in climate, suggest past selection on a common norm of reaction due to similarly high levels of variation within sites. It is thus likely that plasticity will have a prevalent role in the response of this soil specialist to further environmental change.

Weed Science ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-439 ◽  
Yujie Zhao ◽  
Xuejun Yang ◽  
Xinqiang Xi ◽  
Xianming Gao ◽  
Shucun Sun

Phenotypic plasticity and rapid evolution are two important strategies by which invasive species adapt to a wide range of environments and consequently are closely associated with plant invasion. To test their importance in invasion success of Crofton weed, we examined the phenotypic response and genetic variation of the weed by conducting a field investigation, common garden experiments, and intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker analysis on 16 populations in China. Molecular markers revealed low genetic variation among and within the sampled populations. There were significant differences in leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), and seed number (SN) among field populations, and plasticity index (PIv) for LA, SLA, and SN were 0.62, 0.46 and 0.85, respectively. Regression analyses revealed a significant quadratic effect of latitude of population origin on LA, SLA, and SN based on field data but not on traits in the common garden experiments (greenhouse and open air). Plants from different populations showed similar reaction norms across the two common gardens for functional traits. LA, SLA, aboveground biomass, plant height at harvest, first flowering day, and life span were higher in the greenhouse than in the open-air garden, whereas SN was lower. Growth conditions (greenhouse vs. open air) and the interactions between growth condition and population origin significantly affect plant traits. The combined evidence suggests high phenotypic plasticity but low genetically based variation for functional traits of Crofton weed in the invaded range. Therefore, we suggest that phenotypic plasticity is the primary strategy for Crofton weed as an aggressive invader that can adapt to diverse environments in China.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 182115 ◽  
Matthew Sasaki ◽  
Sydney Hedberg ◽  
Kailin Richardson ◽  
Hans G. Dam

Predicting the response of populations to climate change requires an understanding of how various factors affect thermal performance. Genetic differentiation is well known to affect thermal performance, but the effects of sex and developmental phenotypic plasticity often go uncharacterized. We used common garden experiments to test for effects of local adaptation, developmental phenotypic plasticity and individual sex on thermal performance of the ubiquitous copepod,Acartia tonsa(Calanoida, Crustacea) from two populations strongly differing in thermal regimes (Florida and Connecticut, USA). Females had higher thermal tolerance than males in both populations, while the Florida population had higher thermal tolerance compared with the Connecticut population. An effect of developmental phenotypic plasticity on thermal tolerance was observed only in the Connecticut population. Our results show clearly that thermal performance is affected by complex interactions of the three tested variables. Ignoring sex-specific differences in thermal performance may result in a severe underestimation of population-level impacts of warming because of population decline due to sperm limitation. Furthermore, despite having a higher thermal tolerance, low-latitude populations may be more vulnerable to warming as they lack the ability to respond to increases in temperature through phenotypic plasticity.

Scientifica ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
S. Grenier ◽  
P. Barre ◽  
I. Litrico

Selection and plasticity are two mechanisms that allow the adaptation of a population to a changing environment. Interaction between these nonexclusive mechanisms must be considered if we are to understand population survival. This review discusses the ways in which plasticity and selection can interact, based on a review of the literature on selection and phenotypic plasticity in the evolution of populations. The link between selection and phenotypic plasticity is analysed at the level of the individual. Plasticity can affect an individual’s response to selection and so may modify the end result of genetic diversity evolution at population level. Genetic diversity increases the ability of populations or communities to adapt to new environmental conditions. Adaptive plasticity increases individual fitness. However this effect must be viewed from the perspective of the costs of plasticity, although these are not easy to estimate. It is becoming necessary to engage in new experimental research to demonstrate the combined effects of selection and plasticity for adaptation and their consequences on the evolution of genetic diversity.

2018 ◽  
Matthew Sasaki ◽  
Sydney Hedberg ◽  
Kailin Richardson ◽  
Hans G. Dam

AbstractPredicting the response of populations to climate change requires knowledge of thermal performance. Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity affect thermal performance, but the effects of sex and developmental temperatures often go uncharacterized. We used common garden experiments to test for effects of local adaptation, developmental phenotypic plasticity, and individual sex on thermal performance of the ubiquitous copepod, Acartia tonsa. Females had higher thermal tolerance than males in both populations, while the Florida population had higher thermal tolerance compared to the Connecticut population. An effect of developmental phenotypic plasticity on thermal tolerance was observed only in the Connecticut population. Ignoring sex-specific differences may result in a severe underestimation of population-level impacts of warming (i.e. - population decline due to sperm limitation). Further, despite having a higher thermal tolerance, southern populations may be more vulnerable to warming as they lack the ability to respond to increases in temperature through phenotypic plasticity.

2010 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 498-510 ◽  
Craig F. Purchase ◽  
Ian A.E. Butts ◽  
Alexandre Alonso-Fernández ◽  
Edward A. Trippel

Phenotypic plasticity occurs when a genotype produces variable phenotypes under different environments; the shapes of such responses are known as norms of reaction. The genetic scale at which reaction norms can be determined is restricted by the experimental unit that can be exposed to variable environments. This has limited their description beyond the family level in higher organisms, thus hindering our understanding of differences in plasticity at the scale of the individual. Using a three-year common-garden experiment, we quantify reaction norms in sperm performance of individual genotypes within different families of Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ). Cod sperm showed phenotypic plasticity in swimming performance across temperatures (3, 6, 11, and 21 °C), but the pattern of the response depended upon how long sperm had been swimming (30, 60, 120, or 180 s), i.e., plasticity in plasticity. Sperm generally swam fastest at intermediate temperatures when first assessed at 30 s after activation. However, a significant genotype × environment interaction was present, indicating inter-individual differences in phenotypic plasticity. To our knowledge, this is the first study to describe variable sperm performance across environmental conditions as a reaction norm. The results have potential theoretical, conservation, and aquaculture implications.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos ◽  
Luis Matías ◽  
Lorena Gómez-Aparicio ◽  
Óscar Godoy

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Stefano Mattioli

The rediscovery of the original, unedited Latin manuscript of Georg Wilhelm Steller's “De bestiis marinis” (“On marine mammals”), first published in 1751, calls for a new translation into English. The main part of the treatise contains detailed descriptions of four marine mammals, but the introduction is devoted to more general issues, including innovative speculation on morphology, ecology and biogeography, anticipating arguments and concepts of modern biology. Steller noted early that climate and food have a direct influence on body size, pelage and functional traits of mammals, potentially affecting reversible changes (phenotypic plasticity). Feeding and other behavioural habits have an impact on the geographical distribution of mammals. Species with a broad diet tend to have a wide distribution, whereas animals with a narrow diet more likely have only a restricted range. According to Steller, both sea and land then still concealed countless animals unknown to science.

2021 ◽  
Anna Kirschbaum ◽  
Oliver Bossdorf ◽  
J F Scheepens

Abstract Aims Plant populations in managed grasslands are subject to strong selection exerted by grazing, mowing and fertilization. Many previous studies showed that this can cause evolutionary changes in mean trait values, but little is known about the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to land use. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the relationships between phenotypic plasticity – specifically, regrowth ability after biomass removal – and the intensity of grassland management and levels of temporal variation therein. Methods We conducted an outdoor common garden experiment to test if plants from more intensively mown and grazed sites showed an increased ability to regrow after biomass removal. We used three common plant species from temperate European grasslands, with seed material from 58 – 68 populations along gradients of land-use intensity, ranging from extensive (only light grazing) to very intensive management (up to four cuts per year). Important findings In two out of three species, we found significant population differentiation in regrowth ability after clipping. While variation in regrowth ability was unrelated to the mean land-use intensity of populations of origin, we found a relationship with its temporal variation in P. lanceolata, where plants experiencing less variable environmental conditions over the last 11 years showed stronger regrowth in reproductive biomass after clipping. Therefore, while mean grazing and mowing intensity may not select for regrowth ability, the temporal stability of the environmental heterogeneity created by land use may have caused its evolution in some species.

Nematology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-177 ◽  
Rasha Haj Nuaima ◽  
Johannes Roeb ◽  
Johannes Hallmann ◽  
Matthias Daub ◽  
Holger Heuer

Summary Characterising the non-neutral genetic variation within and among populations of plant-parasitic nematodes is essential to determine factors shaping the population genetic structure. This study describes the genetic variation of the parasitism gene vap1 within and among geographic populations of the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. Forty populations of H. schachtii were sampled at four spatial scales: 695 km, 49 km, 3.1 km and 0.24 km. DGGE fingerprinting showed significant differences in vap1 patterns among populations. High similarity of vap1 patterns appeared between geographically close populations, and occasionally among distant populations. Analysis of spatially sampled populations within fields revealed an effect of tillage direction on the vap1 similarity for two of four studied fields. Overall, geographic distance and similarity of vap1 patterns of H. schachtii populations were negatively correlated. In conclusion, the population genetic structure was shaped by the interplay between the genetic adaptation and the passive transport of this nematode.

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