13. Those in Court

2019 ◽  
pp. 451-492
Alisdair A. Gillespie ◽  
Siobhan Weare

This chapter focuses on the people who are present during criminal trials. It considers those in summary trials in magistrates’ court (magistrates, justices’ clerks/legal advisers, lawyers, and the defendant). It also considers those who are present in the Crown Court during a trial on indictment (the judge, the jury, lawyers, court clerks, the stenographer, the usher, and the defendant). The chapter also explores how lawyers for the defence are funded under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012.

2021 ◽  
pp. 500-532
Alisdair A. Gillespie ◽  
Siobhan Weare

This chapter focuses on the people who are present during criminal trials. It considers those in summary trials in magistrates’ court (magistrates, justices’ clerks/legal advisors, lawyers, and the defendant). It also considers those who are present in the Crown Court during a trial on indictment (the judge, the jury, lawyers, court clerks, the stenographer, the usher, and the defendant). The chapter also explores how lawyers for the defence are funded under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012.

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 83
Myrta Morales-Cruz

<p>Law 232 of August 27, 2004 has a special meaning to the people residing in some of Puerto Rico's poorest communities. It was the result of the hard work, during a period of a year and a half, of leaders from some of these communities and my students, the students of the community development section of the Legal Aid Clinic of the University of Puerto Rico’s School of Law. The story of Law 232 can provide insight into what the role of a lawyer can be in the battle against poverty. To understand the story of this Puerto Rican law, one has to go back to August of 2002. During that month the University of Puerto Rico's School of Law Legal Aid Clinic inaugurated its community development section.</p>

Daedalus ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 148 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-176
Fern A. Fisher

To fulfill their role as neutral deciders in an adversarial legal system, judges need lawyers. Unrepresented litigants tax the court system and burden the people who work in it. Judges around the country, of all political stripes, are resolute in their support of civil legal aid. Judges support civil legal aid because they value equal justice and the protection of the disadvantaged. They support legal aid because it assists in the efficient and effective administration of the courts they run. They also support legal aid out of self-interest, because it makes their work lives less threatened and more effective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Deden Gandana Madjakusumah ◽  
Udin Saripudin

Purpose: This paper aims to gather information about the management of ZISWAF through literature review. Methods: This study uses a qualitative approach to describe findings from facts and reality in society with a phenomenology approach. A literature review and documentation are conducted to collect the data. Finding: ZISWAF funds can be maximized for the economic development of the people, but currently these funds are still much engaged in the area of social service activities, charity assistance, compensation for orphans, Madrasah development, and others. Even tend to ignore the interests of other Muslims such as legal aid, child protection, public policy advocacy, women's empowerment, and several other important agendas, still lacking support from the utilization of philanthropic funds in addition to efforts to find out the potential of Islamic philanthropy and its impact on the economic development of the people, especially poor people or poor people.

Suwari Akhmaddhian ◽  
Bias Lintang Dialog

Every citizen has the right in law and justice, because of that the government made Law number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid to protect its citizens in the event of a disaster that befalls the community. The purpose of community service is more focused on the people or villagers, while the other objectives of this counseling are the parents who can add information related to the process of handling criminal acts and how to follow up in the event of a crime. The method used is by way of lectures and discussions then ends with questions and answers. The results obtained from this community service are more sensitive people and know how the criminal proceedings associated with brands, patents, business licenses, taxes, illegal fees, financing or financing agreements with third parties and legal assistance and response to legal issues in particular those in connection with various threats to criminal acts at this time, it is expected that with the dedication to this community, parents can become equipped in protecting their families from various possibilities related to criminal acts and legal aid.Keywords: Legal Aid, Prevention, Socialization�AbstrakSetiap warga negara mempunyai hak dalam hukum dan keadilan, oleh kerana itu pemerintah membuat Undang-Undang nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum untuk melindungi warganya dalam hal terjadi musibah yang menimpa masyarakat. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini lebih menitik beratkan kepada orang-orang atau warga desa, adapun sasaran lain yang menjadi tujuan dari diadakannnya penyuluhan ini yaitu para orang tua yang mana dapat menambah informasi terkait dengan proses penanganan tindak pidana dan bagaimana menindaklanjuti apabila terjadi tindak pidana. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan cara ceramah dan diskusi kemudian diakhiri dengan tanya jawab. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini yaitu masyarakat lebih peka dan mengetahui bagaimana proses tindak pidana yang terkait dengan� merek, paten, izin usaha, pajak, pungutan liar, perjanjian pembiayaan atau pendanaan dengan pihak ketiga dan bantuan hukum serta respon terhadap permasalahan hukum khususnya yang berkaitan dengan berbagai acaman tindak pidana pada sekarang ini, diharapkan dengan adanya pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini para orang tua dapat menjadi bekal dalam menjaga keluarganya dari berbagai kemungkinan yang terkait dengan tindak pidana dan bantuan hukum.Kata Kunci: Bantuan Hukum, Pencegahan, Sosialisasi.

1990 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-308 ◽  
Laura Ikins Stern

The central institutions of the Florentine criminal law system in the early fifteenth century were still the medieval courts of the three foreign rectors, the Podestà, the Captain of the People, and the Executor of the Ordinances of Justice, just as they had been throughout the fourteenth century. Similarly, criminal trials were conducted using inquisition procedure just as they had been from the late thirteenth century. Important changes, however, had taken place and were continuing to take place in the offices of the rectors and in inquisition procedure that greatly enhanced the effectiveness of this system. The fortuitous confluence of a strong state with improvements in inquisition procedure and the court system led to a strongly self-reliant court system that could, for the first time in the early fifteenth century, fully implement inquisition procedure by arresting criminals in flagranti, initiating cases through public initiation, gathering evidence independently, compelling witnesses, and successfully convicting. Because the political and social atmosphere influenced the effectiveness and the philosophies of prosecution of the criminal law system, a study of this system must include some consideration of political and social influences. Conversely, a study of the judicial system supplies a great deal of evidence about the government and society. When this interrelated sphere is regarded as a whole, the early fifteenth century is seen to be dominated by three closely related developments: the full implementation of inquisition procedure; the continued development of the territorial state, which made this possible; and the struggle between republican institutions and the nascent oligarchy.

Alisdair Gillespie ◽  
Siobhan Weare

This chapter focuses on the people who are present during criminal trials. It considers those in summary trials in magistrates’ court (magistrates, justices’ clerks/legal advisors, lawyers, and the defendant). It also considers those who are present in the Crown Court during a trial on indictment (the judge, the jury, lawyers, court clerks, the stenographer, the usher, and the defendant).

2005 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 575-584
Louise Robic

Quebec is the only Canadian Province to have affirmed its rights in the area of immigration by creating in 1968 a Department of Immigration. The Department has as its fundamental mission to provide a framework of support and orientation for immigration in the Province. The expression "humanitarian immigration" applies to two categories of people : refugees, as defined by the Geneva Convention, and more imposing those persons who, without being refugees, are selected for immigration due to humanitarian reasons. In recent years Quebec has welcomed 12 000 to 20 000 persons who have come to Canada claiming refugee status. The people of Quebec have shown openness and generosity in insuring newcomers with financial support and diverse means of welcome ranging from health care and housing to legal aid. The Quebec experience inspires thought on the relativity of the generosity and the fundamental contradiction of humanitarian immigration. The solution to the problem posed by the existence in the world of twelve million refugees can not be found only through immigration, but rather for a major part, by the recognition and guarantee of the respect of Human Rights.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Andry Rahman Arif

Legal assistance is implemented through the courts, and legal aid legal aid program is provided in order to alleviate the burden of life for the people who cannot afford in terms of Economics, and is also useful to create justice and legal protection of the general public. Problems in this research is how the implementation of the granting of legal aid to defendants who cannot afford in terms of economy in criminal cases and the factors restricting implementation of granting legal aid to defendants who cannot afford in terms of economy in criminal cases. Based on the research results, and a discussion of the analysis of the implementation of legal aid to defendants who cannot afford in terms of economy in criminal cases, the implementation of the granting of legal aid can be done with the way through the courts, and the legal aid Institute (LBH) and can also be done by direct initiative of an advocate who voluntarily want to accompany her. Factors restricting implementation of granting legal aid to defendants who cannot afford in terms of economy in criminal cases among others; factors in law enforcement, community factors, cultural factors, facilities and infrastructure. Advice that can be given is the need for socializing by the court party, and about the implementation of the LBH granting legal assistance free of charge to the defendant who cannot afford, and to the need for sanctions to parties who caused the implementation of the grant of legal aid to the defendants engaged in criminal cases.Keywords: Granting Of Legal Aid, the Defendant, Not Being Able To, Criminal Cases

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-32
Rabiul Islam

Equal access to justice for the rich and poor alike is prerequisite to the maintenance of the rule of law. But the justice system through judicial administration is very costly in Bangladesh and that cost has been the most difficult factor for the poor and vulnerable sectors of people in case of getting justice. Thus an adequate legal aid system is one of the effective ways to ensure access to justice as well as to establish rule of law. In this paper attempts have been made to examine the present condition of the legal aid services in Bangladesh, the establishment and functions of the different legal aid committees but, importance is especially given to the local govt. level where legal aid services are provided by the District, Upazila and Union Legal Aid Committees. The study compares the role of the govt. and non- govt. organizations in dissemination of legal aid services among the people who do not manage themselves to get proper remedy due to various limitations and discriminations. After reviewing the collected data and analysis of these, it has observed that the cases to which legal aid services are provided include both the civil and criminal matters and the cases relating to family affairs. Finally conclusion is drawn after evaluating the activities of the aforesaid organizations and by making substantial recommendations to the concerned authority.

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