Using AI To Increase Project Management Maturity

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-23
Lloyd Skinner

Abstract Every company has goals. Part of running a business is knowing how to reach those goals in an effcient way, writes Lloyd Skinner, Chief Executive Offcer at Greyfly. Having dedicated project management in place isn't enough — it needs maturity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 40 ◽  
Santiago Obrutsky ◽  
Emre Erturk

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the most common barriers facing the greater adoption of Agile approaches to project management, and ways to overcome these barriers during an Agile transition. First, based on a literature review, this paper describes the Agile approaches and practices in general. The review also covers the previous work around the adoption of Agile, which provides considerable information about the challenges of doing so. This includes some prerequisites, key decisions, transitional frameworks, and recommendations to overcome organisational, cultural, and structural barriers. Next, this paper reports on a recently conducted Agile project management survey. Using this method, this research project gathered information about the important issues that software development companies have to overcome in order to be successful in an Agile transition. The survey was given to Scrum masters, project managers, chief executive officers, and IT professionals, who have participated in companies that have migrated from a traditional methodology to an Agile methodology. Several barriers were highlighted: general organisational resistance to change, lack of user/customer availability, pre-existing rigid framework, not enough personnel with Agile experience, concerns about loss of management control, concerns about lack of upfront planning, insufficient management support, concerns about the ability to scale Agile, need for development team support, and the perceived time and cost to make the transition. Finally, the paper offers concise recommendations to overcome each of the barriers as well as ideas for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
David Widihandojo

ABSTRAK Salah satu tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui program dan proyek-proyek pembangunan pemerintah adalah tumbuhnya partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam proses perencanaan dan penerapan proyek-proyek pembangunan. Gagasan ini didasarkan pada konsep bahwa melalui proses partisipasi, masyarakat akan memahami nilai, tujuan dan manfaat proyek-proyek pembangunan tersebut bagi dirinya sehingga pada saat proyek diterapkan akan mentransformasi kehidupan masyarakat menuju kesebuah kehidupan yang lebih maju dan mapan. Dengan demikian, proyek pembangunan tersebut memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi kemajuan masyarakat tersebut. Namun realitas di lapangan jauh berbeda masyarakat cenderung pasif dan tidak terlibat dalam proyek pembangunan. Pada umumnya para perencana dan pelaksana pembangunan melihat bahwa penyebab dari kepasifan ini terletak di dalam masyarakat itu sendiri yaitu pada nilai, budaya, tingkat pendidikan. Terkait dengan masalah kepasifan masyarakat ini, Penulis mengajukan argumen bahwa tatanan manajemen birokrasi proyek pembangunan itu sendiri adalah salah satu penghambat per- tumbuhan partisipasi masyarakat. Sistem pengawasan yang ketat, keterikatan irama kerja pada periode anggaran serta kontradiksi-kontradiksi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan antara pucuk pimpinan dengan para pelaksana di lapangan. Seluruh faktor-faktor ini membuat birokrasi proyek pembangunan menjadi tidak sensitif pada pertumbuhan aspirasi masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi. Untuk mengatasi problema manajemen ini perlu dibangun sebuah mekanisme informasi di luar birokrasi dan dalam hal ini Model Tindak Manusia (Human Action Model) seperti yang telah diujicobakan oleh PSLH-ITB di Ciamis dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai alternatif untuk diterapkan dalam implementasi proyek-proyek pembangunan sehingga dapat menjembatani kelemahan manajemen birokrasi pembangunan tersebut. ABSTRACT One of the objectives to be achieved through development programs and projects is the growth of community participation in the planning and the implementation process of development projects, which is based upon the ideas that through participation the communities would accept the ideals and understand the benefit of the project. Thus in turn, the project will be supported and transform the communities towards a more develop one. However, the reality is far different, people tend to be passive and not involved in the development process; hence, the development planners and managers see the cause of the passivity lies in the community itself, whether it's cultural values, education level, etc. The author argues one of the causes of the lack of participation of the community lies in the bureaucratic structure of the project management itself. Strict monitoring system, the attachment of working rhythms to the budget period of time and the existence of two levels of decision making between the chief executive and the project managers. These factors make the bureaucracy of the development project insensitive to the growing aspirations of the community to participate. In the closing part, the author proposes the Human Action Model as has been tested by PSLH-ITB in Ciamis as an alternative to be applied in the implementation of development projects to bridge the weaknesses of the development project management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 56-57
Lloyd J Skinner

Abstract Project management is a complex business, involving many technical processes and human variables. Lloyd J. Skinner, Chief Executive Officer at Greyfly, asks whether artificial intelligence is the project panacea we’ve been waiting for.

2009 ◽  
Elizabeth Ruth Anthony ◽  
Chantal P. Tusher ◽  
Dary Enkhtor ◽  
Sarah Cook

IEE Review ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 34 (10) ◽  
pp. 415
J.A. Bladon

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