knowing how
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Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 148
Julio César Salgado-Ramírez ◽  
Jean Marie Vianney Kinani ◽  
Eduardo Antonio Cendejas-Castro ◽  
Alberto Jorge Rosales-Silva ◽  
Eduardo Ramos-Díaz ◽  

Associative memories in min and max algebra are of great interest for pattern recognition. One property of these is that they are one-shot, that is, in an attempt they converge to the solution without having to iterate. These memories have proven to be very efficient, but they manifest some weakness with mixed noise. If an appropriate kernel is not used, that is, a subset of the pattern to be recalled that is not affected by noise, memories fail noticeably. A possible problem for building kernels with sufficient conditions, using binary and gray-scale images, is not knowing how the noise is registered in these images. A solution to this problem is presented by analyzing the behavior of the acquisition noise. What is new about this analysis is that, noise can be mapped to a distance obtained by a distance transform. Furthermore, this analysis provides the basis for a new model of min heteroassociative memory that is robust to the acquisition/mixed noise. The proposed model is novel because min associative memories are typically inoperative to mixed noise. The new model of heteroassocitative memory obtains very interesting results with this type of noise.

2022 ◽  
pp. 905-925
Geraldine Bengsch

This chapter considers ways in which educators can create their own educational applications to integrate into their teaching. It is argued that interactive uses of technology can aid student engagement and encourage uptake of skills presented to them. Today, tools available allow everyone to create not only static websites, but also functional applications. It is possible to get started without knowing how to code, empowering anyone with an interest in technology to become a creator. While these no and low code solutions may come with some restrictions, they may encourage users to explore more traditional ways to engage with code and its possibilities for teaching. The chapter aims to encourage readers to look at technology as a creative practice to include into their teaching. It suggests strategies to help readers select the most appropriate tool for their projects.

2021 ◽  
pp. 288-289
Kristin Gabel

Nurul Aryanti ◽  
Murwani Ujihanti ◽  
Welly Ardiansyah ◽  
Vani Annas Tasya ◽  
Vasa Annisa Indina

This research was aimed at knowing how to write a novella entitled “Allied” to promote several tourism destinations in Palembang. In research, the researchers used research and development (R&D) method. The researchers conducted two steps of R&D method: (1) preliminary study, which involved literature study, field study, and product drafting, and (2) model development, which were limited testing and wider testing. The researchers implemented these steps by developing the product. The data were collected from observation and interview in preliminary study step. In model development, the draft of novella regarding the language, structure of sentence, and the content of the story was revised by several experts. The novella was written in English by using Final Draft as the software of writing a story. The story was wrapped in action genre by bringing some mystery in tourism destinations in Palembang that would entertain and educate the readers at the same time. Additionally, in writing a novella entitled “Allied” there were three steps that were conducted with R&D method by Sukmadinata (2015) which the steps were linked to the sixth steps of writing a story by Grenville (2001): Getting Ideas, Choosing, Outlining, Drafting, Revising, and Editing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 155
Louise Rodrigues Campos ◽  
Ivanilde Apoluceno de Oliveira

Objetiva-se, neste texto, discorrer sobre os ensinos e as aprendizagens vivenciadas por cinco mulheres erveiras que trabalham no Ver-o-Peso. Ao tratar-se de lugares da EJA (Educação de jovens e adultos) pontuam-se os cotidianos familiar e de trabalho em que são vivenciados ensinos e aprendizagens e são compartilhados saberes culturais. Diante disso, pondera-se que este trabalho resultou de uma pesquisa de mestrado no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade do Estado do Pará PPGED - UEPA, realizada no período de 2018 a 2020. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, com abordagem qualitativa (MINAYO, 2009); observação in loco (MINAYO, 1994) e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Na sistematização e na análise dos dados foram construídas categorias analíticas e temáticas (OLIVEIRA; MOTA NETO, 2011). A construção das categorias teve como referência técnicas da análise de conteúdo, (BARDIN, 2011). Diante disso, a pesquisa indicou os seguintes resultados: no processo de manipulação das ervas medicinais destaca-se a conexão entre corpo e mente, nos momentos saber identificar, diferenciar e combinar raízes, cascas e suas propriedades medicinais, pela textura, pela cor, pelo aroma e pelo formato. Os ensinos e aprendizagens vivenciados por elas ocorrem por meio da oralidade, do registro escrito, da observação e da gestualidade. Assim, os ensinos, as aprendizagens e os saberes constituem as autonomias de ser erveira, referente à memória, à herança familiar e ao sustento material, a partir do trabalho no setor das ervas.Palavras-chave: Educação de Jovens e Adultos; Saberes Culturais; Mulheres erveiras.Between places and subjects of EJA: Women herb handlers and their cultural knowledge in Ver-o-PesoABSTRACTThe objective of this text is to discuss the teachings and learning experienced by five women herb handlers, who work at Ver-o-Peso. When dealing with EJA (Youth and Adult Education) places, the family and work routines are highlighted in which teaching and learning are experienced and cultural knowledge is shared. Therefore, it is considered that this work resulted from a master's research in the Postgraduate Program in Education of the State University of Pará PPGED - UEPA, carried out from 2018 to 2020. It is a field research, with a qualitative approach, (MINAYO, 2009); observation in loco (MINAYO, 1994) and semi-structured interviews. In the systematization and analysis of data, analytical and thematic categories were built (OLIVEIRA; MOTA NETO, 2011). The construction of the categories was based on technical content analysis (BARDIN, 2011). Therefore, the research indicated the following results: in the process of handling medicinal herbs, the connection between body and mind stands out, at times knowing how to identify, knowing how to differentiate and combine roots, bark and leaves and their medicinal properties, by texture, by color, by aroma, by shape. The teachings and learning experienced by them occur through orality, written record, observation, and gestures. Thus, teachings, learning and knowledge constitute the autonomy of being women herb handlers, referring to memory, family inheritance, and material support, from work in the herb sector.Keywords: Youth and Adult Education; Cultural Knowledge; Women herb handlers.Entre lugares y temas de EJA: Herbolarias y sus conocimientos culturales en Ver-o-PesoRESUMENEl objetivo de este texto es discutir las enseñanzas y el aprendizaje experimentado por cinco mujeres herbolarias que trabajan en Ver-o-Peso. Cuando se trata de lugares de EJA (Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos), se destacan las rutinas familiares y laborales en las que se vive la enseñanza y el aprendizaje y se comparte el conocimiento cultural. Por lo tanto, se considera que este trabajo es el resultado de una investigación de maestría en el Programa de Posgrado en Educación de la Universidad Estatal de Pará PPGED - UEPA, realizada de 2018 a 2020. Es una investigación de campo, con enfoque cualitativo, (MINAYO, 2009); observación in loco (MINAYO, 1994) y entrevistas semiestructuradas. En la sistematización y análisis de datos se construyeron categorías analíticas y temáticas (OLIVEIRA; MOTA NETO, 2011). La construcción de las categorías se basó en el análisis de contenido técnico (BARDIN, 2011). Por tanto, la investigación arrojó los siguientes resultados: en el proceso de manipulación de las hierbas medicinales se destaca la conexión entre cuerpo y mente, en ocasiones saber identificar, saber diferenciar y combinar raíces, corteza y hojas y sus propiedades medicinales, por textura, color, aroma, forma. Las enseñanzas y el aprendizaje experimentado por ellos ocurren a través de la oralidad, el registro escrito, la observación y los gestos. Así, la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y el conocimiento constituyen la autonomía de ser herbolaria, referida a la memoria, la herencia familiar y el apoyo material, del trabajo en el sector herbáceo.  Palabras clave: Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos; Conocimiento cultural; Herbolarias.

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-116
J. Adam Carter

If intellectualism about knowledge-how is true (and so, if knowledge-how is a species of knowledge-that), then to the extent that we need an autonomy condition on know-how, it will be (simply) an autonomy condition on know-that: a condition on propositional knowledge-apt belief. However, the anti-intellectualist—according to whom know-how is fundamentally dispositional rather than propositional—would need an entirely different story here––one that places an autonomy-related restriction not on propositional-knowledge-apt belief but, instead, on know-how-apt dispositions. Chapter 4 develops exactly this kind of restriction, by cobbling together some ideas about know-how and virtue epistemology with recent thinking in the moral responsibility literature about freedom, responsibility, and manipulation. The proposal is that one is in a state of knowing how to do something, φ‎, only if one has the skill to φ‎ successfully with guidance control, and one’s φ‎-ing exhibits guidance control (and furthermore, manifests know-how) only if one’s φ‎-ing is caused by a reasons-responsive mechanism that one owns. Unsurprisingly, the devil is in these details—and this chapter aims to spell them out in a way that rules out certain kinds of radical performance enhancing cases while not ruling out that, say, one knows how to do a maths problem when one’s performance is just mildly boosted by Adderall.

2021 ◽  
I Komang Agus Susila Yasa

Tiktok is an application that is able to change the way of using social media before with their uniqueness, namely videos that are 15-60 seconds long. The Tiktok application is not only a video, but also contains music, filters, and other interesting features. The Tiktok application was launched globally by a Chinese company with a parent company called ByteDance. It is estimated that Indonesia accounts for about 11% of total downloads globally and makes Indonesia one of the countries with the largest Tiktok application users in the world. Then with such a large number of Tiktok downloaders, it can provide opportunities for users such as smartphone brands to make this Tiktok platform or application their social media marketing platform. There are 5 smartphone brands in Indonesia that use Tiktok as their marketing platform, including: Xiaomi Indonesia, Vivo Indonesia, Oppo Indonesia, Samsung Indonesia and Realme Indonesia. This research was made using an exploratory exploratory method, with the aim of knowing how the credibility or performance of the Tiktok account of the 5 best-selling smartphone brands in Indonesia. Then the results of this study show that the Oppo Indonesia brand has better performance credibility compared to other smartphone brands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 305
Septi Kurniawati Nurhadi

Abstract: Development developments in an area with physical changes can affect the microclimate of an area and affect the area's thermal conditions. This is the case in a tourist village, developing its village to accommodate visitors' needs. The Blue Lagoon tourist village in Sleman Regency, to be precise in Dalem Village, Widodomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman is one of the villages included in the classification of independent tourism villages. This classification was obtained at the end of 2019, after previously being included in developing tourism villages. This tourist village's potential is in the form of natural potential, namely baths and has continued to develop its appeal over the last few years. Development developments that occur can impact the surrounding environment, especially regarding the comfort aspect, in this case, thermal comfort. Simulation as a method to determine how much influence the development of a tourism object development has on thermal changes, especially the Blue Lagoon Tourism Object. After knowing how much influence the resulting development is related to thermal conditions, a tourism object's development can pay more attention to the surrounding environment.Abstrak: Perkembangan pembangunan yang terjadi dalam suatu kawasan dengan adanya perubahan fisik dapat berpengaruh terhadap iklim mikro sebuah kawasan dan berpengaruh juga terhadap kondisi termal kawasan tersebut. Begitu pula yang terjadi dalam sebuah desa wisata yang sedang mengembangkan desanya untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan para pengunjung. Desa wisata Blue Lagoon yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman, tepatnya di Desa Dalem, Widodomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman. Merupakan salah satu desa yang masuk dalam klasifikasi desa wisata mandiri. Klasifikasi ini didapatkan pada akhir 2019, setelah sebelumnya termasuk dalam klasifikasi desa wisata berkembang. Potensi yang dimiliki desa wisata ini berupa potensi alam, yaitu pemandian dan terus mengembangkan daya tariknya selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Perkembangan pembangunan yang terjadi berdampak pada lingkungan sekitar, terutama yang menyangkut aspek kenyamanan, dalam hal ini adalah kenyamanan termal. Simulasi sebagai sebuah metode untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh perkembangan pembangunan sebuah obyek wisata terhadap perubahan termal, khususnya Obyek Wisata Blue Lagoon. Setelah mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh perkembangan pembangunan yang ditimbulkan menyangkut kondisi termal, sehingga untuk pengembangan pembangunan sebuah obyek wisata kedepannya dapat lebih memperhatikan lingkungan sekitarnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 312-312
Damaris Aschwanden ◽  
Angelina Sutin ◽  
Amanda Sesker ◽  
Ji Hyun Lee ◽  
Martina Luchetti ◽  

Abstract Knowing how personality plays out in a pandemic can provide guidance to improve public health messaging. In a sample of 2066 participants (Mage = 51.42; 48.5% female), we examined whether personality is associated with concerns, precautions, preparations, and duration estimates of the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality traits were measured before the pandemic; responses were assessed in late March 2020. We investigated whether age moderates the trait-response associations because older adults are at higher risk for severe complications of COVID-19. Among the 65-96-year-olds, higher conscientiousness was associated with more preparations, higher openness was associated with greater concerns, and both higher openness and agreeableness were related to more preparations and longer duration estimates. This pattern has implications: If all older adults took COVID-19 seriously, individual differences in personality should not matter; however, our findings indicate that they do matter and could be considered in the development of personality-tailored communication to older adults.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 937-945
Miracle Soplanit ◽  
Andress D. Bakarbessy ◽  
Saartje S. Alfons

The purpose of research is to knowing how the construction of contempt of court on the action that is not implementing the court ruling of administrative court. The method of research is yuriction normative which is using the approach of legal norm and conceptual approach . This Research done with analyzing the primarily and secondary of legal material. Result of research is showing that contempt of court consists of the aspect of criminal insult and civil insult . Civil insult cover all activities that is not implementing the court ruling , so its not implementing court decision of administrative which has been have the power of permanent law is also categorized as action of contempt of court.

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