scholarly journals NGC 7469 as seen by MEGARA: new results from high-resolution IFU spectroscopy

2020 ◽  
Vol 493 (3) ◽  
pp. 3656-3675 ◽  
S Cazzoli ◽  
A Gil de Paz ◽  
I Márquez ◽  
J Masegosa ◽  
J Iglesias ◽  

ABSTRACT We present our analysis of high-resolution (R ∼ 20 000) GTC/MEGARA integral-field unit spectroscopic observations, obtained during the commissioning run, in the inner region (12.5 arcsec × 11.3 arcsec) of the active galaxy NGC 7469, at spatial scales of 0.62 arcsec. We explore the kinematics, dynamics, ionization mechanisms, and oxygen abundances of the ionized gas, by modelling the H α-[N ii] emission lines at high signal-to-noise (> 15) with multiple Gaussian components. MEGARA observations reveal, for the first time for NGC 7469, the presence of a very thin (20 pc) ionized gas disc supported by rotation (V/σ = 4.3), embedded in a thicker (222 pc), dynamically hotter (V/σ  =  1.3) one. These discs nearly corotate with similar peak-to-peak velocities (163  versus  137 km s−1), but with different average velocity dispersion (38 ± 1 versus 108 ± 4 km s−1). The kinematics of both discs could be possibly perturbed by star-forming regions. We interpret the morphology and the kinematics of a third (broader) component (σ > 250 km s−1) as suggestive of the presence of non-rotational turbulent motions possibly associated either to an outflow or to the lense. For the narrow component, the [N ii]/H α ratios point to the star-formation as the dominant mechanism of ionization, being consistent with ionization from shocks in the case of the intermediate component. All components have roughly solar metallicity. In the nuclear region of NGC 7469, at r ≤ 1.85 arcsec, a very broad (FWHM  =  2590 km s−1) H α component is contributing (41 per cent) to the global H α-[N ii] profile, being originated in the (unresolved) broad line region of the Seyfert 1.5 nucleus of NGC 7469.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (S359) ◽  
pp. 347-349
Carpes P. Hekatelyne ◽  
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann

AbstractWe present Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) Integral Field Unit (IFU), Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the inner kpc of the OH Megamaser galaxy IRAS 11506-3851. In this work we discuss the kinematics and excitation of the gas as well as its radio emission. The HST images reveal an isolated spiral galaxy and the combination with the GMOS-IFU flux distributions allowed us to identify a partial ring of star-forming regions surrounding the nucleus with a radius of ≍500 pc. The emission-line ratios and excitation map reveal that the region inside the ring present mixed/transition excitation between those of Starbursts and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), while regions along the ring are excited by Starbursts. We suggest that we are probing a buried or fading AGN that could be both exciting the gas and originating an outflow.

2003 ◽  
Vol 211 ◽  
pp. 87-90
M. Tamura ◽  
T. Naoi ◽  
Y. Oasa ◽  
Y. Nakajima ◽  
C. Nagashima ◽  

We are currently conducting three kinds of IR surveys of star forming regions (SFRs) in order to seek for very low-mass young stellar populations. First is a deep JHKs-bands (simultaneous) survey with the SIRIUS camera on the IRSF 1.4m or the UH 2.2m telescopes. Second is a very deep JHKs survey with the CISCO IR camera on the Subaru 8.2m telescope. Third is a high resolution companion search around nearby YSOs with the CIAO adaptive optics coronagraph IR camera on the Subaru. In this contribution, we describe our SIRIUS camera and present preliminary results of the ongoing surveys with this new instrument.

2010 ◽  
Vol 720 (1) ◽  
pp. 541-547 ◽  
Néstor Sánchez ◽  
Neyda Añez ◽  
Emilio J. Alfaro ◽  
Mary Crone Odekon

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (4) ◽  
pp. 4751-4770 ◽  
Mallory Molina ◽  
Nikhil Ajgaonkar ◽  
Renbin Yan ◽  
Robin Ciardullo ◽  
Caryl Gronwall ◽  

ABSTRACT The attenuation of light from star-forming galaxies is correlated with a multitude of physical parameters including star formation rate, metallicity and total dust content. This variation in attenuation is even more evident on kiloparsec scales, which is the relevant size for many current spectroscopic integral field unit surveys. To understand the cause of this variation, we present and analyse Swift/UVOT near-UV (NUV) images and SDSS/MaNGA emission-line maps of 29 nearby (z < 0.084) star-forming galaxies. We resolve kiloparsec-sized star-forming regions within the galaxies and compare their optical nebular attenuation (i.e. the Balmer emission line optical depth, $\tau ^{l}_{B}\equiv \tau _{\textrm {H}\beta }-\tau _{\textrm {H}\alpha }$) and NUV stellar continuum attenuation (via the NUV power-law index, β) to the attenuation law described by Battisti et al. We show the data agree with that model, albeit with significant scatter. We explore the dependence of the scatter of the β–$\tau ^{l}_{B}$ measurements from the star-forming regions on different physical parameters, including distance from the nucleus, star formation rate and total dust content. Finally, we compare the measured $\tau ^{l}_{B}$ and β values for the individual star-forming regions with those of the integrated galaxy light. We find a strong variation in β between the kiloparsec scale and the larger galaxy scale that is not seen in $\tau ^{l}_{B}$. We conclude that the sightline dependence of UV attenuation and the reddening of β due to the light from older stellar populations could contribute to the scatter in the β–$\tau ^{l}_{B}$ relation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 199 ◽  
pp. 335-338
D. Anish Roshi ◽  
K. R. Anantharamaiah

A complete survey of radio recombination lines (RRLs) near 327 MHz from the galactic plane (l = 330° − 0°-89°, b = 0°) was carried out using a section of the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) with an angular resolution of 2° × 2°. A subset of regions in the same area was observed using the whole telescope which has a beam of 2° × 6'. Hydrogen RRLs were detected in most of the positions that were observed. The lv diagram and radial distribution computed from the observed spectra and their comparison with other species in the galactic plane indicate that the low density gas detected in the survey is distributed similar to the star forming regions. For an assumed temperature of 7000 K, we estimate that the densities and sizes of the regions are in the range 1 — 10 cm−3 and 20 — 200 pc respectively. Our data suggests that the low density ionized gas is in the form of outer envelopes of normal HII regions.

2010 ◽  
Vol 723 (1) ◽  
pp. 969-969
Néstor Sánchez ◽  
Neyda Añez ◽  
Emilio J. Alfaro ◽  
Mary Crone Odekon

2009 ◽  
Vol 707 (1) ◽  
pp. 283-309 ◽  
Katharine G. Johnston ◽  
Debra S. Shepherd ◽  
James E. Aguirre ◽  
Miranda K. Dunham ◽  
Erik Rosolowsky ◽  

1998 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-166
W. J. Zealey ◽  
S. L. Mader

AbstractThe Hα emission-line survey of the Southern Sky to be carried out by the AAO/UKST will provide deep, high resolution images of Galactic Plane sources allowing the detection of new and existing filamentary sources such as Herbig–Haro objects. Used in conjunction with the existing ESO/SERC Southern Sky Survey Plates, the Hα plates will provide us with the opportunity to study the morphology and environment of new and existing star forming regions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (S309) ◽  
pp. 239-242
Giovanni Cresci

AbstractQuasar feedback in the form of powerful outflows is invoked as a key mechanism to quench star formation, preventing massive galaxies to over-grow and producing the red colors of ellipticals. On the other hand, some models are also requiring ‘positive’ AGN feedback, inducing star formation in the host galaxy through enhanced gas pressure in the interstellar medium. However, finding observational evidence of the effects of both types of feedback is still one of the main challenges of extragalactic astronomy, as few observations of energetic and extended radiatively-driven winds are available. We present SINFONI near infrared integral field spectroscopy of XID2028, an obscured, radio-quiet z=1.59 QSO, in which we clearly resolve a fast (1500 km/s) and extended (up to 13 kpc from the black hole) outflow in the [OIII] lines emitting gas, whose large velocity and outflow rate are not sustainable by star formation only. The narrow component of Hα emission and the rest frame U band flux show that the outflow position lies in the center of an empty cavity surrounded by star forming regions on its edge. The outflow is therefore removing the gas from the host galaxy (‘negative feedback’), but also triggering star formation by outflow induced pressure at the edges (‘positive feedback’). XID2028 represents the first example of a host galaxy showing both types of feedback simultaneously at work.

Joseph P. Anderson ◽  
Phil A. James ◽  
Stacey M. Habergham ◽  
Lluís Galbany ◽  
Hanindyo Kuncarayakti

AbstractMapping the diversity of SNe to progenitor properties is key to our understanding of stellar evolution and explosive stellar death. Investigations of the immediate environments of SNe allow statistical constraints to be made on progenitor properties such as mass and metallicity. Here, we review the progress that has been made in this field. Pixel statistics using tracers of e.g. star formation within galaxies show intriguing differences in the explosion sites of, in particular SNe types II and Ibc (SNe II and SNe Ibc respectively), suggesting statistical differences in population ages. Of particular interest is that SNe Ic are significantly more associated with host galaxy Hα emission than SNe Ib, implying shorter lifetimes for the former. In addition, such studies have shown (unexpectedly) that the interacting SNe IIn do not explode in regions containing the most massive stars, which suggests that at least a significant fraction of their progenitors arise from the lower end of the core-collapse SN mass range. Host H ii region spectroscopy has been obtained for a significant number of core-collapse events, however definitive conclusions on differences between distinct SN types have to-date been elusive. Single stellar evolution models predict that the relative fraction of SNe Ibc to SNe II should increase with increasing metallicity, due to the dependence of mass-loss rates on progenitor metallicity. We present a meta-analysis of all current host H ii region oxygen abundances for CC SNe. It is concluded that the SN II to SN Ibc ratio shows little variation with oxygen abundance, with only a suggestion that the ratio increases in the lowest bin. Radial distributions of different SNe are discussed, where a central excess of SNe Ibc has been observed within disturbed galaxy systems, which is difficult to ascribe to metallicity or selection effects. Environment studies are also being undertaken for SNe Ia, where constraints can be made on the shortest delay times of progenitor systems. It is shown that ‘redder’ SNe Ia are more often found within star-forming regions. Environment studies are evolving to enable studies at higher spatial resolutions than previously possible, while in addition the advent of wide-field integral field unit instruments allows galaxy-wide spectral analyses which will provide fruitful results to this field. Some example contemporary results are shown in that direction.

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