scholarly journals The AGN–galaxy–halo connection: The distribution of AGN host halo masses to z = 2.5

James Aird ◽  
Alison L Coil

Abstract It is widely reported, based on clustering measurements of observed active galactic nuclei (AGN) samples, that AGN reside in similar mass host dark matter halos across the bulk of cosmic time, with log $\mathcal {M}/\mathcal {M}_{\odot }\sim 12.5-13.0$ to z ∼ 2.5. We show that this is due in part to the AGN fraction in galaxies rising with increasing stellar mass, combined with AGN observational selection effects that exacerbate this trend. Here, we use AGN specific accretion rate distribution functions determined as a function of stellar mass and redshift for star-forming and quiescent galaxies separately, combined with the latest galaxy-halo connection models, to determine the parent and sub-halo mass distribution function of AGN to various observational limits. We find that while the median (sub-)halo mass of AGN, $\approx 10^{12}\mathcal {M}_{\odot }$, is fairly constant with luminosity, specific accretion rate, and redshift, the full halo mass distribution function is broad, spanning several orders of magnitude. We show that widely used methods to infer a typical dark matter halo mass based on an observed AGN clustering amplitude can result in biased, systematically high host halo masses. While the AGN satellite fraction rises with increasing parent halo mass, we find that the central galaxy is often not an AGN. Our results elucidate the physical causes for the apparent uniformity of AGN host halos across cosmic time and underscore the importance of accounting for AGN selection biases when interpreting observational AGN clustering results. We further show that AGN clustering is most easily interpreted in terms of the relative bias to galaxy samples, not from absolute bias measurements alone.

2018 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 435-487 ◽  
Risa H. Wechsler ◽  
Jeremy L. Tinker

In our modern understanding of galaxy formation, every galaxy forms within a dark matter halo. The formation and growth of galaxies over time is connected to the growth of the halos in which they form. The advent of large galaxy surveys as well as high-resolution cosmological simulations has provided a new window into the statistical relationship between galaxies and halos and its evolution. Here, we define this galaxy–halo connection as the multivariate distribution of galaxy and halo properties that can be derived from observations and simulations. This galaxy–halo connection provides a key test of physical galaxy-formation models; it also plays an essential role in constraints of cosmological models using galaxy surveys and in elucidating the properties of dark matter using galaxies. We review techniques for inferring the galaxy–halo connection and the insights that have arisen from these approaches. Some things we have learned are that galaxy-formation efficiency is a strong function of halo mass; at its peak in halos around a pivot halo mass of 1012M⊙, less than 20% of the available baryons have turned into stars by the present day; the intrinsic scatter in galaxy stellar mass is small, less than 0.2 dex at a given halo mass above this pivot mass; below this pivot mass galaxy stellar mass is a strong function of halo mass; the majority of stars over cosmic time were formed in a narrow region around this pivot mass. We also highlight key open questions about how galaxies and halos are connected, including understanding the correlations with secondary properties and the connection of these properties to galaxy clustering.

2020 ◽  
Vol 493 (1) ◽  
pp. 337-350 ◽  
Christopher Bradshaw ◽  
Alexie Leauthaud ◽  
Andrew Hearin ◽  
Song Huang ◽  
Peter Behroozi

ABSTRACT We use the UniverseMachine to analyse the source of scatter between the central galaxy mass, the total stellar mass in the halo, and the dark matter halo mass, for massive (Mvir > 1013 M⊙) haloes. We also propose a new halo mass estimator, the cen+N mass: the sum of the stellar mass of the central and the N most massive satellites. We show that, when real space positions are perfectly known, the cen+N mass has scatter competitive with that of richness-based estimators. However, in redshift space, using a simple cluster finder, the cen+N mass suffers less from projection effects in the UniverseMachine model. The cen+N mass is therefore a potential candidate to constrain cosmology with upcoming spectroscopic data from DESI. We analyse the scatter in stellar mass at fixed halo mass and show that the total stellar mass in a halo is uncorrelated with secondary halo properties, but that the central stellar mass is a function of both halo mass and halo age. This is because central galaxies in older haloes have had more time to grow via accretion. If the UniverseMachine model is correct, this implies that haloes selected using the centrals stellar mass will be biased old and that accurate galaxy-halo modelling of mass selected samples therefore needs to consider halo age in addition to mass.

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-61 ◽  
Tom Charnock ◽  
Guilhem Lavaux ◽  
Benjamin D Wandelt ◽  
Supranta Sarma Boruah ◽  
Jens Jasche ◽  

ABSTRACT An ambitious goal in cosmology is to forward model the observed distribution of galaxies in the nearby Universe today from the initial conditions of large-scale structures. For practical reasons, the spatial resolution at which this can be done is necessarily limited. Consequently, one needs a mapping between the density of dark matter averaged over ∼Mpc scales and the distribution of dark matter haloes (used as a proxy for galaxies) in the same region. Here, we demonstrate a method for determining the halo mass distribution function by learning the tracer bias between density fields and halo catalogues using a neural bias model. The method is based on the Bayesian analysis of simple, physically motivated, neural network-like architectures, which we denote as neural physical engines, and neural density estimation. As a result, we are able to sample the initial phases of the dark matter density field while inferring the parameters describing the halo mass distribution function, providing a fully Bayesian interpretation of both the initial dark matter density distribution and the neural bias model. We successfully run an upgraded borg (Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies) inference using our new likelihood and neural bias model with halo catalogues derived from full N-body simulations. In preliminary results, we notice there could potentially be orders of magnitude improvement in modelling compared to classical biasing techniques.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (S262) ◽  
pp. 184-187
Ignacio Trujillo ◽  
A. Javier Cenarro

AbstractMaking use of public spectra from Cimatti et al. (2008), we measure for the first time the velocity dispersion of spheroid-like massive (M* ~ 1011M⊙) galaxies at z ~ 1.6. By comparing with galaxies of similar stellar mass at lower redshifts, we find evidence for a mild evolution in velocity dispersion, decreasing from ~240 kms−1 at z ~ 1.6 down to ~180 km s−1 at z ~ 0. Such mild evolution contrasts with the strong change in size (a factor of ~4) found for these type of objects in the same cosmic time, and it is consistent with a progressive larger role, at lower redshift, of the dark matter halo in setting the velocity dispersion of these galaxies. We discuss the implications of our results within the context of different scenarios proposed for the evolution of these massive objects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 634 ◽  
pp. A135 ◽  
G. Girelli ◽  
L. Pozzetti ◽  
M. Bolzonella ◽  
C. Giocoli ◽  
F. Marulli ◽  

Aims. Understanding the link between the galaxy properties and the dark matter halos they reside in and their coevolution is a powerful tool for constraining the processes related to galaxy formation. In particular, the stellar-to-halo mass relation (SHMR) and its evolution throughout the history of the Universe provides insights on galaxy formation models and allows us to assign galaxy masses to halos in N-body dark matter simulations. To address these questions, we determine the SHMR throughout the entire cosmic history from z ∼ 4 to the present. Methods. We used a statistical approach to link the observed galaxy stellar mass functions on the COSMOS field to dark matter halo mass functions up to z ∼ 4 from the ΛCDM DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder simulation, which is complete for Mh >  1012.5 M⊙, and extended this to lower masses with a theoretical parameterization. We propose an empirical model to describe the evolution of the SHMR as a function of redshift (either in the presence or absence of a scatter in stellar mass at fixed halo mass), and compare the results with several literature works and semianalytic models of galaxy formation. We also tested the reliability of our results by comparing them to observed galaxy stellar mass functions and to clustering measurements. Results. We derive the SHMR from z = 0 to z = 4, and model its empirical evolution with redshift. We find that M*/Mh is always lower than ∼0.05 and depends both on redshift and halo mass, with a bell shape that peaks at Mh ∼ 1012 M⊙. Assuming a constant cosmic baryon fraction, we calculate the star-formation efficiency of galaxies and find that it is generally low; its peak increases with cosmic time from ∼30% at z ∼ 4 to ∼35% at z ∼ 0. Moreover, the star formation efficiency increases for increasing redshifts at masses higher than the peak of the SHMR, while the trend is reversed for masses lower than the peak. This indicates that massive galaxies (i.e., galaxies hosted at halo masses higher than the SHMR peak) formed with a higher efficiency at higher redshifts (i.e., downsizing effect) and vice versa for low-mass halos. We find a large scatter in results from semianalytic models, with a difference of up to a factor ∼8 compared to our results, and an opposite evolutionary trend at high halo masses. By comparing our results with those in the literature, we find that while at z ∼ 0 all results agree well (within a factor of ∼3), at z >  0 many differences emerge. This suggests that observational and theoretical work still needs to be done. Our results agree well (within ∼10%) with observed stellar mass functions (out to z = 4) and observed clustering of massive galaxies (M* >  1011 M⊙ from z ∼ 0.5 to z ∼ 1.1) in the two-halo regime.

James W Nightingale ◽  
Richard J Massey ◽  
David R Harvey ◽  
Andrew P Cooper ◽  
Amy Etherington ◽  

Abstract We investigate how strong gravitational lensing can test contemporary models of massive elliptical (ME) galaxy formation, by combining a traditional decomposition of their visible stellar distribution with a lensing analysis of their mass distribution. As a proof of concept, we study a sample of three ME lenses, observing that all are composed of two distinct baryonic structures, a ‘red’ central bulge surrounded by an extended envelope of stellar material. Whilst these two components look photometrically similar, their distinct lensing effects permit a clean decomposition of their mass structure. This allows us to infer two key pieces of information about each lens galaxy: (i) the stellar mass distribution (without invoking stellar populations models) and (ii) the inner dark matter halo mass. We argue that these two measurements are crucial to testing models of ME formation, as the stellar mass profile provides a diagnostic of baryonic accretion and feedback whilst the dark matter mass places each galaxy in the context of LCDM large scale structure formation. We also detect large rotational offsets between the two stellar components and a lopsidedness in their outer mass distributions, which hold further information on the evolution of each ME. Finally, we discuss how this approach can be extended to galaxies of all Hubble types and what implication our results have for studies of strong gravitational lensing.

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (S311) ◽  
pp. 86-95 ◽  
Rachel Mandelbaum

AbstractIn this review, I discuss the use of galaxy-galaxy weak lensing measurements to study the masses of dark matter halos in which galaxies reside. After summarizing how weak gravitational lensing measurements can be interpreted in terms of halo mass, I review measurements that were used to derive the relationship between optical galaxy mass tracers, such as stellar mass or luminosity, and dark matter halo mass. Measurements of galaxy-galaxy lensing from the past decade have led to increasingly tight constraints on the connection between dark matter halo mass and optical mass tracers, including both the mean relationships between these quantities and the intrinsic scatter between them. I also review some of the factors that can complicate analysis, such as the choice of modeling procedure, and choices made when dividing up samples of lens galaxies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 485 (3) ◽  
pp. 3783-3793 ◽  
Jonathan J Davies ◽  
Robert A Crain ◽  
Ian G McCarthy ◽  
Benjamin D Oppenheimer ◽  
Joop Schaye ◽  

ABSTRACT We examine the origin of scatter in the relationship between the gas fraction and mass of dark matter haloes hosting present-day ∼L⋆ central galaxies in the EAGLE simulations. The scatter is uncorrelated with the accretion rate of the central galaxy’s black hole (BH), but correlates strongly and negatively with the BH’s mass, implicating differences in the expulsion of gas by active galactic nucleus feedback, throughout the assembly of the halo, as the main cause of scatter. Haloes whose central galaxies host undermassive BHs also tend to retain a higher gas fraction, and exhibit elevated star formation rates (SFRs). Diversity in the mass of central BHs stems primarily from diversity in the dark matter halo binding energy, as these quantities are strongly and positively correlated at fixed halo mass, such that ∼L⋆ galaxies hosted by haloes that are more (less) tightly bound develop central BHs that are more (less) massive than is typical for their halo mass. Variations in the halo gas fraction at fixed halo mass are reflected in both the soft X-ray luminosity and thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich flux, suggesting that the prediction of a strong coupling between the properties of galaxies and their halo gas fractions can be tested with measurements of these diagnostics for galaxies with diverse SFRs but similar halo masses.

1998 ◽  
Vol 500 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-27 ◽  
Jounghun Lee ◽  
Sergei F. Shandarin

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