scholarly journals Prediction of H α and [O iii] emission line galaxy number counts for future galaxy redshift surveys

2019 ◽  
Vol 490 (3) ◽  
pp. 3667-3678 ◽  
Zhongxu Zhai ◽  
Andrew Benson ◽  
Yun Wang ◽  
Gustavo Yepes ◽  
Chia-Hsun Chuang

ABSTRACT We perform a simulation with Galacticus, a semi-analytical galaxy formation model, to predict the number counts of H α and [O iii] emitting galaxies. With a state-of-the-art N-body simulation, UNIT, we first calibrate Galacticus with the current observation of H α luminosity function. The resulting model coupled with a dust attenuation model, can reproduce the current observations, including the H α luminosity function from HiZELS and number density from WISP. We extrapolate the model prediction to higher redshift and the result is found to be consistent with previous investigations. We then use the same galaxy formation model to predict the number counts for [O iii] emitting galaxies. The result provides further validation of our galaxy formation model and dust model. We present number counts of H α and [O iii] emission line galaxies for three different line flux limits: 5 × 10−17erg s−1 cm−2, 1 × 10−16 erg s−1 cm−2 (6.5σ nominal depth for WFIRST GRS), and 2 × 10−16 erg s−1 cm−2 (3.5σ depth of Euclid GRS). At redshift 2 < z < 3, our model predicts that WFIRST can observe hundreds of [O iii] emission line galaxies per square degree with a line flux limit of 1 × 10−16 erg s−1 cm−2. This will provide accurate measurement of large-scale structure to probe dark energy over a huge cosmic volume to an unprecedented high redshift. Finally, we compare the flux ratio of H α/[O iii] within the redshift range of 0 < z < 3. Our results show the known trend of increasing H α/[O iii] flux ratio with H α flux at low redshift, which becomes a weaker trend at higher redshifts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 486 (4) ◽  
pp. 5737-5765 ◽  
Alexander Merson ◽  
Alex Smith ◽  
Andrew Benson ◽  
Yun Wang ◽  
Carlton Baugh

Abstract We forecast the linear bias for  Hα-emitting galaxies at high redshift. To simulate a Euclid-like and a WFIRST-like survey, we place galaxies into a large-volume dark matter halo lightcone by sampling a library of luminosity-dependent halo occupation distributions (HODs), which is constructed using a physically motivated galaxy formation model. We calibrate the dust attenuation in the lightcones such that they are able to reproduce the  Hα luminosity function or the  Hα cumulative number counts. The angle-averaged galaxy correlation function is computed for each survey in redshift slices of width Δ z = 0.2. In each redshift bin the linear bias can be fitted with a single, scale-independent value that increases with increasing redshift. Fitting for the evolution of linear bias with redshift, we find that our Euclid-like and WFIRST-like surveys are both consistent within error with the relation b(z) = 0.7z + 0.7. Our bias forecasts are consistent with bias measurements from the HiZELS survey. We find that the Euclid-like and WFIRST-like surveys yield linear biases that are broadly consistent within error, most likely due to the HOD for the WFIRST-like survey having a steeper power-law slope towards larger halo masses.

Marta B. Silva ◽  
Ely D. Kovetz ◽  
Garrett K. Keating ◽  
Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah ◽  
Matthieu Bethermin ◽  

AbstractThis paper outlines the science case for line-intensity mapping with a space-borne instrument targeting the sub-millimeter (microwaves) to the far-infrared (FIR) wavelength range. Our goal is to observe and characterize the large-scale structure in the Universe from present times to the high redshift Epoch of Reionization. This is essential to constrain the cosmology of our Universe and form a better understanding of various mechanisms that drive galaxy formation and evolution. The proposed frequency range would make it possible to probe important metal cooling lines such as [CII] up to very high redshift as well as a large number of rotational lines of the CO molecule. These can be used to trace molecular gas and dust evolution and constrain the buildup in both the cosmic star formation rate density and the cosmic infrared background (CIB). Moreover, surveys at the highest frequencies will detect FIR lines which are used as diagnostics of galaxies and AGN. Tomography of these lines over a wide redshift range will enable invaluable measurements of the cosmic expansion history at epochs inaccessible to other methods, competitive constraints on the parameters of the standard model of cosmology, and numerous tests of dark matter, dark energy, modified gravity and inflation. To reach these goals, large-scale structure must be mapped over a wide range in frequency to trace its time evolution and the surveyed area needs to be very large to beat cosmic variance. Only a space-borne mission can properly meet these requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 501 (2) ◽  
pp. 1755-1765
Andrew Pontzen ◽  
Martin P Rey ◽  
Corentin Cadiou ◽  
Oscar Agertz ◽  
Romain Teyssier ◽  

ABSTRACT We introduce a new method to mitigate numerical diffusion in adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations of cosmological galaxy formation, and study its impact on a simulated dwarf galaxy as part of the ‘EDGE’ project. The target galaxy has a maximum circular velocity of $21\, \mathrm{km}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ but evolves in a region that is moving at up to $90\, \mathrm{km}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ relative to the hydrodynamic grid. In the absence of any mitigation, diffusion softens the filaments feeding our galaxy. As a result, gas is unphysically held in the circumgalactic medium around the galaxy for $320\, \mathrm{Myr}$, delaying the onset of star formation until cooling and collapse eventually triggers an initial starburst at z = 9. Using genetic modification, we produce ‘velocity-zeroed’ initial conditions in which the grid-relative streaming is strongly suppressed; by design, the change does not significantly modify the large-scale structure or dark matter accretion history. The resulting simulation recovers a more physical, gradual onset of star formation starting at z = 17. While the final stellar masses are nearly consistent ($4.8 \times 10^6\, \mathrm{M}_{\odot }$ and $4.4\times 10^6\, \mathrm{M}_{\odot }$ for unmodified and velocity-zeroed, respectively), the dynamical and morphological structure of the z = 0 dwarf galaxies are markedly different due to the contrasting histories. Our approach to diffusion suppression is suitable for any AMR zoom cosmological galaxy formation simulations, and is especially recommended for those of small galaxies at high redshift.

2020 ◽  
Vol 498 (1) ◽  
pp. 164-180 ◽  
Harley Katz ◽  
Dominika Ďurovčíková ◽  
Taysun Kimm ◽  
Joki Rosdahl ◽  
Jeremy Blaizot ◽  

ABSTRACT Identifying low-redshift galaxies that emit Lyman continuum radiation (LyC leakers) is one of the primary, indirect methods of studying galaxy formation in the epoch of reionization. However, not only has it proved challenging to identify such systems, it also remains uncertain whether the low-redshift LyC leakers are truly ‘analogues’ of the sources that reionized the Universe. Here, we use high-resolution cosmological radiation hydrodynamics simulations to examine whether simulated galaxies in the epoch of reionization share similar emission line properties to observed LyC leakers at z ∼ 3 and z ∼ 0. We find that the simulated galaxies with high LyC escape fractions (fesc) often exhibit high O32 and populate the same regions of the R23–O32 plane as z ∼ 3 LyC leakers. However, we show that viewing angle, metallicity, and ionization parameter can all impact where a galaxy resides on the O32–fesc plane. Based on emission line diagnostics and how they correlate with fesc, lower metallicity LyC leakers at z ∼ 3 appear to be good analogues of reionization-era galaxies. In contrast, local [S ii]-deficient galaxies do not overlap with the simulated high-redshift LyC leakers on the S ii Baldwin–Phillips–Terlevich (BPT) diagram; however, this diagnostic may still be useful for identifying leakers. We use our simulated galaxies to develop multiple new diagnostics to identify LyC leakers using infrared and nebular emission lines. We show that our model using only [C ii]158 μm and [O iii]88 μm can identify potential leakers from non-leakers from the local Dwarf Galaxy Survey. Finally, we apply this diagnostic to known high-redshift galaxies and find that MACS 1149_JD1 at z = 9.1 is the most likely galaxy to be actively contributing to the reionization of the Universe.

2010 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 234-244 ◽  
Gao Feng ◽  
Kong Xu ◽  
Lin Xuan-bin ◽  
Zhang Wei ◽  
Li Jun-rong

Francois Hammer ◽  
Laurence Tresse ◽  
Simon Lilly ◽  
Olivier Le Févre ◽  
David Crampton ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S352) ◽  
pp. 71-72
Yifei Jin ◽  
Lisa Kewley ◽  
Ralph Sutherland

AbstractAccurate predictions of the physics of interstellar medium (ISM) are vital for understanding galaxy formation and evolution. Modelling photoionized regions with complex geometry produces realistic ionization structures within the nebulae, providing the necessary physical predictions to interpret observational data. 3D photoionization codes built with Monte Carlo techniques provide powerful tools to produce the ionizing radiation field with fractal geometry. We present a high-resolution Monte Carlo modelling of a nebula with fractal geometry, and will further show how nebular geometry influences the emission-line behaviours. Our research has important implications for studies of emission-line ratios in high redshift galaxies.

1987 ◽  
Vol 121 ◽  
pp. 53-55
M. Kalafi ◽  
A. Savage ◽  
A.R. Good ◽  
R.D. Cannon ◽  
M.G. Yates

The use of objective prisms in conjunction with the large area coverage afforded by Schmidt telescopes provides a very powerful means of detecting large numbers of emission-line galaxies, and allows one to study their large scale distribution. An important question that has yet to be fully addressed is the relationship between the number-magnitude distributions of the normal field galaxy and emission-line galaxy populations. A comparison such as this would effectively probe the evolution with time of these active objects. For example, study of the distant (z = 0.458) cluster of galaxies associated with 3C 295 (Dressler & Gunn 1983) indicates that emission-line objects may have been far more numerous in the past than at present. As a preliminary investigation in advance of a larger project, we report here on a search for emission-line galaxies in four United Kingdom 1.2m Schmidt Telescope (UKST) objective prism fields.

2020 ◽  
Vol 499 (4) ◽  
pp. 5486-5507 ◽  
S Avila ◽  
V Gonzalez-Perez ◽  
F G Mohammad ◽  
A de Mattia ◽  
C Zhao ◽  

ABSTRACT We study the modelling of the halo occupation distribution (HOD) for the eBOSS DR16 emission line galaxies (ELGs). Motivated by previous theoretical and observational studies, we consider different physical effects that can change how ELGs populate haloes. We explore the shape of the average HOD, the fraction of satellite galaxies, their probability distribution function (PDF), and their density and velocity profiles. Our baseline HOD shape was fitted to a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution, with a decaying occupation of central ELGs at high halo masses. We consider Poisson and sub/super-Poissonian PDFs for satellite assignment. We model both Navarro–Frenk–White and particle profiles for satellite positions, also allowing for decreased concentrations. We model velocities with the virial theorem and particle velocity distributions. Additionally, we introduce a velocity bias and a net infall velocity. We study how these choices impact the clustering statistics while keeping the number density and bias fixed to that from eBOSS ELGs. The projected correlation function, wp, captures most of the effects from the PDF and satellites profile. The quadrupole, ξ2, captures most of the effects coming from the velocity profile. We find that the impact of the mean HOD shape is subdominant relative to the rest of choices. We fit the clustering of the eBOSS DR16 ELG data under different combinations of the above assumptions. The catalogues presented here have been analysed in companion papers, showing that eBOSS RSD+BAO measurements are insensitive to the details of galaxy physics considered here. These catalogues are made publicly available.

2020 ◽  
Vol 496 (1) ◽  
pp. L54-L58 ◽  
Kana Moriwaki ◽  
Nina Filippova ◽  
Masato Shirasaki ◽  
Naoki Yoshida

ABSTRACT Line intensity mapping (LIM) is an emerging observational method to study the large-scale structure of the Universe and its evolution. LIM does not resolve individual sources but probes the fluctuations of integrated line emissions. A serious limitation with LIM is that contributions of different emission lines from sources at different redshifts are all confused at an observed wavelength. We propose a deep learning application to solve this problem. We use conditional generative adversarial networks to extract designated information from LIM. We consider a simple case with two populations of emission-line galaxies; H $\rm \alpha$ emitting galaxies at $z$ = 1.3 are confused with [O iii] emitters at $z$ = 2.0 in a single observed waveband at 1.5 $\mu{\textrm m}$. Our networks trained with 30 000 mock observation maps are able to extract the total intensity and the spatial distribution of H $\rm \alpha$ emitting galaxies at $z$ = 1.3. The intensity peaks are successfully located with 74 per cent precision. The precision increases to 91 per cent when we combine five networks. The mean intensity and the power spectrum are reconstructed with an accuracy of ∼10 per cent. The extracted galaxy distributions at a wider range of redshift can be used for studies on cosmology and on galaxy formation and evolution.

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