Concluding Remarks: Towards Convergence?

Giacinto della Cananea ◽  
Roberto Caranta

This chapter charts convergence and divergences in the approaches to liability from procedurally illegal decisions or omissions. It focuses on three aspects relevant in assessing if, and to what extent, the jurisdictions analysed are converging beyond the widespread acceptance of governmental liability for illegal decisions or omissions. The first aspect investigated is whether annulment or other specific administrative law remedies must be sought before (or along with) damages. The answer more often than not turns around the institutional question whether or not the same court is competent for both sets of remedies. A second aspect is whether additional requirements, besides illegality, are needed for a successful damages claim. This might include a subjective element or a more or less objectivized reference to the gravity of the breach. Finally, the actual causal link between procedural breaches and potential damages might be questioned, with courts possibly resorting to different techniques to exclude or mitigate governmental liability. The analysis shows that the different outcomes in terms of liability are such not by any accident but because of path dependency due to institutional choices (general courts versus specialized administrative courts), due to the preference courts may or may not have for remedies other than damages and, finally, due to the deference or lack thereof paid by courts to the discretion left to the administration.


El Derecho Administrativo es un producto propio y específico del constitucionalismo nacido tras la ruptura revolucionaria con el Antiguo Régimen, que resultará profundamente condicionado por las circunstancias sociopolíticas del país, Francia, donde nació. El Régimen Administrativo del Estado de Derecho se conforma a partir del principio de legalidad, de la potestad reglamentaria, de las libertades públicas y los derechos públicos subjetivos, de la responsabilidad de la Administración y del control a través de la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa. Administrazio Zuzenbidea konstituzionalismoaren berezko produktua espezifikoa da, Frantziako Iraultzak Erregimen Zaharrarekin apurtu ostean sortua eta herrialde horren egoera soziopolitikoak sakon baldintzatua. Zuzenbide Estatuaren Administrazio Araubideak osatzeko hauek guztiak hartzen dira abiapuntu: legezkotasun-printzipioa, arauzko ahala, askatasun publikoak eta eskubide publiko subjektiboak, Administrazioaren erantzukizuna eta administrazio-auziarekiko jurisdikzioaren bidez egiten den kontrola. Administrative Law is a product typical and specific of the constitutionalism born after the revolutionary break-off with the Ancien Regime, which was deeply conditioned by the sociopolitical circumstances of the State, France, where it was born. The Administrative Regime of the Rule of Law was made up from the point of view of the principle of legality, the statutory power, public freedoms and subjective public rights, the liability by the Administration and the review by means of the contentious administrative courts.

Schindler Benjamin

This chapter highlights the features and development of administrative law in Switzerland. Historically speaking, a peculiarity of the Swiss state and its administration is a lack of a monarchic past and a weakness of bureaucratic tradition. Another characteristic element of Swiss public authorities is the slow growth of their structure from bottom (municipalities, cantons) to top (federal level). Thus, Switzerland is one of the most decentralized countries of Europe. The lack of a central and bureaucratic administration means that the administrative law's emancipation in Switzerland started noticeably later than in its neighbouring countries, such as France, Germany, Austria, and Italy. The establishment of administrative courts was delayed for the same reason.

2020 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 457-479
Sophie Boyron

In 2016, the French Parliament introduced a new chapter on mediation in the Code of Administrative Justice. To succeed, this reform needs to reverse repeated failures in this field. In view of the significant challenge of embedding administrative mediation in the French administrative justice system, the reform and its implementation were informed by empirical findings arising from a mediation pilot set up by the administrative court of Grenoble in Spring 2013. An empirical study of the pilot and of the experience of rolling out administrative mediation in France forms the core of this article and the context in which to revisit foundational questions about mediation and administrative justice. I argue that mediation is not illsuited to administrative law disputes, but that to be integrated in a system of administrative justice, mediation requires the negotiation of a dedicated environment triggering in turn the emergence of a pluralist administrative justice system.

Valerii Kolpakov

Article investigates the administrative procedural relations which exist in sphere of action of administrative courts. The place of these establishes the relations in administrative law of Ukraine. For this purpose author investigates the legal nature of norms of administrative legal proceedings; analyzes the legislation on administrative courts; considers practice of work of administrative courts; studies history of administrative judicial system; analyzes scientific research in the sphere administrative law, administrative process, functioning of judicial system; studies drafts of normative documents in the sphere of administrative legal proceedings. As a result of the research author proposed definition of the administrative process.

2019 ◽  
pp. 71-91
Jędrzej Bujny ◽  
Tymoteusz Mądry

The article touches upon the controversies around the defi nition of a forest contained in the provision of Article 3 of the Act of 28 September 1991 on forests, present in the doctrine as well as in judicial decisions in administrative law. The interpretation of the above provision is analysed and the views presented in the doctrine and the judicial rulings, which sometimes include contradicting arguments, are examined. In the fi rst part of the article individual elements of the defi nition of a forest have been identifi ed and the diffi culties with their interpretation that have led to the emergence of a vast number of judicial decisions and rulings delivered by administrative courts as well as the Supreme Court have been presented. The second part contains deliberations on the importance of the data included in the land and buildings register and their potential use for the classifi cation of land as a forest on the grounds of concrete administrative proceedings, including these on tax matters. In this context the normative value of the provisions of the Act of 17 May 1989: Geodetic and Cartographic Law and individual tax laws making these data binding and applicable has been examined as well. Also this latter issue generates frequently diverging opinions expressed by administrative courts. The last part of the paper contains de lege lata and de lege ferenda postulates intended to reconcile the presented controversies connected with the classifi cation of individual land as forest. The authors hope that implementation of these postulates will contribute to the unifi cation of the judiciary opinions regarding the concept of a forest and consequently will help to eliminate the existing doubts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-164
Muhamad Rusjana

The Administrative Court in the Indonesian Law State is one manifestation of the function supervision by the judicial authorities on the actions of the government. The function of supervision or adjudication of the Administrative Court is to examine, decide and resolve Administrative disputes. The Regulations of administrative law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration has implications for the expansion of the competence the Administrative Court. The presence of this expansion certainly leads a changes, one of them is the function supervision of the Administrative Court. Based on this research, there is an expansion in the supervisory function of the Administrative Courts including: 1) the function of the consultation in section 21 of the Act, the Administrative Court is authorized to accept, examine and decide to settlement misappropriation authority by government; 2) judicial functions in section 53 and 87 of the Act, the Administrative Court has the authority to receive, examine and decide upon applications for receipt of applications to obtain decisions and/or actions of government or authority.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6(161) ◽  
pp. 99-116
Łukasz Kierznowski

The aim of the study is to compare the admissibility of suspending (and in fact — annulling, abandoning) already announced and commenced recruitment in higher education, as recently approved in the case law of administrative courts, with the requirements of the constitutional principle of protecting trust in the state and law and the second degree principles derived from it, as well as to demonstrate the effects on the legal position of the individual of the consolidation of such a position and its dissemination in university recruitment resolutions in connection with new statutory regulations in the area of law on higher education and science. The study makes use of the scientific literature on constitutional and administrative law, the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal and administrative courts, and, auxiliary, other sources.

سلطان بن حسن آل يحيى ◽  
بدر الدين إبراهيم ◽  
محمد ليبا

الملخّصيذهب فقهاء القانون الإداري إلى اعتبار الرقابة القضائية على أعمال الإدارة وتصرفاتها أهم وسيلة للمحافظة على مبدأ المشروعية، وهو المبدأ الذي يضمن للأفراد حقوقهم وللإدارة استقرارها. وفي هذا السياق؛ تأتي هذه الدراسة لتسليط الضوء على القواعد العامة التي يمارس من خلالها ديوان المظالم في المملكة العربية السعودية رقابته على نشاط الإدارة المتمثل في تنفيذ الأنظمة واللوائح وتشغيل المرافق العامة. وسيتم ذلك من خلال استعراض اختصاصات المحاكم الإدارية التابعة لديوان المظالم بفئاتها الثلاث: المحكمة الإدارية العليا، ومحاكم الاستئناف الإدارية، والمحاكم الإدارية (محاكم الدرجة الأولى)، ثم يلي ذلك بحث حدود النطاق الولائي لرقابة القضاء الإداري السعودي على النشاط الإداري، وسيكون السير في هذا المضمار من خلال محاولة شرح النصوص وتفسير الغامض منها، والإفادة من الأحكام القضائية كحالات عملية، لتنتهي الدراسة بعد ذلك باستعراض الحالات المهمة في تمييز قضاء المظالم في النظام الإسلامي عن قضاء المظالم في النظام السعودي.الكلمات المفتاحيّة: ديوان المظالم، القضاء الإداري، الرقابة القضائية، جهة الإدارية.             AbstractJurists of administrative law consider judicial supervision of administrative works and their actions one of the means of preserving the principle of legitimacy, which ensures the rights of individuals as well as the organization’s stability. This study attempts to shed light on the applied general principles through which the Bureau of Grievances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia exercises its supervision of management activities reflected by the implementation of the systems and rules and operating public facilities. This paper accomplishes through a demonstration of the tasks of administrative courts that work under the Bureau of Grievances in its three sections: the Supreme Administrative Court, Administrative Courts of Appeal, and Administrative Courts (courts of first instance), followed by a discussion on the scope of the Supervision of the Saudi administrative judiciary and administrative activities,  illustrating cases for differentiating grievances of judiciary in Islamic system from grievances of judiciary in the Saudi system.Keywords: Bureau of Grievances, Administrative Judiciary, Judicial Supervision, Administrative Authority.

1909 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 362-370
Edmund M. Parker

The seventh edition of Professor Dicey's well-known volume presents, as its most notable feature, an entirely new chapter on the droit administratif. All the previous editions have contained a chapter with this heading, but the doctrines set forth have, within the last half-dozen years, aroused so much adverse criticism that Professor Dicey has reëxamined the whole subject anew and has restated his views in what now constitutes one of the most valuable chapters of a notable book.The study of administrative law, as a branch of public law, has in recent years obtained increased recognition, and with this has come especial interest in the administrative law of France; for in that country the system has obtained its fullest development. There the evolution has been steady and although it has passed through several stages, is not yet completed. From the beginning of the nineteenth century France has had, for the determination of administrative litigation (the contentieux administratif, as it is termed) a system of special courts separate and distinct from the regular courts of the land. Other countries of continental Europe have more recently established similar courts, it is true, but in none of these is the jurisidiction of such courts as extensive as it is in the administrative courts of the French republic.

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