“Marriage under Two Roofs”: Feminism and Family Life
Crystal Eastman ardently pursued equalitarian feminism but also asserted that feminism must have three parts: politics and public policy; wages and the workplace; and—the distinctive final portion—the private domain of love, marriage, and the family. She believed millions of women like herself experienced acute feminist concerns not merely in the battle for economic opportunity in the workforce, or political representation and voice, but also from conflicts between their desire for the rewards of life beyond the home and for the rewards of family as well. She pursued this missing policy analysis for the rest of her life, advocating birth control in the feminist program, the endowment of motherhood, and feminist child-rearing and education. In unpublished articles, she also explored wages for wives and single motherhood by choice. All the while, Eastman was experimenting with a variety of novel approaches to integrating her feminism in own her marriage and family life.