legal regulations
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2022 ◽  
Matus Adamkovic ◽  
Ivana Piterová ◽  
Denisa Fedáková

In recent years, biobanking infrastructure has been gradually built in Central and Eastern Europe. The long-term success of biobanking, however, depends on the public’s engagement in the process. The available evidence indicates low informedness and hesitancy towards biobanking in CEE. Understanding of driving forces and barriers in laypeople’s participation in biobanking is thus a key challenge. The present paper aims to (1) summarize the available evidence, especially from the CEE countries, on public awareness and willingness to participate in biobanking, (2) provide the results of a systematic review on psychological correlates of engagement in biobanking in CEE, and (3) highlight the most pressing issues regarding the available evidence. In general, public awareness, biobanks’ communication and cooperation, ethical and legal regulations, and institutional/governmental trust seem to determine public engagement in biobanking the most. However, cultural specifics are likely to play a major role. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of behavioral data on this topic for the CEE countries. General recommendations on how to increase laypeople’s participation in biobanking are discussed. For the field to progress, future in-depth research on this topic conducted in the CEE countries is needed.

Paula Trzaskawka ◽  
Joanna Kic-Drgas

AbstractMarch 2020 has become a moment of change in communication mode and quality. Previously, the media paid attention to the current affairs, however, never earlier the journalistic discourse has been so influentially affected by the ongoing phenomenon as in the case of COVID-19. Almost overnight the new terminological phenomena with specific legal or medical reference were introduced into everyday language mainly via mass media and become an important part of a pandemic related narration. The strong influence on the shape of the mentioned linguistic changes has mainly the adoption of new legal regulations due to the unexpected outbreak of the pandemic. The aim of the following paper is to investigate how COVID-19 pandemic affected the specialisation of the journalistic discourse and how different domains (law, medicine) are being influenced by new terminology and in other way round, how for example law and medicine influence new “COVID language”. In order to take the interdisciplinary nature of the issue into account, the degree of hybridity of the selected texts will be examined by means of selected material analysis. The methodology applied in the paper uses an empirical approach and comparative analysis. The material used for the analysis comes from the selected Polish quality and boulevard press. The paper concerns the linguistic influence of the “invisible enemy” on the language presented in press. The main findings reveal the intense use of neologisms, borrowings, and it shows that the discourse was changed linguistically thanks to Student’s t-test.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Slobodan Bulatović

The quality of common open public spaces is conditioned, among other things, by the layout and characteristics of the facilities located in their immediate vicinity, but also by the functions and contents, equipment and materialization of the ground floor of those facilities. For this reason, interventions on existing facilities and the construction of new ones around common open public spaces can positivelyor negatively affect the quality of these areas. The construction of New Belgrade began in 1948 and continues today. In the area of New Belgrade, the network of common open public spaces covers more than 50% of the total area of the municipality. Initially, the blocks in New Belgrade were built on the basis of a unique planning solution. The transformation of the blocks began in the 1990s in the post-socialist period, when it became possible to change the legal regulations and enable a greater participation of private investments in the processes of reconstruction and new construction. In order to determine the real impact of the reconstruction of mega blocks on the quality of common open public spaces, this paper will present the criteria for determining the quality of these spaces. The criteria will help to examine the differences between the quality of common open public spaces within a block that has had frequent interventions and one where there have been no significant interventions over the last few decades. The conclusions should provide an answer as to whether and to what extent spatial interventions affect the quality of common open public spaces.

2022 ◽  
pp. 250-269
Feride Bakar Türegün ◽  
Adnan Gerçek

The taxation power of governments affects companies' business activities. For this reason, the legal limit of tax law must be known by taxpayers. Uncertainty, frequent changes, and interpretation differences in the tax field and reporting reveal tax risks. Today, companies, especially large ones, accept tax risk as a part of the risk management process. Focusing on tax risk management, this chapter presents the discussions on various definitions of tax risk and on the tax risk categories, factors that affect tax risk. The applicability of tax risk management is evaluated from the following perspectives in the chapter: empirical analyses conducted in different countries, tax control framework, and tax risk management practice in various countries. As a result, tax risks are manageable with the support of cooperative compliance models of revenue administrations in countries, the necessity of corporate governance principles, the situation of legal regulations, and the increasing risk management experience of especially large companies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 301
Ardian Dirgantara

The current study aimed to address the nature of the programme of the “Free-Corruption Zone” Award, and whether the competition lessened the corruption. The study employed a qualitative method using exploratory approach on Gowa Resort Police. The Gowa Resort Police was selected as it had already been granted the ‘Free-Corruption Zone’ Award twice. The collected data were interviews, legal regulations, and state documents. The evaluation were carried out by doingsurveys contain the supporting and field components. The results yield that the inadequency of socialisation occurred, and a deterioration became barriers to the success of the competition. Further, the study offered recommendations according to the diagnosis tree and the Theory of Change to be engaged later by the INP, the MABR, and other public sectors.

R Sugiharto ◽  

This study discusses the principle of legality in criminal law from the perspective of fair law enforcement. The formulation of the problem put forward is how to regulate the principle of legality in current criminal law and how the principle of legality in criminal law is currently from the perspective of law enforcement that is just. The conclusion of this study is that the regulation of the principle of legality in criminal law is currently regulated in Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code which is the principle of formal legality, which requires an act committed to be determined as a criminal act if it is first stated in the legislation that valid at the time the act was committed, from the perspective of fair law enforcement, the legality principle in criminal law currently cannot be used as a basis for carrying out fair law enforcement, because in this legality principle it implies that an act is qualified as a mere criminal act. only based on legislation (written legal regulations). In the opinion of the author, that law enforcement that adheres to the principle of legality can only achieve legal certainty, but has not been able to realize justice. Justice should be realized through law enforcement which is not just formal justice according to the formulation of the law, but also substantial justice, namely justice that is truly in accordance with the sense of community justice based on the living law.

Andri Nirwana ◽  
Faisal Husen Ismail ◽  
Dhia’ul Khaq ◽  
Yeti Dahliana ◽  
Alfiyatul Aziza ◽  

Abortion is an act of killing to life which is forbidden in Islam. Abortion gives rise to differences of view among past and contemporary scholars on its enabling and prohibition. So, this study is to examine the views of scholars and laws in Indonesia and Malaysia related to abortion and its impact on inheritance ownership. This situation affects the inheritance of property to the mother from the aborted baby. The method of this study is qualitative descriptive. The approach of this research method is descriptive of content through literature. Books, journals, newspaper clippings, and legal regulations are the premier references to this study. This study finds that there are similarities and differences between sharia law and the rules applied in Indonesia and Malaysia. In terms of similarities, Islamic law and the laws in Indonesia and Malaysia provide for the prohibition of abortion. But, in certain circumstances, the fetus can be aborted for certain reasons, such as harming the mother or for medical reasons. In addition, this study found differences in punishment for women who had an abortion for no valid reason. Therefore, this study reveals the harmonization of Islamic law with the laws conducted in Indonesia and Malaysia. So, this study recommends forming a better in-depth study of efforts to harmonize the larger Islamic law to the rules regulated in Muslim countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-425
Piotr Ochman

Progressing globalization, ease of movement and the pace of information flow undoubtedly have intensified the threat of an important social problem — terrorism. An key instrument of combating terrorist activity is counteracting its financing. This article will analyze the crime of financing terrorism, which has been typified in Art. 165a of the Polish Criminal Code. An attempt will be made to answer the question of whether the legislative measures taken in the above-mentioned scope are purposeful, necessary and justified. The genesis of the current legal regulations in the field of counteracting the financing of terrorism in the Polish penal code will be also presented.

SASI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 532
Didik Irawansah ◽  
Wardah Yuspin ◽  
Ridwan Ridwan ◽  
Nasrullah Nasrullah

The growth of Fintech in Indonesia is very rapid, this condition is directly proportional to the legal problems that arise, the legal policy of regulation and protection of Fintech is still focused on the OJK, while the OJK still has many weaknesses in the implementation of supervision and protection of fintech activities, especially in the era of the covid pandemic. -19. The purpose of this study, first, by outlining the legal regulations issued by Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority regarding fintech in Indonesia by looking at the legal weaknesses so that it is important to establish the Fintech Law. second, the urgency of the establishment of a fintech law on fintech consumer protection in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the importance of this research is that it will explain the development of the fintech industry in Indonesia, especially during the Pandemic, where the fintech industry experienced significant development so that this is an idea to provide a clear legal framework for the fintech industry. The research method used is normative juridical using library data and observations of fintech developments through library studies. Research findings show that so far fintech in Indonesia has used regulations contained in the POJK and PBI as the basis for implementing fintech, although it is felt that the regulations issued by POJK and PBI have not been able to provide maximum legal protection for the implementation of the fintech industry. so it is necessary to establish a law in order to provide legal protection for the development of the fintech industry now and in the future.

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