Estimating Pain- and-Suffering Damages

Ronen Avraham

This chapter argues that the best solution for dealing with the high cost of administrating pain-and-suffering damages and the alleged variation in horizontal quality is to reduce the cost of administration and increasing uniformity, rather than limiting plaintiffs’ recoveries. The best way to accomplish this is by simplifying ways to estimate pain-and-suffering losses. The chapter surveys a number of solutions discussed in the literature on how to simplify the estimation of pain-and-suffering damages to cut administrative costs. The goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of the task of estimating the loss more than to recommend any specific path to it.

2003 ◽  
Vol 13 (Suppl 2) ◽  
pp. 212-219
T. D. Szucs ◽  
P. Wyss ◽  
K. J. Dedes

Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. The costs associated with this cancer impact both on the affected individual and on the health system. Screening is currently unproven as a strategy for improving outcomes for women with ovarian cancer. Randomized controlled trials, however, are underway, estimating any impact of screening with ultrasound and CA125 on ovarian cancer mortality. Paclitaxel and carboplatin combination, the standard first-line chemotherapy regimen for ovarian cancer, has not been compared with cisplatin and cyclophosphamide regarding the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility, but for paclitaxel and cisplatin, numerous studies have addressed these issues. The estimated incremental costs resulting from these studies fall well within the generally accepted range for new therapies. Although acquisition costs of new chemotherapy drugs exceed those of older drugs, the impact of costly drugs on total costs may be cost saving due to less costs related to supportive and palliative care. The most important costs for the patient, the pain and suffering associated with ovarian cancer and its treatment, are hard to quantify. Nevertheless, patients' quality of life must be considered when making a clinical decision to treat this disease. A review of available cost-effectiveness studies is presented and discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
James Kimani

Purpose: Credit information sharing cost positively influenced the profitability of banks in Kenya. The general objective of the study was to evaluate credit information sharing and profitability of banks in Kenya. Methodology: The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes and to extract knowledge gaps. Findings: The study stablished that borrower’s credit history information had a positive influence on the profitability in Kenya. The study the respondents agreed that their banks collect information on the number of previous applications that a loan applicant has made, the bank collects information on the number of loans applied and declined, the bank asks for reasons that the loan applied was declined for all applicants, the bank asks loan applicants to indicate the discipline observed when repaying previous loans advanced, the bank asks clients to indicate if they have delayed in remitting their periodic loan repayment in the past, the banks collect more information about the loan applicants credit history from the CRB. Recommendations: The study recommended that while sharing information, the banks should do a cost benefit analysis to ascertain if the sharing of such information is material or not. It should pay its attention to the administrative costs that come with sharing information. This is because the cost of information sharing as seen from the study results have a negative and significant influence on performance Purpose: Credit information sharing cost positively influenced the profitability of banks in Kenya. The general objective of the study was to evaluate credit information sharing and profitability of banks in Kenya. Methodology: The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes and to extract knowledge gaps. Findings: The study stablished that borrower’s credit history information had a positive influence on the profitability in Kenya. The study the respondents agreed that their banks collect information on the number of previous applications that a loan applicant has made, the bank collects information on the number of loans applied and declined, the bank asks for reasons that the loan applied was declined for all applicants, the bank asks loan applicants to indicate the discipline observed when repaying previous loans advanced, the bank asks clients to indicate if they have delayed in remitting their periodic loan repayment in the past, the banks collect more information about the loan applicants credit history from the CRB. Recommendations: The study recommended that while sharing information, the banks should do a cost benefit analysis to ascertain if the sharing of such information is material or not. It should pay its attention to the administrative costs that come with sharing information. This is because the cost of information sharing as seen from the study results have a negative and significant influence on performance

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 586-589 ◽  
Anton N Isaacs ◽  
Kim Dalziel ◽  
Keith Sutton ◽  
Darryl Maybery

Objective: The purpose of this paper is to provide some learnings for the NDIS from the referral pattern and cost of implementing the Partners in Recovery initiative of Gippsland. Method: Information on referral areas made for each consumer was collated from support facilitators. Cost estimates were determined using budget estimates, administrative costs and a literature review and are reported from a government perspective. Results: Sixty-three per cent of all referrals were made to organisations that provided multiple types of services. Thirty-one per cent were to Mental Health Community Support Services. Eighteen per cent of referrals were made to clinical mental health services. The total cost of providing the service for a consumer per year (set-up and ongoing) was estimated to be AUD$15,755 and the ongoing cost per year was estimated to be AUD$13,434. The cost of doing nothing is likely to cost more in the longer term, with poor mental health outcomes such as hospital admission, unemployment benefits, prison, homelessness and psychiatric residential care. Conclusions: Supporting recovery in persons with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness is likely to be economically more beneficial than not doing so. Recovery can be better supported when frequently utilised services are co-located. These might be some learnings for the NDIS.

Paul J. Carruth ◽  
Ann K. Carruth

<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0in 35.75pt 0pt 37.4pt;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">The cost of healthcare in the U.S. is an issue of continuing concern for those who manage the economics of healthcare. Increasingly, as the system continues to undergo responsive changes in structure and processes, healthcare financial managers (HCFM) and Nurse Executives (NE) have emerged as an important part of healthcare reform. The purpose of this study is to compare the extent HCFMs and NEs believe various healthcare reform measures and cost containment strategies are effective. Eighty-four HCFMs, and 99 NEs from 36 states, comprised the sample for this study. Both groups agree that the majority of healthcare reform measures are moderately or very effective.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>In general, accounting practices that HCFMs and NEs have direct decision making authority over were deemed effective (i.e. accounting systems that reduce administrative costs). Three strategies not considered effective by both groups were restriction of coverage for various drug therapies, accounting systems that provide more accurate allocation of indirect/overhead cost; and increased physician accountability for cost containment. When comparing accounting systems, expense tracking, and cost shifting strategies, HCFMs were significantly more likely to rate cost shifting as effective than NEs. Acknowledging that HCFMs and NEs believe that accounting systems are<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>responsive to healthcare reforms validates and contributes to the ongoing efforts of HCFMs and NEs to continue to use their expertise to maximize revenues, and minimize costs in order to provide competitive, caring patient care.</span></span></p>

2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Leon B. Hoshower ◽  
David Kirch

During the past two decades, the cost of higher education has increased at a higher rate than inflation.  Although this increase is small each year, the cumulative effect is great.  These increased costs are funded mainly through increased tuition and increased government support, either through subsidies to state funded universities or through government supported student loans, grants, work-study programs, and tax credits.  These subsidies are straining governmental budgets.  Many students are graduating with large debt burdens.  There is a rising fear among the working class that providing a college education for their children will be beyond their financial means. Thus, it is generally understood that the cost of a college education is rising faster than inflation and that these rising costs are creating a financial burden for both governments and individuals.  What is not generally understood is the source of these rising costs.  This study examined the financial records of a state supported, mid-western university with enrollment between 15,000 and 20,000 students, hereafter referred to as the University, over an eighteen-year period.  The study found that the rising cost of the University’s administration was the major source of the university’s cost increases.  This paper documents this finding and offers five possible explanations for these rising administrative costs.  The paper neither condemns nor justifies the rises in costs and it offers no suggestions for effectively decreasing administrative costs.  Diagnosis of the problem is the current topic of discussion, while possible solutions remain to be devised at a later date

Adam M. Pike ◽  
Bharadwaj Bommanayakanahalli

Pavement marking materials can be broadly classified into two types: durable and nondurable. The durable markings have a longer service life compared with the nondurable and, thus, need to be replaced less frequently. The material cost of the durable markings is higher compared with the nondurable markings. However, the durable markings have several benefits compared with the nondurable markings. Durable markings require less frequent striping resulting in less traffic delays faced due to marking installation and fewer accidents due to fewer work zone closures. The administrative costs associated with contracting and monitoring the work is also lower for durable markings due to less frequent contracting. The primary purpose of this project is to explore the cost differences between durable and nondurable markings, and how various factors can impact the life cycle cost of different marking materials. Researchers developed a life cycle cost calculator that considers the various costs associated with pavement markings to assist in comparing total costs of different marking materials. All costs associated with the implementation of pavement marking projects are considered, including material and installation costs, traffic delay costs and crash costs due to marking installations, and administrative costs to cover contracting and management of the pavement marking assets. This life cycle cost calculator would be another tool that decision makers could use to help choose the most cost-effective pavement marking for the selected input condition.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Andrian Ramadhan ◽  
Siti Hajar Suryawati ◽  
Sonny Koeshendrajana

Kejadian tumpahan minyak di laut bisa terjadi sewaktu-waktu dan dimana saja khususnya yang memiliki kedekatan dengan jalur perkapalan dan aktivitas pengeboran minyak. Hal ini menuntut kewaspadaan pemerintah sekaligus kemampuan untuk menanggulangi kejadian yang terjadi secara cepat. Seiring dengan itu, pemerintah juga harus segera dapat menghitung nilai kerugian atau dampak ekonomi yang ditimbulkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun pedoman perhitungan dampak kerugian akibat tumpahan minyak dengan pendekatan valuasi ekonomi. Penilaian dengan pendekatan ini memberi keuntungan yaitu terhitungnya seluruh manfaat barang dan jasa yang hilang baik yang bersifat ekonomi langsung, ekologi maupun sosial budaya. Secara total nilai dampak ekonomi dihitung dengan memasukkan tiga komponen yaitu biaya kerugian ekonomi yang dikompensasi, biaya rehabilitasi dan biaya administrasi penghitungan kerugian.Tittle: Economic Valuation Approach for Calculating the Economic Impact Due to Oil Spill on Coastal and MarineOil spills in the sea water can occur at anytime and anywhere especially on sites are closely associated with shipping and oil drilling activities. This issue requires government vigilance and ability in order to cope with it responsively. The government must also be able to calculate the economic loss. The purpose of this research is to compose a guidance of economic valuation for oil spill economic impact. The use of economic valuation give advantages where the loss of all benefits of goods and services, that include economic, ecological and socio-cultural value, are comprehensively counted. In total, the economic impact is calculated based on three components: the cost of compensated economic losses, rehabilitation costs and administrative costs of calculating losses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Aries Adiyanto ◽  
Dene Herwanto

PT. Tri Jaya Teknik Karawang is an engineering company engaged in fabrication, machining and side parts. PT. Tri Jaya Teknik started pioneering a business since 2007 and started owning and occupying its own workshop in 2009. Currently the company already has 2 plant workshops with a total area of 3,080 m2 and has about 100 employees. One of the products produced is Fuji seat, based on the data collected there are 3 parts of the process. The 3 parts of the process are repair 1, repair 2, repair 3. With each there is a check parts & packing table. The method used in companies to manage raw material inventories is still conventional, namely by making continuous purchases without estimating according to needs. So that there is often an excess of raw materials or a shortage of raw materials at a certain time, this makes the costs incurred inefficient and often disrupts the production process. A review of the inventory capacity of Fuji Seat products in this study was carried out using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model. The main raw material inventory data used is Fuji Seat in the 2016-2019 period. Holding cost raw materials is set by PT. Tri Jaya Teknik Karawang is 2.5% of the price per pcs, this value is used for procurement and repair of tools and equipment in the warehouse. If there is no damage, the cost is allocated to the warehouse manager in that month. Meanwhile, the cost of ordering which consists of the price of goods and shipping costs is determined by PT. Tri Jaya Teknik Karawang, amounting to IDR 100,000.00. This fee includes administration and transportation costs. Administrative costs, namely executive salaries and other supporters, as well as taxes related to the company. The cost of shipping transport is the distance traveled and the weight of the product ordered. Based on the calculation of EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), the most economical amount of raw materials using the EOQ model is 6,815.5 Pcs with 187 purchases a year. PT. Tri Jaya Teknik Karawang adalah perusahaan engineering yang bergerak di bidang fabrikasi, machining dan part samping. PT. Tri Jaya Teknik mulai merintis bisnis sejak tahun 2007 dan mulai memiliki dan menempati workshop sendiri di tahun 2009. Saat ini perusahaan telah memiliki 2 plant workshop dengan total luas 3.080 m2 dan memiliki karyawan berjumlah sekitar 100 orang. Salah satu produk yang dihasilkan adalah fuji seat, berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan ada 3 bagian proses. 3 bagian proses itu adalah repair 1, repair 2, repair 3. Dengan masing-masing terdapat meja check part & packing. Metode yang digunakan pada perusahaan untuk mengelola persediaan bahan baku masih secara konvensional, yaitu dengan melakukan pembelian terus menerus tanpa memperkirakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Sehingga seringkali terjadi kelebihan bahan baku atau kekurangan bahan baku di saat tertentu, hal ini membuat biaya yang dikeluarkan menjadi tidak efisien dan sering kali mengganggu proses produksi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mampu mengetahui perhitungan EOQ dan frekuensi pembelian yang paling ekonomis dalam perusahaan. Tinjauan kapasitas persediaan produk Fuji Seat dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). Data persediaan bahan baku utama yang digunakan adalah Fuji Seat pada periode 2016-2019.Biaya penyimpanan bahan baku di tetapkan oleh pihak PT. Tri Jaya Teknik Karawang sebesar 2,5% dari harga per pcs, nilai tersebut digunakan untuk keperluan pengadaan dan perbaikan 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 193
Nita Wulandari

This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in the calculation in determining the selling price between the UMKM Saputra Snack method with the cost plus pricing method with full costing approach and to know the selling price use the cost plus pricing method with full costing approach at the UMKM Saputra Snack can be able to competitive. The type of research is used quantitative. The research method used case study. The analysis technique used to calculation of the selling price using the cost plus pricing method with a full costing approach. The data used in this study are data on production costs and non-production costs during 2019. The results show that there are differences in setting the selling price because of the inaccuracy in treating cost components, namely the components of factory overhead costs such as equipment depreciation costs, production building depreciation, administrative costs, marketing costs in calculating the cost of goods manufactured which are used as the basis for determining the selling price. So that the calculation of the selling price with the cost plus pricing method, the full costing approach is greater than selling price of UMKM Saputra Snack. The results of the evaluation of the selling price of product using the cost plus pricing method of the full costing approach at UMKM Saputra Snack can still compete with similar products, because the selling price of similar products on the market is still high. Therefore, the results of the evaluation of the selling price of UMKM Saputra Snack's product are still reasonable and the selling price of the product can be increased so that it can increase the profit as expected.

2014 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-60
Krzysztof Adamowicz ◽  
Henryka Kaciunka

Abstract The rate of change in the cost of logged timber and prices of raw timber during the period, 2001-2009, was examined for the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Zielona Góra. A logarithmic evaluation of average rate of change indicated that the rate of increase in timber harvest costs was higher than the rate of increase in the average price of raw timber and likewise the price of most log grades. The average increase in raw timber value was 2.51% annually. The price of low-diameter raw timber (slash) increased 8.61%, and the price of large-diameter timber increased 1.94% annually, while the price of large coniferous segments increased 1.75% and broadleaf segments increased 2.98% annually. At the same time, the timber logging costs increased more than the timber price, to 4.17%, or 4.19% when administrative costs related to timber logging are included

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