Age as Moderator of the Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Effort in Occupational Teams

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-129
Laura U A Gärtner ◽  
Guido Hertel

Abstract Demographic changes increase the age range in occupational teams, which has potential consequences for collaboration not only at the team level (age diversity) but also at the individual level regarding how much effort workers expend. By integrating a life span perspective into theories on effort expenditure in teams, we assumed that workers’ chronological age moderates the relationship between task-specific self-efficacy beliefs and effort expenditure in organizational teamwork. More specifically, we assumed that task-specific self-efficacy beliefs are more strongly related with effort for older as compared with younger team members. Hypotheses were tested in 2 online studies (N = 209 and 271 workers, respectively) using the event reconstruction method. Participants were instructed to reexperience specific work events from the last few days (Study 1: 2 teamwork events; Study 2: 1 teamwork event and 1 working-alone event) and to indicate their self-efficacy and effort expenditure in each event. Results of both studies showed the expected age moderation of the self-efficacy–effort link in team settings, whereas no such moderation was observed in working-alone settings in Study 2. Finally, Study 2 also showed a stronger age moderation effect in unfamiliar as compared with familiar tasks.

SAGE Open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 215824401990018 ◽  
Nguyen Phan Hanh Thao ◽  
Seung-Wan Kang

The purpose of this article is to contribute to the existing servant leadership literature, especially at the individual level of analysis in new settings, by examining the potential joint effects of servant leadership, dyadic duration, and job self-efficacy, with organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) as the dependent variable. We, after analyzing survey data from 148 leader–follower dyads collected from an engineering venture, find that dyadic duration is a significant moderator of the relationship between servant leadership and OCB. Furthermore, the moderating effect of dyadic duration on the relationship between servant leadership and OCB depends on job self-efficacy, such that the interaction effect is neutralized when job self-efficacy is high rather than low. The findings about interactive effects can provide useful information that will help to better deploy servant leadership in organizations to create positive follower outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 672-694
Chia-Ying Li ◽  
Chiun-Yi Tsai

AbstractSelf-efficacy is not a phenomenon solely applicable to the individual; it may be applicable to several levels within an organisation. Although the theoretical development of efficacy beliefs has been discussed, few studies have investigated how to enhance self-efficacy through individual motivation or management policies. After collecting data from 414 employees of 38 research and development teams, multilevel analyses are conducted to empirically integrate efficacy beliefs at the individual and team levels in a moderated mediation model. The results indicate that self-efficacy mediates the effects of both learning orientation and affective commitment on group efficacy, which further facilitates innovation effectiveness. Training not only affects self-efficacy, but also moderates the mediation effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between learning orientation and group efficacy. Moreover, goal clarity moderates the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between affective commitment and group efficacy.

Şenol Şen

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between preservice teachers' attitudes towards the teaching profession (ATP) and teachers' self-efficacy beliefs (TSEB). In particular, the study aimed to understand the effect of preservice teachers' self-efficacy beliefs (TSEB), age, gender and discipline on their attitudes towards the teaching profession (ATP). The study was conducted with a correlational research design. Sample for the study comprised 157 preservice teachers attending a public university. Attitude Scale towards the Profession of Teaching (ASPT) and the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) were used as tools for data collection. The data were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that there were positive and significant relations between the variables selected for the study. Regression analysis revealed that preservice teachers' selfefficacy beliefs (TSEB) have a positive and significant effect on their attitudes towards teaching profession (ATP).

Muhammad Waleed Shehzad ◽  
Ishtiaq Hussain ◽  
Amer Akhtar ◽  
Saadia Fatima

Abstract The intended aim of this research was to identify the connection of Self-Efficacy Sources (SES) and Metacognitive Reading Strategies (MCRS) with Reading Comprehension (RC) by deploying reading Self-Efficacy Beliefs (SEB) as a mediating construct. A correlational design was utilized. Proportionate stratified random sampling was deployed to select a sample of 383 Saudi EFL university learners. Questionnaires and a reading comprehension test were employed to gather the data. Structural equation modelling was used to test the relationships. Results indicated that SES were substantially associated with SEB except physiological state. Moreover, all the three MCRS showed significant and positive association with SEB. Also, SEB were substantially associated with RC. Regarding mediation, it was discovered that SEB mediated the relationship among SES and RC except one source, i.e., physiological state. Moreover, SEB mediated the association between all the three MCRS and RC. This study provides several implications for learners, teachers, and policymakers. Keywords: Metacognitive Reading Strategies, Self-efficacy Sources, Reading Self-efficacy Beliefs, Reading Comprehension, Saudi EFL Learners

2021 ◽  
pp. 170-195
Elena I. Rasskazova ◽  
Galina V. Soldatova ◽  
Yulia Y. Neyaskina ◽  
Olga S. Shiriaeva

Relevance. The modern society creates the image of a successful person as actively interacting with different information flows, including an impressive stream of news content. This paper assumes that there is a personal need for tracking and spreading news that develops in the interaction between person and digital world. The individual level of this need could explain the interaction with information (its critical and uncritical dissemination) and the subjective experience of its redundancy and inaccuracy, including those experiences and actions in a pandemic situation. The aim of the study was to reveal the relationship of the subjective need for news with personal values, beliefs about technologies (“technophilia”) and the dissemination of news about the pandemic. Method. 270 people (aged 18 to 61) filled out The short (Schwartz) Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ), Beliefs about New Technologies Questionnaire, Monitoring of Information about Coronavirus Scale as well as items on the subjective need for receiving and disseminating news, readiness for critical and non-critical dissemination of news about pandemics, subjective experiences of redundancy and distrust of pandemic-related information. Results. According to the results, the Need for News Scale allows assessing the subjective importance of receiving news and discussing them with other people and is characterized by sufficient consistency and factor validity. The need for regular news is more pronounced among men, older people, people with higher education, married people, people who have children, while the need to discuss news is not related to sociodemographic factors. For people, who are more prone to technophilia, it is more important to regularly receive and discuss news information with others, which, in turn, mediates the relationship between technophilia and monitoring news about coronavirus. The need for news dissemination mediates the relationship between technophilia and readiness for critical and non-critical dissemination of information about the pandemic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (0) ◽  
Rodolfo Augusto Matteo Ambiel ◽  
Thaline da Cunha Moreira ◽  
Dianniffer Aparecida Oliveira ◽  
Edson Cardoso Pereira ◽  
Débora Noemi Hernandez

Abstract Vocational guidance (VG) involves several variables that can help the individual to make a professional choice and build his or her career. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between self-efficacy for professional choice and career adaptability in high school students, as well as to verify possible differences regarding the intention or not to participate in a VG process. 272 students participated in this study, from a public school, aged between 14 and 19 years, 51.5% female. A Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Self-efficacy Scale for Professional Choice (EAE-EP) and the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS-Brazil) were applied. From the Pearson correlation analysis, ANOVA and Cohen’s d, the results indicated positive correlations between the constructs, in addition, it was observed the difference between the students who would like or not to undergo a VG process. Implications for the practice are discussed.

Ina Reić Ercegovac ◽  
Toni Maglica ◽  
Maja Ljubetić

This study aimed to explore the relationship between self-esteem, self-efficacy, family and life satisfaction, loneliness and academic achievement during adolescence. A total of 180 male and 301 female adolescents aged 10 to 17 (M=12.45 years, SD=2.66), from two primary and two secondary schools from the city of Split, participated in the study. To achieve the research goal, we administered the general data questionnaire, Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (Vulić Prtorić Sorić, 2006), Family Satisfaction Scale (Vulić Prtorić, 2004), the short-form UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell, 1996), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). The results indicated that female adolescents performed better in Croatian than male adolescents, who in turn assessed themselves as being more emotionally efficient than female adolescents. Regarding age, preadolescents were more satisfied, performed better academically, and exhibited higher levels of academic self-efficacy and self-esteem than older adolescents. The results of the regression analysis showed that higher academic self-efficacy and lower emotional self-efficacy were the strongest predictors of academic achievement. Research findings suggest that higher self-esteem and self-efficacy beliefs in all domains could have a protective role in well-being of adolescents and, finally, they point to the importance of developing high self-efficacy beliefs, especially academic ones, for academic achievement.Key words: academic achievement; adolescence; self-concept; satisfaction, loneliness---Ovim istraživanjem nastojalo se ispitati odnos između samopoštovanja, samoučinkovitosti, zadovoljstva s obitelji i životom, usamljenosti i akademskoga postignuća tijekom adolescencije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 180 adolescenata i 301 adolescentica u dobi od 10 do 17 godina (M = 12,45 godina, SD = 2,66), iz dvije osnovne i dvije srednje škole iz Splita. Kako bismo ostvarili cilj istraživanja, koristili smo sljedeće instrumente: Upitnik općih podataka, Upitnik samoučinkovitosti djece i adolescenata (Vulić Prtorić i Sorić, 2006), Skalu obiteljskoga zadovoljstva (Vulić Prtorić, 2004), kratki oblik Skale usamljenosti Sveučilišta u Kaliforniji (UCLA) (Russell, 1996) i Opću skalu samopoštovanja (Rosenberg, 1965). Rezultati pokazuju da su adolescentice bolje u Hrvatskom jeziku od adolescenata, koji su procijenili da su emocionalno učinkovitiji od ženskih adolescenata. S obzirom na dob, predadolescenti bili su zadovoljniji, imali bolju akademsku izvedbu i pokazivali više razine akademske samoučinkovitosti nego stariji adolescenti. Rezultati regresijske analize naglasili su višu akademsku samoučinkovitost i nižu emocionalnu samoučinkovitost kao najsnažnije prediktore akademskoga postignuća. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da više samopoštovanje i viša uvjerenja u samoučinkovitost u svim domenama mogu očuvati dobrobit adolescenata. Osim toga, rezultati ukazuju na važnost razvijanja snažnih uvjerenja u samoučinkovitost, posebno akademsku, za akademsko postignuće.Ključne riječi: adolescencija; akademsko postignuće; samopoimanje; usamljenost; zadovoljstvo

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 816-826 ◽  
Gilad Feldman ◽  
Huiwen Lian ◽  
Michal Kosinski ◽  
David Stillwell

There are two conflicting perspectives regarding the relationship between profanity and dishonesty. These two forms of norm-violating behavior share common causes and are often considered to be positively related. On the other hand, however, profanity is often used to express one’s genuine feelings and could therefore be negatively related to dishonesty. In three studies, we explored the relationship between profanity and honesty. We examined profanity and honesty first with profanity behavior and lying on a scale in the lab (Study 1; N = 276), then with a linguistic analysis of real-life social interactions on Facebook (Study 2; N = 73,789), and finally with profanity and integrity indexes for the aggregate level of U.S. states (Study 3; N = 50 states). We found a consistent positive relationship between profanity and honesty; profanity was associated with less lying and deception at the individual level and with higher integrity at the society level.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (138) ◽  
pp. 20170696 ◽  
Olga Morozova ◽  
Ted Cohen ◽  
Forrest W. Crawford

Epidemiologists commonly use the risk ratio to summarize the relationship between a binary covariate and outcome, even when outcomes may be dependent. Investigations of transmissible diseases in clusters—households, villages or small groups—often report risk ratios. Epidemiologists have warned that risk ratios may be misleading when outcomes are contagious, but the nature of this error is poorly understood. In this study, we assess the meaning of the risk ratio when outcomes are contagious. We provide a mathematical definition of infectious disease transmission within clusters, based on the canonical stochastic susceptible–infective model. From this characterization, we define the individual-level ratio of instantaneous infection risks as the inferential target, and evaluate the properties of the risk ratio as an approximation of this quantity. We exhibit analytically and by simulation the circumstances under which the risk ratio implies an effect whose direction is opposite that of the true effect of the covariate. In particular, the risk ratio can be greater than one even when the covariate reduces both individual-level susceptibility to infection, and transmissibility once infected. We explain these findings in the epidemiologic language of confounding and Simpson's paradox, underscoring the pitfalls of failing to account for transmission when outcomes are contagious.

2021 ◽  
pp. 073428292110576
Gordon L. Flett

While the importance of having self-esteem is widely recognized and has been studied extensively, another core component of the self-concept has been relatively neglected—a sense of mattering to other people. In the current article, it is argued that mattering is an entirely unique and complex psychological construct with great public appeal and applied significance. The various ways of assessing mattering are reviewed and evidence is summarized, indicating that mattering is a vital construct in that deficits in mattering are linked with consequential outcomes at the individual level (i.e., depression and suicidal tendencies), the relationship level (i.e., relationship discord and dissolution), and the societal level (i.e., delinquency and violence). Contemporary research is described which shows that mattering typically predicts unique variance in key outcomes beyond other predictor variables. Mattering is discussed as double-edged in that mattering is highly protective but feelings of not mattering are deleterious, especially among people who have been marginalized and mistreated. The article concludes with an extended discussion of key directions for future research and an overview of the articles in this special issue. It is argued that a complete view of the self and personal identity will only emerge after we significantly expand the scope of inquiry on the psychology of mattering.

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