linguistic analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1051-1059
N. V. Melnik ◽  
O. V. Mityakina

This research featured the lingua-personolological aspect of linguistic means and speech techniques connected with the use of discrediting strategy in online comments aimed at discrediting the authorities. The study was based on the methods of continuous sampling and linguistic analysis of official Facebook and Twitter pages of the mayors of New York and London. Lowering proved to be the leading strategy used in comments aimed at discrediting the government. The research revealed the prevailing tactics and techniques of the speech strategy for lowering, e.g. "analysis minus", insult, accusation, etc. Internet users appeared to have an individual style and vocabulary choice that depended on various subjective factors. The comments showed little trust for the government, which makes discrediting the authorities an important contemporary issue.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Monica L. Bellon-Harn ◽  
Ryan L. Boyd ◽  
Vinaya Manchaiah

Background: It is critical for professionals to understand the discourse landscape within various online and social media outlets in order to support families of children with autism in treatment decision-making. This need is heightened when considering treatments that have garnered excitement and controversy, such as applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy.Method: The specific aims of this study were to identify the main themes in Reddit posts about ABA-based interventions for autism using topic modeling, to examine the linguistic aspects of Reddit conversations using the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) analysis, and to examine the relationship between linguistic aspects and user category (i.e., pro- vs. anti-ABA vs. undecided, parent vs. professional vs. an individual with autism).Results: The topic modeling resulted in 11 themes that ranged across various elements, such as autism as a condition and its management, stakeholders, and consequences of autism and the support needed. The posts of individuals were focused on personal experiences and opinions as opposed to clinical and research information sharing. Linguistic analysis indicated that the posts reveal an intimate stance rather than an empirical stance.Conclusions: Results provide insight into perspectives of ABA. This type of research may help in developing and distributing appropriate and evidence-based information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Barbara Mitrenga

Historical Polish Intensifiers Derived from the Old Czech přieliš This article is devoted to a historical-linguistic analysis of the equivalents of the Old Czech přieliš in historical Polish: the words bezlisz, brzezlisz, przelisz, przezlisz and przylisz. The study refers to key findings of researchers about these words, their origins and meaning. On the basis of analysis of linguistic material the author formulates conclusions about word-formation of the equivalents of přieliš in Polish, their frequency in monuments of Polish literature from the Old Polish period to the end of the sixteenth century, their meaning and status in Polish, as well as presumable causes of their disappearance from the language. The paper presents examples that confirm their functioning in monuments of the Polish language, such as Biblia królowej Zofii [Queen Sophia’s Bible] from the mid-fifteenth century and Biblia Jana Leopolity [John Leopolita’s Bible] from 1561, as well as in dictionaries of Polish. The study also considers information about Old Czech and compares parallel verses of Polish and Czech Bible translations. Dawne polskie intensyfikatory wywodzące się od staroczeskiego přieliš Artykuł poświęcony jest historycznojęzykowej analizie odpowiedników staroczeskiego přieliš, czyli wyrazów bezlisz, brzezlisz, przelisz, przezlisz i przy­lisz w dawnej polszczyźnie. Autorka przytacza najważniejsze opinie badaczy o wymienionych wyrazach, ich pochodzeniu i znaczeniu. Na podstawie ana­lizy materiału językowego formułuje wnioski dotyczące budowy słowotwór­czej staroczeskich odpowiedników přieliš w języku polskim, ich frekwencji w zabytkach literatury polskiej od staropolszczyzny do końca XVI w., znaczenia i statusu tych wyrazów w polszczyźnie, a także przypuszczalnych przyczyn ich zaniku. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady potwierdzające funkcjonowanie wspomnianych wyrazów zarówno w zabytkach języka polskiego w Biblii królowej Zofii z połowy XV w. i Biblii Jana Leopolity z 1561 r., jak i w słowni­kach języka polskiego. Ponadto autorka przywołuje informacje o staroczeskim i porównuje równoległe wersety przekładów Biblii na język polski i czeski.

Б.Х. Борлыкова ◽  
Б.В. Меняев ◽  
Т.В. Басанова

В настоящей статье впервые на основе методологии, разработанной О. Д. Суриковой (2020), рассматривается ономастикон сарт-калмыцкой версии эпоса «Джангар». Авторами статьи предлагается систематизация ономастикона эпоса, приводится этимологияонимов, указывается их частотность, а также выявляются варианты собственных имён в других версиях эпоса «Джангар» и фольклорных образцах сарт-калмыков. В исследовании применялась комплексная методика лингвистического анализа, включающая описательный метод, методы контекстуального, сопоставительного и статистического анализов. Материалом для анализа послужил текст рукописи «Джангар», записанный в 1929 г. А. В. Бурдуковым от Бакхи Сарпекова (1872 г. р.) в селе Чельпек Иссык-Кульской области Киргизии. В качестве дополнительного материала были привлечены опубликованные песни калмыцкой и синьцзян-ойратской версий эпоса «Джангар», лексикографические источники, а также личные полевые записи авторов.В результате обработки текста выявлены три группы собственных имён: топонимы, антропонимы и иппонимы. Наибольшую частотность в сарт-калмыцкой версии эпоса имеют буддийские антропонимы, что, очевидно, связано с сильным влиянием буддизма на архаичный жанр – эпос. Наличие названий водных объектов Или и Текес указывают на историческую родину сарт-калмыков – Джунгарию. В целом, изучение собственных имён, извлечённых авторами статьи из текста рукописи А. В. Бурдукова, полезно с точки зрения лингвогеографии и способствует выявлению закономерностей номинационных процессов в сарт-калмыцком языке. The present article is the first to consider the onomasticon of the Sart-Kalmyk version of the Jangar epic on the basis of the methodology developed by O. D. Surikova (2020). The authors of the article propose a systematization of the onomasticon of the epic that includes giving the etymology of onyms, indicating their frequency, and revealing variants of their own names in other versions of the epic Jangarand folklore samples of the Sart-Kalmyks. The study uses a complex method of linguistic analysis, including a descriptive method, methods of contextual, comparative and statistical analysis. The material for the analysis was the text of the manuscript Jangar, written down in 1929 by A. V. Burdukov from Bakhi Sarpekov (born 1872) in the Chelpek villag, Issyk-Kul region, Kyrgyzstan. The published songs of the Kalmyk and Xinjiang Oirat versions of the Jangarepic, lexicographic sources, as well as the authors' personal field notes were used as an additional material. As a result of text processing, three groups of proper names were identified: toponyms, anthroponyms, and hyponyms. The most frequent in the Sart-Kalmyk version of the epic were Buddhist anthroponyms, the fact can be obviously associated with the strong influence of Buddhism on this archaic genre – the epic. The presence of the names of the water bodies Ili and Tekes indicate the historical homeland of the Sart Kalmyks – Dzungaria. In general, the study of their own names, extracted by the authors of the article from the text of the manuscript of A. V. Burdukov is useful from the point of view of linguo-geography and helps to identify patterns of nomination processes in the Sart-Kalmyk language.

Zarema N. Ekba ◽  
Ramilya N. Karimova ◽  

Goals. The article seeks to sum up Bashkir dialect features traced in early 20th century written monuments authored by the Russian scholar and missionary A. G. Bessonov. Results. Part One of the article discusses the main results of previous detailed analyses into linguistic data contained in the Alphabet Book for Bashkirs (Russ. Bukvar' dlya Bashkir, 1907). Phonetic, morphological, and morphonological elements cited indicate the use of two dialects comparable to the Argayash and Kyzyl subdialects of contemporary Eastern Bashkir. Besides, the edition under consideration contains a unique morphonological type of affixes characteristic of the Qatai subdialect. Part Two provides a first detailed linguistic analysis of language features inherent to Bessonov’s First Reader and First Lessons of Russian for Southeastern Bashkirs (1907). Phonetic, morphological, morphonological, and lexical patterns are compared to contemporary dialect forms examined in works on Bashkir dialectology, as well as to standard Bashkir. This scrupulous analysis at all linguistic levels shows the language of the monument largely approaches the Argayash subdialect, while some peculiar features of other Eastern Bashkir subdialects are also noticeable. Conclusions. The paper makes certain conclusions as to dialect affiliation of language patterns involved in the compilation of monuments under study. Special attention is paid to the significance of Bessonov’s works for the history of Bashkir linguistics and dialectology, as well as to his role in teaching literacy to Bashkirs.

O.V. Kozhevnikova ◽  
A.A. Chernova

The article presents the results of the study of the semantic-synonymous field of the concept of "adaptation". The frequency of occurrence of this term and its derivatives is compared in Russian and English scientific periodicals presented in open databases such as eLIBRARY.RU and Semantic Scholar. It has been found that both samples are characterized by the predominance of journal articles containing the broadest term “adaptation" / "adjustment". The results of the cognitive linguistic analysis of the content of Russian language concepts are presented: "adaptation" is the broadest term that describes both the process and the result of individual adaptation to environment while its three derivatives are narrower in meaning. The general definition of the concept "adaptation" for psychological texts in Russian is formulated, definitions of the concepts "adaptivity", "adaptability", "adaptedness" are analyzed. It is planned to conduct cognitive linguistic analysis of the considered categories based on English-language publications.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Daniel L. Ranti ◽  
Helen Liu ◽  
J. Roscoe Wasserburg ◽  
John W. Rutland ◽  
Abigail Katz ◽  

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