scholarly journals Development and Evaluation of a TaqMan Real-Time PCR Assay for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae

Plant Disease ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 97 (7) ◽  
pp. 927-937 ◽  
P. A. Okubara ◽  
L. A. Harrison ◽  
E. W. Gatch ◽  
G. Vandemark ◽  
K. L. Schroeder ◽  

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae, causal agent of spinach Fusarium wilt, is an important soilborne pathogen in many areas of the world where spinach is grown. The pathogen is persistent in acid soils of maritime western Oregon and Washington, the only region of the United States suitable for commercial spinach seed production. A TaqMan real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for rapid identification and quantification of the pathogen, based on sequencing the intergenic spacer (IGS) region of rDNA of isolates of the pathogen. A guanine single-nucleotide polymorphism (G SNP) was detected in the IGS sequences of 36 geographically diverse isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae but not in the sequences of 64 isolates representing other formae speciales and 33 isolates representing other fungal species or genera. The SNP was used to develop a probe for a real-time PCR assay. The real-time PCR assay detected F. oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae at 3–14,056 CFU/g of soil in 82 soil samples collected over 3 years from naturally infested spinach seed production sites in western Washington, although a reliable detection limit of the assay was determined to be 11 CFU/g of soil. A significant (P < 0.05), positive correlation between enumeration of F. oxysporum on Komada's agar and quantification of the pathogen using the TaqMan assay was observed in a comparison of 82 soil samples. Correlations between pathogen DNA levels, Fusarium wilt severity ratings, and spinach biomass were significantly positive for one set of naturally infested soils but not between pathogen DNA levels, wilt incidence ratings, and spinach biomass for other soil samples, suggesting that soilborne pathogen population is not the sole determinant of spinach Fusarium wilt incidence or severity. The presence of the G SNP detected in one isolate of each of F. oxysporum ff. spp. lageneriae, lilii, melongenae, and raphani and reaction of the real-time PCR assay with 16 of 22 nonpathogenic isolates of F. oxysporum associated with spinach plants or soil in which spinach had been grown potentially limits the application of this assay. Nonetheless, because all isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae tested positive with the real-time PCR assay, the assay may provide a valuable means of screening for resistance to Fusarium wilt by quantifying development of the pathogen in spinach plants inoculated with the pathogen.

Plant Disease ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 95 (7) ◽  
pp. 835-838 ◽  
Paula Agudelo ◽  
Stephen A. Lewis ◽  
Bruce A. Fortnum

Meloidogyne arenaria is an economically important parasite of many crops worldwide. Identification and detection of this species in soil samples is necessary for the design of crop rotation systems, selection of resistant cultivars, and potential use of biological control options. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, using species-specific primers and SYBR Green I Dye, for identification of M. arenaria. The specificity of the assay was confirmed by testing for amplification of DNA from other Meloidogyne spp. and from M. arenaria populations of different geographic origins. Field soil samples containing a mixture of M. arenaria and M. incognita were used to compare identification by the real-time PCR assay with identification by esterase phenotype analysis of mature females and by morphometrics of juveniles. The real-time PCR assay provided an accurate and sensitive means for the identification of single juveniles from soil samples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Hisashi Osawa ◽  
Nobuyuki Suzuki ◽  
Seishi Akino ◽  
Hiromichi Araki ◽  
Kenji Asano ◽  

AbstractTuber infection of Phytophthora infestans often occurs at harvest. However, it is difficult to accurately estimate the population densities of P. infestans in soil, especially Japanese soil. In the present study, P. infestans DNA was extracted from soil samples using a modified CTAB-bead method and quantified using real-time PCR to accurately, rapidly and easily estimate the P. infestans population densities in upland soils in Japan. P. infestans was well quantified in eleven types of soil samples, including nine types of upland soils in Japan, that were artificially inoculated with a zoosporangia suspension. The amounts of P. infestans DNA estimated by the real-time PCR were proportional to the inoculum densities. In the non-controlled experimental potato field, P. infestans population densities in soil corresponded to the development of symptoms and were correlated with the number of lesions on the potato foliage. These results imply that the proposed real-time PCR assay is suitable for the estimation or monitoring of P. infestans population densities in upland soils in Japan. The population densities at the ridge bottoms were larger than those at any other location in commercial potato fields. These results were similar to those of a previous report using a bioassay. Moreover, a correlation between DNA quantity and inoculum potential was observed. In conclusion, the real-time PCR assay developed in this study is suitable for indirect estimation of the inoculum potential of P. infestans.

2012 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 743-747 ◽  

Conventional culture methods have traditionally been considered the “gold standard” for the isolation and identification of foodborne bacterial pathogens. However, culture methods are labor-intensive and time-consuming. A Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis–specific real-time PCR assay that recently received interim approval by the National Poultry Improvement Plan for the detection of Salmonella Enteritidis was evaluated against a culture method that had also received interim National Poultry Improvement Plan approval for the analysis of environmental samples from integrated poultry houses. The method was validated with 422 field samples collected by either the boot sock or drag swab method. The samples were cultured by selective enrichment in tetrathionate broth followed by transfer onto a modified semisolid Rappaport-Vassiliadis medium and then plating onto brilliant green with novobiocin and xylose lysine brilliant Tergitol 4 plates. One-milliliter aliquots of the selective enrichment broths from each sample were collected for DNA extraction by the commercial PrepSEQ nucleic acid extraction assay and analysis by the Salmonella Enteritidis–specific real-time PCR assay. The real-time PCR assay detected no significant differences between the boot sock and drag swab samples. In contrast, the culture method detected a significantly higher number of positive samples from boot socks. The diagnostic sensitivity of the real-time PCR assay for the field samples was significantly higher than that of the culture method. The kappa value obtained was 0.46, indicating moderate agreement between the real-time PCR assay and the culture method. In addition, the real-time PCR method had a turnaround time of 2 days compared with 4 to 8 days for the culture method. The higher sensitivity as well as the reduction in time and labor makes this real-time PCR assay an excellent alternative to conventional culture methods for diagnostic purposes, surveillance, and research studies to improve food safety.

2007 ◽  
Vol 70 (5) ◽  
pp. 1080-1087 ◽  
M. E. McFALL ◽  
R. K. KING ◽  

Conventional culture methods have traditionally been considered the “gold standards” for the isolation and identification of foodborne pathogens. However, culture methods are labor-intensive and time-consuming. We have developed a real-time PCR assay for the detection of Salmonella in a variety of food and food-animal matrices. The real-time PCR assay incorporates both primers and hybridization probes based on the sequence of the Salmonella invA gene and uses fluorescent resonance energy transfer technology to ensure highly sensitive and specific results. This method correctly classified 51 laboratory isolates of Salmonella and 28 non-Salmonella strains. The method was also validated with a large number of field samples that consisted of porcine feces and cecal contents, pork carcasses, bovine feces and beef carcasses, poultry cecal contents and carcasses, equine feces, animal feeds, and various food products. The samples (3,388) were preenriched in buffered peptone water and then selectively enriched in tetrathionate and Rappaport-Vassiliadis broths. Aliquots of the selective enrichment broths were combined for DNA extraction and analysis by the real-time PCR assay. When compared with the culture method, the diagnostic sensitivity of the PCR assay for the various matrices ranged from 97.1 to 100.0%, and the diagnostic specificity ranged from 91.3 to 100.0%. Kappa values ranged from 0.87 to 1.00, indicating excellent agreement of the real-time PCR assay to the culture method. The reduction in time and labor makes this highly sensitive and specific real-time PCR assay an excellent alternative to conventional culture methods for surveillance and research studies to improve food safety.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
S. J. Anderson ◽  
H. E. Simmons ◽  
R. D. French-Monar ◽  
G. P. Munkvold

A real-time PCR assay was used to compare seedling infection by Sphacelotheca reiliana, the causal agent of head smut, among five inbred genotypes representing low, moderate, and high susceptibility to the disease. Seeds were coated with teliospores and planted in autoclaved field soil in a growth chamber. Incidence of seedling infection at growth stage V3 differed between an inbred genotype of low susceptibility and those of moderate and high susceptibility, but did not differ between the high and moderately susceptible groups (P < 0.05). The real-time PCR assay was also used to compare infection status at early and late vegetative stages with observable symptoms in the field. We detected infection via real-time PCR in maize at both growth stages during field trials conducted in Texas and California but observed no disease symptoms (smutted ears or tassels). Notably, the fungus was present in up to 31% of the ear shoots in plots without disease symptoms. The real-time assay can be a useful tool for screening seedling-stage host resistance, and for better understanding the progress of infection in different maize genotypes. The field data suggest that asymptomatic infection is much more common than previously thought, and may have important implications for the epidemiology of this fungus under diverse plant resistance and growing conditions. Accepted for publication 11 December 2015. Published 5 January 2016.

2004 ◽  
Vol 67 (11) ◽  
pp. 2424-2429 ◽  
M. C. L. VICKERY ◽  
A. K. BEJ ◽  

This study examined the relationship between levels of total Vibrio parahaemolyticus found in oyster tissues and mantle fluid with the goal of using mantle fluid as a template matrix in a new quantitative real-time PCR assay targeting the thermolabile hemolysin (tlh) gene for the enumeration of total V. parahaemolyticus in oysters. Oysters were collected near Mobile Bay, Ala., in June, July, and September and tested immediately after collection and storage at 26°C for 24 h. Initial experiments using DNA colony hybridization targeting tlh demonstrated that natural V. parahaemolyticus levels in the mantle fluid of individual oysters were strongly correlated (r = 0.85, P &lt; 0.05) with the levels found in their tissues. When known quantities of cultured V. parahaemolyticus cells were added to real-time PCR reactions that contained mantle fluid and oyster tissue matrices separately pooled from multiple oysters, a strong linear correlation was observed between the real-time PCR cycle threshold and the log concentration of cells inoculated into each PCR reaction (mantle fluid: r = 0.98, P &lt; 0.05; and oyster: r = 0.99, P &lt; 0.05). However, the mantle fluid exhibited less inhibition of the PCR amplification than the homogenized oyster tissue. Analysis of natural V. parahaemolyticus populations in mantle fluids using both colony hybridization and real-time PCR demonstrated a significant (P &lt; 0.05) but reduced correlation (r =−0.48) between the two methods. Reductions in the efficiency of the real-time PCR that resulted from low population densities of V. parahaemolyticus and PCR inhibitors present in the mantle fluid of some oysters (with significant oyster-to-oyster variation) contributed to the reduction in correlation between the methods that was observed when testing natural V. parahaemolyticus populations. The V. parahaemolyticus–specific real-time PCR assay used for this study could estimate elevated V. parahaemolyticus levels in oyster mantle fluid within 1 h from sampling time.

2006 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 639-643 ◽  
K. H. SEO ◽  

Salmonellosis caused by Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) is a significant cause of foodborne illnesses in the United States. Consumption of undercooked eggs and egg-containing products has been the primary risk factor for the disease. The importance of the bacterial enumeration technique has been enormously stressed because of the quantitative risk analysis of SE in shell eggs. Traditional enumeration methods mainly depend on slow and tedious most-probable-number (MPN) methods. Therefore, specific, sensitive, and rapid methods for SE quantitation are needed to collect sufficient data for risk assessment and food safety policy development. We previously developed a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the direct detection and enumeration of SE and, in this study, applied it to naturally contaminated ice cream samples with and without enrichment. The detection limit of the real-time PCR assay was determined with artificially inoculated ice cream. When applied to the direct detection and quantification of SE in ice cream, the real-time PCR assay was as sensitive as the conventional plate count method in frequency of detection. However, populations of SE derived from real-time quantitative PCR were approximately 1 log higher than provided by MPN and CFU values obtained by conventional culture methods. The detection and enumeration of SE in naturally contaminated ice cream can be completed in 3 h by this real-time PCR method, whereas the cultural enrichment method requires 5 to 7 days. A commercial immunoassay for the specific detection of SE was also included in the study. The real-time PCR assay proved to be a valuable tool that may be useful to the food industry in monitoring its processes to improve product quality and safety.

2005 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 393-398 ◽  
Sunny Jiang ◽  
Hojabr Dezfulian ◽  
Weiping Chu

Adenoviruses 40 and 41 have been recognized as important etiological agents of gastroenteritis in children. A real-time PCR method (TaqMan® assay) was developed for rapid quantification of adenovirus 40 (Ad40) by amplifying an 88 bp sequence from the hexon gene. To establish a quantification standard curve, a 1090 bp hexon region of Ad40 was amplified and cloned into the pGEM®-T Vector. A direct correlation was observed between the fluorescence threshold cycle number (Ct) and the starting quantity of Ad40 hexon gene. The quantification was linear over 6-log units and the amplification efficiency averaged greater than 95%. Seeding studies using various environmental matrices (including sterile water, creek water, brackish estuarine water, ocean water, and secondary sewage effluent) suggest that this method is applicable to environmental samples. However, real-time PCR was sensitive to inhibitors present in the environmental samples. Lower efficiency of PCR amplification was found in secondary sewage effluent and creek waters. Application of the method to fecal contaminated waters successfully quantified the presence of Ad40. The sensitivity of the real-time PCR is comparable to the traditional nested PCR assay for environmental samples. In addition, the real-time PCR assay offers the advantage of speed and insensitivity to contamination during PCR set up. The real-time PCR assay developed in this study is suitable for quantitative determination of Ad40 in environmental samples and represents a considerable advancement in pathogen quantification in aquatic environments.Key words: adenovirus, real-time PCR, environmental waters, serotype 40.

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