scholarly journals Induction Speed Is Not a Determinant of Propofol Pharmacodynamics

2004 ◽  
Vol 101 (5) ◽  
pp. 1112-1121 ◽  
Anthony G. Doufas ◽  
Maryam Bakhshandeh ◽  
Andrew R. Bjorksten ◽  
Steven L. Shafer ◽  
Daniel I. Sessler

Background Evidence suggests that the rate at which intravenous anesthetics are infused may influence their plasma-effect site equilibration. The authors used five different rates of propofol administration to test the hypothesis that different sedation endpoints occur at the same effect site propofol concentration, independent of the infusion rate. The authors concurrently evaluated the automated responsiveness monitor (ARM) against other sedation measures and the propofol effect site concentration. Methods With Human Studies Committee approval, 18 healthy volunteers received five consecutive target-controlled propofol infusions. During each infusion, the effect site concentration was increased by a rate of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, or 0.9 microg . ml . min. The Bispectral Index and ARM were recorded at frequent intervals. The times of syringe drop and loss and recovery of responsiveness were noted. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling was performed using NONMEM. Results When the correct rate of plasma-effect site equilibration was determined for each individual (plasma-effect site equilibration = 0.17 min, time to peak effect = 2.7 min), the effect site concentrations associated with each clinical measure were not affected by the rate of increase of effect site propofol concentration. ARM correlated with all clinical measures of drug effect. Subjects invariably stopped responding to ARM at lower effect site propofol concentrations than those associated with loss of responsiveness. Conclusions : Population-based pharmacokinetics, combined with real-time electroencephalographic measures of drug effect, may provide a means to individualize pharmacodynamic modeling during target-controlled drug delivery. ARM seems useful as an automated measure of sedation and may provide the basis for automated monitoring and titration of sedation for a propofol delivery system.

2000 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 399-399 ◽  
Michel M. R. F. Struys ◽  
Tom De Smet ◽  
Birgit Depoorter ◽  
Linda F. M. Versichelen ◽  
Eric P. Mortier ◽  

Background Target-controlled infusion (TCI) systems can control the concentration in the plasma or at the site of drug effect. A TCI system that targets the effect site should be able to accurately predict the time course of drug effect. The authors tested this by comparing the performance of three control algorithms: plasmacontrol TCI versus two algorithms for effect-site control TCI. Methods One-hundred twenty healthy women patients received propofol via TCI for 12-min at a target concentration of 5.4 microg/ml. In all three groups, the plasma concentrations were computed using pharmacokinetics previously reported. In group I, the TCI device controlled the plasma concentration. In groups II and III, the TCI device controlled the effect-site concentration. In group II, the effect site was computed using a half-life for plasma effect-site equilibration (t1/2k(eo)) of 3.5 min. In group III, plasma effect-site equilibration rate constant (k(eo)) was computed to yield a time to peak effect of 1.6 min after bolus injection, yielding a t1/2keo of 34 s. the time course of propofol was measured using the bispectral index. Blood pressure, ventilation, and time of loss of consciousness were measured. Results The time course of propofol drug effect, as measured by the bispectral index, was best predicted in group III. Targeting the effect-site concentration shortened the time to loss of consciousness compared with the targeting plasma concentration without causing hypotension. The incidence of apnea was less in group III than in group II. Conclusion Effect compartment-controlled TCI can be safely applied in clinical practice. A biophase model combining the Marsh kinetics and a time to peak effect of 1.6 min accurately predicted the time course of propofol drug effect.

1999 ◽  
Vol 90 (6) ◽  
pp. 1502-1516. ◽  
Thomas W. Schnider ◽  
Charles F. Minto ◽  
Steven L. Shafer ◽  
Pedro L. Gambus ◽  
Corina Andresen ◽  

Background The authors studied the influence of age on the pharmacodynamics of propofol, including characterization of the relation between plasma concentration and the time course of drug effect. Methods The authors evaluated healthy volunteers aged 25-81 yr. A bolus dose (2 mg/kg or 1 mg/kg in persons older than 65 yr) and an infusion (25, 50, 100, or 200 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) of the older or the new (containing EDTA) formulation of propofol were given on each of two different study days. The propofol concentration was determined in frequent arterial samples. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was used to measure drug effect. A statistical technique called semilinear canonical correlation was used to select components of the EEG power spectrum that correlated optimally with the effect-site concentration. The effect-site concentration was related to drug effect with a biphasic pharmacodynamic model. The plasma effect-site equilibration rate constant was estimated parametrically. Estimates of this rate constant were validated by comparing the predicted time of peak effect with the time of peak EEG effect. The probability of being asleep, as a function of age, was determined from steady state concentrations after 60 min of propofol infusion. Results Twenty-four volunteers completed the study. Three parameters of the biphasic pharmacodynamic model were correlated linearly with age. The plasma effect-site equilibration rate constant was 0.456 min(-1). The predicted time to peak effect after bolus injection ranging was 1.7 min. The time to peak effect assessed visually was 1.6 min (range, 1-2.4 min). The steady state observations showed increasing sensitivity to propofol in elderly patients, with C50 values for loss of consciousness of 2.35, 1.8, and 1.25 microg/ml in volunteers who were 25, 50, and 75 yr old, respectively. Conclusions Semilinear canonical correlation defined a new measure of propofol effect on the EEG, the canonical univariate parameter for propofol. Using this parameter, propofol plasma effect-site equilibration is faster than previously reported. This fast onset was confirmed by inspection of the EEG data. Elderly patients are more sensitive to the hypnotic and EEG effects of propofol than are younger persons.

2010 ◽  
Vol 113 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-352 ◽  
Agnes Rigouzzo ◽  
Frederique Servin ◽  
Isabelle Constant

Background The aim of this study was to identify the best model to describe pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in prepubertal children and therefore to calculate the corresponding pharmacodynamic parameters. In addition, and to confirm our method, a group of postpubertal subjects was also studied. Methods Sixteen children (9.5 yr, range 6-12) and 13 adults (22 yr, range 13-35) were included. Induction was performed by plasma target-controlled infusion of propofol (6 microg/ml) based on the Kataria model in children and on the Schnider model in adults. The relationship of bispectral index to predicted concentrations was studied during induction using the Kataria, pediatric Marsh, Schüttler, and Schnider models in children. Because the best performance was obtained, strangely enough, with the Schnider model, the two groups were pooled to investigate influence of puberty on pharmacodynamic parameters (kE0 [plasma effect-site equilibration rate constant] and Ce50 [effect-site concentration corresponding with 50% of the maximal effect]). The time-to-peak effect was calculated, and the kE0 was determined for the Kataria model (nonlinear mixed-effects modeling; pkpdtools). Results In children, the predicted concentration/effect relationship was best described using the Schnider model. When the whole population was considered, a significant improvement in this model was obtained using puberty as a covariate for kE0 and Ce50. The time to peak effect, Tpeak (median, 0.71 [range, 0.37-1.64] and 1.73 [1.4-2.68] min), and the Ce50 (3.71 [1.88-4.4] and 3.07 [2.95-5.21] microg/ml) were shorter and higher, respectively, in children than in adults. The kE0 linked to the Kataria model was 4.6 [1.4-11] min. Conclusions In children, the predicted concentration/effect relationships were best described using the Schnider model described for adults compared with classic pediatric models. The study suggests that the Schnider model might be useful for propofol target-control infusion in children.

2004 ◽  
Vol 101 (6) ◽  
pp. 1269-1274 ◽  
Hernán R. Muñoz ◽  
Luis I. Cortínez ◽  
Mauricio E. Ibacache ◽  
Fernando R. Altermatt

Background Targeting the effect site concentration may offer advantages over the traditional forms of administrating intravenous anesthetics. Because the lack of the plasma effect site equilibration rate constant (ke0) for propofol in children precludes the use of this technique in this population, the authors estimated the value of ke0 for propofol in children using the time to peak effect (tpeak) method and two pharmacokinetic models of propofol for children. Methods : The tpeak after a submaximal bolus dose of propofol was measured by means of the Alaris A-Line auditory evoked potential monitor (Danmeter A/S, Odense, Denmark) in 25 children (aged 3-11 yr) and 25 adults (aged 35-48 yr). Using tpeak and two previously validated sets of pharmacokinetic parameters for propofol in children, Kataria's and that used in the Paedfusor (Graseby Medical Ltd., Hertfordshire, United Kingdom), the ke0 was estimated according to a method recently published. Results The mean tpeak was 80 +/- 20 s in adults and 132 +/- 49 s in children (P < 0.001). The median ke0 in children was 0.41 min(-1) with the model of Kataria and 0.91 min(-1) with the Paedfusor model (P < 0.01). The corresponding t1/2 ke0 values, in minutes, were 1.7 and 0.8, respectively (P < 0.01). Conclusions : Children have a significantly longer tpeak of propofol than adults. The values of ke0 of propofol calculated for children depend on the pharmacokinetic model used and also can only be used with the appropriate set of pharmacokinetic parameters to target effect site in this population.

2008 ◽  
Vol 109 (3) ◽  
pp. 448-456 ◽  
Xiaoli Li ◽  
Suyuan Cui ◽  
Logan J. Voss

Background Approximate entropy (AE) has been proposed as a measure of anesthetic drug effect in electroencephalographic data. Recently, a new method called permutation entropy (PE) based on symbolic dynamics was also proposed to measure the complexity in an electroencephalographic series. In this study, the AE and PE were applied to electroencephalographic recordings for revealing the effect of sevoflurane on brain activity. The dose-response relation of PE during sevoflurane anesthesia was compared with that of AE. Methods Nineteen patients' electroencephalographic data were collected during the induction of general anesthesia with sevoflurane. PE and AE were applied to the electroencephalographic recordings, and the performance of both measures was assessed by pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling and prediction probability. To ensure an accurate complexity measure of electroencephalographic recordings, a wavelet-based preprocessor was built in advance. Results Both PE and AE could distinguish between the awake and anesthetized states and were highly correlated to each other (r = 0.8, P = 0.004). The pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model adequately described the dose-response relation between PE and AE and sevoflurane effect site concentration. The coefficient R between PE and effect site concentration was 0.89 +/- 0.07 for all patients, compared with 0.60 +/- 0.14 for AE. Prediction probabilities of 0.86 +/- 0.04 and 0.79 +/- 0.09 for PE and AE showed that PE has a stronger ability to differentiate between the awake and anesthetic states. Conclusion The results show that PE can estimate the sevoflurane drug effect more effectively than AE. This method could be applied to design a new electroencephalographic monitoring system to estimate sevoflurane anesthetic drug effect.

2007 ◽  
Vol 107 (3) ◽  
pp. 386-396 ◽  
Michel M. R. F. Struys ◽  
Marc J. Coppens ◽  
Nikolaas De Neve ◽  
Eric P. Mortier ◽  
Anthony G. Doufas ◽  

Background The authors hypothesized a difference in plasma-effect site equilibration, depicted by a first-order constant k(e0), depending on the injection rate of propofol. Methods Sixty-one patients received 2.5 mg/kg propofol given as a bolus or as a 1-, 2-, or 3-min infusion. The Bispectral Index was used to monitor drug effect. Propofol predicted plasma concentration was calculated using a three-compartment model and the effect site concentration over time as the convolution between the predicted plasma concentration and the disposition function of the effect site concentration. The authors evaluated the influence of the infusion rate on the k(e0) by comparing the model with one k(e0) for all groups with models estimating different k(e0) values for each group. The authors also assessed the accuracy of two pharmacokinetic models after bolus injection. Results The best model based was a fixed (Bispectral Index > or = 90) plus sigmoidal model (Bispectral Index < 90) with two values of k(e0), one for the bolus (t(1/2) k(e0) = 1.2 min) and one for the infusions (t(1/2) k(e0) = 2.2 min). However, the tested pharmacokinetic models poorly predicted the arterial concentrations in the first minutes after bolus injection. Simulations showed the requirement for two k(e0) values for bolus and infusion was mostly a compensation for the inaccurate prediction of arterial concentrations after a bolus. Conclusion Propofol plasma-effect site equilibration occurs more rapidly after a bolus than after rapid infusion, based on the electroencephalogram as a drug effect measure, mostly because of misspecification of the pharmacokinetic model in the first minutes after bolus.

2009 ◽  
Vol 53 (7) ◽  
pp. 883-890 ◽  
H. R. MUÑOZ ◽  
P. J. LEÓN ◽  

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