Procedural training for pediatric and neonatal transport nurses: Part 1–Training methods and airway training

2001 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 461-464 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 738-761
Tess K. Koerner ◽  
Melissa A. Papesh ◽  
Frederick J. Gallun

Purpose A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information from clinical audiologists about rehabilitation options for adult patients who report significant auditory difficulties despite having normal or near-normal hearing sensitivity. This work aimed to provide more information about what audiologists are currently doing in the clinic to manage auditory difficulties in this patient population and their views on the efficacy of recommended rehabilitation methods. Method A questionnaire survey containing multiple-choice and open-ended questions was developed and disseminated online. Invitations to participate were delivered via e-mail listservs and through business cards provided at annual audiology conferences. All responses were anonymous at the time of data collection. Results Responses were collected from 209 participants. The majority of participants reported seeing at least one normal-hearing patient per month who reported significant communication difficulties. However, few respondents indicated that their location had specific protocols for the treatment of these patients. Counseling was reported as the most frequent rehabilitation method, but results revealed that audiologists across various work settings are also successfully starting to fit patients with mild-gain hearing aids. Responses indicated that patient compliance with computer-based auditory training methods was regarded as low, with patients generally preferring device-based rehabilitation options. Conclusions Results from this questionnaire survey strongly suggest that audiologists frequently see normal-hearing patients who report auditory difficulties, but that few clinicians are equipped with established protocols for diagnosis and management. While many feel that mild-gain hearing aids provide considerable benefit for these patients, very little research has been conducted to date to support the use of hearing aids or other rehabilitation options for this unique patient population. This study reveals the critical need for additional research to establish evidence-based practice guidelines that will empower clinicians to provide a high level of clinical care and effective rehabilitation strategies to these patients.

2008 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-42 ◽  
Margaret Leahy

Abstract Educating students and informing clinicians regarding developments in therapy approaches and in evidence-based practice are important elements of the responsibility of specialist academic posts in universities. In this article, the development of narrative therapy and its theoretical background are outlined (preceded by a general outline of how the topic of fluency disorders is introduced to students at an Irish university). An example of implementing narrative therapy with a 12-year-old boy is presented. The brief case description demonstrates how narrative therapy facilitated this 12-year-old make sense of his dysfluency and his phonological disorder, leading to his improved understanding and management of the problems, fostering a sense of control that led ultimately to their resolution.

1969 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 468-469

D. M. Nazarov

The article describes the training methods in the course “Information Technologies” for the future bachelors of the directions “Economics”, “Management”, “Finance”, “Business Informatics”, the development of metasubject competencies of the student while his use of tools for data processing by means of the language R. The metasubject essence of the work is to update traditional economic knowledge and skills through various presentation forms of the same data sets. As part of the laboratory work described in the article, future bachelors learn to use the basic tools of the R language and acquire specific skills and abilities in R-Studio using the example of processing currency exchange data. The description of the methods is presented in the form of the traditional Key-by-Key technology, which is widely used in teaching information technologies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Rosmin Silaban

This research is motivated by the lack of ability to write simple words first grade students of SD Negeri 014 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Rokan Hulu. This study aims to improve the ability to write simple words first grade students of SD Negeri 014 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam, held for 1 month. The subjects were students of class I SD Negeri 014 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam academic year 2015/2016 the number of students as many as 7 people, consisting of 5 boys and 2 girls. Form of research is classroom action research. The research instrument consists of instruments and instrument performance data collection activity observation sheet form teacher and student activity. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the ability to write simple words can be enhanced through training methods first grade students of SD Negeri 014 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam. This statement can be accepted, because the students' ability to write simple words increased. Where known from preliminary data the average value of 59.3 or in the medium category. When viewed from the classical completeness, there is 28.6% or 2 students who completed gain value according to standards KKM, which is a minimum of 65. However, after the implementation of training methods, obtained an average value of 67.1 or higher in a category. When viewed from the classical completeness has reached 57.1%, or 4 students, but research has not been successful. Because this study was successful when 85% of students obtaining a minimum value of 65. While on the second cycle, to reach an average value of 80.7 or higher in a category. When viewed from the classical completeness, has acquired all of the students (100%). Thus, the researchers limited the study to the second cycle. Because of the results obtained was clear, that improve the students' first-class students of SD Negeri 014 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam in writing simple words.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Оксана Воронкевич

У   статті   актуалізовано   проблему   поширеності   шкільного   насильства   у   середовищі   учнів  початкових класів. Особлива увага звертається на необхідність діалогічної взаємодії учасників освітнього  процесу як необхідної умови попередження насилля у школі.  Опираючись на результати власного дослідницького пошуку, автор пропонує варіант програми  психологічної профілактики шкільного насильства вчителів стосовно учнів. Дана програма спрямована на  формування  у  педагогів  навичок  глибинного  самопізнання  й  пізнання  дітей,  апробування  нових  форм  поведінки та базується на ідеї діалогізації педагогічної взаємодії, оскільки важливо налагодити суб’єкт- суб’єктну взаємодію учня та вчителя й не використовувати монологічну модель спілкування. Наголошено,  що педагоги повинні стимулювати будь-які прояви суб’єктної активності дітей, що сприяють виробленню  у них адекватної оцінки себе та свого оточення, розвитку здатності до самовизначення. Відзначено, що  для   діалогічного   освітнього   середовища   характерними   є   такі   властивості,   як   різноманітність,  динамічність, напруженість, достатність, кожна з яких сприяє високій ефективності освітньої взаємодії,  здійснює істотний вплив на розвиток особистості. Під час занять використано різні тренінгові методи:  рольові ігри, міні-лекції, мозковий штурм, обговорення в загальному колі тощо. Разом із тим поширено  інформацію з актуальних для педагогів питань спілкування з дитиною без агресії, злості та конфлікту.  Представлено  результати  успішної  апробації  програми  психологічної  профілактики  шкільного  насильства  з  боку  вчителів,  що проявилися в розумінні важливості толерантного ставлення до учнів,  набутті практичних умінь відчувати психологічний стан іншої людини та адекватно реагувати на нього,  виявляти доброзичливість, прихильність до школярів та надавати їм необхідну допомогу.  The article actualizes the problem of the prevalence of school violence among elementary school pupils.  Special attention is drawn to the need for dialogical interaction of participants in the educational process as a  necessary condition for preventing violence in school.  Relying on the results of his own research, the author suggests a variant of school violence psychological  prevention program of teachers in relation to pupils. This program is aimed at educating the students the skills of  deep self-cognition and cognition of children, testing new forms of behavior and is based on the idea of pedagogical  interaction dialogization, since it is important to establish subject-subject interaction between the pupil and the  teacher and not use the monologue model of communication. It is highlighted that teachers should stimulate any  manifestation of children's subject activity, which helps to develop an adequate assessment of themselves and their  environment, development of self-determination ability. It is noted that a dialogical educational environment is  characterized by such attributes as diversity, dynamism, intensity, sufficiency, each of them contributes to the high  effectiveness of educational interaction, have a significant impact on the development of personality. During the  classes various training methods were used: role-playing games, mini-lectures, brainstorming, discussions in the  general circle, etc. At the same time, information on relevant for teachers issues about communicating with a child  without aggression, anger and conflict is propagated.  Was presented results of successful approbation of the school violence psychological prevention program  from teacher’s part, manifested in the understanding importance of the tolerant attitude towards pupils, acquiring  practical skills of feeling the another’s person psychological state and react adequately to it, showing benevolence,  adherence to schoolchildren and providing them the necessary assistance. 

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