scholarly journals Temperature-dependent seminal recovery in the southern king crab Lithodes santolla

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 181700 ◽  
Katrin Pretterebner ◽  
Luis Miguel Pardo ◽  
Kurt Paschke

Male-biased fishery management can provoke depletion of seminal reserves, which is the primary cause of sperm limitation. Therefore, identifying factors which contribute to the vulnerability to depletion of seminal reserves is a priority. The present study aimed to determine the effect of temperature on the recovery rate of sperm and seminal reserves after their depletion in Lithodes santolla , an important fishery resource in southern Chile. Sperm and seminal reserves were not fully recovered within 30 days. Temperature significantly affected seminal recovery: after 30 days the recovery index increased to 40% and 21% at 9°C and 12°C, respectively. The twice as fast seminal recovery at 9°C may be explained by the zone of origin of the individuals in this study (northern distributional limit), and 12°C may be close to the threshold of temperature tolerance. Lithodes santolla populations subject to intense male-only fisheries may be vulnerable to depletion of seminal reserves and a climate change scenario could additionally aggravate the risk of seminal depletion in L. santolla in its northern distributional limit.

2017 ◽  
Troels Bøgeholm Mikkelsen ◽  
Aslak Grinsted ◽  
Peter Ditlevsen

Abstract. Forecasting the future sea level relies on accurate modeling of the response of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to changing temperatures. We show why the steady state of an ice sheet is biased toward larger size if the interannual weather generated fluctuations in temperature are not taken into account in numerical modeling of the ice sheet. We illustrate this in a simple ice sheet model. This bias could, if not taken into account, imply that the risk of collapse in a given climate change scenario is underestimated. We estimate that the effect of temperature variability on the surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet in recent ensemble forecasting should be adjusted downward by approximately 13 percent of the present day observed value, if assuming a 2 degree warming. Many predicted scenarios of the future climate show an increased variability in temperature over much of the Earth. In light of our findings it is important to gauge the extent to which this increased variability will further influence the mass balance of the ice sheets.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Jae-Pil Cho ◽  
Jae-Uk Kim ◽  
Soon-Kun Choi ◽  
Sye-Woon Hwang ◽  
Hui-Cheul Jung

2000 ◽  
pp. 26-31
E. I. Parfenova ◽  
N. M. Chebakova

Global climate warming is expected to be a new factor influencing vegetation redistribution and productivity in the XXI century. In this paper possible vegetation change in Mountain Altai under global warming is evaluated. The attention is focused on forest vegetation being one of the most important natural resources for the regional economy. A bioclimatic model of correlation between vegetation and climate is used to predict vegetation change (Parfenova, Tchebakova 1998). In the model, a vegetation class — an altitudinal vegetation belt (mountain tundra, dark- coniferous subalpine open woodland, light-coniferous subgolets open woodland, dark-coniferous mountain taiga, light-coniferous mountain taiga, chern taiga, subtaiga and forest-steppe, mountain steppe) is predicted from a combination of July Temperature (JT) and Complex Moisture Index (CMI). Borders between vegetation classes are determined by certain values of these two climatic indices. Some bioclimatic regularities of vegetation distribution in Mountain Altai have been found: 1. Tundra is separated from taiga by the JT value of 8.5°C; 2. Dark- coniferous taiga is separated from light-coniferous taiga by the CMI value of 2.25; 3. Mountain steppe is separated from the forests by the CMI value of 4.0. 4. Within both dark-coniferous and light-coniferous taiga, vegetation classes are separated by the temperature factor. For the spatially model of vegetation distribution in Mountain Altai within the window 84 E — 90 E and 48 N — 52 N, the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) was used with a pixel of 1 km resolution. In a GIS Package IDRISI for Windows 2.0, climatic layers were developed based on DEM and multiple regressions relating climatic indices to physiography (elevation and latitude). Coupling the map of climatic indices with the authors' bioclimatic model resulted into a vegetation map for the region of interest. Visual comparison of the modelled vegetation map with the observed geobotanical map (Kuminova, 1960; Ogureeva, 1980) showed a good similarity between them. The new climatic indices map was developed under the climate change scenario with summer temperature increase 2°C and annual precipitation increase 20% (Menzhulin, 1998). For most mountains under such climate change scenario vegetation belts would rise 300—400 m on average. Under current climate, the dark-coniferous and light-coniferous mountain taiga forests dominate throughout Mountain Altai. The chern forests are the most productive and floristically rich and are also widely distributed. Under climate warming, light-coniferous mountain taiga may be expected to transform into subtaiga and forest-steppe and dark-coniferous taiga may be expected to transform partly into chern taiga. Other consequences of warming may happen such as the increase of forest productivity within the territories with sufficient rainfall and the increase of forest fire occurrence over territories with insufficient rainfall.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 385
Beatrice Nöldeke ◽  
Etti Winter ◽  
Yves Laumonier ◽  
Trifosa Simamora

In recent years, agroforestry has gained increasing attention as an option to simultaneously alleviate poverty, provide ecological benefits, and mitigate climate change. The present study simulates small-scale farmers’ agroforestry adoption decisions to investigate the consequences for livelihoods and the environment over time. To explore the interdependencies between agroforestry adoption, livelihoods, and the environment, an agent-based model adjusted to a case study area in rural Indonesia was implemented. Thereby, the model compares different scenarios, including a climate change scenario. The agroforestry system under investigation consists of an illipe (Shorea stenoptera) rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) mix, which are both locally valued tree species. The simulations reveal that farmers who adopt agroforestry diversify their livelihood portfolio while increasing income. Additionally, the model predicts environmental benefits: enhanced biodiversity and higher carbon sequestration in the landscape. The benefits of agroforestry for livelihoods and nature gain particular importance in the climate change scenario. The results therefore provide policy-makers and practitioners with insights into the dynamic economic and environmental advantages of promoting agroforestry.

IAWA Journal ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-155 ◽  
Veronica De Micco ◽  
Enrica Zalloni ◽  
Giovanna Battipaglia ◽  
Arturo Erbaggio ◽  
Pasquale Scognamiglio ◽  

ABSTRACTProjected changes in drought occurrence in the Mediterranean region are raising concerns about the adaptive capability of rainfed crops, such as grapevine, to increasing aridity. Cultivation management, especially the techniques influencing the hydraulic pathway, can play a role in plant adaptation to drought for the consequent changes in wood anatomical functional traits. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of grafting on wood anatomy in tree-ring series ofVitis vini-feraL. ‘Piedirosso’ grapevine cultivated in a volcanic area in Southern Italy. Tree-ring anatomy was analysed in vines grown on their own roots or grafted onto 420A rootstock. Results showed that grafted vines had a higher occurrence of wood traits linked with safety of water transport if compared with non-grafted vines. Grafting induced the formation of tree rings with higher incidence of latewood also characterised by narrower and more frequent vessels if compared with non-grafted vines. This study suggested a different regulation of water flow in the grafted and non-grafted vines. Such findings support the analysis of wood anatomy as a tool to drive decisions linked with plant cultivation management. In this specific case, our results encourage to further explore the change from a traditional cultivation with own-rooted grapevines towards grafted models inducing better xylem adaptation to increasing drought.

2021 ◽  
Iris van Zelst ◽  
Timothy J. Craig ◽  
Cedric Thieulot

<p>The thermal structure of subduction zones plays an important role in the seismicity that occurs there with e.g., the downdip limit of the seismogenic zone associated with particular isotherms (350 °C - 450 °C) and intermediate-depth seismicity linked to dehydration reactions that occur at specific temperatures and pressures. Therefore, accurate thermal models of subduction zones that include the complexities found in laboratory studies are necessary. One of the often-ignored effects in models is the temperature-dependence of the thermal parameters such as the thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and density.<span> </span></p><p>Here, we build upon the model setup presented by Van Keken et al., 2008 by including temperature-dependent thermal parameters to an otherwise clearly constrained, simple model setup of a subducting plate. We consider a fixed kinematic slab dipping at 45° and a stationary overriding plate with a dynamic mantle wedge. Such a simple setup allows us to isolate the effect of temperature-dependent thermal parameters. We add a more complex plate cooling model for the oceanic plate for consistency with the thermal parameters.<span> </span></p><p>We test the effect of temperature-dependent thermal parameters on models with different rheologies, such as an isoviscous wedge, diffusion and dislocation creep. We find that slab temperatures can change by up to 65 °C which affects the location of isotherm depths. The downdip limit of the seismogenic zone defined by e.g., the 350 °C isotherm shifts by approximately 4 km, thereby increasing the maximum possible rupture area of the seismogenic zone. Similarly, the 600 °C isotherm is shifted approximately 30 km deeper, affecting the depth at which dehydration reactions and hence intermediate-depth seismicity occurs. Our results therefore show that temperature-dependent thermal parameters in thermal models of subduction zones cannot be ignored when studying subduction-related seismicity.<span> </span></p>

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