scholarly journals Bees diversified in the age of eudicots

2013 ◽  
Vol 280 (1755) ◽  
pp. 20122686 ◽  
Sophie Cardinal ◽  
Bryan N. Danforth

Reliable estimates on the ages of the major bee clades are needed to further understand the evolutionary history of bees and their close association with flowering plants. Divergence times have been estimated for a few groups of bees, but no study has yet provided estimates for all major bee lineages. To date the origin of bees and their major clades, we first perform a phylogenetic analysis of bees including representatives from every extant family, subfamily and almost all tribes, using sequence data from seven genes. We then use this phylogeny to place 14 time calibration points based on information from the fossil record for an uncorrelated relaxed clock divergence time analysis taking into account uncertainties in phylogenetic relationships and the fossil record. We explore the effect of placing a hard upper age bound near the root of the tree and the effect of different topologies on our divergence time estimates. We estimate that crown bees originated approximately 123 Ma (million years ago) (113–132 Ma), concurrently with the origin or diversification of the eudicots, a group comprising 75 per cent of angiosperm species. All of the major bee clades are estimated to have originated during the Middle to Late Cretaceous, which is when angiosperms became the dominant group of land plants.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2107 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-52 ◽  

Fossil record of penaeids indicates that the family exists since the Triassic period, but extant genera appeared only recently in Tertiary strata. Molecular based divergence time estimates on the matter of penaeid radiation were never properly addressed, due to shortcomings of the global molecular clock assumptions. Here, we studied the diversification patterns of the family, uncovering, more specifically, a correlation between fossil and extant Penaeid fauna. For this, we have used a Bayesian framework that does not assume a global clock. Our results suggest that Penaeid genera originated between 20 million years ago and 43 million years ago, much earlier than expected by previous molecular studies. Altogether, these results promptly discard late Tertiary or even Quaternary hypotheses that presumed a major glaciations influence on the diversification patterns of the family.

2020 ◽  
Tom Carruthers ◽  
Robert W Scotland

Abstract Understanding and representing uncertainty is crucial in academic research, because it enables studies to build on the conclusions of previous studies, leading to robust advances in a particular field. Here, we evaluate the nature of uncertainty and the manner by which it is represented in divergence time estimation, a field that is fundamental to many aspects of macroevolutionary research, and where there is evidence that uncertainty has been seriously underestimated. We address this issue in the context of methods used in divergence time estimation, and with respect to the manner by which time-calibrated phylogenies are interpreted. With respect to methods, we discuss how the assumptions underlying different methods may not adequately reflect uncertainty about molecular evolution, the fossil record, or diversification rates. Therefore, divergence time estimates may not adequately reflect uncertainty, and may be directly contradicted by subsequent findings. For the interpretation of time-calibrated phylogenies, we discuss how the use of time-calibrated phylogenies for reconstructing general evolutionary timescales leads to inferences about macroevolution that are highly sensitive to methodological limitations in how uncertainty is accounted for. By contrast, we discuss how the use of time-calibrated phylogenies to test specific hypotheses leads to inferences about macroevolution that are less sensitive to methodological limitations. Given that many biologists wish to use time-calibrated phylogenies to reconstruct general evolutionary timescales, we conclude that the development of methods of divergence time estimation that adequately account for uncertainty is necessary.

2017 ◽  
Mario dos Reis ◽  
Gregg F. Gunnell ◽  
José Barba-Montoya ◽  
Alex Wilkins ◽  
Ziheng Yang ◽  

AbstractPrimates have long been a test case for the development of phylogenetic methods for divergence time estimation. Despite a large number of studies, however, the timing of origination of crown Primates relative to the K-Pg boundary and the timing of diversification of the main crown groups remain controversial. Here we analysed a dataset of 372 taxa (367 Primates and 5 outgroups, 61 thousand base pairs) that includes nine complete primate genomes (3.4 million base pairs). We systematically explore the effect of different interpretations of fossil calibrations and molecular clock models on primate divergence time estimates. We find that even small differences in the construction of fossil calibrations can have a noticeable impact on estimated divergence times, especially for the oldest nodes in the tree. Notably, choice of molecular rate model (auto-correlated or independently distributed rates) has an especially strong effect on estimated times, with the independent rates model producing considerably more ancient estimates for the deeper nodes in the phylogeny. We implement thermodynamic integration, combined with Gaussian quadrature, in the program MCMCTree, and use it to calculate Bayes factors for clock models. Bayesian model selection indicates that the auto-correlated rates model fits the primate data substantially better, and we conclude that time estimates under this model should be preferred. We show that for eight core nodes in the phylogeny, uncertainty in time estimates is close to the theoretical limit imposed by fossil uncertainties. Thus, these estimates are unlikely to be improved by collecting additional molecular sequence data. All analyses place the origin of Primates close to the K-Pg boundary, either in the Cretaceous or straddling the boundary into the Palaeogene.

Fossil Record ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-157 ◽  
Kathrin Feldberg ◽  
Jiří Váňa ◽  
Alfons Schäfer-Verwimp ◽  
Michael Krings ◽  
Carsten Gröhn ◽  

Abstract. A revision of the Baltic and Bitterfeld amber fossils assigned to Cylindrocolea dimorpha (Cephaloziellaceae) has yielded evidence of the presence of multicellular, bifid underleaves, which have not previously been reported for this species and conflict with the current circumscription of the family. We transfer the fossil species to Odontoschisma (sect. Iwatsukia) and propose the new combination O. dimorpha of the Cephaloziaceae. Characteristics of the fossil include an overall small size of the plant, entire-margined, bifid leaves and underleaves, more or less equally thickened leaf cell walls, ventral branching that includes stoloniform branches with reduced leaves, and the lack of a stem hyalodermis and gemmae. Placement of the fossil in Cephaloziaceae profoundly affects divergence time estimates for liverworts based on DNA sequence variation with integrated information from the fossil record. Our reclassification concurs with hypotheses on the divergence times of Cephaloziaceae derived from DNA sequence data that provide evidence of a late Early Cretaceous to early Eocene age of the Odontoschisma crown group and an origin of O. sect. Iwatsukia in the Late Cretaceous to Oligocene.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-547 ◽  
Per G.P Ericson ◽  
Cajsa L Anderson ◽  
Tom Britton ◽  
Andrzej Elzanowski ◽  
Ulf S Johansson ◽  

Patterns of diversification and timing of evolution within Neoaves, which includes almost 95% of all bird species, are virtually unknown. On the other hand, molecular data consistently indicate a Cretaceous origin of many neoavian lineages and the fossil record seems to support an Early Tertiary diversification. Here, we present the first well-resolved molecular phylogeny for Neoaves, together with divergence time estimates calibrated with a large number of stratigraphically and phylogenetically well-documented fossils. Our study defines several well-supported clades within Neoaves. The calibration results suggest that Neoaves, after an initial split from Galloanseres in Mid-Cretaceous, diversified around or soon after the K/T boundary. Our results thus do not contradict palaeontological data and show that there is no solid molecular evidence for an extensive pre-Tertiary radiation of Neoaves.

2020 ◽  
Kenneth De Baets ◽  
Paula Dentzien-Dias ◽  
G. William M. Harrison ◽  
D. Timothy J. Littlewood ◽  
Luke A. Parry

The fossil record of parasitic helminths is often stated to be severely limited. Many studies have therefore used host constraints to constrain molecular divergence time estimates of helminths. Here we review direct fossil evidence for several of these parasitic lineages belong to various phyla (Acanthocephala, Annelida, Arthropoda, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Pentastomida, Platyhelminthes). Our compilation shows that the fossil record of soft-bodied helminths is patchy, but more diverse than commonly assumed. The fossil record provides evidence that ectoparasitic helminths (e.g., worm-like pentastomid arthropods) have been around since the early Paleozoic, while endoparasitic helminths (cestodes) arose at least during, or possibly even before the late Paleozoic. Nematode lineages parasitizing terrestrial plant and animal hosts have been in existence at least since the Devonian and Triassic, respectively. All major phyla (Acanthocephala, Annelida, Platyhelminthes. Nematoda, Nematomorpha) had evolved endoparasitic lineages at least since the Mesozoic. Interestingly, although parasitism is considered derived within Metazoa, the oldest evidence for Nematoda and Platyhelminthes includes body fossils of parasitic representatives. Furthermore, the oldest fossil evidence of these parasitic lineages often falls within molecular divergence time estimates based on host co-evolution suggesting the fossil record of helminths themselves might be just as good or at least complementary (and less circular in justification) to calibration based on host associations. Data also provide evidence for obvious host switches or extinctions, which cautions against models of pure co-divergence where use of host calibrations to constrain divergence time estimates may be considered.

2020 ◽  
Sebastián Escobar ◽  
Andrew J. Helmstetter ◽  
Rommel Montúfar ◽  
Thomas L. P. Couvreur ◽  
Henrik Balslev

AbstractThe vegetable ivory palms (Phytelepheae) form a small group of Neotropical palms whose phylogenetic relationships are not fully understood. Three genera and eight species are currently recognized; however, it has been suggested that Phytelephas macrocarpa could include the species Phytelephas seemannii and Phytelephas schottii because of supposed phylogenetic relatedness and similar morphology. We inferred their phylogenetic relationships and divergence time estimates using the 32 most clock-like loci of a custom palm bait-kit formed by 176 genes and four fossils for time calibration. We additionally explored the historical biogeography of the tribe under the recovered phylogenetic relationships. Our fossil-dated tree showed the eight species previously recognized, and that P. macrocarpa is not closely related to P. seemanii and P. schottii, which, as a consequence, should not be included in P. macrocarpa. The ancestor of the vegetable ivory palms was widely-distributed in the Chocó, the inter-Andean valley of the Magdalena River, and the Amazonia during the Miocene at 19.25 Ma. Early diversification in Phytelephas at 5.27 Ma can be attributed to trans-Andean vicariance between the Chocó/Magdalena and the Amazonia. Our results support the role of Andean uplift in the early diversification of Phytelephas under new phylogenetic relationships inferred from genomic data.

MycoKeys ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 99-129 ◽  
Sheng-Nan Zhang ◽  
Kevin D. Hyde ◽  
E.B. Gareth Jones ◽  
Rajesh Jeewon ◽  
Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon ◽  

Palms represent the most morphological diverse monocotyledonous plants and support a vast array of fungi. Recent examinations of palmicolous fungi in Thailand led to the discovery of a group of morphologically similar and interesting taxa. A polyphasic approach based on morphology, multi-gene phylogenetic analyses and divergence time estimates supports the establishment of a novel pleosporalean family Striatiguttulaceae, which diversified approximately 39 (20–63) MYA (crown age) and 60 (35–91) MYA (stem age). Striatiguttulaceae is characterized by stromata or ascomata with a short to long neck, trabeculate pseudoparaphyses and fusiform to ellipsoidal, 1–3-septate ascospores, with longitudinal striations and paler end cells, surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Multi-gene phylogenetic analysis showed that taxa of Striatiguttulaceae form a well-supported and distinct monophyletic clade in Pleosporales, and related to Ligninsphaeriaceae and Pseudoastrosphaeriellaceae. However, these families can be morphologically demarcated by the slit-like ascomata and extremely large ascospores in Ligninsphaeriaceae and the rather narrow fusiform ascospores in Pseudoastrosphaeriellaceae. Eight strains of Striatiguttulaceae formed two monophyletic sub-clades, which can be recognized as Longicorpusgen. nov. and Striatiguttulagen. nov. Morphologically, the genus Longicorpus can be differentiated from Striatiguttula by its elongated immersed ascomata and fusiform ascospores with relatively larger middle cells and paler end cells. Two new species Striatiguttulanypae and S.phoenicis, and one new combination, Longicorpusstriataspora are introduced with morphological details, and phylogenetic relationships are discussed based on DNA sequence data.

2008 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 345 ◽  
Alejandro Zaldivar-Riverón ◽  
Sergey A. Belokobylskij ◽  
Virginia León-Regagnon ◽  
Rosa Briceño-G. ◽  
Donald L. J. Quicke

The phylogenetic relationships among representatives of 64 genera of the cosmopolitan parasitic wasps of the subfamily Doryctinae were investigated based on nuclear 28S ribosomal (r) DNA (~650 bp of the D2–3 region) and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial (mt) DNA (603 bp) sequence data. The molecular dating of selected clades and the biogeography of the subfamily were also inferred. The partitioned Bayesian analyses did not recover a monophyletic Doryctinae, though the relationships involved were only weakly supported. Strong evidence was found for rejecting the monophylies of both Doryctes Haliday, 1836 and Spathius Nees, 1818. Our results also support the recognition of the Rhaconotini as a valid tribe. A dispersal–vicariance analysis showed a strong geographical signal for the taxa included, with molecular dating estimates for the origin of Doryctinae and its subsequent radiation both occurring during the late Paleocene–early Eocene. The divergence time estimates suggest that diversification in the subfamily could have in part occurred as a result of continental break-up events that took place in the southern hemisphere, though more recent dispersal events account for the current distribution of several widespread taxa.

2012 ◽  
Vol 279 (1742) ◽  
pp. 3491-3500 ◽  
Mario dos Reis ◽  
Jun Inoue ◽  
Masami Hasegawa ◽  
Robert J. Asher ◽  
Philip C. J. Donoghue ◽  

The fossil record suggests a rapid radiation of placental mammals following the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) mass extinction 65 million years ago (Ma); nevertheless, molecular time estimates, while highly variable, are generally much older. Early molecular studies suffer from inadequate dating methods, reliance on the molecular clock, and simplistic and over-confident interpretations of the fossil record. More recent studies have used Bayesian dating methods that circumvent those issues, but the use of limited data has led to large estimation uncertainties, precluding a decisive conclusion on the timing of mammalian diversifications. Here we use a powerful Bayesian method to analyse 36 nuclear genomes and 274 mitochondrial genomes (20.6 million base pairs), combined with robust but flexible fossil calibrations. Our posterior time estimates suggest that marsupials diverged from eutherians 168–178 Ma, and crown Marsupialia diverged 64–84 Ma. Placentalia diverged 88–90 Ma, and present-day placental orders (except Primates and Xenarthra) originated in a ∼20 Myr window (45–65 Ma) after the K–Pg extinction. Therefore we reject a pre K–Pg model of placental ordinal diversification. We suggest other infamous instances of mismatch between molecular and palaeontological divergence time estimates will be resolved with this same approach.

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