scholarly journals II. Some particulars of the transit of Venus across the Sun, December 9, 1874, observed on the Himalaya Mountains, Mussoorie, at May-Villa Station, Lat. 30° 28′ N., long. 78° 3′. E., height above sea 6765 feet

1875 ◽  
Vol 23 (156-163) ◽  
pp. 254-259

Naturally sharing in the great interest excited by the transit of Venus, which occurred this forenoon, I proposed that I should observe the event with the equatoreal of the Royal Society, which Capt. J. Herschel, R. E., in his absence from India, had temporarily placed at my disposal; and the project meeting with liberal support from Col. J. T. Walker, R. E., Superintendent, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, I was enabled, through his kindness, to provide myself with four chronometers, a good altazimuth, a barometer, thermometers, and other articles of equipment necessary for the undertaking. My especial object in view was to observe the transit from a considerable height ; and this condition was easily secured through the circumstance that I was located only 14 miles from Mussoorie, on the Himalaya Mountains. No doubt a station on these mountains would be very liable to an envelope of mist and cloud at the time of year in question; but, on the other hand, were really good weather to prevail, I should enjoy the advantages of an exquisitely clear atmosphere, such as I have never experienced save on the Himalayas.

1875 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 157-160

The spectroscopic observations hereafter discussed were made with instruments belonging to the Royal Society, and in accordance with certain suggestions which a Committee were good enough to make in connexion with my letter to Sir Edward Sabine, President, dated 13th February, 1866. In view of my residence at a considerable height, and the exceedingly clear atmosphere prevailing at some periods of the year, it was suggested that the locality was peculiarly favourable for comparing the solar spectrum when the sun was high with the corresponding spectrum at sunset; any differences between these aspects which might appear were to be noted on Kirchhoff’s well-known maps. Accordingly I set to work with the spectroscope first supplied to me (hereafter distinguished by the prefix old ), and during the autumns of 1868 and 1869 I mapped the differences in question from the extreme red to D: these results appeared in the ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ No. 123, 1870, the Map being marked vol. xix. pl. 1; it is unnecessary, therefore, to dwell on this portion of my labours, excepting to add that the definitions and general procedure there adopted have been retained in the remarks which follow. 2. The observations hereafter noticed were always taken in the autumn , when, the rainy season having passed away, the atmosphere on these mountains is exceedingly clear, so that the sun, the object of inquiry, is bright even to his setting, and a spectrum may therefore be then obtained through a long stretch of terrestrial atmosphere corresponding to the height of the station of observation; on the other hand, with the sun about the meridian, the height of station places the observer above a relative amount of atmosphere, so that the spectrum obtainable at this time and about sunset are highly eligible for the comparison in view. Accordingly the two spectra are given in the accompanying map (Plate 25); and for easy comparison they are placed in juxtaposition. By “sun high” is to be understood any position for the sun within a couple of hours of the meridian; by “sun low” that the sun was within 3 or 4 diameters of his setting and yet quite bright. Indeed it is only when very near sunset that the marked alterations in the lines appear; so that the spectrum required is not only rarely obtainable, but it hardly lasts beyond 10 minutes of an evening. In this short period (when, moreover, the observer is fatigued with previous watching) changes from the sun-high spectrum must first be detected; then their position must be identified, and, failing this, found by measurement; next, the appearance should be drawn, and finally the drawing should be compared with the original: under these conditions a week may be easily absorbed by a single group. It is also to be borne in mind that no human eye will endure, without at least temporary injury, protracted watching of the bright solar spectrum for more than four or five weeks at a time; indeed, though I habitually used both eyes as a relief to one another, they both invariably suffered, and continued to do so for several weeks after every autumn. The following facts may be here mentioned:—

1867 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 256-258 ◽  

The two most recent theories dealing with the physical constitution of the sun are due to M. Faye and to Messrs. De la Rue, Balfour Stewart, and Loewy. The chief point of difference in these two theories is the explanation given by each of the phenomena of sun-spots. Thus, according to M. Faye, the interior of the sun is a nebulous gaseous mass of feeble radiating-power, at a temperature of dissociation; the photosphere is, on the other hand, of a high radiating-power, and at a temperature sufficiently low to permit of chemical action. In a sunspot we see the interior nebulous mass through an opening in the photosphere, caused by an upward current, and the sun-spot is black, by reason of the feeble radiating-power of the nebulous mass.

1868 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 254-258

The results of my researches on the chloroform-derivatives of the primary monamines, which, as I have shown, are isomeric with the nitriles, could not fail to direct my attention to allied groups of bodies, with the view of discovering similar isomerisms. In a note communicated to the Royal Society some months ago, I expressed the expectations which even then appeared to be justified in the following manner:—“In conclusion, I may be permitted to announce as everv probable the existence of a series of bodies isomeric with the sulphocyanides. Already M. Cloëz has shown that the action of chloride of cyanogen on ethylate of potassium gives rise to the formation of an ethylic cyanate possessing properties absolutely different from those belonging to the cyanate discovered by M. Wurtz. On comparing, on the other hand the properties of the methylic and ethylic sulphocyamdes with those of the sulphocyanides of allyl and phenyl, it can scarcely be doubted that we have here the representatives of two groups entirely different, and that the terms of the methyl- and ethyl-series which correspond to oil of mustard, and to the sulphocyanide of phenyl, still remain to be discovered. Experiments with which I am now engaged will show whether these bodies cannot be obtained by the action of the iodides of methyl and ethyl on sulphocyanide of silver."

Henry Thomas Colebrooke

Capt. A. Gerard, from whose letters on a survey of the middle valley of the Setlej, in the year 1818, a brief sketch of the geology of that part of the Himálaya was prepared, which has been inserted in the Geological Transactions (1st vol., New Series), has since continued to explore the same interesting portion of the great Indian chain of mountains. A short narrative of a visit to the same quarter, in 1820, was communicated to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and is published in the 10th volume of the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, (page 295.) In the subsequent, year (1821) Capt. A. Gerard, with his brother, Mr. J. G. Gerard, more fully explored the same valley, to complete a geographical survey of it. Their diary, and the geological specimens collected by them, have, at their request, been freely communicated to me by the East-India Company, with the liberal permission of retaining a duplicate set of the specimens. This I accordingly have had the satisfaction of presenting to the Geological Society. But, as the diary contains particulars unconnected with geology, yet not devoid of interest in a more general view, I now offer to the notice of the Royal Asiatic Society a summary of it, interspersed with remarks, and including extracts of the more important passages.

1923 ◽  
Vol 27 (149) ◽  
pp. 224-243
G. S. Baker

An Ordinary General Meeting- of the Society was held at the Royal Society of Arts, on Thursday, February ist, 1923, Professor L. Bairstow in the chair.The Chairman, in opening- the proceedings, said that Mr. G. S. Baker, O.B.E., of the National Physical Laboratory, would deal with flying boats and seaplanes. He would deal with the hull and its design, that part of the seaplane which differentiates it from the aeroplane. That subject had been touched on very lightly by Major Rennie at the previous meeting of the Society, in view of the present paper by Mr. Baker.Mr. Baker had begun work in 1912 on the problems of hull design, at a time when nothing of a definite nature was known; a few individual experiments had been carried out, but there was no systematised knowledge at all at that time. From that state of ignorance a great deal of experimental work had now rescued us. He did not know how far Mr. Baker would stress the point, but it was quite clear, from the investigation of certain accidents to seacraft, that there were fundamental differences in the behaviour of seaplane hulls on the water, differences which had a great deal of effect on the risk of flying-. For instance, if one type of hull was such that when the plane rose in the air it stalled, then all the aerodynamical consequences of stalling- followed, and there was difficulty. On the other hand, it appeared that we had a type of flying- boat which did not make the plane stall on getting into the air, and consequently if it came back to the water it was still controlled. For this type of development, which he believed really dated back to the C.E.i, we were mainly indebted to Mr. Baker and his associates at the National Physical Laboratory, and to the generosity of Sir Alfred Yarrow in placing such a magnificent piece of apparatus as the experimental tank at the disposal of the nation.Mr. Baker then read his paper on “ Ten Years’ Testing of Model Seaplanes.”

1876 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 725-735 ◽  

In a paper read before the Royal Society, April 1874, I pointed out that the communication of heat from a solid surface to a gas, whether accompanied by evaporation or not, must, according to the kinetic theory, be attended by a reactionary force equi­valent to an increase in the pressure of the gas on the surface, and, conversely, when heat is communicated from the gas to the surface the pressure against the surface is diminished; and I also suggested that these forces are the probable cause of the motion, resulting in some way from radiation, which Mr. Crookes had brought into such pro­minent notice. Since the publication of this paper neither my conclusions as to the existence of these “heat reactions,” nor the reasoning by which I supported them, have been controverted or even questioned; but, on the other hand, they have received important confirmation. The results at which Professors Tait and Dewar arrived after a careful investigation fully bear out my conclusions, not only as to the existence of the forces, but also as to the way in which they explain Mr. Crookes’s experiments.

1879 ◽  
Vol 29 (196-199) ◽  
pp. 297-302

1. The object of the present note is to add to Notes I and II some particulars of the transit not detailed in those notes. The latter contained only sufficient extracts from my observatory notes in connexion chiefly with the three contacts which I observed; as, however, various other facts, besides the contacts, were developed in course of the transit, and elicited remarks from me at the time, it seems desirable that a complete transcript of these observatory notes should also be put on record; both in connexion with what hereafter follows, and also to meet any possible future requirements of details, such as expressed by Captain Tupman in his discussion of the mean solar parallax.

1933 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 34-57
M. C. E.St John ◽  
MM. Abbot ◽  
Abetti ◽  
Anderson ◽  
Bjerknes ◽  

The president calls attention to the large and increasing membership of Commission 12 and the policy of concentrating in it all matters relating to the sun. The result makes it comparable in breadth of field and in membership to the former Union for Co-operation in Solar Research. The main point in favour of this policy is the increased interest in the meetings of the Commission and the larger number of individuals reached compared with the meetings of small committees. One recalls the general sessions of the Solar Union in which each one present felt himself a part of the Union and in real touch with the work of different sections and after the discussions went away with fuller knowledge of what it was all about. This was a valuable result not attained to the same degree from the general sessions of the present Union, but in a measure it does follow from the meetings of the Solar Physics Committee. On the other hand the question may be raised whether or not the merging of independent commissions into subdivisions of a large commission lessens their interest to an extent not balanced by the advantages. If the present policy holds, it seems to the president that a re-organisation of Commission 12 is advisable by which more responsibility is laid upon the directors of centres. The basis of membership in the Commission may well be considered and recommendations formulated for transmission to the Executive Committee.

1862 ◽  
Vol 152 ◽  
pp. 621-638 ◽  

1. In a previous communication submitted to the Royal Society on June 28th, 1861, and since published in their Transactions, I ventured to make a suggestion regarding the nature of that connexion which subsists between magnetic disturbances, earth-currents, and auroras. In this hypothesis the earth was viewed as similar to the soft iron core of a Ruhmkorff’s machine, in which a primary disturbing current was supposed to induce mag­netism. Earth-currents and auroras, on the other hand, were viewed as induced or secondary currents, caused by the small but abrupt changes which are constantly taking place in the strength of the primary disturbing current, these changes being very much heightened in effect by the action of the iron core, that is to say, of the earth.

1878 ◽  
Vol 27 (185-189) ◽  
pp. 381-383

In the “Proceedings of the Royal Society,” vol. xxvii, pp. 63-71, Professor Adams has given, by an inductive process, the development of the product of any two of Legendre’s Coefficients in a series of the Coefficients; from this is immediately deduced the value of the integral between the limits -1 and +1 of the product of any three of the Coefficients. On the other hand, if we know the value of this definite integral, we can immediately deduce the development of the product of any two of the Coefficients. Thus it may be of interest to give a brief investigation of the value of the definite integral. I follow the notation adopted by Professor Adams. The formula to be established is ∫ 1 -1 P m P n P p dμ = 2/2 s + 1 A ( s - m ) A ( s - n ) A ( s - p ) / A( s ), where 2 s = m + n + P , and the functional symbol A( r ) is thus defined: if r is a positive integer A ( r ) = 1. 3. 5. . (2 r - 1) /1. 2. 3. . r , and in all other cases A ( r ) is to be considered zero, except when r = 0, and then it is to be considered = 1.

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