scholarly journals The radular apparatus of cephalopods

1999 ◽  
Vol 354 (1380) ◽  
pp. 161-182 ◽  
J. B. Messenger ◽  
J. Z. Young

This paper describes the ontogeny, breakdown and absorption of the radular teeth of cephalopods and, for the first time, considers the function of the ‘bolsters’ or radular support muscles. The radular ribbon, which bears many regularly arranged transverse rows of teeth one behind the other, lies in a radular canal that emerges from the radular sac. Here the radular teeth are formed by a set of elongate cells with microvilli, the odontoblasts. These are organized into two layers, the outer producing the radular membrane and the bases of the teeth, the inner producing the cusps. The odontoblasts also secrete the hyaline shield and the teeth on the lateral buccal palps, when these are present. At the front end of the radular ribbon the teeth become worn in feeding and are replaced from behind by new ones formed continuously in the radular sac, so that the whole ribbon moves forward during ontogeny. Removal of the old teeth is achieved by cells in the radular organs; these cells, which are formed from modified odontoblasts (‘odontoclasts’), dissolve the teeth and membranes and absorb them. There is a subradular organ in all cephalopods. In Octopus vulgaris , which bores into mollusc shells and crustacean carapaces, it is especially well–developed and there is also a supraradular organ. A characteristic feature of the cephalopod radular apparatus is the pair of large radular support muscles or ‘bolsters’. Their function seems never to have been investigated, but experiments reported here show that when they elongate, the radular teeth become erect at the bending plane and splayed, presumably enhancing their ability to rake food particles into the pharynx. The bolsters of Octopus function as muscular hydrostats: because their volume is fixed, contraction of their powerful transverse muscles causes them to elongate. In decapods and in nautiloids each bolster contains a ‘support rod’ of semi–fluid material, as well as massive transverse musculature. This rod may elongate to erect the radular teeth. At the extreme front end of the bolsters in Octopus there are many nerve fibres that may constitute a receptor organ signalling the movements of the radula against hard material. Such nerves are absent from decapods and from octopods that do not bore holes. The buccal mass of Nautilus is massive, with heavily calcified tips to the beaks and a wide radular ribbon, with 13 rather than nine elements in each row. Nevertheless all the usual coleoid features are present in the radular apparatus and the teeth are formed and broken down in the same way. However, Nautilus has a unique structure, the radular appendage. This comprises a papillate mass extending over the palate in the mid–line and forming paired lateral masses that are in part secretory. The organ is attached to the front of the radula by muscles and connective tissue. Its function is unknown.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1048-1051
Anwar M.J. Al-Maliky ◽  
Khaled Kh. Al-Khafaji ◽  
Tariq H. Al-Maliky

The present study identifies one species of the genus Octopus in the order: Octopoda (Cephalopoda: Mollusca), recorded forthe first time in the Iraqi coastal waters and Arabian-Persian Gulf. The study extended from January 2019 to December of thesame year. The Octopus specimens were seasonally obtained from the fishing trawlers operating in the Iraqi coastal waters inthe South of Al- Fao District, Basrah- Iraq, NW Arabian Gulf. The Octopus was identified as O. vulgaris in Iraqi coastal watersdepending on morphological features. The habitats of living specimens are briefly described. Some observations were reported on the occurrence of this species and the measurement of some environmental factors. The species was identified up to spe-cies level using standard literature. This species looks similar morphologically to the species which is already identified from the other areas around the world. The present study records significant expansion in the distribution range of this species.

1960 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 181 ◽  
J Robb

The internal anatomy of Typhlops shows a number of interesting features which support the hypothesis that the typhlopids are wrongly classified among the Ophidia, and that they should either be given subordinal rank, equivalent to the Sauria and the Serpentes, or be made an infra-order of the Sauria. The alimentary, vascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems are described in detail for the first time. The most striking peculiarities occur in the respiratory and reproductive systems. Unlike most snakes, Typhlops has two functional lungs, one occupying most of the anterior third of the body cavity, and the other smaller one lying immediately behind it. All the pulmonary blood vessels are well developed. The male reproductive organs are solid, grooved, protrusible structures, each of which is contained within a connective tissue sheath in the postanal region. These organs are unlike the hemipenes of any snake or lizard of which a description can be found. Both male and female animals possess a large cloaca1 gland in the postanal region. There are also several uncommon features in the alimentary and vascular systems.

Walter Garstang

Until the spring of 1899 the true or common octopus (Octopus vulgaris, L.) had been comparatively rare in the neighbourhood of Plymouth during the past ten or twelve years—i.e. since the opening of the Plymouth Laboratory in 1888. Specimens could only be obtained for the aquarium at long intervals, in spite of the tempting inducements offered to fishermen. As much as ten shillings has more than once been given to fishermen for a specimen of this voracious mollusk. On the other hand, the smaller and less powerful octopod known as Eledone cirrosa was almost always obtainable, and the octopus tank in the aquarium was rarely devoid of several specimens.In the early part of last year (1899) the situation began to change, and we were for the first time able to keep the tank supplied with a number of true octopus, since which date there has been no difficulty in procuring an unlimited number of specimens, either from the professional fishermen or in the ordinary course of our own fishing operations.We noticed this increase in the abundance of octopus before there was any means of judging whether it was a purely local phenomenon, or was observable over a wider area. The first specimens were brought to us in January, and from May onwards they were obtained in increasing abundance. Early in the same year, however (though I have no exact record of the date), a visitor from the Channel Islands informed me that the increase of octopus in those islands was so great as to have already caused much damage to the shell fisheries there, since the octopus entered the pots of the fishermen, and destroyed the crabs and lobsters which had been caught.

1956 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 658-667

1. Tonic and phasic discharges of impulses may be recorded in the small leg nerve of Limulus from endings sensitive to the position and movement of the femorotibial and other joints. 2. The nerve fibres originate from the large sensory cells described by Stuart (1953). Of those at the femoro-tibial joint, one group of cells lies under the hinge and the endings react tonically to the strains present in the cuticle; some are excited by flexion and some by extension. The other group of cells, lying more internally, have endings in the connective tissue and react phasically only during joint movement. 3. The relationship is discussed between these endings and the lyriform organs of Arachnids and the campaniform sensilla of insects.

1862 ◽  
Vol 152 ◽  
pp. 911-938 ◽  

In the Philosophical Transactions for 1859, I showed that, in the adult spinal cord of Man and all vertebrate animals, the white columns as well as the grey substance are everywhere interspersed with granular nuclei, of which some are attached to the sheaths of the primitive nerve-fibres, while others are imbedded in the intervening connective tissue. In the grey substance these nuclei are more abundant than in the white, and have much resemblance to many of the free nuclei or cells, which are certainly in connexion with nerve-fibres, and with which they are freely intermixed. With the hope of throwing some light on the histological relation between these and the other elemen­tary tissues of the cord, the following inquiries into their development were under­taken. The histology of the development of the spinal cord in Birds and the higher animals had already been begun by Bidder and Kupffer, and pursued a little further by Kölliker. The results of their investigations are comprised in the following statements:

2012 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-233 ◽  
J. David Archibald

Studies of the origin and diversification of major groups of plants and animals are contentious topics in current evolutionary biology. This includes the study of the timing and relationships of the two major clades of extant mammals – marsupials and placentals. Molecular studies concerned with marsupial and placental origin and diversification can be at odds with the fossil record. Such studies are, however, not a recent phenomenon. Over 150 years ago Charles Darwin weighed two alternative views on the origin of marsupials and placentals. Less than a year after the publication of On the origin of species, Darwin outlined these in a letter to Charles Lyell dated 23 September 1860. The letter concluded with two competing phylogenetic diagrams. One showed marsupials as ancestral to both living marsupials and placentals, whereas the other showed a non-marsupial, non-placental as being ancestral to both living marsupials and placentals. These two diagrams are published here for the first time. These are the only such competing phylogenetic diagrams that Darwin is known to have produced. In addition to examining the question of mammalian origins in this letter and in other manuscript notes discussed here, Darwin confronted the broader issue as to whether major groups of animals had a single origin (monophyly) or were the result of “continuous creation” as advocated for some groups by Richard Owen. Charles Lyell had held similar views to those of Owen, but it is clear from correspondence with Darwin that he was beginning to accept the idea of monophyly of major groups.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 455-462 ◽  
G. Ya. Doroshina ◽  
I. A. Nikolajev

Sphagnum mires on the Greater Caucasus are rare, characterized by the presence of relict plant communities of glacial age and are in a stage of degradation. The study of Sphagnum of Chefandzar and Masota mires is carried out for the first time. Seven species of Sphagnum are recorded. Their distribution and frequency within the North Caucasus are analyzed. Sphagnum contortum, S. platyphyllum, S. russowii, S. squarrosum are recorded for the first time for the study area and for the flora of North Ossetia. The other mosses found in the study area are listed.

2018 ◽  
Amir Forouharfar

The paper was shaped around the pivotal question: Is SE a sound and scientific field of research? The question has given a critical tone to the paper and has also helped to bring out some of the controversial debates in the realm of SE. The paper was organized under five main discussions to be able to provide a scientific answer to the research question: (1)<b> </b>is “social entrepreneurship” an oxymoron?, (2) the characteristics of SE knowledge, (3) sources of social entrepreneurship knowledge, (4) SE knowledge: structure and limitations and (5) contributing epistemology-making concepts for SE.<b> </b>Based on the sections,<b> </b>the study relied on the relevant philosophical schools of thought in <i>Epistemology </i>(e.g. <i>Empiricism</i>, <i>Rationalism</i>, <i>Skepticism</i>, <i>Internalism</i> vs. <i>Externalism</i>,<i> Essentialism, Social Constructivism</i>, <i>Social Epistemology, etc.</i>) to discuss these controversies around SE and proposes some solutions by reviewing SE literature. Also, to determine the governing linguistic discourse in the realm of SE, which was necessary for our discussion,<i> Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)</i> for the first time in SE studies was used. Further, through the study, SE buzzwords which constitute SE terminology were derived and introduced to help us narrowing down and converging the thoughts in this field and demarking the epistemological boundaries of SE. The originality of the paper on one hand lies in its pioneering discussions on SE epistemology and on the other hand in paving the way for a construction of sound epistemology for SE; therefore in many cases after preparing the philosophical ground for the discussions, it went beyond the prevalent SE literature through meta-analysis to discuss the cases which were raised. The results of the study verified previously claimed embryonic pre-paradigmatic phase in SE which was far from a sound and scientific knowledge, although the scholarly endeavors are the harbingers of such a possibility in the future which calls for further mature academic discussion and development of SE knowledge by the SE academia.

Caroline Durand

Al-Qusayr is located 40 km south of modern al-Wajh, roughly 7 km from the eastern Red Sea shore. This site is known since the mid-19th century, when the explorer R. Burton described it for the first time, in particular the remains of a monumental building so-called al-Qasr. In March 2016, a new survey of the site was undertaken by the al-‘Ula–al-Wajh Survey Project. This survey focused not only on al-Qasr but also on the surrounding site corresponding to the ancient settlement. A surface collection of pottery sherds revealed a striking combination of Mediterranean and Egyptian imports on one hand, and of Nabataean productions on the other hand. This material is particularly homogeneous on the chronological point of view, suggesting a rather limited occupation period for the site. Attesting contacts between Mediterranean merchants, Roman Egypt and the Nabataean kingdom, these new data allow a complete reassessment of the importance of this locality in the Red Sea trade routes during antiquity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
D.G. Shah ◽  
D.N. Mehta ◽  
R.V. Gujar

Bryophytes are the second largest group of land plants and are also known as the amphibians of the plant kingdom. 67 species of bryophytes have been reported from select locations across the state of Gujrat. The status of family fissidentaceae which is a large moss family is being presented in this paper. Globally the family consists of 10 genera but only one genus, Fissidens Hedw. has been collected from Gujarat. Fissidens is characterized by a unique leaf structure and shows the presence of three distinct lamina, the dorsal, the ventral and the vaginant lamina. A total of 8 species of Fissidens have been reported from the state based on vegetative characters as no sporophyte stages were collected earlier. Species reported from the neighboring states also showed the absence of sporophytes. The identification of different species was difficult due to substantial overlap in vegetative characters. Hence a detailed study on the diversity of members of Fissidentaceae in Gujarat was carried out between November 2013 and February 2015. In present study 8 distinct species of Fissidens have been collected from different parts of the state. Three species Fissidens splachnobryoides Broth., Fissidens zollingerii Mont. and Fissidens curvato-involutus Dixon. have been identified while the other five are still to be identified. Fissidens zollingerii Mont. and Fissidens xiphoides M. Fleisch., which have been reported as distinct species are actually synonyms according to TROPICOS database. The presence of sexual reproductive structures and sporophytes for several Fissidens species are also being reported for the first time from the state.

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