scholarly journals GWAS of three molecular traits highlights core genes and pathways alongside a highly polygenic background

Nasa Sinnott-Armstrong ◽  
Sahin Naqvi ◽  
Manuel Rivas ◽  
Jonathan K Pritchard

SummaryGenome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been used to study the genetic basis of a wide variety of complex diseases and other traits. However, for most traits it remains difficult to interpret what genes and biological processes are impacted by the top hits. Here, as a contrast, we describe UK Biobank GWAS results for three molecular traits—urate, IGF-1, and testosterone—that are biologically simpler than most diseases, and for which we know a great deal in advance about the core genes and pathways. Unlike most GWAS of complex traits, for all three traits we find that most top hits are readily interpretable. We observe huge enrichment of significant signals near genes involved in the relevant biosynthesis, transport, or signaling pathways. We show how GWAS data illuminate the biology of variation in each trait, including insights into differences in testosterone regulation between females and males. Meanwhile, in other respects the results are reminiscent of GWAS for more-complex traits. In particular, even these molecular traits are highly polygenic, with most of the variance coming not from core genes, but from thousands to tens of thousands of variants spread across most of the genome. Given that diseases are often impacted by many distinct biological processes, including these three, our results help to illustrate why so many variants can affect risk for any given disease.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Nasa Sinnott-Armstrong ◽  
Sahin Naqvi ◽  
Manuel Rivas ◽  
Jonathan K Pritchard

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been used to study the genetic basis of a wide variety of complex diseases and other traits. We describe UK Biobank GWAS results for three molecular traits—urate, IGF-1, and testosterone—with better-understood biology than most other complex traits. We find that many of the most significant hits are readily interpretable. We observe huge enrichment of associations near genes involved in the relevant biosynthesis, transport, or signaling pathways. We show how GWAS data illuminate the biology of each trait, including differences in testosterone regulation between females and males. At the same time, even these molecular traits are highly polygenic, with many thousands of variants spread across the genome contributing to trait variance. In summary, for these three molecular traits we identify strong enrichment of signal in putative core gene sets, even while most of the SNP-based heritability is driven by a massively polygenic background.

2017 ◽  
Oriol Canela-Xandri ◽  
Konrad Rawlik ◽  
Albert Tenesa

ABSTRACTGenome-wide association studies have revealed many loci contributing to the variation of complex traits, yet the majority of loci that contribute to the heritability of complex traits remain elusive. Large study populations with sufficient statistical power are required to detect the small effect sizes of the yet unidentified genetic variants. However, the analysis of huge cohorts, like UK Biobank, is complicated by incidental structure present when collecting such large cohorts. For instance, UK Biobank comprises 107,162 third degree or closer related participants. Traditionally, GWAS have removed related individuals because they comprised an insignificant proportion of the overall sample size, however, removing related individuals in UK Biobank would entail a substantial loss of power. Furthermore, modelling such structure using linear mixed models is computationally expensive, which requires a computational infrastructure that may not be accessible to all researchers. Here we present an atlas of genetic associations for 118 non-binary and 599 binary traits of 408,455 related and unrelated UK Biobank participants of White-British descent. Results are compiled in a publicly accessible database that allows querying genome-wide association summary results for 623,944 genotyped and HapMap2 imputed SNPs, as well downloading whole GWAS summary statistics for over 30 million imputed SNPs from the Haplotype Reference Consortium panel. Our atlas of associations (GeneATLAS, will help researchers to query UK Biobank results in an easy way without the need to incur in high computational costs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 461-493 ◽  
Guy Sella ◽  
Nicholas H. Barton

Many traits of interest are highly heritable and genetically complex, meaning that much of the variation they exhibit arises from differences at numerous loci in the genome. Complex traits and their evolution have been studied for more than a century, but only in the last decade have genome-wide association studies (GWASs) in humans begun to reveal their genetic basis. Here, we bring these threads of research together to ask how findings from GWASs can further our understanding of the processes that give rise to heritable variation in complex traits and of the genetic basis of complex trait evolution in response to changing selection pressures (i.e., of polygenic adaptation). Conversely, we ask how evolutionary thinking helps us to interpret findings from GWASs and informs related efforts of practical importance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
Dinesh K. Saini ◽  
Yuvraj Chopra ◽  
Jagmohan Singh ◽  
Karansher S. Sandhu ◽  
Anand Kumar ◽  

Jack W. O’Sullivan ◽  
John P. A. Ioannidis

AbstractWith the establishment of large biobanks, discovery of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) that are associated with various phenotypes has been accelerated. An open question is whether SNPs identified with genome-wide significance in earlier genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are replicated also in later GWAS conducted in biobanks. To address this question, the authors examined a publicly available GWAS database and identified two, independent GWAS on the same phenotype (an earlier, “discovery” GWAS and a later, replication GWAS done in the UK biobank). The analysis evaluated 136,318,924 SNPs (of which 6,289 had reached p<5e-8 in the discovery GWAS) from 4,397,962 participants across nine phenotypes. The overall replication rate was 85.0% and it was lower for binary than for quantitative phenotypes (58.1% versus 94.8% respectively). There was a18.0% decrease in SNP effect size for binary phenotypes, but a 12.0% increase for quantitative phenotypes. Using the discovery SNP effect size, phenotype trait (binary or quantitative), and discovery p-value, we built and validated a model that predicted SNP replication with area under the Receiver Operator Curve = 0.90. While non-replication may often reflect lack of power rather than genuine false-positive findings, these results provide insights about which discovered associations are likely to be seen again across subsequent GWAS.

2019 ◽  
Jan A. Freudenthal ◽  
Markus J. Ankenbrand ◽  
Dominik G. Grimm ◽  
Arthur Korte

AbstractMotivationGenome-wide association studies (GWAS) are one of the most commonly used methods to detect associations between complex traits and genomic polymorphisms. As both genotyping and phenotyping of large populations has become easier, typical modern GWAS have to cope with massive amounts of data. Thus, the computational demand for these analyses grew remarkably during the last decades. This is especially true, if one wants to implement permutation-based significance thresholds, instead of using the naïve Bonferroni threshold. Permutation-based methods have the advantage to provide an adjusted multiple hypothesis correction threshold that takes the underlying phenotypic distribution into account and will thus remove the need to find the correct transformation for non Gaussian phenotypes. To enable efficient analyses of large datasets and the possibility to compute permutation-based significance thresholds, we used the machine learning framework TensorFlow to develop a linear mixed model (GWAS-Flow) that can make use of the available CPU or GPU infrastructure to decrease the time of the analyses especially for large datasets.ResultsWe were able to show that our application GWAS-Flow outperforms custom GWAS scripts in terms of speed without loosing accuracy. Apart from p-values, GWAS-Flow also computes summary statistics, such as the effect size and its standard error for each individual marker. The CPU-based version is the default choice for small data, while the GPU-based version of GWAS-Flow is especially suited for the analyses of big data.AvailabilityGWAS-Flow is freely available on GitHub ( and is released under the terms of the MIT-License.

2019 ◽  
Vol 133 (5) ◽  
pp. 1415-1425 ◽  
Qin Wang ◽  
Jiali Tang ◽  
Bin Han ◽  
Xuehui Huang

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