scholarly journals ″Time does not heal all wounds″: Sexual victimisation is associated with depression, anxiety and PTSD in old age

Anne Nobels ◽  
Gilbert M.D. Lemmens ◽  
Lisa Thibau ◽  
Marie Beaulieu ◽  
Christophe Vandeviver ◽  

Background Sexual violence (SV) has an important impact on mental health. Childhood sexual abuse is linked to internalising disorders in later life. In older adults, SV occurs more often than previously believed. Moreover, health care workers lack the skills to address SV in later life. Studies researching the mental health impact of lifetime SV, i.e. SV during childhood, adulthood and old age, are lacking. Methods Between July 2019 and March 2020, 513 older adults living in Belgium participated in structured face-to-face-interviews. Selection occurred via a cluster random probability sampling with a random walk finding approach. Depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) were measured using validated scales. Participants were asked about suicide attempts and self-harm during their lifetime and in the past 12-months. SV was measured using behaviourally specific questions based on a broad SV definition. Results Rates for depression, anxiety and PTSD were 27%, 26% and 6% respectively, 2% had attempted suicide, 1% reported self-harm in the past 12-months. Over 44% experienced lifetime SV, 8% in the past 12-months. Lifetime SV was linked to depression (p =.001), anxiety (p =.001), and PTSD in participants with a chronic illness/disability (p = .002) or no/lower education (p <.001). We found no link between lifetime SV and suicide attempts or self-harm in the past 12-months. Conclusions Lifetime SV is linked to mental health problems in late life. Tailored mental health care for older SV victims is necessary. Therefore, capacity building of professionals, and development of clinical guidelines and care procedures are important.

2007 ◽  
Vol 31 (9) ◽  
pp. 354-356
Maura Young ◽  
Siobhan Morris

Over the past decade, old age liaison psychiatry services have been developing across the UK. The driving force behind this has been the recognition of the inequity in service provision for people over the age of 65 with mental health problems in a general hospital setting. A postal survey of consultants in old age psychiatry in April 2002 showed that most respondents (71%) considered that the service they provided to older people in general hospitals was poor and needed to be improved (Holmes et al, 2002). Much work has been done to highlight this issue, and liaison psychiatry for older adults is gaining prominence. The national conference on liaison psychiatry for older people, which has been held in Leeds for the past 4 years, attracts large numbers of enthusiastic participants. The Department of Health (2006) document A New Ambition for Old Age specifically mentions the current poor standard of care that older people with mental health problems receive in a general hospital setting. The Royal College of Psychiatrists (2005) has produced guidelines for the development of liaison mental health services for older people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 853-866
Berliany Venny Sipollo ◽  
Mochamad Ali Sodikin

ABSTRAK Pandemi COVID-19 merupakan bencana non alam yang berdampak tidak hanya pada kesehatan fisik saja tetapi berdampak pula terhadap kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial masyarakat. Dampak kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial ini dapat menurunkan sistem imunitas tubuh manusia khususnya kelompok rentan yaitu kelompok lansia. Semakin seseorang merasa cemas yang berlebihan, maka tubuh mengalami kegagalan dalam menghasilkan antibodi untuk melawan virus.. Klien yang terdiagnosis positif COVID-19 merasa sangat takut dengan bayangan kematian, dan secara sosial diisolasi yang akan menimbulkan stigma sehingga mungkin terjadi ansietas dan depresi yang bila berlanjut dapat menyebabkan keputusasaan yang akan memperburuk kondisi fisik. Pemberdayaan generasi muda dalam hal ini adalah siswa SMAN 1 Sumberpucung dalam mendukung kesehatan jiwa dan psikosial lansia, yaitu lansia yang berada dalam keluarga siswa. Metode yang digunakan di masa pandemic COVID-19 dengan kegiatan atau pelatihan DKJPS (Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial) dievaluasi selama 1,5 bulan berupa melakukan upaya promosi kesehatan (peningkatan imunitas fisik dan imunitas jiwa) dan pencegahan masalah kesehatan (pencegahan penularan dan pencegahan masalah kesehatan jiwa) yang pada akhirnya disebut sebagai Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (AKBmelalui virtual menggunakan zoom dan platform Whatsapp Group Chat dengan metode ceramah, Tanya jawab, diskusi dan demonstrasi. Hasil Jumlah audience: 50 siswa dan jumlah lansia dan pra lansia: 11 orang Kata Kunci : Kesehatan Jiwa, Psikososial, Generasi Muda, Lansia  ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic is a non-natural disaster that has an impact not only on physical health but also on the mental and psychosocial health of the community. This mental and psychosocial health impact can reduce the immune system of the human body, especially vulnerable groups, namely the older adults. The more a person feels excessively anxious; the body fails to produce antibodies to fight the virus. Clients who are diagnosed positive for COVID-19 feel very afraid of the image of death and are socially isolated which will lead to stigma so that anxiety and depression may occur if it continues. Can cause despair that will worsen the physical condition. The empowerment of the younger generation in this case is the students of SMAN 1 Sumberpucung in supporting the mental and psychosocial health of the older adults, which was the older adults who are in the student's family. The method used during the COVID-19 pandemic with DKJPS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) activities or training was evaluated for 4 weeks in the form of health promotion efforts (increasing physical immunity and mental immunity) and prevention of health problems (prevention of transmission and prevention of mental health problems. ) which is finally referred to as New Habit Adaptation (AKB through virtual using zoom and the Whatsapp Group Chat platform with the methods of lecturing, question and answer, discussion and demonstration Results Number of audiences: 50 students and the number of older adults and pre-elderly: 11 people Keywords: Mental Health, Psychosocial, Young Generation, Older Adults

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. e45-e45 ◽  
Rachel Mitchell ◽  
Cornelius Ani ◽  
James Irvine ◽  
Claude Cyr ◽  
Ari Joffe ◽  

Abstract Background Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Canadian adolescents. Youth who make near fatal suicide attempts, such as those requiring intensive care unit (ICU) level care, are the closest proxy to those that die by suicide; however, there is limited data on this group. Objectives To evaluate the minimum incidence rate and patterns of presentation of youth (under 18 years of age) admitted to the ICU for medically serious self-inflicted injury. Design/Methods From January 2017 to December 2018, over 2,700 paediatricians/subspecialist members of the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program were electronically surveyed on a monthly basis regarding cases of medically serious self-harm. Participants completed a detailed questionnaire about the reported case and descriptive statistics were used for analyses. Results Ninety-four cases (71 female; mean age 15.2 years) of confirmed (n=87) and suspected/probable (n=7) medically serious self-harm were reported. The majority (87%) of cases were reported from 4 out of 13 provinces and territories in Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec). There were 11 deaths by suicide (M&gt;F; p&lt;.05). Medication ingestion was the most common method of self-harm among females (76% F vs. 52% M; p=.03) compared with hanging among males (14% F vs. 39% M; p=.009). More females than males had a prior suicide attempt (62% F vs. 32% M; p=.07) and a history of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) (65% F vs. 14% M; p&lt;.05), although only history of NSSI reached significance. More females than males had a past psychiatric diagnosis (77% F vs. 55% M; p=.05), and past use of mental health services (69% F vs. 30% M; p&lt;.001), although only service use reached significance. Half of the youth left evidence of intent (54%) and 33% of parents of included youth were aware that their child was considering suicide. Family conflict was the most common precipitating factor for suicide attempt in both females and males (46%). Conclusion These Canadian findings are consistent with international epidemiologic data that observe a gender paradox of higher rates of suicide attempts in females and greater mental health care engagement but increased suicide mortality in males with decreased involvement with mental health care. This study suggests that family conflict is a potential target for suicide prevention interventions among youth. Future research focusing on gender-specificity in risk factor identification and effectiveness of primary prevention interventions among youth is warranted.

2014 ◽  
Vol 38 (5) ◽  
pp. 216-219 ◽  
Kathryn Walsh ◽  
Alex Copello

Aims and methodThe study reports findings of an investigation into the presence of severe and enduring mental health problems within the four statutory and non-statutory teams of an established substance misuse treatment partnership.ResultsOf a total of 772 clients in the four teams surveyed, 69 (8.9%) were identified as having severe and enduring mental health problems and problem substance use in the past 12 months. Alcohol was the most prevalent substance used by this predominantly male group. Different rates were found across the four teams, with higher numbers in the non-statutory teams. The clients displayed significant levels of self-harm and suicide risk and were responsible for 131 acute service contacts over the past 12 months.Clinical implicationsClients with severe and enduring mental health problems engaged with substance misuse services display high levels of complex need. It is important to identify the best and most effective service response to this group.

2021 ◽  
Anne Nobels ◽  
Ines Keygnaert ◽  
Egon Robert ◽  
Christophe Vandeviver ◽  
An Haekens ◽  

AbstractBackgroundSexual violence (SV) is linked to mental health problems in adulthood and old age. However, the extent of sexual victimisation in old age psychiatry patients is unknown. Due to insufficient communication skills in both patients and healthcare workers, assessing SV in old age psychiatry patients is challenging.MethodsBetween July 2019 and March 2020, 100 patients at three old age psychiatry wards across Flanders participated in a face-to-face structured interview receiving inpatient treatment. The participation rate was 58%. We applied the WHO definition of SV, encompassing sexual harassment, sexual abuse with physical contact without penetration, and (attempted) rape.OutcomesIn 57% of patients (65% F, 42% M) SV occurred during their lifetime and 7% (6% F, 9% M) experienced SV in the past 12-months. Half of the victims disclosed their SV experience for the first time during the interview. Only two victims had disclosed SV to a mental health care professional before.InterpretationSexual victimisation appears to be common in old age psychiatry patients, yet it remains largely undetected. Although victims did reveal SV during a face-to-face interview to a trained interviewer, they do not seem to spontaneously disclose their experiences to mental health care professionals. In order to provide tailored care for older SV victims, professionals urgently need capacity building through training, screening tools and care procedures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Reinhard Heun ◽  
Jibril Ibrahim Moussa Handuleh ◽  
Juan Evangelista Tercero Gaitán Buitrago ◽  
Melvin S. Marsh ◽  
Vitalii Klymchuk ◽  

AbstractIntroductionThe present is the future of the past, and the past of the future. This journal as well as this paper endeavour to document the lives and practices of psychiatrists and other mental health care professionals for the future mental health community and to help the clinicians of the future to understand the history and practice of psychiatry and mental health care in 2019/20. We, therefore, report the current days in the lives of psychiatrists and other mental health care professionals.Material and MethodsTo obtain reports of days in the lives of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, we published the request on eight occasions from May 2019 to May 2020. We invited the prospective respondents/participants to send a relevant report of their psychiatric practice in a day with a maximum word count of 750 words.ResultsWe received 20 reports of variable lengths from 10 countries from six continents, including from psychiatrists, psychiatrists in training, clinical psychologists and from medical students about their psychiatric training. The reports revealed a wide and highly variable range of psychiatric and mental health practices, experiences and expectations. Last but not least, the reports we received were informative and provided much information to reflect on.ConclusionsThere is a common strong commitment to support patients with mental health problems, but the ways this is achieved are so diverse that generalisations about a typical common practice seem impossible. Future studies should focus more systematically on the procedures and practices applied in helping patients with mental health problems in different countries and communities. This knowledge might eventually help identify the procedures and services that are most efficient and helpful in various clinical contexts.

Shamsi Akbar ◽  
Hitesh Khurana

Aging is a part of natural developmental process in the life of any living being. For human beings it is not just a biological phenomenon but it has psychological and social implications too. Some of the areas that would be affected include those related to health and health care, family composition, living arrangement, housing and migration. As a result of these socio-demographic evolutions and situations, older adults at times are forced to shift from their own homes to institutions/ Old age homes OAH. Living in OAH evokes a picture of apathy, dependence, and sadness which make the older adults increasingly vulnerable to mental health problems. Further there is also a strong need to develop suitable strategies to implement better mental health programmes and guidelines for the CMI in old age homes.

2000 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48 ◽  
Jane Hubert ◽  
Sheila Hollins

The majority of people with learning disabilities in the UK live at home with their families, usually with their parents (Mental Health Foundation, 1996) or – more commonly in later life – with one parent, usually their mother. Nowadays, people with learning disabilities live much longer than they did in the past, with the result that there is also an expanding population of elderly parents who are continuing to care for a son or daughter well into old age.

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 (10) ◽  
pp. 2037-2045 ◽  
M. Jokela ◽  
G. D. Batty ◽  
M. Kivimäki

BackgroundAgeing is an important factor in the development of mental health problems and their treatment. We assessed age trajectories of common mental disorders (CMDs) and psychotherapy utilization from adolescence to old age, and examined whether these trajectories were modified by time period or birth cohort effects.MethodBritish Household Panel Survey (BHPS) with an 18-year follow-up between 1991 and 2009 (n = 30 224 participants, aged 15–100 years, with an average 7.3 person-observations per person). CMDs were assessed with the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Psychotherapy treatment utilization during the past year was self-reported by the participants. The modifying influences of time period and cohort effects were assessed in a cohort-sequential longitudinal setting.ResultsFollowing a moderate decrease after age 50, the prevalence of GHQ caseness increased steeply from age 75. This increase was more marked in the 2000s (GHQ prevalence increasing from 24% to 43%) than in the 1990s (from 22% to 34%). Psychotherapy utilization decreased after age 55, with no time period or cohort effects modifying the age trajectory. These ageing patterns were replicated in within-individual longitudinal analysis.ConclusionsOld age is associated with higher risk of CMDs, and this association has become more marked during the past two decades. Ageing is also associated with an increasing discrepancy between prevalence of mental disorders and provision of treatment, as indicated by lower use of psychotherapy in older individuals.

Linda Chiu Wa Lam ◽  
Wai Chi Chan

With an increase in life expectancy worldwide, the ageing population has been expanding in the last few decades. Advanced age is associated with a high prevalence of physical morbidity. Dementia, the commonest type of mental disorder in later life, has been widely recognized as a public health priority. However, it is important to realize that other mental health problems are also common in old age. Depression and anxiety disorders are affecting a significant proportion of older adults, and may be associated with cognitive decline. This chapter will draw on current research related to key mental health problems in old age, and explore their public health significance through exploration of major prospective, large-scale, long-term cohort studies that shed light on the risk and protective factors that may influence the manifestations of mental health problems and associated disorders from a life course perspective.

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