expanding population
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Neurology ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 98 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-72 ◽  
Tim Denison ◽  
Martha J. Morrell

Neuromodulation devices are approved in the United States for the treatment of movement disorders, epilepsy, pain, and depression, and are used off-label for other neurologic indications. By 2035, advances in our understanding of neuroanatomical networks and in the mechanism of action of stimulation, coupled with developments in material science, miniaturization, energy storage, and delivery, will expand the use of neuromodulation devices. Neuromodulation approaches are flexible and modifiable. Stimulation can be targeted to a dysfunctional brain focus, region, or network, and can be delivered as a single treatment, continuously, according to a duty cycle, or in response to physiologic changes. Programming can be titrated and modified based on the clinical response or a physiologic biomarker. In addition to keeping pace with clinical and technological developments, neurologists in 2035 will need to navigate complex ethical and economic considerations to ensure access to neuromodulation technology for a rapidly expanding population of patients. This article provides an overview of systems in use today and those that are anticipated and highlights the opportunities and challenges for the future, some of which are technical, but most of which will be addressed by learning about brain networks, and from rapidly growing experience with neuromodulation devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 216-249
Weixuan Li

This article demonstrates how an expanding population of artists in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic was connected artistically, and how such connections were translated into artistic innovations that fuelled the rapid flourishing of Dutch arts and the art market. It does so by conceptualising and visualising an art-historical network of iconography that, for the first time, connects artists not through social relations but through shared subject matters. Using network analysis, this study revisits the definition of product innovations used by the socio-economic art historian John Michael Montias. It further demonstrates that painters’ choices of subject matter, styles, and qualities were often unrelated while artists’ thematic connections had little to do with their social relations and the location of their residence. Rather, the choices of subject matter were subject to market forces and rooted deeply in an artist’s ability, ambition, and marketing strategy. Lastly, this article visualises the artistic network implied in Rembrandt’s rivals by Eric Jan Sluijter, which helps explain the breakaway success of the Dismissal of Hagar paintings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Patricia Munsch-Alatossava ◽  
Tapani Alatossava

Worldwide, food production systems are confronted with multifaceted challenges. In the context of global climate change, the necessity to feed an expanding population while addressing food insecurity and reducing the tremendous losses and wastage of food places all production steps under considerable pressure. In this context, dairies also face extensive pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, wastewater, and sludge; here, as elsewhere, innovative technological solutions must meet sustainable criteria. To preserve the quality and safety of raw milk during its storage, N2 gas flushing technology was devised and implemented at laboratory and pilot plant scales: the treatment proved to be multiadvantageous considering microbiological, biochemical, and technological aspects. The proposed study aims to reconsider the benefits of the patented N2 flushing technology, applied at the “raw milk stage” and evaluate the potential advantages that the treatment would confer, in terms of quality and safety aspects, to various dairy products such as liquid milk products, butters, creams, ice creams, and cheeses, including local and traditional dairy products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (48) ◽  
pp. e2105138118
Avaneesh V. Narla ◽  
Jonas Cremer ◽  
Terence Hwa

Bacterial cells navigate their environment by directing their movement along chemical gradients. This process, known as chemotaxis, can promote the rapid expansion of bacterial populations into previously unoccupied territories. However, despite numerous experimental and theoretical studies on this classical topic, chemotaxis-driven population expansion is not understood in quantitative terms. Building on recent experimental progress, we here present a detailed analytical study that provides a quantitative understanding of how chemotaxis and cell growth lead to rapid and stable expansion of bacterial populations. We provide analytical relations that accurately describe the dependence of the expansion speed and density profile of the expanding population on important molecular, cellular, and environmental parameters. In particular, expansion speeds can be boosted by orders of magnitude when the environmental availability of chemicals relative to the cellular limits of chemical sensing is high. Analytical understanding of such complex spatiotemporal dynamic processes is rare. Our analytical results and the methods employed to attain them provide a mathematical framework for investigations of the roles of taxis in diverse ecological contexts across broad parameter regimes.

2021 ◽  
Amrit Kumar Thakur ◽  
Prof. Dr. Ravishankar Sathyamurthy

Abstract It seems like every hour, there is a greater need for fresh water. The demand for fresh water is rapidly growing as a consequence of the expanding population and the increased urbanization of the world's population. The tubular solar still offers much larger evaporative and condensing surface areas than normal single slope solar still. The scope of this study is to improve the performance of tubular solar still by employing eggshells as the bed material, which has good heat absorption properties. Results showed that the influence of eggshell powder as energy storage material in the basin improved the average water temperature by 10.8, 10.9, and 8.73% for the water thickness of 10, 15, and 20 mm respectively. The usage of eggshells as an energy store in the basin results in an increase of about 60.77 % potable water produced. The maximum observed distillate output from the solar still is 0.6 kg for solar stills with eggshell powder as energy storage material and 0.34 kg for solar stills without eggshell powder in the absorber of TSS at peak solar radiation and at the lowest water thickness of 10 mm. The hourly potable water generated from TSS using eggshell as an energy storage material increased by roughly 47% compared to the flat absorber without eggshell powder. TSS with eggshell powder as energy storage has a daily energy efficiency of 79.19, 75.49, and 44.18 % for water thicknesses of 10, 15, and 20 mm in the basin. Tubular solar still using eggshell as energy storage material and tubular solar still without any material produced 3.62 kg and 1.42 kg average yields at a water thickness of 10 mm. Water thickness of 10, 15, and 20 mm has performance improvement ratios of 2.54, 2.51, and 2.18 respectively.

Oecologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Melanie Nägeli ◽  
Patrick Scherler ◽  
Stephanie Witczak ◽  
Benedetta Catitti ◽  
Adrian Aebischer ◽  

AbstractThe joint effects of interacting environmental factors on key demographic parameters can exacerbate or mitigate the separate factors’ effects on population dynamics. Given ongoing changes in climate and land use, assessing interactions between weather and food availability on reproductive performance is crucial to understand and forecast population dynamics. By conducting a feeding experiment in 4 years with different weather conditions, we were able to disentangle the effects of weather, food availability and their interactions on reproductive parameters in an expanding population of the red kite (Milvus milvus), a conservation-relevant raptor known to be supported by anthropogenic feeding. Brood loss occurred mainly during the incubation phase, and was associated with rainfall and low food availability. In contrast, brood loss during the nestling phase occurred mostly due to low temperatures. Survival of last-hatched nestlings and nestling development was enhanced by food supplementation and reduced by adverse weather conditions. However, we found no support for interactive effects of weather and food availability, suggesting that these factors affect reproduction of red kites additively. The results not only suggest that food-weather interactions are prevented by parental life-history trade-offs, but that food availability and weather conditions are crucial separate determinants of reproductive output, and thus population productivity. Overall, our results suggest that the observed increase in spring temperatures and enhanced anthropogenic food resources have contributed to the elevational expansion and the growth of the study population during the last decades.

YMER Digital ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 207-217
Dr. R SUNDAR ◽  

Health care has become very much concern to each individual and the family too. Health care in the Easter years has been a house hold, where consumption of food itself was thought of as a health care, however, handy medicines were available in the home to take care of simple and manageable illness, for severe sickness people used to go the doctors for treatment, as of now food habit among the people is changing, most prefer to take fast foods, packed foods, etc, which are harmful to the health of the people, this often leads to sickness which are very much costly some sickness needs hospitalization, some with intensive care, etc. Mushroom growth of medical clinics, hospitals and dispensaries is being seen in today's' scenario. Growing demand for modern medical care, brought on by a rapidly, expanding population, rising literacy levels, and technological advancement lead to high expectation from the health services. This has shifted demand in favour of health care

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (21) ◽  
pp. 11313
Sana Javaid ◽  
Talha Farooq ◽  
Zohabia Rehman ◽  
Ammara Afzal ◽  
Waseem Ashraf ◽  

The incidences of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are increasing globally because of expanding population and increased dependencies on motorized vehicles and machines. This has resulted in increased socio-economic burden on the healthcare system, as TBIs are often associated with mental and physical morbidities with lifelong dependencies, and have severely limited therapeutic options. There is an emerging need to identify the molecular mechanisms orchestrating these injuries to life-long neurodegenerative disease and a therapeutic strategy to counter them. This review highlights the dynamics and role of choline-containing phospholipids during TBIs and how they can be used to evaluate the severity of injuries and later targeted to mitigate neuro-degradation, based on clinical and preclinical studies. Choline-based phospholipids are involved in maintaining the structural integrity of the neuronal/glial cell membranes and are simultaneously the essential component of various biochemical pathways, such as cholinergic neuronal transmission in the brain. Choline or its metabolite levels increase during acute and chronic phases of TBI because of excitotoxicity, ischemia and oxidative stress; this can serve as useful biomarker to predict the severity and prognosis of TBIs. Moreover, the effect of choline-replenishing agents as a post-TBI management strategy has been reviewed in clinical and preclinical studies. Overall, this review determines the theranostic potential of choline phospholipids and provides new insights in the management of TBI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-221
C.E. Alaneme ◽  
S.A. Al-Jeshi ◽  
S.B. Al-Otaibi

Compliance with new regulations in old plants remains a recurring challenge because of negative outcome of incidents. This challenge stems from uncertainties in the facilities’ integrity, owing to inadequacy of existing integrity-validating technologies. Process facilities deteriorate through cyclic operations, while encroachments from expanding population characteristically raise the risk-levels, leading to need for higher grade materials to meet operational expansions. Retroactive compliance becomes a nightmare with every new regulation without a robust cost-to-benefit assurance. This paper discusses two-phased qualitative and quantitative risk modelling approach through systematic field-data-gathering, hazards identification and analysis by a twelve-man risk management engineers. The methodology successfully computed a “health-check" of the facility’s compliance to new regulations, 17 high-risk-hazards were extracted from 42 potential hazards and successfully established varied individual risk levels ranging from 4.07E-06 to 1.64E-04/year. Also, risks ranged from 1.00E-04 to 5.00E-05/year of tolerable risks to the environment, society, and business were recorded across the facility while, 22 risk-mitigation actions were recommended.

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