How loan interest rate liberalization affects firms’ loan maturity structure

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-167 ◽  
Jianfang Zhou ◽  
Jingjing Wang ◽  
Jianping Ding

Purpose – After loan interest rate upper limit deregulation in October 2004, the financing environment in China changed dramatically, and the banks were eligible for risk compensation. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the influence of the loan interest rate liberalization on firms’ loan maturity structure. Design/methodology/approach – Based on Rajan's (1992) model, the authors constructed a trade-off model of how the banks choose long-term and short-term loans scales, and further analyzed banks’ loan term decisions under the loan interest rate upper limit deregulation or collateral cases. Then the authors used an unbalanced panel data set of 586 Chinese listed manufacturing companies and 9,376 observations during the period 1996-2011 to testify the theoretical conclusion. Furthermore, the authors studied the effect on firms with different characteristics of ownership or scale. Findings – The results show that the loan interest rate liberalization significantly decreases the private companies’ reliance on short-term loans and increases sensitivity to interest rates of state-owned companies’ long-term loans. But the results also show that the companies’ ownership still plays a key role on the long-term loans availability. When monetary policy tightened, small companies still have to borrow short-term loans for long-term purposes. As the bank industry is still dominated by state-owned banks and the deposit interest rate has upper limits, the effect of the loan interest rate liberalization on easing long-term credit constraints is limited. Originality/value – From a new perspective, the content and findings of this paper contribute to the study of the effect of the interest rate liberalization on China economy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-132
Bijan Bidabad ◽  
Abul Hassan

Purpose This paper aims to study the structural dynamic behaviour of the depositors, banks and investors and the role of banks in the business cycles. The authors test the hypothesis: do banks’ behaviour make oscillations in the economy via interest rate? Design/methodology/approach The authors dichotomized banking activities into two markets: deposit and loan. The first market forms deposit interest rate, and the second market forms credit interest rate. The authors show that these two types of interest rates have non-synchronized structures, and that is why money sector fluctuation starts. As a result, the fluctuation is transferred to the real economy through saving and investment functions. Findings The empirical results show that in the USA, the banking system creates fluctuations in money and real economy, as well as through interest rates. Short-term interest rates had complex roots in their characteristic, while medium and long-term interest rates, though they were second-order difference equations, had real characteristic roots. However, short-term interest rates are the source of oscillation and form the business cycles. Research limitations/implications The authors tested the hypothesis for USA economy, while it needs to be tested for other economies as well. Practical implications The results show that though the source of fluctuations in the real economy comes from short-term interest rates, medium- and long-term interest rates dampen real economy fluctuations and also work as economic stabilisers. Originality/value Regarding the applied method, the topic is new.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Chiu-Lan Chang ◽  
Ming Fang ◽  
Bin Hong ◽  
Kung-Cheng Ho

PurposeTo verify the effectiveness of the monetary policy, the impacts of monetary instruments on overnight spread under the interest rate corridor (IRC) are examined. The People's Bank of China (PBC) has operated the IRC since 2014. To understand the impacts of monetary instruments on overnight spread before and after the IRC framework, the complete samples are divided into two periods.Design/methodology/approachTo model the overnight spread, an exponential GARCH (EGARCH) approach is used which can examine the interbank market interest rates for monetary policy purposes. The overnight money market plays an important role in the implementation of monetary policy.FindingsChinese interest rate liberalization and the implementation of IRC affect the overnight spread in the short-term financing market. Before the implementation of the IRC, the key factor to affect the overnight spread is mainly affected by the PBC's monetary policy control on the liquidity supply side. After the implementation of IRC, the overnight spread can be the largest part explained by the liquidity demand side and the PBC's multiple monetary instruments have significant impacts on the reduction of overnight spread.Originality/valueThe overnight spread has recently been influenced by various factors that are directly or closely related to the monetary policy instruments and the interest rate policy of the PBC. Chinese interest rate liberalization and the implementation of interest rate corridor policy affect the overnight spread in the short-term financing market.

2009 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-103
Jean-Pierre Aubry ◽  
Pierre Duguay

Abstract In this paper we deal with the financial sector of CANDIDE 1.1. We are concerned with the determination of the short-term interest rate, the term structure equations, and the channels through which monetary policy influences the real sector. The short-term rate is determined by a straightforward application of Keynesian liquidity preference theory. A serious problem arises from the directly estimated reduced form equation, which implies that the demand for high powered money, but not the demand for actual deposits, is a stable function of income and interest rates. The structural equations imply the opposite. In the term structure equations, allowance is made for the smaller variance of the long-term rates, but insufficient explanation is given for their sharper upward trend. This leads to an overstatement of the significance of the U.S. long-term rate that must perform the explanatory role. Moreover a strong structural hierarchy, by which the long Canada rate wags the industrial rate, is imposed without prior testing. In CANDIDE two channels of monetary influence are recognized: the costs of capital and the availability of credit. They affect the business fixed investment and housing sectors. The potential of the personal consumption sector is not recognized, the wealth and real balance effects are bypassed, the credit availability proxy is incorrect, the interest rate used in the real sector is nominal rather than real, and the specification of the housing sector is dubious.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (5) ◽  
pp. 592-610 ◽  
Abbas Ali Chandio ◽  
Yuansheng Jiang ◽  
Feng Wei ◽  
Xu Guangshun

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of short-term loan (STL) vs long-term loan (LTL) on wheat productivity of small farms in Sindh, Pakistan. Design/methodology/approach The econometric estimation is based on cross-sectional data collected in 2016 from 18 villages in three districts, i.e. Shikarpur, Sukkur and Shaheed Benazirabad, Sindh, Pakistan. The sample data set consist of 180 wheat farmers. The collected data were analyzed through different econometric techniques like Cobb–Douglas production function and Instrumental variables (two-stage least squares) approach. Findings This study reconfirmed that agricultural credit has a positive and highly significant effect on wheat productivity, while the short-term loan has a stronger effect on wheat productivity than the long-term loan. The reasons behind the phenomenon may be the significantly higher usage of agricultural inputs like seeds of improved variety and fertilizers which can be transformed into the wheat yield in the same year. However, the LTL users have significantly higher investments in land preparation, irrigation and plant protection, which may lead to higher wheat production in the coming years. Research limitations/implications In the present study, only those wheat farmers were considered who obtained agricultural loans from formal financial institutions like Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited and Khushhali Bank. However, in the rural areas of Sindh, Pakistan, a considerable proportion of small-scale farmers take credit from informal financial channels. Therefore future researchers should consider the informal credits as well. Originality/value This is the first paper to examine the effects of agricultural credit on wheat productivity of small farms in Sindh, Pakistan. This paper will be an important addition to the emerging literature regarding effects of credit studies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-329 ◽  
Fansheng Jia ◽  
Yilin Zhang ◽  
Kam C. Chan ◽  
Sujuan Xie

Purpose This paper aims to examine the relation between religiosity and formal financing in the context of long- and short-term corporate loans. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses archival methodology to conduct a multiple regression analysis with the amount of long- and short-term corporate loans as the dependent variable and a measure of religiosity as the key explanatory variable. Findings This paper offers four findings. First, when a private firm locates in a high religiosity region, it is more likely to get more corporate loans and the amount of corporate loans is positively correlated with the extent of religiosity. Second, religiosity drives a private firm getting more (less) short-term (long-term) loans. Third, a private firm in a high religiosity region is able to incur lower interest cost associated with more short-term loans. Finally, the results are confined to Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity. Practical implications Overall, the findings are consistent with the notion that religiosity shapes the local culture so that individuals, some of them are borrowers and lenders, show the religious traits in the formal lending and borrowing relationship. Originality/value Overall, findings of this paper are consistent with the notion that religiosity shapes the local culture so that individuals, some of them being borrowers and lenders, show religious traits in the formal lending and borrowing relationship.

N. V. Artamonov ◽  
D. V. Artamonov ◽  
V. A. Artamonov

One of the principal problem in contemporary macroeconomics is concerned with factors increasing or decreasing economic dynamics. The mainstream approach is based on neoclassical assumptions, but recently new approaches appear mostly based on new Keynesian concepts. In present time the influence of monetary market and credit instruments become more and more significant. Credit resources of banking and financial structures can affect and distort to reallocation of resources for national and even for global economic. In present paper an empiric and econometric analysis for some macroeconometric and monetary indices for Russian Federation is done. An econometrical models describing the influence of credit variables onto real GDP is estimated. It is shown that in short-term periods changes in credit variables do influence significantly onto GDP. It is shown that on short-term periods changes in money aggregate M2 brings influence (through credit variables) onto national output. As well it is shown that changes in short-term interest rate brings significant negative influence onto real output. Impulse response functions for GDP on shocks of credit variables, monetary base and short-term interest rate are evaluated. For the present study of credit cycles and their impact to real business cycles statistical data (quarterly time series) on the following factors for Russian Federation are collected: nominal and real GDP, monetary base M2, short-term interest rate, long-term interest rate (10-year treasuries bill rate), total debt outstanding. All time series are seasonally adjusted and collected for the period 2004 Q1 - 2013 Q2. All interest rates are adjusted for inflation (i.e. we deal with real interest rates). The investigation of long-term relationship for the factors under consideration are based on integration. It is important to note that in the present paper all econometric models are estimated on "pure" statistical data, while in many research papers on business and credit cycles all evaluations and inferences are based on "filtered" time series (mostly filtered by Hodrick-Prescott's method). In present paper "causality" always means "Granger causality". All estimations are made in gretl, an open-source multiplatform econometric software.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-262
Nina Valentika ◽  
Vivi Iswanti Nursyirwan ◽  
Ilmadi Ilmadi

This research was a modification of research by Catalbas (2016) and Pratikto (2012). The model that can separate long-term and short-term components are the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). This study aimed to model export, import, inflation, interest rates, and the rupiah exchange rate using VECM and to test the causality between variables using the Granger Causality test. The inter-variable model obtained in this study was VECM with lag 2 using a deterministic trend with the assumption of none intercept no trend and two cointegrations. In export and import, there was an adjustment mechanism from the short-term to the long-term. This research model was appropriate to forecast the export and import where VECM with export and import as the target variables, the cointegration equation (long-run model) for  cointegration equation (long-run model) for Based on the Granger Causality test, it was found that there was a one-way relationship between exchange rates and inflation, export and interest rates, export and import, inflation and export, and import and the interest rate at the significance level of 5%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Khalid Khan ◽  
Marguerite Wotto ◽  
Saima Liaqat

In this study, the ARDL method is used to assess short-term and longterm relationships between private consumption, labor income, interest rate, wealth, and unemployment rate. The real private consumption model for Pakistan has been estimated by applying yearly data from 1990 to 2016. According to long-term estimates, income and wealth determine the actual national consumption. Nevertheless, the short run national private consumption is determined by current incomes, wealth, real interest rates, and the unemployment rate. Findings of this study reveal significant impact of all the observed determinants of consumption function i.e. real disposable income, wealth, real interest rate, and unemployment rate on aggregate consumption. Whereas it is noteworthy that the coefficient for wealth was minor but significant, depicting slight impact of wealth on consumption decision. These results support validity of AIH for Pakistan.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. e0257313
Tanweer Akram ◽  
Syed Al-Helal Uddin

This paper empirically models the dynamics of Brazilian government bond (BGB) yields based on monthly macroeconomic data, in the context of the evolution of the key macroeconomic variables in Brazil. The results show that the current short-term interest rate has a decisive influence on the long-term interest rate on BGBs, after controlling for various key macroeconomic variables, such as inflation and industrial production. These findings support John Maynard Keynes’s claim that the central bank’s actions influence the long-term interest rate on government bonds mainly through the current short-term interest rate. These findings have important policy implications for Brazil. This paper relates the findings of the estimated models to ongoing debates in fiscal and monetary policies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-209
Erric Wijaya

The exchange rate plays an important role in influencing the level of Indonesia's international trade towards trading partner countries. This study discusses the factors that influence the exchange rate of the rupiah against dollar both in the short and long term. The variables that are suspected to influence changes in exchange rates are the inflation rate, the interest rate (SBI), world oil prices, the value of exports, and the value of imports. This research was conducted during 1999 quarter 1 to 2019 quarter 2. The results showed that there was a long-term and short-term relationship between inflation rates, interest rates, world oil prices, exports and imports to the exchange rate. In the short term, the interest rate and world oil prices have a significant effect on the exchange rate. In the long run, the inflation rate, world oil prices and imports have a significant effect on the exchange rate.

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