Capacity to engage: studying role of individual differences in work engagement – evidences from Iran

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (9) ◽  
pp. 1174-1183 ◽  
Parisa Ghorbannejad ◽  
Ahmad Esakhani

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the role of individual differences in employees’ work engagement. More specifically, the paper explains how self-efficacy, proactive personality and conscientious traits determine work engagement. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative approach was used. Data for this study were collected from a manufacturing company via questionnaires. Participants were selected by classified sampling method and 305 questionnaires distributed among participants. In total, 263 respondents completed the questionnaires. Findings The findings show that all individual traits influence employees’ work engagement. But, the extent of their influence is not equal. Results of this study showed that various individual differences have different capacities for engaging employees. People who have more general self-efficacy are more likely to experience and report work engagement. Employees with conscientiousness trait have capacity to be engaged as well but to a lesser extent. Research limitations/implications This study is a quantitative study. Data are collected from the automotive manufacturing industry. All respondents were technical experts with at least BA or BS degrees. This sample creates limitations in generalizing of the findings to broader and more representative populations. A more extensive study covering other industries and other traits is necessary to explore the relationships studied here. Practical implications This study identifies various management strategies that could be used to increase employee work engagement. These strategies could be useful for managers in other organizational settings as well. Originality/value There is an extensive body of literature in work engagement. Most of the research has been done in a framework of job demands-resources model. But this study was the first to study the effect of individual differences on work engagement in Iran.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Guangning Zhang ◽  
Yingmei Wang

Purpose This study aims to investigate the effect of organizational identification to employees’ innovative behavior, the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of creative self-efficacy in the relationship between organizational identification and employees’ innovative behavior. Design/methodology/approach This study adopted questionnaires to gather data. The sample of 289 employees working in diverse organizations in China was applied to examine the hypotheses. Findings The results indicates that organizational identification is positively related to employees’ innovative behavior and work engagement mediates the relationship between organizational identification and employees’ innovative behavior. In addition, creative self-efficacy enhances the relationship of work engagement and employees’ innovative behavior. Originality/value This study builds a system from psychological aspect to behavior, which includes the effect of individual cognition to explain the mechanism of organizational identification on employees’ innovative behavior.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-21
Manjiri Kunte ◽  
Parisa Rungruang

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to test the hypothesized relationships between job demands, job resources and personal resources toward work engagement, by utilizing a cross section of Thai employees.Design/methodology/approachIn this study, a group of employees (n=416) responded to a set of self-report surveys on job demands, job resources, personal resources and work engagement.FindingsThe results of the hierarchical regression analysis supported the relationships between job demands (i.e. workload and role conflict), job resources, personal resources (self-efficacy) and work engagement. In addition, the results supported the role of (positive) self-esteem as moderator in the role ambiguity and work engagement relationship, and the role of self-efficacy in buffering the effect of role conflict and workload on work engagement. The final model explained 43 percent of the variance in the dependent variable.Research limitations/implicationsThis study will help managers in understanding employee expectations and providing appropriate feedback. Devising effective jobs, which lead to perceptions of meaningfulness, safety and availability leading to improved engagement.Originality/valueThis is the first study employing the job demands resources model in a cross-sectional study in Thailand.

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-143 ◽  
Chiara Consiglio ◽  
Laura Borgogni ◽  
Cristina Di Tecco ◽  
Wilmar B. Schaufeli

Purpose – Work engagement represents an important aspect of employee well-being and performance and has been related to both job and personal resources. The purpose of this paper, based on Social Cognitive Theory, is to emphasize the proactive role of self-efficacy which is hypothesized to predict work engagement, not only directly, but also indirectly through positive changes in employee’s perceptions of social context (PoSC); namely, perceptions of one’s immediate supervisor, colleagues and top management. Design/methodology/approach – A sample of 741 employees of a communication service company completed two questionnaires, with a time interval of three years. Structural equation modeling was performed in order to test the hypothesized model. Findings – Results revealed that, as expected: first, initial self-efficacy predicts work engagement three years later; and second, positive changes in employee’s perceptions of the social work context across the three year period, mediates the relationship between self-efficacy and work engagement. Research limitations/implications – Results relied only upon self-report data. Moreover, each variable was only measured at the time in which it was hypothesized by the conceptual model. Practical implications – The significant role of self-efficacy as a direct and indirect predictor of work engagement suggests the development of training programs centered on the main sources of self-efficacy, specifically focussed on the social work domain. Originality/value – This research provides evidence of the substantial contribution of self-efficacy to work engagement over time. Moreover, the results also support the beneficial effects of self-efficacy through its influence on the improvements in the individuals’ perceptions of their social context.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 176-191 ◽  
Muhammad Awais Bhatti ◽  
Mohammed Alshagawi ◽  
Ariff Syah Juhari

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role of work engagement (vigor and dedication) between personal resources (self-efficacy and Big Five model) and job performance (task and contextual) rated by supervisor. Design/methodology/approach A sample of 364 nurses and their supervisors was used. Structural equation modeling with Amos-17 was used to obtain model fit with path significance of work engagement as mediator between personal resources and job performance. Findings The results found support for the proposed conceptual claim and confirm that work engagement with the two-factor model (vigor and dedication) mediates the relationship between personal resources (self-efficacy and Big five model) and with multidimensional construct of job performance (task and contextual performance) rated by the supervisor. Originality/value Past researches have never tested the two-factor model of work engagement (vigor and dedication) as mediating variable between personal resources (self-efficacy and big five model) and job performance rated by the supervisor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 555-555
Walter Boot ◽  
Nelson Roque ◽  
Erin Harrell ◽  
Neil Charness

Abstract Adherence to health behaviors is often poor, including adherence to at-home technology-based interventions. This study (N=120) explored adherence to a cognitive training intervention delivered via computer tablet, assessed adherence over a 4.5 month period, explored how individual difference factors shaped adherence, and tested the efficacy of message framing manipulations (positive vs. negative framing) in boosting adherence. Individual difference factors predicted adherence, including variations in self-efficacy and belief in the efficacy of cognitive training. Overall message framing had little impact. However, during the final portion of the study in which participants were asked to play as much or as little as they wanted instead of following a schedule, participants who received positively framed messages engaged with the intervention more. Implications for predicting and boosting adherence to home delivered technology-based interventions will be discussed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 429-447 ◽  
Mark P. Bowden ◽  
Subhash Abhayawansa ◽  
John Bahtsevanoglou

Purpose – There is evidence that students who attend Technical and Further Education (TAFE) prior to entering higher education underperform in their first year of study. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of self-efficacy in understanding the performance of students who completed TAFE in the previous year in a first year subject of microeconomics in a dual sector university in Melbourne, Australia. Design/methodology/approach – The study utilises data collected by surveys of 151 students. Findings – A student’s self-efficacy is positively associated with their marks in a first year subject of microeconomics. However, the relationship between final marks and self-efficacy is negative for those students who attended TAFE in the previous year suggesting that they suffer from the problem of overconfidence. When holding self-efficacy constant, using econometric techniques, TAFE attendance is found to be positively related to final marks. Research limitations/implications – The findings are exploratory (based on a small sample) and lead to a need to conduct cross institutional studies. Practical implications – The research points to the need for early interventions so that TAFE students perform well in their first year of higher education. It also points to potential issues in the development of Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) programs. Originality/value – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper to examine the inter-related impact of attendance at TAFE in the previous year and self-efficacy on the subsequent academic performance of TAFE students.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ana Junça Silva ◽  
Cannanda Lopes

PurposeThis study aimed to (1) analyze whether the perceived organizational support (POS) was a significant predictor of performance and stress and (2) explore the mediating role of engagement in these relations.Design/methodology/approachTo test the hypotheses, the authors collected data with 200 working adults in a mandatory quarantine due to COVID-19 pandemic crisis.FindingsThe results showed that the POS contributed to increase engagement, and consequently, job performance. These relations also proved to be significant for stress, because when the POS increased, the work engagement also increased, and as a result decreased occupational stress.Research limitations/implicationsThis study relied on a cross-sectional design. Therefore, future research should consider a daily design to replicate this study and analyze daily fluctuations. Overall, the authors can conclude that work engagement is an affective process through which POS decreases stress and increases performance.Originality/valueThis study tests the mediating effect of work engagement on the link between POS, stress and performance, and its theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nimitha Aboobaker ◽  
Muneer K.H.

Purpose In the context of the abrupt shift to technology-enabled distance education, this paper examines the role of intrinsic learning motivation, computer self-efficacy and learning engagement in facilitating higher learning effectiveness in a web-based learning environment. Design/methodology/approach Data was collected using a self-administered online questionnaire from a sample of randomly selected 508 university students from different disciplines, including science, technology, and management. Findings Learning motivation and computer self-efficacy positively influenced students' learning engagement, with computer self-efficacy having a more substantial impact. Proposed mediation hypotheses too were supported. Originality/value The insights gained from this study will help in devising strategies for improving students' learning effectiveness. Game-based learning pedagogy and computer simulations can help students understand the higher meaning and purpose of the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Zhenyuan Wang ◽  
Jianghong Du ◽  
Herman H.M. Tse ◽  
Jun Gu ◽  
Hui Meng ◽  

PurposeThis study aims to explore the relative importance of the subdimensions of total rewards satisfaction in predicting research and development (R&D) employee creativity. In addition, the study examines the indirect effects of the subdimensions of total rewards satisfaction on creativity via work engagement and the moderating role of challenge-related work stress in the first stage.Design/methodology/approachA two-wave design was used, in which total rewards satisfaction and challenge-related work stress were measured in the first wave. Work engagement and creativity were measured in the second wave. Dominance analysis and the latent moderated mediation model were used for the data analyses.FindingsThe analyses show that nonfinancial rewards satisfaction completely dominates indirect and direct financial rewards satisfaction when predicting creativity. Indirect financial rewards satisfaction completely dominates direct financial rewards satisfaction when predicting creativity. Work engagement mediates the relationships between the subdimensions of total rewards satisfaction and creativity. Challenge-related work stress moderates the relationships between the subdimensions of total rewards satisfaction and work engagement and the indirect effects of the subdimensions of total rewards satisfaction on creativity via work engagement.Practical implicationsThe results imply that managers should set challenge demands for R&D employees and try to improve their total rewards satisfaction, especially their nonfinancial and indirect financial rewards satisfaction, for them to be more creative.Originality/valueThis empirical study contributes to the literature by comparing the relative importance of the different dimensions of total rewards satisfaction in predicting creativity. The study also clarifies how (through work engagement) and when (based on challenge-related work stress) the subdimensions of total rewards satisfaction are positively related to R&D employees' creativity.

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