Two-Dimensional Tomography from Noisy Projection Tilt Series Taken at Unknown View Angles with Non-Uniform Distributi

Lingda Wang ◽  
Zhizhen Zhao
D. E. Johnson

Increased specimen penetration; the principle advantage of high voltage microscopy, is accompanied by an increased need to utilize information on three dimensional specimen structure available in the form of two dimensional projections (i.e. micrographs). We are engaged in a program to develop methods which allow the maximum use of information contained in a through tilt series of micrographs to determine three dimensional speciman structure.In general, we are dealing with structures lacking in symmetry and with projections available from only a limited span of angles (±60°). For these reasons, we must make maximum use of any prior information available about the specimen. To do this in the most efficient manner, we have concentrated on iterative, real space methods rather than Fourier methods of reconstruction. The particular iterative algorithm we have developed is given in detail in ref. 3. A block diagram of the complete reconstruction system is shown in fig. 1.

J.L. Carrascosa ◽  
G. Abella ◽  
S. Marco ◽  
M. Muyal ◽  
J.M. Carazo

Chaperonins are a class of proteins characterized by their role as morphogenetic factors. They trantsiently interact with the structural components of certain biological aggregates (viruses, enzymes etc), promoting their correct folding, assembly and, eventually transport. The groEL factor from E. coli is a conspicuous member of the chaperonins, as it promotes the assembly and morphogenesis of bacterial oligomers and/viral structures.We have studied groEL-like factors from two different bacteria:E. coli and B.subtilis. These factors share common morphological features , showing two different views: one is 6-fold, while the other shows 7 morphological units. There is also a correlation between the presence of a dominant 6-fold view and the fact of both bacteria been grown at low temperature (32°C), while the 7-fold is the main view at higher temperatures (42°C). As the two-dimensional projections of groEL were difficult to interprete, we studied their three-dimensional reconstruction by the random conical tilt series method from negatively stained particles.

1966 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 118-119
Th. Schmidt-Kaler

I should like to give you a very condensed progress report on some spectrophotometric measurements of objective-prism spectra made in collaboration with H. Leicher at Bonn. The procedure used is almost completely automatic. The measurements are made with the help of a semi-automatic fully digitized registering microphotometer constructed by Hög-Hamburg. The reductions are carried out with the aid of a number of interconnected programmes written for the computer IBM 7090, beginning with the output of the photometer in the form of punched cards and ending with the printing-out of the final two-dimensional classifications.

1966 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 3-5
W. W. Morgan

1. The definition of “normal” stars in spectral classification changes with time; at the time of the publication of theYerkes Spectral Atlasthe term “normal” was applied to stars whose spectra could be fitted smoothly into a two-dimensional array. Thus, at that time, weak-lined spectra (RR Lyrae and HD 140283) would have been considered peculiar. At the present time we would tend to classify such spectra as “normal”—in a more complicated classification scheme which would have a parameter varying with metallic-line intensity within a specific spectral subdivision.

1966 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 46-48 ◽  
M. Lecar

“Dynamical mixing”, i.e. relaxation of a stellar phase space distribution through interaction with the mean gravitational field, is numerically investigated for a one-dimensional self-gravitating stellar gas. Qualitative results are presented in the form of a motion picture of the flow of phase points (representing homogeneous slabs of stars) in two-dimensional phase space.

2000 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 229-232
Anita Joshi ◽  
Wahab Uddin

AbstractIn this paper we present complete two-dimensional measurements of the observed brightness of the 9th November 1990Hαflare, using a PDS microdensitometer scanner and image processing software MIDAS. The resulting isophotal contour maps, were used to describe morphological-cum-temporal behaviour of the flare and also the kernels of the flare. Correlation of theHαflare with SXR and MW radiations were also studied.

H.A. Cohen ◽  
T.W. Jeng ◽  
W. Chiu

This tutorial will discuss the methodology of low dose electron diffraction and imaging of crystalline biological objects, the problems of data interpretation for two-dimensional projected density maps of glucose embedded protein crystals, the factors to be considered in combining tilt data from three-dimensional crystals, and finally, the prospects of achieving a high resolution three-dimensional density map of a biological crystal. This methodology will be illustrated using two proteins under investigation in our laboratory, the T4 DNA helix destabilizing protein gp32*I and the crotoxin complex crystal.

B. Ralph ◽  
A.R. Jones

In all fields of microscopy there is an increasing interest in the quantification of microstructure. This interest may stem from a desire to establish quality control parameters or may have a more fundamental requirement involving the derivation of parameters which partially or completely define the three dimensional nature of the microstructure. This latter categorey of study may arise from an interest in the evolution of microstructure or from a desire to generate detailed property/microstructure relationships. In the more fundamental studies some convolution of two-dimensional data into the third dimension (stereological analysis) will be necessary.In some cases the two-dimensional data may be acquired relatively easily without recourse to automatic data collection and further, it may prove possible to perform the data reduction and analysis relatively easily. In such cases the only recourse to machines may well be in establishing the statistical confidence of the resultant data. Such relatively straightforward studies tend to result from acquiring data on the whole assemblage of features making up the microstructure. In this field data mode, when parameters such as phase volume fraction, mean size etc. are sought, the main case for resorting to automation is in order to perform repetitive analyses since each analysis is relatively easily performed.

J. A. Korbonski ◽  
L. E. Murr

Comparison of recovery rates in materials deformed by a unidimensional and two dimensional strains at strain rates in excess of 104 sec.−1 was performed on AISI 304 Stainless Steel. A number of unidirectionally strained foil samples were deformed by shock waves at graduated pressure levels as described by Murr and Grace. The two dimensionally strained foil samples were obtained from radially expanded cylinders by a constant shock pressure pulse and graduated strain as described by Foitz, et al.

H.A. Cohen ◽  
W. Chiu ◽  
J. Hosoda

GP 32 (molecular weight 35000) is a T4 bacteriophage protein that destabilizes the DNA helix. The fragment GP32*I (77% of the total weight), which destabilizes helices better than does the parent molecule, crystallizes as platelets thin enough for electron diffraction and electron imaging. In this paper we discuss the structure of this protein as revealed in images reconstructed from stained and unstained crystals.Crystals were prepared as previously described. Crystals for electron microscopy were pelleted from the buffer suspension, washed in distilled water, and resuspended in 1% glucose. Two lambda droplets were placed on grids over freshly evaporated carbon, allowed to sit for five minutes, and then were drained. Stained crystals were prepared the same way, except that prior to draining the droplet, two lambda of aqueous 1% uranyl acetate solution were applied for 20 seconds. Micrographs were produced using less than 2 e/Å2 for unstained crystals or less than 8 e/Å2 for stained crystals.

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