EpiChord: parallelizing the chord lookup algorithm with reactive routing state management

B. Leong ◽  
B. Liskov ◽  
E.D. Demaine
2006 ◽  
Vol 29 (9) ◽  
pp. 1243-1259 ◽  
Ben Leong ◽  
Barbara Liskov ◽  
Erik D. Demaine

A. Rethina Palin ◽  
I. Jeena Jacob

Wireless Mesh Network (MWN) could be divided into proactive routing, reactive routing and hybrid routing, which must satisfy the requirements related to scalability, reliability, flexibility, throughput, load balancing, congestion control and efficiency. DMN (Directional Mesh Network) become more adaptive to the local environments and robust to spectrum changes. The existing computing units in the mesh network systems are Fog nodes, the DMN architecture is more economic and efficient since it doesn’t require architecture- level changes from existing systems. The cluster head (CH) manages a group of nodes such that the network has the hierarchical structure for the channel access, routing and bandwidth allocation. The feature extraction and situational awareness is conducted, each Fog node sends the information regarding the current situation to the cluster head in the contextual format. A Markov logic network (MLN) based reasoning engine is utilized for the final routing table updating regarding the system uncertainty and complexity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 619-631

The government supports vocational training in order to improve social security for specific population groups, such as the ethnic minority youth. However, there exists information asymmetry among the stakeholders in vocational training, including the ethnic minority youth, local authorities, training institutions, enterprises and state management agencies, leading to adverse selection, moral hazard and principal-agent problem. These problems have negatively impacted the effectiveness of vocational training for ethnic minority youth. Received 19th September 2019; Revised 20th October 2019; Accepted 24th October 2019

Myroslav Kosіak ◽  
Inna Kosіak

The purpose of the article. The article considers the Blockchain technology asan innovative tool. In particular, the essence and background of the developmentof blocks, the principles and specifics of the functioning of the system, as well asthe scheme of its work, are determined. The article presents the prospects forusingdistributed registry technologies (blockchain) in various socioeconomic spheresrelated to state administration. Provided examples and forecasts of the use ofblockchain technologies in the provision of state and municipal services forindividuals and legal entities in the following areas: formation of a unified registercontaining the history of the placement of the state, municipal order, as well asprocurement of corporations with state participation and / or control; registers ofdocuments (diplomas, certificates, lost and disavowed passports, policies for movableand immovable property insurance, health, etc.); database of court decisions andexecutive proceedings; public participation portals for citizens of Ukraine district- city – country. The fact that the blockchain technology is, first of all, theprinciples, and not the only possible way of implementing them, allows us to counton maximum openness and multivariate application in a dynamically changingchanging«digital world». Methodology. The research methodology is to use a combinationof methods: analytical, historical, comparative. The scientific novelty. The priorityof state blockchain systems introduction in stationary and distant voting, distributeddocument circulation, medical data registration, land resources registration,electronic auctions (auctions) in Ukraine was grounded. Conclusions. Already today,blockchain systems can change the role and participation of citizens in the conductof the state-management process, by raising the responsibility level, from thetransparent will expression in the elections to regulating the government serviceactivity in the society’s digitization conditions. The main advantages blockchainsystems using by public authorities that will increase the level of citizens trust todigital technologies using in general, namely: reliability and reliability of datastorage, transparency of transactions and virtually absolute protection of informationfrom distortion and unauthorized removal (relocation), are determined. In furtherscientific research it is proposed to consider the promising areas of the blockchaindigital technology usage: service activities of public authorities, legal proceedings,property rights management, implementation of migration control, verification ofgoods and services, registration of data on passing qualifying tests, patenting,intellectual property, digital identification, logistics , taxation, accounting ofbudget funds movement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (Chinese) ◽  
pp. 81-92
László Domokos ◽  
Mária Makkai ◽  
Virgil Szommer

Nguyen Manh Hung ◽  
Be Trung Anh

The System of National Databases of Ethnic Minorities and Ethnic Policies (System) is recognized as one of most important means for governance and management in ethnic minority’s field of Vietnam State. The task of building this System now was put down in a direction of government and is going on first stage of design and development of database framework. One among main requirement for the System is that ability to provide fullest and adequate data and information to requests from users from various organizations of state management. As mentioned in the first draft of this design in the national-wide conference that recently hold in Hanoi (Aug-2017), one of the critical point of the design and development of databases of this system is to build “smart” searching engine based on semantic technology. It can retrieve those information on ethnic minorities and ethnic minority’s area that relevant together in term of providing users any relevant information based on only one unique query. This paper is aiming to introduce some techniques with illustrative examples that suitable for the idea of building this smart engine.

Vitaly Lobas ◽  
Elena Petryaeva ◽  

The article deals with modern mechanisms for managing social protection of the population by the state and the private sector. From the point of view of forms of state regulation of the sphere of social protection, system indicators usually include the state and dynamics of growth in the standard of living of the population, material goods, services and social guarantees for the poorly provided segments of the population. The main indicator among the above is the state of the consumer market, as one of the main factors in the development of the state. Priority areas of public administration with the use of various forms of social security have been identified. It should be emphasized that, despite the legislative conflicts that exist today in Ukraine, mandatory indexation of the cost of living is established, which is associated with inflation. Various scientists note that although the definition of the cost of living index has a well-established methodology, there are quite a lot of regional features in the structure of consumption. All this is due to restrictions that are included in the consumer basket of goods and different levels of socio-economic development of regions. The analysis of the establishment and periodic review of the minimum consumer budgets of the subsistence minimum and wages of the working population and the need to form state insurance funds for unforeseen circumstances is carried out. Considering in this context the levers of state management of social guarantees of the population, we drew attention to the crisis periods that are associated with the market transformation of the regional economy. In these conditions, there is a need to develop and implement new mechanisms and clusters in the system of socio-economic relations. The components of the mechanisms ofstate regulation ofsocial guarantees of the population are proposed. The deepening of market relations in the process of reforming the system of social protection of the population should be aimed at social well-being.

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