Electronic scientific publication Public Administration and National Security
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Olexander Melnikov ◽  
Konstantin Petrov ◽  
Igor Kobzev ◽  
Viktor Kosenko ◽  

The article considers the development and implementation of cloud services in the work of government agencies. The classification of the choice of cloud service providers is offered, which can serve as a basis for decision making. The basics of cloud computing technology are analyzed. The COVID-19 pandemic has identified the benefits of cloud services in remote work Government agencies at all levels need to move to cloud infrastructure. Analyze the prospects of cloud computing in Ukraine as the basis of e-governance in development. This is necessary for the rapid provision of quality services, flexible, large-scale and economical technological base. The transfer of electronic information interaction in the cloud makes it possible to attract a wide range of users with relatively low material costs. Automation of processes and their transfer to the cloud environment make it possible to speed up the process of providing services, as well as provide citizens with minimal time to obtain certain information. The article also lists the risks that exist in the transition to cloud services and the shortcomings that may arise in the process of using them.

Ruslan Pliushch ◽  
Viktoriia Filippova ◽  
Oksana Pronina ◽  

Globalization has become one of the factors that led to the formation of a new concept of national security, according to which it is an integral part of the system of the highest level (regional, international, global security), which is a consequence of the integration of the world community in an effort to overcome common threats and challenges. Provision of national security is the main task of the foreign policy of the state, the aim of the national security policy is protection of the state and society from external threats. It is established that national security is a process that includes various measures that guarantee the long and free existence and national (state) development, including the protection and defense of the state as a political institution, and the protection of people and the entire society, their benefits and the natural environment from threats that significantly limit its functioning or harm the benefits subject to special protection. The analysis of the process of formation and development of ideas and views on the problem of defining the essence and content of national security showed that national security acts as an extremely complex, contradictory and long-term, but very important and necessary process to ensure sustainable development of society and state, the preconditions of which were established in different historical eras. It has been proved that national security policy and strategy should define the roles and boundaries of different actors of the country's security, appropriate mechanisms of coordination of their activities and rules of interagency support. In the context of globalization, national security strategies should include a realistic assessment of the costs and sustainability of security institutions and plan their development, in addition, national security strategies and policies are not static and require periodic updating.

Mariana Khmyz ◽  
Ruslan Skrynkovskyy ◽  
Svitlana Hlushchenko ◽  
Svyatoslav Tsyuh ◽  

The article reveals the features of judicial protection as one of the key guarantees of the activities of courts in Ukraine. It has been established that the peculiarities of judicial protection as one of the key guarantees of the activities of courts in Ukraine are regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On state protection of employees of the court and law enforcement agencies», the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police», the Law of Ukraine «On the judicial system and the status of judges», by the decision of the High Council of Justice «On approval of the Regulations on the Judicial Protection Service», by the Decision of the Council of Judges of Ukraine «On measures to ensure the safety of courts and judges, the protection of courts and persons involved in the implementation of legal proceedings». It was determined that, in addition to the Judicial Protection Service, security functions are performed by units of the National Police of Ukraine and units of the National Guard of Ukraine. It was found that the Judicial Protection Service is a state body that functions in the justice system and whose main task is to ensure the protection and maintenance of proper order in the courts. It has been established that the Judicial Protection Service is subordinate to the High Council of Justice, and the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine controls the activities of the Judicial Protection Service. It was determined that the procedure for the passage of service by employees of the Judicial Protection Service is established in accordance with the procedure approved by the High Council of Justice, moreover, on the proposal of the Head of the Judicial Protection Service and in agreement with the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine. It was found that the safety of judges, as well as the protection of court buildings, is one of the main guarantees of the independence of judges and the justice system as a whole. It has been established that in order to increase the effectiveness of judicial protection, initiated cooperation has been established with the Ukrainian-Canadian Judicial Reform Support Project, as well as have been developed and implemented the Ukrainian-Canadian Judicial Reform Support Project and the European Union «Law-Justice» Project . It is noted that the structure of the Judicial Protection Service consists of the central governing body and territorial offices of the Service. It is proposed in the perspective of further research to reveal the legal features of the procedure for admission to the position of candidates for service in the Judicial Protection Service.

Ruslan Skrynkovskyy ◽  
Svitlana Hlushchenko ◽  
Mariana Khmyz ◽  
Pavlo Harasym ◽  

The article reveals the features of state protection and security of persons participating in criminal proceedings, according to the legislation of Ukraine. It was found that the legal foundations of state protection and security of persons involved in criminal proceedings, in Ukraine are governed by the provisions of regulatory documents, in particular, such as: a) the Law of Ukraine «On ensuring the safety of persons participating in criminal proceedings»; b) the Law of Ukraine «On State Protection of Employees of the Court and Law Enforcement Agencies»; c) Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine «On the application of legislation, which provides for state protection of judges, employees of the court and law enforcement agencies and persons involved in legal proceedings»; d) Decision of the Council of Judges of Ukraine «On measures to ensure the safety of courts and judges, the protection of judges and persons who participate in the implementation of legal proceedings»; e) Recommendation No. R(97) 13 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States Concerning Intimidation of Witnesses and the Rights of the Defence, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 10 September 1997 at the 600th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies; f) Recommendation Rec (2005) 9 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to member states on the protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 20 April 2005 at the 924th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies. It has been established that the right to protection and security through the use of special measures has the persons who made a statement to the relevant law enforcement agency about a criminal offense, persons who otherwise participated in criminal proceedings, the victim (victims) or his representative (representatives) in criminal proceedings, an accused, a suspect, legal representatives and defenders, a civil plaintiff and a civil defendant, as well as their representatives in a case for compensation for damage caused as a result of a criminal offense, a representative of a legal entity in respect of which the proceedings are being carried out, employees of the probation body, witness, accuser, specialist, expert, attesting witness and translator, family members and close relatives of the above persons, in order to prevent influence on the actions and testimonies of participants in criminal proceedings. It has been determined that the authorities responsible for ensuring the safety of persons involved in legal proceedings, in particular in criminal proceedings, are the state bodies of Ukraine, which make appropriate decisions on the application of security measures, as well as directly implement security measures. It is noted that the prospects for further research in this direction are the study of the features of the witness protection program in Ukraine and its improvement, taking into account foreign experience, in particular the USA experience in this direction.

Ruslan Skrynkovskyy ◽  
Yaroslav Skoromnyy ◽  
Yuriy Mazur ◽  
Valentyn Serdiuk ◽  

The article reveals the peculiarities of the observance and implementation of the principle of the rule of law in the judicial practice of Ukraine. It was established that the implementation of the rule of law is regulated by the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine «On a Court Decision in a Civil Case», the Law of Ukraine «On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges» and the Constitution of Ukraine. It has been established that the principle of the rule of law is one of the main principles of a democratic society. It has been established that the problem of observance of the principle of the rule of law in the judicial practice of Ukraine is of a complex nature, and it can be solved only through the implementation of a comprehensive judicial and legal reform. It has been established that in the context of observing the rule of law in Ukraine, the experience of the European Court of Human Rights should be implemented. It has been established that the implementation of the principle of the rule of law occurs through the implementation of the principle of legal certainty, the principle of juridical certainty, the principle of justice, the principle of equality, the principle of clarity and unambiguity of the legal norm, the principle of proportionality, the principle of predictability. It has been proven that in the context of the administration of justice, the court must comply with the principle of the rule of law, as well as ensure the right of everyone to a fair trial, to ensure respect for everyone, as well as other rights and freedoms defined by legislative and regulatory documents. It has been established that one of the main principles for the implementation of the principle of the rule of law is the implementation of changes in legislation in order to establish an appropriate transitional period (that is, a reasonable period between the date of the official promulgation of the law and the date of entry into force of the law). It was determined that the implementation of the principle of the rule of law indicates the limited nature of public authorities in actions, primarily those regulated by law, and the main goal of the principle of the rule of law is to limit state power over everyone, as a result of which the rights of everyone should be properly ensured against arbitrary (and at the same time inappropriate) interference of the state or public authorities, in particular, in the relevant spheres of life of everyone. It is noted that the prospects for further research in this direction are the study of the legal foundations of other principles that guide the activities of the judicial authorities of Ukraine.

Vitaliy Hudyma ◽  
Myroslav Kovaliv ◽  
Andriy Pryveda ◽  
Khrystyna Kaydrovych ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of guarantees as an element of the legal status of a judge. The article considers the effectiveness of justice by the judiciary as an independent branch of state power, which is entrusted with the function of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of persons in the state. It is argued that the right to judicial protection can be properly realized only if there is an effective mechanism of judicial protection, which becomes real if there are guarantees for the activity of a judge. The independence and independence of the judiciary is due to the constitutional principle of separation of powers, proclaimed in the Constitution of Ukraine. However, it is in democracies that this principle acquires special significance, because we are talking about legally enshrined guarantees and effective mechanisms of «containment and balances» in the organization and activities of various branches of government. Each of the branches of government – legislative, executive and judicial, independently performs only its inherent functions, not obeying each other. Decisions are made by the judiciary due to their independence, because no additional approval by the bodies of other branches of government is required. The most important prerequisite for this is the protection of the judiciary from unlawful influence or interference from other actors. Only an independent judiciary can become the guarantor of the rule of law, the implementation of effective and accessible justice and a fair judicial decision of cases in the state. The guarantees of the judge's activity in the administration of justice are divided into three groups: guarantees of the procedural activity of the judge as the bearer of judicial power, the subject of the process; organizational and legal guarantees for the activity of a judge as a person holding a public office and is a member of the judicial community; social and legal guarantees of a judge as a citizen with a special legal status, limited in civil rights by legislation on the status of judges and occupying a separate position in society.

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