Switch Mode Active Power Filter to Minimize the Effect of Harmonics through Current Detection

P. Thirumoorthi ◽  
N. Yadaiah
Rajesh T ◽  
Nirmalkumar A

A shunt Active Power Filter (APF) with current detection at the source side is considered as a closed-loop system from the view of the whole power distribution system, which is expected with better harmonics filtering performance compared with conventional current detection methods such as load current detection and open loop control.  This paper introduces an efficient source current detection method (direct) control scheme to mitigate the grid current harmonics generated by the twelve pulse converter.  The proposed system uses Control Rectifier (12 –pulse converter) which efficiently regulates the DC voltage by varying the angle of each 6 pulse converter. Moreover, the proposed system uses three winding transformer which eliminates the harmonics during equal angles switching at each six pulse converter which in turn simplifies the operation of the SAPF. The proposed system is simulated in MATLAB SIMULINK to evaluate the performance of the proposed system.

2013 ◽  
Vol 748 ◽  
pp. 646-650
Qing Yang Liang ◽  
Zhe Sun ◽  
Chen Fei Zhang

The harmonic current detection technology is one of the key technologies of active power filter technologies. The development of the harmonic current detection technology directly determines the development of the active power filter technologies. Based on this, this paper introduces some basis concepts of wavelet transform and analyzes its time-frequency localization properties, then, describes the harmonic detection methods based on wavelet transform in terms of program building, algorithm selection and wavelet function selection. The results show that the harmonic current detection methods based on wavelet transform are able to compensate the inadequacy of Fourier transforms and can achieve the functions of detecting the steady-state and time-varying harmonic current of the grid in harmonic detection of active power filter.

2021 ◽  
Ali Zafari ◽  
Majid Mehrasa ◽  
Mohammad Sharifzadeh ◽  
Seddik Bacha ◽  
Kamal Al-Haddad ◽  

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