Handwriting Digit Recognition using United Moment Invariant feature extraction and Self Organizing Maps

Gita Fadila Fitriana
Kursor ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Hendro Nugroho ◽  
Eka Prakarsa Mandyartha

In the findings of the statue of Ganesha in Trowulan Mojokerto area is no longer intact, because the statue of Ganesha is found to have been on the surface of soil or underground, so the archaeologist is very difficult to categorize the findings. This research proposes to overcome the above problems it is necessary to the Image Retrieval system (image retrieval) that can provide information about the results of the discovery of such historic objects. For the image taken as Image Retrieval as an example of research trials is the Ganesha Arca. From the Ganesha Statue is searched for feature extraction value by using Moment Invariant method, after which to get the result of image retrieval using Manhattan method. Image Retrieval information system work is image of Ganesa Arca in pre-processing with size 200x260 pixel BMP, then image in edge detection using Roberts method and extraction of Moment Invariant feature and inserted into database as data traning. For data testing the same process with data traning so searched the closest distance using Manhattan method. From the results of 15 image testing statues Ganesha level to the accuracy of the true states there is 62% and stated wrong 38%. Research can be further developed using various methods to improve image retrieval accuracy

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 261
Murilo Teixeira Silva ◽  
Lurimar Smera Batista ◽  
Frederico Medeiros Vasconcelos De Albuquerque

<pre><!--StartFragment-->The use of Self-Organizing Map (<span>SOM</span>) algorithm for feature extraction and dimensionality reduction applied to underwater object detection with Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves is presented. Computer simulation is used to generate a direct model for the study region, and a Self Organizing Map Algorithm is used to fit the data and return a similar model, with smaller dimensionality and same characteristics. Results show that virtual sensors are created by the <span>SOM</span> algorithm with consistent predictions, filling the resolution gap of the input data. These results are useful for fastening decision making algorithms by reducing the number of inputs to a group of significant data.<!--EndFragment--></pre>

1994 ◽  
Vol 05 (04) ◽  
pp. 357-362 ◽  

In this paper, we present a two-layer self-organizing neural network based method for handwritten digit recognition. The network consists of a base layer self-organizing map and a set of corresponding maps in the second layer. The input patterns are partitioned into subspace in the first layer. Patterns in a subspace are led to the second layer and a corresponding map is built according to the first layer performance. In the classification process, each pattern searches for several closest nodes from the base map and then it is classified into a specified class by determining the nearest model of the corresponding maps in the second layer. The new method yielded higher accuracy and faster performance than the ordinary self-organizing neural network.

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