Learning-based Contact Status Recognition for Peg-in-Hole Assembly

Chaojie Yan ◽  
Jun Wu ◽  
Qiuguo Zhu
Ying Chi ◽  
Chuan Lv ◽  
Dong Wang ◽  
Jie Geng ◽  
Yuxue Jin

Anna Geis

Studies on recognition in international politics deal with the (de-)legitimation of specific actors and the political dynamics of inclusion/exclusion in international society. Misrecognition, which actors experience as humiliation, disrespect, or false representations of their identity, is seen as a major cause of political resistance. This chapter first outlines the emerging body of literature on recognition in international relations. The following sections focus on three politicized issue areas in contemporary conflict settings: the struggles for (status) recognition by so-called “emerging powers”; the recognition processes that occur through negotiations with terrorist groups; and the recognition of individuals as victims in violent conflicts. The final section discusses the pitfalls of the normatively loaded concept of “recognition” in many of these studies. While (mis)recognition is certainly a key concept with which to understand the central dynamics of social and political conflicts, a generous politics of recognition cannot provide a panacea to all of these ills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 05 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Dr. Jayashree Vaddin ◽  
Akhilesh Kelkar ◽  
Rohini Hedavu ◽  
Apoorva Pise

Psichologija ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 87-101
Alfredas Laurinavičius

Teisingumo klausimas yra svarbus teisminio ginčo nagrinėjimo dalyviams. Suvoktas sprendimo ir procedūrinis teisingumas turi įtakos sprendimo ir jį priimančio asmens vertinimams. Atliktame faktoriniame 3 × 2 × 2 eksperimente buvo tiriama subjektyvios teisėjo sprendimo palankumo prognozės įtaka teisingumo vertinimams. Esant skirtingai teisėjo sprendimo prognozei, teisėjo elgesio ypatumai turi skirtingą įtaką procedūrinio teisingumo ir pasitikėjimo teismais vertinimams. Atliktas eksperimentas parodė, kad teisėjo elgesio ir procedūrinio teisingumo reikalavimų atitikimas yra ypač svarbus vertinant teisėjo elgesį tais atvejais, kai ginčo dalyvis prognozuoja nepalankų sau sprendimą arba neturi aiškios teisėjo sprendimo prognozės. Esant nepalankiai teisėjo sprendimo prognozei, teisėjo elgesio ir procedūrinio teisingumo reikalavimų atitikimas ypač stipriai veikia asmens pasitikėjimą teismais.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: teisingumo psichologija, procedūrinis teisingumas, ginčo sprendimas. THE INTERACTION OF JUDGE’S BEHAVIOR AND JUDGE’S DECISION PROGNOSIS IN THE PROCEDURAL JUSTICE JUDGMENTSAlfredas Laurinavičius SummaryPsychological research shows a big importance of procedural justice in dispute resolution. Perception of procedural justice affects evaluations of the performance of legal institutions and authorities, evaluations of legal decisions and outcomes, satisfaction with encounters with the legal system, support for legal institutions and compliance with law. According to K. van den Bos and E. A. Lind people are more affected by variation in fairness when they feel uncertain. Participants’ expectations about judge’s possible decision can moderate relationship between procedure and subjective evaluation of procedural justice. 3 × 2 × 2 factorial experiment was conducted: 3 (expectation of the possible decision: certainly positive, certainly negative, uncertain)× 2 (decision: positive vs. negative) × 2 (procedure: fair vs. unfair). The experiment was conduced in 2 Vilnius universities, participation was voluntary, participants were not paid. Data of 330 students (men and women) were analyzed. There were between 22 and 36 participants per cell. A scenario method was applied in the experiment. Participants were given a description of legal dispute of non material harm compensation. Participants were asked to imagine themselves as being defendant and evaluated a possibility of positive and negative decision. Participants were shown one of two videotapes with excerpts from litigation session. After watching the excerpt (fair treatment or unfair treatment) they received judge’s final decision (favorable or unfavorab le) and completed the questionnaire. Dependents variables in this experiment were participants’ evaluations of distributive justice, procedural justice, perceived voice, neutrality, trust in benevolence, status recognition and support for courts.A 2 × 2 × 3 ANOVA revealed significant interactions between Expectation and Procedure on perceived voice F (2,318) = 4.513, p < .05, η² = .028, neutrality F (2,318) = 3.413, p < .05, η² = .021 and support for courts F (2,318) = 3.084, p < .05, η² = .019. No interactions were found for distributive justice, procedural justice, trust in benevolence, status recognition. A significant effect of Expectation was found on distributive justice judgments F (2,317) = 5.02, p < .05, η² = .031. Those expected negative decision rated distributive justice more positively.The presented research shows that expectation of judge’s decision can moderate some procedural justice judgments and support for courts judgments. Variation of procedure had biggest effect on evaluation of perceived voice, neutrality and support for courts in condition when participant was expecting negative decision. It seems that expectation of negative decision makes people more sensitive to procedural issues. Being certain about positive decision decreases a role of procedure on those ratings.Keywords: Psychology of Justice, Procedural justice, Dispute resolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 1090-1097
Fu Bao ◽  
Yudou Gao

Because the traditional method ignores the problem of power load data preprocessing, the accuracy of the recognition result of the power consumption status is not high, the recognition efficiency is not high, and the recognition effect is not good. For this reason, a method for identifying the abnormal power consumption status of power users based on the strategy gradient algorithm is proposed. The preprocessing of power load data mainly includes the completion of missing data and the feature extraction of power load data. Based on the results of the preprocessing, the abnormal increase in user power consumption is detected. Finally, the strategy gradient algorithm is used for initial training and training process testing to complete the identification of the abnormal state of power users. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the power status recognition result of the proposed method is higher, and the recognition time is always less than 2.0 s, indicating that the recognition effect of the method is better.

Yong Du ◽  
Qinghua Hu ◽  
Peijun Ma ◽  
Xiaohong Su

2019 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 264-270 ◽  
Naoto Nojiri ◽  
Xiangbo Kong ◽  
Lin Meng ◽  
Hiromitsu Shimakawa

2018 ◽  
pp. 97-116
Anthony Lloyd

This chapter offers evidence to suggest that harm is not something done to precarious workers by social forces and structural deficit but also something inflicted upon each other. The culture of targets and competitive individualism creates the conditions for conflict between managers, co-workers and customers, all of whom seek some degree of status, recognition or security from the infliction of harm on others. Evidence shows managers targeting employees, the emergence of cliques, often management led, which inflict harm on those outside the group, customers willing to belittle, infantilise and abuse employees, and co-workers seeking competitive advantage at the expense of others. This positive motivation to harm reflects the absence of an ethical responsibility for the other and, in some cases, represents the emergence of a subjectivity imbued with the ‘special liberty’ to act as one pleases in order to maximise market share and opportunities within a culture of competition and individual advantage.

Behaviour ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 138 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-153 ◽  
Robert Huber ◽  
Rebecca A. Zulandt Schneider ◽  
Paul Moore

AbstractThis study examined individual and status recognition in dyadic interactions between crayfish and determines how blocking the release of urine, a known source of chemical cues, may influence recognition. Behavioral characteristics of agonistic interactions were compared between crayfish pairs that fought each other previously (familiar) and pairs derived from individuals with past status history but no previous experience with one another (unfamiliar). To address the role of urine born chemical cues in recognition, fight dynamics were examined in urine blocked and non-blocked familiar and unfamiliar pairs. Our results indicate the existence of status recognition in crayfish as first fights were longer than second fights and the statistical interaction between fight number and familiar/unfamiliar treatment was similar. Urine cues play a role in social recognition in that fights are longer and more intense when urine cues are absent than when urine cues are present. Communication of behavioral state through urine appears to play an important role in the agonistic interactions of crayfish.

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